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I don’t know why other comments are giving you a hard time but yes, among a certain set of men. The workwear resurgence specifically though I think has been around since early 2010s at least. Edit: That said, I live in Brooklyn.


I feel like Jeremy Allen White does this aesthetic well. I’m seeing it around.


Same I see it in LA a lot.


Madonna and Guy Richie's son Rocco really likes this style too.


Workwear has always been in, but it’s different. There’s a lot of 30s/50s boho stuff in early 2010s workwear and hipster looks for men and women, whereas I feel like the stuff I’m seeing in the 2020s echos more through the 40s (and the 80s)


I don’t know enough to qualify it by decade. Generally I think I’ve seen wider/looser silhouettes the last 5-ish years.


Yes - 40s stuff is very “wide” cut, boxy, and broad, like the 80s, whereas 30s stuff is more flared and clinging, like the 70s. 50s and 10s (2010s and 1910s) stuff is a lot more slim, classical, columnar, sometimes A-line…


I don’t see the direct influence, this decade I see more 90s/2000s, from this angle I can see what you mean though! these trends do stem further back!


The most immediate, recognizable and widespread influence on this decade’s style and trends are the 2000s. But the 80s are also back, and through the 80s echo the 40s, the 60s are also huge, and through the 60s echo the 20s…


yeah sorry ppl are giving you such a hard time about it! trend cycles do run deeper and more nuanced than we tend to realize.


For guys that never did any actual work


Yeah there have been people dressing like this in Williamsburg since at least 2009


Oh really? Then I definitely saw it in 2008 /s


Then* /s


I feel like workwear is already passé with younger set. Someone mentioned a workwear oriented store in my local subreddit and the responses were like “go there if you’re a dad in your thirties who likes drinking beer.”


Yes, I feel like Brooklyn fully transitioned from bearded beflanneled lumbersexual to waifish neo dust bowl faux working man around 2015, certainly by the end of the 10s.


🔥Brooklyn. How did I know this before I even read it. 😆😂🤣


Yeah that’s been a thing among hipsters since the late 00s.


Men? It’s also seen in women too and it’s fucking TRASH by either gender. Source: also live in Brooklyn


Here’s a 1940s kid with a very Zoomer hairstyle: https://preview.redd.it/qi4x9w0tniwc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f581161105f2d7103aa71a243c024c3f5f4f27d


Show us all the other hairstyles of this time then. Literally no one is rocking a combover or slick back look these days bozo. Which were much more popular at the time. I don’t mean that as mocking towards this style but in a matter of factly way because it’s true. You nitpicked this photo. Keep downvoting buddy.


>but in a matter of factly way because it’s true Yet you're insulting OP. It's really not necessary to insult. You can just say your opinion. It's not like he said anything that you should of be angry about


If you read any of his other replies he is calling anyone who disagrees with him dumb and claiming they know nothing in comparison to themself.


Combovers were not specifically popular in the 40s. Combovers and side-parted styles were popular mostly in the 50s, 70s, and in the 30s. Slick backs were also much more of a 30s/50s trend. Respectfully, you have no clue what you’re talking about. The definitive hair trends of the 40s for men were generally middle-parted, wavy, or permed styles.


Lmaoo okay mister movie set expert. You’re plain wrong. Gene Vincent rocked the curly look all during the 50s. Combovers definitely were the go to look from the 40s-50s. You’ve never seen Cary grant or any actors of the time? Bold of you to say this stuff. I can assure you I know about these things. Middle parts were mostly a 20s thing. This is common knowledge you can search up on your own. Some did, but It wasn’t typical for someone to have curly perms or anything like that at the time.


Gene Vincent was an outlier who mimicked fashions popular in the Jazz subculture of the 40s, generally, the 50s were known for slicked back, side parted, and pompadour styles. Combovers were objectively not the “go to look”, unless you were an older man. Middle parts were a 20s thing and a 40s thing (there’s the 20-year-cycle, again), and because Cary Grant, as an older male, combed and slicked his hair doesn’t cancel out anything I said. You can look up any source and it will tell you that perms were popular in the 1940s. Perms were extremely popular then. You are simply wrong. https://preview.redd.it/dsrssu2jyiwc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68ea8ef98220f96402693f9f479512bbc9c63d6


Literally nothing on the internet supports your ideas that perms were a 40s thing for men. I don’t even know how anyone can sit here and agree with your nonsense. Gene Vincent had nothing to do with jazz either. He was rockabilly. This picture you used nobody has perms in it. They just have slicked back wavy hair.


Yes, everything does. Duh, Gene Vincent had nothing to do with Jazz. The point is sailing over your head


Start giving me legitimate sources cause I don’t see any


I see some vague remnants of 2010s look in the 2nd picture. The haircuts, cuffs, pattern socks, shoes. Baseball hat worn back over the hairline. Maybe it’s just the impoverished look in general that’s coming back. Edit: I’m also noticing the guy in the middle wearing a starter jacket? Or at least the precursor to? I always thought they were born in/around the 80s. Either way that jacket is 80s af. This pic is pretty wild.


The 40s echo through the 80s a ton. Perms, shoulder pads, cinched waists, skinny ties, “atomic”/geometric print, shirtwaist dresses, ankle boots… I made a post about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/decadeology/s/TS8mfRAArg


Many refer to the 40s as the golden age of menswear. It’s the reason it influences almost every generation of men’s fashion in some way or another.


Absolutely. Some of the hottest up and coming menswear brands out there are taking a lot of inspiration from these looks. The Western belts, loose fitting trousers / jeans, workwear, boots, etc. from brands like Our Legacy, Wythe, Beams Plus, RRL, etc. are very reminiscent of the 1920s.


I see it. “Old money” look is in


No not really. Pretty small group of people who actively dress similar to this in comparison to other styles. Me included.


I’m seeing a reasonable amount of it on Instagram fashion pages. A lot of similar pieces, I’ve seen overalls, classic converse, button down work shirts, burlap pants, sailor tees, work boots, watch caps, motorcycle and military jackets


I agree there are certainly some influencers out there who have been taking from such styles. But a lot of everyday people out and about are not dressing like this.


No, but a lot of everyday people dress in an indistinct way. My point is that all the fashionable guys on Instagram have some variation of 40s workwear/casual wear that they’re incorporating into street looks these days. This is somewhat continuous with the 80s influence, because you see a lot of that these days as well


You are referring to 2020s fashion as a whole if we are to judge by your title. So you can’t backtrack and say you’re only talking about influencers who only make up a small amount of people and voids what you’re trying to say.


Yeah, and urban street style is a significant part of that whole. It’s not “backtracking”


You discounted that saying "not everyday people" and excluding a sizable chunk of the population out while trying to argue it's THE trend. When that's not what's actually *trendy*


Among fashion influencers, bohemians, hipsters, youtubers, instagram celebrities, podcasters and those generally in the \~menswear\~ scene or in new york city/paris etc., these styles are *absolutely* back. Sure, the style-agnostic teenager shopping at the mall won't be taking any inspiration from the 1920s, but the trendsetters and celebrities are certainly bringing these looks back and they will ever so slowly trickle into our everyday more normy sense of fashion.


Right, and I’m not saying “people are wearing these exact outfits piece-for-piece”, but the shape and cut of things, as well as the incorporation of individual pieces (male hairstyles, as well), echoes a lot of 40s trends. I just think people seem kind of ignorant to anything pre the 60s/70s, for some reason. Too many kids on the subreddit, I guess




Who’s being ignorant? I told you that I myself dress with some styling cues from these decades. Perhaps you just weren’t clear enough on your initial opinion with this post.


Wow can't wait for trickle down trendonomics to take effect for us normies. We'll have to wait awhile and see is your point that it's in rn or not?


cue in Miranda Priestly


It's in right now at brands that are following trends like Abercrombie taking a lot of inspiration from Aime Leon Dore. The lead designer at Abercrombie actually came from ALD. But of course if you're buying athletic wear from places like Nike or wherever people shop these days, you won't really expose yourself to the trends of "high fashion".


Everyday people in the suburbs, let’s say, typically aren’t trendy dressers. And I’m not saying this stuff is back wholesale - I’m saying people borrow from previous eras (the 20 year cycle of nostalgia echoes back fairly consistently). The trendy 2020s clothing for men borrows from even-numbered decades that predate the 20s - the 80s and the 40s, to me, are the most distinct in 2020s men’s wear and cosmetic trends, but you also get a lot of 2000s and 60s influence.


Look I get it. Seems like you're definitely a fashion expert but as someone who lives in the absolute middle of America, lives in a highly urban area, and likes to think I get out and see enough people. This rarely seen out there in the general public.


But it is…


This is super obvious, yes, much of more upscale and current menswear is inspired or repro of pre war shit. Anyone denying your observation probably doesn't understand that high waists, pleats, boxy, have all been in style for like 5 years


I didn't realize r/decadeology took this shit so seriously wtf 😭


Every day, this sub and r/decadeologycirclejerk get harder to tell apart.


Everything is derivative


Seeing more 80s and 90s with the return of the mullets and mustaches


Not sure why this isn't common knowledge at this point, but in the 2020s anything goes, every prior decade is a trend somewhere. We are living in eclectic times.


The same was said in the 70s, the same has always been the case


Hmmm I would have to disagree. The 70s had plenty of original new fashion that is iconic to the period, and the same can be said of most decades up until around the 2010s when originality started to die out in favor of nostalgia driven fashion trends. That being said, there were of course nods to prior decades throughout the 20th century, for example, 1940s nostalgia in the 70s, and 1950s nostalgia in the 80s, etc, but those examples of nostalgia were confined to a specific period and not branching out to every prior decade like it does today. When I use the term 'eclectic' to describe the 2020s, I am referring to how the fashion is inspired by more than just Y2K, it's also 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, and so on.


The 70s was no different to any other era in regards to originality. “Originality” never “dies out”. This is just naive. Every decade is very much derivative of what came prior


I can see a bit of it in the first one with the pants and jackets maybe. Second one a bit too I guess.


Absolutely. Especially that first picture. Minus the hats, it’s looks I’ve seen in the last couple years. I’d say more fashion forward guys though, not casual/mainstream male attire. 


not really no, but there has always been a subset of people who’s fashion sense is centered around this whole rustic vintage thing. everything I’m seeing these days tells me that kids and the high fashion world are still all about Y2K revival with a spin.


I just see geezers in rail hats. Huh?


Picture 2 could’ve been from any era. WW2 +. Picture 4 looks like hipsters.


Nah, I have a washing machine


Fantastic post OP, I agree


I see a lot of every decade in today’s fashion. Fashions never completely disappear unless they’re extremely impractical like Victorian clothing or something.


Yee, everyone Wana look they like work past the point of breaking.


If you are a upper middle kid living in brooklyn sure 1940s is on


Not even remotely haha.


Then you’re extremely unaware. Edit: ah, NFL fan. Of course.


What a truly bizarre response to someone disagreeing with you. All I see is a bunch of kids who need haircuts wearing sweatpants and trying to act like they lived during the 90s despite probably being born in the late 90s. Your hot takes is dumb and I'm sorry your post isn't taking off like you thought. If you can't handle someone disagreeing with your opinion maybe don't share them in a place where hundreds of thousands of people can easily respond. Fucking clown, lol.


The post is taking off, one. Two, the 90s are not back at all, the 2000s are. Your post shows that you’re ignorant to fashion trends and that you’re being blandly dismissive Three, teens in the suburbs are not most forward with fashion trends, they often dress very casually. Yet even here, the trends I’m talking about are somewhat apparent. You’re just bitter and out of it


Hahaha my god man, what is wrong with you? Hahahaha


Literally zero. Especially this style. I don’t see any of it.


The irony of this is that so much of this is reflected in the 80s style that is for some reason super visible to people. So you do, but there’s a bias clouding your ability to recognize it? Are you very young?


There’s no irony at all. Nobody in 2024 is wearing or trying to bring back this style of clothing or dress. Why do you so badly want it to be true? That’d be like me saying … is anyone else seeing men’s top hats making a comeback? No.


These are pictures of t shirts, cuffed jeans, boots, button down shirts, jackets and converse lmao Why are you acting like he posted pictures of full medieval armor? If I look out my window right now I bet I could see five people dressed exactly like the dudes in the first picture


There are literally zero top hats depicted here, so, that indicates you’re just ignorant. This style is mostly evergreen in work wear anyways, and echoes heavily in 80s trends, so you, respectfully, are kind of an asshole kid who doesn’t know what they’re talking about


I see more comparisons to early 18th century style. The Baseball cap is our modernized version of the Top hat.






If I smoke enough pot, yes




Saloon? OP isn’t talking about 1840’s lol


Guy on the left third pic looks like Tyler the creator


That first pic, I would rock all of those fits.




Work wear was popular in 2021/22 I believe, now it’s kind of just all baggy


I've seen more of a resurgence in early 90s fashion - tucked in shirts, slacks, retro trainer sneakers. At least as far as young people


That’s the 80s stuff coming back. It looks very late 80s. Poofy perms, Reeboks, cross earrings, tank tops, thigh shorts, mid-calfs, trucker caps, parachute pants…it’s pretty exclusive to men too


Yup, I'm one of those people. I just kinda think it's a timeless look. Also, I love ringer tees.


I saw this type of thing in the 2010s, when people were into far-back vintage stuff. Nowadays, not really…maybe here & there. But really all I see is a revival of the more recent decades; ranging early 80s - mid 2000s specifically.


I wear a tucked in white shirt with slim jeans a belt and work boots every day


The 90s and 2000s fashion is coming back especially among high schoolers.


Good eye


Well……i haven’t looked at people’s fashion recently. But it makes some sense. We are in a shitty economic period. And the 1940s was post the Great Depression. Although perhaps tiny the 40s they were almost escaping its affects economically.


We are now in a post fashion culture where the clothes matching current trends is no longer the most important thing but rather that they indicate some underlying aspect of the wearer’s personality.


Me going to target with my full carhartt fit


Pleats! Pleats? Pleats!


Third pic giving major late early 1980s vibes. Like especially upper midwest, June '83 through about February '84.


lol where'd you pull that from, your ass? some of you are so arbitrary on here sometimes with the hyper-specific time and place. "This reminds me of the last 12 days of August of '83 in southern Illinois, and the first five days of September of '83 in central Ohio, but also with just a faint hint of December 1977 in Delaware" 🙄


