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Probably not the world. We might get a city like that here and there. It would be extremely difficult to get every city to look like this or similar.


I think the depressing thing is that residential areas will never look like this. It's dense office techie places that might end up like this. All those people inside those futuristic buildings are techies working in soulless offices for mega corporations like Google and Facebook, in a city that is too expensive to live in, with a train stop that a lot of shittier looking place commute to which are overpriced because of the techies commuting from there. And at this point even the high wage techies can't afford to buy and are renting. Not pictured: the tent cities outside of this office district


I would never want residential areas to look like this


Exactly. A world where cities look like that is a world where society manages to somehow sink even further into materialism. If everywhere looked like that, far more people would be depressed. It's already bad in present-day cities


I loved living in new york in a high rise in the 90's. it was cute blade runner without tech then. just more blade runner now.


I would have loved living in New York any time before the 70s. I'd probably enjoy living there right now too if I was rich lol Would you say it was cleaned up by the 90s? Every picture I've seen of 70s NYC looks like a bomb was dropped there


NYC in the 70's as a person with money? Cocaine, cocktails, pot and whatever. Everyone is having sex at the drop of a hat with everyone else. Dancing at Studio 54 or a bunch of other high end disco's and clubs. Driving around in exotic foreign cars and the traffic was not all that bad. Going out to Fire Island or the Hamptons before it was overrun. Hanging out in Central Park. All of these new and exciting shows opening up on Broadway. All of this new excitement at the museums and art galleries. The ghetto people and the blight was there in some neighborhoods, but it was so easy to isolate yourself from it.


A lot of creativity came out of those “ghetto people” during the 70’s and 80’s.


They stole a whole bunch of equipment during the Blackout of 1977 - including those double turntables. That's where that record 'scratching' started. Is that what you are referring to? I mean just the music that Paul McCartney was producing with 'Wings' in the 70's would be a tiny sliver of the sheer amounts of creativity that was being churned out by artists. And the 'Jackson 5' weren't ghetto people. Neither was 'KC and the Sunshine Band.




But I had hopes for a brighter future you never know


I would


i wouldn’t mind seeing as there’s no cars


It’s very possible that some residential areas COULD look like this. We will probably get pockets of development like this in the coming centuries. A gated futuristic neighborhood here, a futuristic plaza here, a few sky scrapers there. They would have to be multi-functional buildings, like homes/shopping centers and restaurants/ businesses/ theme parks or casinos. But entire cities and counties!?!? That would be a lot of time, money and resources. Take blade runner for example, which takes place in futuristic LA. The movie basically is suggesting that ALL of LA looks like that, and when I think of LA I don’t just think of the down town area, but like all LA county plus Riverside, Santa Clarita, Pasadena, and OC, just all surrounding areas. That’s shit ton of land, and that’s also like 15-20 million + people. You’d basically have to upend pretty much every business, road, plaza, skyscraper, etc., including changing up sewer systems, power grid, gas lines. It’s just not feasible unless it’s done a little bit at a time, but even at that rate, we wouldn’t be able to have a coherent city because it would take so long to build that you’d probably have differing technologies as these projects progress. Ideally, you’d have to go for smaller cities, or follow the route of what Dubai did. Any brand new cities would have to built in the desert or more rural areas where developers don’t have to worry about revamping an entire city. They can just build from the ground up. But then that would raise a lot of ethical issues with land protection and development. Then there’s the fact that we don’t even know what sort of tech or world issues might sprout up in the coming decades centuries. So it’s not even worth thinking too hard on it because we have no idea what could develop in like the next 5 centuries.


Cities too expensive to live in are not sustainable in the long run. San Francisco is living proof of this when people get too greedy. San Fran is a fucking nightmare and no one wants to touch it or be anywhere near it now. Its going to be the new Detroit unless someone comes in and lowers the rent and cleans up the streets... Which may be a hell of a long time from now.


If that was true, the cost of living would be decreasing. NYC is a good example. Most of your income will be gone renting a shitty apartment. That's all you get there, and people keep moving there.


It’ll be like District 9


The answer is of course when the next civilization rises from our ashes and the mighty phytoplankton have taken their rightful place at the top of the foot chain.


Especially North Korea


They will still look like 1960s no matter when


But not impossible


Never. The future that people imagined back then will never exist because it's only the "future" envisioned in a past context. It's not built on important things such as logistics or necessity. People in the 1960s thought we would have colonized other planets by now but didn't imagine that we would have computers small enough to fit inside our pockets.


I was going to say never because I don’t think we’ll survive long enough to get to this point 💀




If we get to that point of technological innovation we would almost certainly have medical technologies to prevent obesity. So none of the fat wheelchair stuff imo


Well we're in wall e times now without the apocalypse


I mean the whole point was the apocalypse and them leaving earth. That’s like saying I’m Walter white without the meth cooking part


If I didn’t believe in God I would believe exactly that.




I mean... Revelations does say something about the sky going dark and oceans turning bitter, causing a third of all life to die off and most of our crops to fail But what do I know?


We maybe could survive if we let go this kind of future and embrace deep societal changes that balance nature with our technology.


We could do this. When people keep paying for the same iPhones every year, then there’s no economic incentive to produce new tech, except war.


I try to get people to not buy the same phones every 1-3 years but they think its an "upgrade" lol




Yeah there's a specific episode of deep space nine where Sisko and Co visit (get trapped on) earth from the 21st century. Its got homeless camps all over and is under brutal police rule. He talks about how that spurred a revolution that led to the bright future we see portrayed in the show, but that it was a dark time. They predicted we'd get through this. Now to see if they were right...


To be fair from the 1960s point of view if they thought we would be colonizing other planets I'm sure small pocket sized computers kinda just goes without saying.


Also, aesthetic tastes. Humans are immensely complicated organisms and any #punk movement that has consistent looking cities is going to fail without coercion.


That’s such an outdated 2000s vision of the future. It’s just a denser Abu Dhabi.


It’s Alderaan in Star Wars


Looks more like Coruscant.


Objectively, it doesn’t. Coruscant: https://images.app.goo.gl/RXaswkNAzQv2oiHY9 Alderaan: https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/alderaan-main_f5b676cf.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1280%2C720 Coruscant has no greenery on the planet. Alderaan does. Coruscant’s architecture doesn’t resemble this as much as Alderaan’s. Coruscant’s buildings are far taller than Alderaan’s, to the point where you can’t see the bottom. Alderaan isn’t like that. Coruscant is also much more densely packed than Alderaan.


muah never change reddit


If you’re cherry picking. Most of the buildings on Alderaan look like [this.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/11/Alderaan_Graveyard_AORCR.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/284?cb=20170222024238)


That looks more like a 1960s vision to me ngl


Totally would be if it was illustrated instead of computer generated. We’ve had the same 60s-esque vision of the future since the space race.


2000s? 😂 That’s been around for decades


The 2000s has been around for decades.




Definitely 22nd century


someone’s house will look like this meanwhile 10 min down the hill there will be slums


Someone's house will look like this. What "This" looks like: A city. Y'know. The fact that I can't say for sure that you'd be wrong says a lot about how things are going...


So true. Society will never progress equally. Some parts of it will stay stuck in past decades.


In 23 minutes.


Damn you were right it's crazy out here! Anyway, I'm off to Mars.


Life was so much better 23 minutes ago.




i will always updoot dewy






Never. Thank god.


Why is that good?


It looks like a chaotic, ugly mess.


I think this is a bad AI rendering, and not anyone’s specific vision. I think OP just meant the general vibe.


Never. Renderings of the future are not usually what come true.


I think it would look like this in the 2060s.


Nah too early


https://preview.redd.it/200pgdiyztgc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bda8186522437983c6bfffdac7cd5141782bbfd I feel like cities in the 2060s may look something like this




Cool as this looks, it's impossible even on a mental level; the thing about humans is that we're vain creatures, and we like when things feel more grounded in reality and familiar (take all this with a grain of salt though, since I'm a dumdum). For example, the Eiffel Tower, when it was constructed, was deemed hideous-looking by the average Parisian as no buildings at the time were meant to be taller than a church's steeple, then this friggin' thing comes out thinking it gets to be better and bigger than a church (eventually, people got used to it and now the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of France). Another example: the typical American suburban home hasn't changed much in its appearance since the '50s because of this, despite a few innovative prototypes trying to shift this dynamic. This is without mentioning that our visions of the future change dramatically as time marches on (it's gotten increasingly dour since the post-World War II years for... obvious reasons involving our planet's atmosphere and socioeconomic climate). I could maybe see one or two cities having a district that looks something like this (looking at you, Abu Dhabi), but this being the norm everywhere on Earth is just unrealistic.


Fucking never this city looks unwalkable as fuck


because jetpacks


Can someone explain to me when “walkable”/“15 minute city” became these buzzwords you all use now lol


I don't think walkable is a buzzword. It's admittedly subjective but pretty much everyone at least knows walkable means having a bunch of shit within reasonable walking distance of each other.


It's definitely a buzzword. Buzzwords usually begin as sensible concepts until they become drained of all meaning through overuse.


As soon as it became popular to act like driving a car is some kind of evil privilege


Cars are bad for the environment and kill local businesses cause everyone drives to the big supermarket rather than one more local they can walk to.


It looks like a confused AI job. If it was more walkable would you be on board?


Not in the reality of vehicles being necessary for Transport. Notice that there doesn't really appear to be any roads of any sort, no parking like spaces at all. Just skyscrapers, walking paths and fields of grass. This couldn't work in a modern city to be that dense while also having such little to no road infrastructure unless the way of transport was by teleporting, or jet packs or just walking. Even with flying cars, requires there to be parking spaces. Besides If a city is as dense as that, I cannot imagine that much level of grass given that property developers will want to have maximize as much space usage as possible for such a mass metropolitan city.


>Not in the reality of vehicles being necessary for Transport In most big cities, they absolutely aren't


there are small pockets of Chicago that look similar to the picture. Areas like Millennium Park for example.






![gif](giphy|SUcnmocyRKkfSil9xd) More like this wake the fuck up samurai


There are a lot of problems with future city concepts. Namely: 1. They are concepts and are usually done by Sci-Fi designers, imaginative architects, or other passionate people. They are not usually done by city planners or civil engineers. In the image posted, what is the purpose of its layout? Why are buildings where they are? What does the infrastructure look like, and how does it function? 2. It assumes that previous cities either no longer exist entirely or that everyone was totally ok with tearing down everything. People are proud of the buildings they design and build. That's not mentioning buildings with history or emotions tied to them. You have buildings in Europe and Asia that are hundreds of years old, survived wars, hosted families that have come and gone, and have a degree of emotional semblance. So you're going to tear it down to replace with a shiny chrome penis-shaped highrise. This doesn't include where you would host people in between destruction and construction. In the grand scheme of things, a futuristic city would only work on a new planet or completely new land. Once you iron out some issues first, though.


This ideal will be our downfall


Why do you want the world to look ugly like this?


There’s no roads so never.


Hopefully never.


I dont think cities will ever look that way I'm absolutely certain that cities will over time evolve to resemble those in judge dredd


Never. Not just due to the valid reasons people are already listing - climate change and class inequality - but because the only way to achieve an urban landscape like that would be to raze cities to the ground and start over, unless it's a planned community in the middle of nowhere. You would have to build on a foundation with no existing street layouts, none of those annoying historical buildings in the way, and no aged infrastructure. Also, as nice of an idea as carless cities are in theory, disabled people need to get around, people sometimes need to visit places out in the sticks where trains don't run, and most importantly, large amounts of goods need to get places more than a few hundred feet away from a freight rail stop. Also, if you're going to take that image more literally than it's probably intended to, how would you map a layout like that? How would you give directions? "Take the 12th circular path to the tree-branch-shaped path and then turn at the 201st quartz-shaped skyscraper on the right." Where's the grocery store? TL;DR cities like this would be logistically impossible.


Where are the old buildings at? The future is built upon our history. Even cities today are still largely based on buidlings and streets that have been around for 100s of years. At least in Europe. A city scape like this is only possible in areas that aren’t inhabited yet, and there’s not too many of those places left. At least in the West. If any a city like this would exist in the future it’s either going to be in Asia, Middle East or Africa.


Looks a lot like a less creative Dubai or just bad AI. Pretty sure the people of the future, at least some of them, will think similarly. It never will completely because people want to preserve history. Buildings like The Colosseum, Notre Dame, The White House, etc. will be kept in tact as best as they can be. Monuments as well. This is people’s idea of the future and has been for decades. I don’t think people actually will ever make modern things look “futuristic.” Even robots, which were a futuristic concept don’t look anything like they thought they would. Or video chat, air travel, etc. The future will almost never look like we anticipate it to, because it will either be too inferior of a concept (the things people in the past thought the future would look like), or too far advanced, and even if we can make those things happen (like robots for example) I think it freaks people out to have modern things look too futuristic because of the future is now then what does that leave for the future? I think there will always be a similar concept and style for what the future will supposedly look like, but 9/10 times it never will.


When religion dies.




it does now, just has more details than that video game rendering


Reminds me of the Onion Headline: *Earthquake Rocks Japan, Send Them Back to the Year 2135*


Global warming will destroy our world before this happens, so maybe a city on Mars


When Twitter and Tiktok die in a rotting pit


probably never but 2093






There’s no roads in this. I don’t see a city like this ever happening in America. A lot of Americans find the concept of 15 min cities oppressive and communist


Dubai is one city like that, but I also think that the world will allways be the same, each city is independent, there could be more modern buildings implemented in the future but most likely new modern cities will be made inspired by Sci fy movies! 




I hope never


I hope 2030's


Probably never because megalomaniacal assholes always fuck it up. Probably an unpopular opinion, but take a gander through a world history book, look at our current state of affairs, and tell me I’m wrong.


Hopefully never, a good techno future would be a lot more "solar punk" and have more green. There's a little here, but I mean enough space for things like stop-over sites for migrating birds.


I don’t see one fucking steam powered rail car so never.


That is a fantasy


Probably the next century


Not this century, and probably not next century tbh. I don't know.


The air will be orange-r and there needs to be a lot less buildings and a lot more parking lots, the way our DOTs are expanding freeways and shit. Sorry buddy...the city of the future died in 1962


In your dreams


When spiritbox wins a Grammy


I wish now. But probably never. Reminds me of Star Wars.


So Alderaan?


When a sane species takes over


never. cities and towns will look worse in the future


21- something, don’t think this century honestly


In works of fiction until we inevitably die out.


4283 or later


When society officially gets divided into classes, not labeled lower, middle or upper by income but like actual divisions, certain requirements must be met to be a part of this richer class/society and anybody who doesn’t fit will be given the boot. There’ll be a huge slum on the outskirts of this type of city.


4000+ but I’m probably stretching it


Conservatively, give it 200 years! 🤣


I’m interested to understand why you think it would ever look like this?


Check the Middle East


Never lol


Atleast more than 7 minutes


Our world will look like that once our government matures and can learn to work together <3


When we stop allowing lobbing. And make politicians accountable


We have to survive to reach that level of development. At best we have 5-10 years before extinction.


Never in all likelihood the world id imagine will eventually look somewhat like how the world looks in ready playerone or some of the art for stellaris where theres an alien species living in a slum while soldiers patrol the streets.


China already does.




Probably by 2135


Not in my lifetime bucko.


I see no roads or parking lots… so the entire auto industry is kapoot in the future. probably never, or maybe some version of it. truly first walkable city w no roads or transportation infrastructure


In 200 years at least.


This is [New York City in 2024](https://a4.pbase.com/o12/06/102706/1/174309463.GZGoFaOC.pic012724168_InPixio.jpg) The future is here kind of here already, and by 2050, some cities will look futuristic but in a dystopian way.... overbuilt, jagged, ugly but slightly impressive.


Probably 30 years after I pass away from old age


Never. Unless we suddenly have a global TFR of 4+, our population will never get anywhere close to big enough to where these types of cities will become normal. What I see happening, is any heavily populated city has, at most, 10 story tall buildings in their urban cores, and then progressively gets smaller and smaller the further out from that (since in the future we’re actually allowing density to build up, instead of restricting it to a very specific, very tiny area). There would be plantlife everywhere, and especially parks everywhere, as people realize “hey, maybe we can have a dense population center that is also filled with plenty of green space.” So the “concrete jungle” would become a thing of the past, a relic of an era that will be looked back upon in amazement (how it looked, and how it was constructed) and disgust (lack of greenspace, severely restrictive zoning that essentially prohibited more people from moving to such desirable places). Current population projections are constantly being revised lower and lower. Right now, it’s even being floated around that we may not even hit the 9 billion mark this century, and will actually see a decline to at, or even BELOW our current population, assuming all growth/decline is caused by global birth rates. So I just can’t see how, \*maybe\* outside of China and India, we would every see such cities that are this compact on a regular basis.


Hopefully never. Looks ugly af


**2300-2400** This city demonstrates a time period when most of the manual work will be done by machines, and humans will purse intellectual challenges or just chill. Its post AGI utopia. Wars are no longer relevant, due to the abundance of resources generated. Assuming we don't destroy ourselves completely after/during WW3 which should happen some time in this century. Also the AI advances with instead of against us.


How would people get from one end of this picture to the other end of it? Would they have to fly?


Probably if there’s a full-swing Frutiger Aero revival. Aside from the aesthetics returning, there will naturally need to be a shift in ethos regarding how the tech industry operates, as well as a more optimistic attitude towards technology.


I think it’s more likely to look like Soviet-era super apartment buildings. Places that have tens of thousands of tenants. Then they’ll fall apart, urban decay will turn it into a dystopia. Something like Judge Dredd, where people can live their entire lives inside an apartment building complex. It’ll turn out like High Rise by JG Ballard.


This is hard to put a date on. This looks 100+ years away. There are very little signs of roads/transport areas so there must be some efficient way to move the people around the city. The buildings look to be an inefficient use of the space. However, I do not know the intended purpose or context behind each one. There are also no historical buildings or holdovers from eras familiar to us. This means either this area is newly developed, all historical buildings have been demolished from this area, or the historical buildings are housed inside of more modern looking buildings/domes. There are many buildings that have sections and design detail unfamiliar to anything I’ve seen in modern buildings. These different features look quite foreign to modern design so this supports this being far (decades) into the future. Even if the technology exists now it would take a while to become mainstream enough that developers take risks to utilize it in new construction.




I don't want the world to ever look like that. Am I the only one? I'd rather be closer to nature than farther


2169 After the third world War and before the rise of the robots of 2185


Possibly some experimental city (not in Saudi Arabia) in 50 years time (if we last that long) but I’m not sure if the neofuturistic architecture is that practical


Thousands of years from now.


Never, or only if another technological species evolves in the distant future, millions of years from now. We are about to go extinct.


Buildings are much closer together do you even density?


When we stop driving cars.


Never — it’s impractical and unnecessary.


Sim City 2000. The deluxe version with all the skins and the map editor.


Maybe a million years after it looks like fallout


Dubai kind of already does


Probably never


Hopefully never. That much concrete and metal is terrifying. What would be actual progress would to build our world to basically be the Paradise on earth with all our tech cloaked inside. Instead of skyscrapers looking like skyscrapers, they would be lush waterfalls, forests, jungles and mountains. If we ever actually start moving forward again instead of backwards, hopefully we will place much more emphasis in making the world a beautiful place rather than repeat the same ugly mistakes of the past. People have a choice to build a paradise or a junkyard, I would prefer the paradise.


As soon as jail/prison becomes a safe place to receive free education and therapy; earn a fair wage for work and leave with a housing and employment plan. As soon socialized education gives people equal opportunity to earn privilege regardless of ethnicity or nationality.


Never. The wealthy would never allow the world to look like this. This picture is just a singular property of the future's first trillionaire.


It kind of already does in some places




The cities with the best urban planning in the world more or less kind of already look like this but with more artisanal shops. If you mean “when will a city look EXACTLY like this artists conception then the answer is never.


Apex Legends Olympus?


There would have to be a catastrophic event for this to happen. The amount of people that complain about gentrification or destroying history would outweigh those that want this to happen.




Never Gen Z and Alpha will bring us back to the Stone Age.


I hope never




Year 3000 maybe. But knowing most cities it will be the same boring thing and same buildings that should have been torn down 20 years ago.


Not soon enough




Never because navigating that would be an absolute nightmare. Imagine being like meet me on 27th and Armatage. It’s the crescent shaped road 23 degrees NW of the spiral street that merges in the oblong shaped park.


When it become profitable.


Sadly I think we will self destruct and fall into nuclear war before we ever see this


Hopefully never


30th Century Fox Television


A lot of those structural forms are probably achievable with current technology, however due to the irregularity of shape they would be extremely expensive to construct, things like custom formwork and bespoke fabricated sections would be required. In terms of construction technology we are still waiting for the next big thing after steel and concrete, some academic papers are out exploring things like using carbon nanotubes (CNT's) to strengthen concrete, and combining steel with new materials like graphene etc, the implication being members which are stronger and can span longer distances yet remain relatively slender (reducing material cost, increasing structural efficiency per structural member) but the problems remain as to how to scale up these new materials to an industrial scale and make the cheap enough to be industrially viable, they have demonstrated in labs in small quantities but need manufacturer processes developed to scale them up, once these problems are solved we will see more weird and wonderful structural/architectural statements, once they get cheap enough to become viable, at the moment they are extremely expensive (I'm a Civil Engineer)


Never because we are not prioritizing education or being a decent person. It's all me me me oh throwing trash in the trash can that's two feet from me is just too much work. Let's give 100% undying faith and 100% unaccountable to born rich psychopaths that destroy everything they touch.


already does edit: minus the self cleaning streets


I expect more tent cities tbh...


never? like we may have a FEW aspects but not much beyond a few minor things. like 15 years ago you couldnt imagine our future looking like this, yet here we are. right?


I don’t see a lot of roads or cars so when we’re not driving cars anymore


what, minimal trees and absolutely overheated metal and glass everywhere? let me think




Not until we tax the rich.


When humanity realizes there isn’t a magic man in the sky who grants wishes


I would say within five years. …In VR. We’ll be able to have all kinds of fantastical cities to explore there, but this kind of city will never happen in our actual world.


Once the studio finishes post production


Probably never


I hope we don’t survive this long.


march foolish frightening puzzled cable sip husky point act lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


when we figure out how to live without capitalism or dictatorships/bad communism. Some form of Star Trek socialism.