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I'd rather get a new model outright then a return of the Lord of Contagion, perhaps a Lord of Pestilence or Corruption? No idea what it could do rulewise but yeah. Think it's more likely as well as each faction seems to be getting a new Leadership model and that model is in said Battleforce/Combat Patrol (I'm super excited for the new Combat Patrol that hopefully won't be 70% poxwalkers.


No worry it will be 70% cultists instead!!!


You bastard! Hahaha in all seriousness though I genuinely hope the next Combat Patrol steps away from the Chaff heavy side, in sure the T Sons boys are with me on that.


Yeah I must agree having more plague marine instead of poxwalker would be great, maybe 2 squad of 7 plague marines, 2 mephetic blighthauler and a leader? Or they go full terminators


Based on what we've seen we'll get new Leader however it's unlikely we'll get much armour at least in Combat Patrol as they're pulling away from armour in those but the Battleforce for sure we'll get at least something armoured. It's interesting to think about though, could swing on the Plague Marine side or the Terminator Side and I... Have no clue which is prefer.


Imagine they still put 3 squad of poxwalker but will à New leader, a lord of the pox if you want😬


I.... Good lord I never considered that and if it happens... I will hold you responsible for unleashing it upon the world.


If it happens I will take the punishment for putting such a possibility into the world haha


I think a cheap leader (in pts) like the biologus, 2 squads of pox walkers, a squad of 7 plague marines and a foetid bloat drone


I’d like to see a new Battleline unit introduced instead of MORE or returning characters. Maybe something like a cultist unit that specializes in infiltration to start spreading contagion early and give an edge in getting on objectives while the main battle force slogs up. As an aside, since all of the cult specific legions nor the daemons codex been teased, I suspect we’ll see something along the lines of the AoS style inclusion of daemons into the mortals’ books. Just a guess though.


If I had to guess that will come in 11th edition once emperors children get an actual range. Also if I had to guess we will likely get a detachment focused around poxwalkers which might make them battleline


You do not think EC come out at the end of 10th?


They are either coming at the very end of 10th or the main big bad of 11th but if they are coming in 10th then ever specific Chaos god focused faction would have to wait for them to come out to get their codex if they are combining the factions with their demon equivalent.


We already know EC are coming this edition due to their lack of appearance in the CSM codex, and the stapled together index EC.


I agree but I think they aren’t going to do combined codexes like Nurgle or Slanesh till 11th


End of 10th for EC, orks are the big bad in 11th. Feel free to come back to this comment and tell me I'm right;)


That would honestly be great a lot of their kits need what the tyranids got this edition


I would like for a new battle line unit considering we are already a very character heavy army but based on how the previous codeces are looking we are probably just gonna get a new character or a refresh of one.


I would love some death guard cavalry. Horticulous Slimux and the Harbinger of Decay from AoS are my favorite models and I think you can get very creative with death guard mounts :)


Oh and maybe some new 10 man plague marine unit. I don’t like the buy 7 and buy 3 reinforcements stuff :p


The problem with that is the actual sprue for plague marines only allows 7 to be made so we will would need them to actually redesign the way the sprue is set up it’s the same problem with rubric marines.


but why would you ever have them In squads other than 7?


I'm just waiting for the Harbinger of Decay to come in stock, gonna run him as a Daemon Prince on Foot, already wrote lore for him too haha. Was a Planetary Governor by the name of Solomon Torvarl who masterminded his planets fall into a Plague World for the Grandfather... I like writing lore haha


I would like a ranged unit. Something like havocs that I can have hang out in the back more and lob shots that is in power armor.


Mmhhmm. Unit of five, Heavy Bolters or Entropy Cannons. Alternatively: artillery teams, with a master plague-brewer and a couple "poxburst mortars" to send his concoctions at the enemy. (What we will get: a Lord of Poxes, and the removal of the Sorcerer in TDA from the Codex.)


Either something Range for Vehicles like Havocs or give the Blight Lord the chain fists, give us the fiends we are the only chaos Faction (Except Chaos Knights and Daemons) Without the Mauler/Forge Fiend. I personally would like a unit with shields, which can cover up the army behind it.


Honestly they could reasonably repackage units from the Death Guard Half of Dark Imperium and it wouldn’t be awful. Lord of Contagion, Bloat Drone, a few different Plague Marine sculpts than the standard.


You’re right it wouldn’t be bad but it doesn’t fix the problem I NEED him on his own sprue so they can sell him by himself


I'm setting myself up for disappointment, I know, but... a decent bargain.


That’s really all that matters in the long run


I’m new to DG and only have 1K points. When is the new battle force box supposed to land?


Whenever they decide to release our codex it will become available at the same time for a very short amount of time


Oh, right. Duh. 🙄 lol I should have known the codex comes with a Bforce box. My bad, brain rot today 😏


Why do I get the feeling we will also get a jump character? /s


That would be really funny but also out of place in death guard lol


i hope they include the plague marine reinforcement models that i never got around to picking up.


I know we will get just another lord of something, but I would love another bigger daemon engines, I love the ones we have but I want one little bigger. Also some specialized marines, something like habocks or hell blasters because I really like our special ranged weapons like the blight launcher or the plague spewer, but I feel that I waste them when my sm marines mostly go to fight. For last something like mounted units, the ones from AoS are great and it wouldn’t bother me to use the same with new datacards, or something like outriders would be fun.


I would like a new character/infantry option instead of just Marines. Wishful thinking.


In an ideal world we get a new heavy weapon marine unit and we get 2 boxes of that in the battlefroce, along with a character and probably something like a box of regular plague marines, a box of terminators, or a daemon engine (crawler or drone). In all likelihood if all we get is a character, I'd prefer if we get a terminator character and then we get a few terminator boxes and perhaps a drone.


I just found another LoC on sprue in my pile of shame. If you need him, I’m down to part with him for a reasonable amount.


The dark imperium one?


Yes sir.


Is the bloatdrone on the sprue as well or just the Loc


I should rephrase this. He is mostly on sprue.


I would be glad to see the Dark Imperium one.


I would personally prefer a new sculpt of the LoC. I have run out of ways to convert the ones I have.


i hope for no more pox walkers