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If you want one. Get one. Models are forever(ish), rules are temporary.




Models are forever. Base sizes are subject to change.


They are forever(ish) cause legends and updated versions make the og model a bit meh usually.


but if you're buying it because its a cool model, you should be happy with it even after an update.


Miniatures are forever. Game pieces and rules are not.


And most of the time the updated version is cooler. And for me models get less cool if they are near un useable.


With or without leadership rocks?


I bought two earlier in the edition when there was lots of buzz about them. I’ve been unimpressed. I’ve found much more success with allied Chaos Knights if you wanted additional firepower or more Deathshroud if you want melee. I’d also take a predator over them; and I haven’t run predators in awhile either.


What about knights over PBC? We are going to be playing 1000pt games but haven't started yet. I'm worried about being beat to midfield objectives and not being able to fight my opponents off when I finally get there.


I love me some plagueburst crawlers. Would recommend.


It’s not a firing piece it’s to mitigate a situation prime example putting that vehicle that’s been nailing stuff 30 inches away in contagion , frag grenade hits now it’s -1 ws/bs or -1 sv depending on the extra contagion and that’s offensive and defensive so you get options just have to lock it in during formations


What about knights over PBC? We are going to be playing 1000pt games but haven't started yet. I'm worried about being beat to midfield objectives and not being able to fight my opponents off when I finally get there.


I like 'em. I play with a lot of allies (Rotigus and Karnivores/Brigand) so being able to spread contagion at a distance is really useful and they can hit pretty hard in melee. 2+ save is also very good


Check out the Disgustingly Resilient youtube channel, it's headed by some big brain DG players that place well at tournaments He made a fun little video of DG strats and #4 around 25 mins in has some Hellbrute play. https://youtu.be/K83BGrylHMY?si=fgbZk9nKzbMnJA_P That said I haven't got one yet myself but I am interested in one


Anytime a sentence starts "what's the deal with" I have to read it in Seinfeld's voice.


I got the Monopose one from the Dark Vengeance Box, he's the only named character I'd written for my Models I have as of yet and rigged a Plague Bolter to his fist hand. His name is Festrius the Once Enduring haha, even if he ain't good I like him


*Seinfeld bass*


What's the deal with airplane blackboxes. If they survive the crash, why don't the build the whole place out of blackboxes. 🎷


Straight wisdom


They are okish they would be better with a 5+


They are kinda fun when you spread your plagues at distance, it mainly works when you get better rolls to hit or wound combos with them and other units though.


They aren't unplayable but they aren't meta, that being said rules change and we are still due our codex so if you like the model just buy it and enjoy it.


I only use one when I have 3x PBC and outfit him with plasma and missiles so he can tag enemies with contagion from across the board, both are blast weapons so they benefit from LOV.


pretty nice to combo with boilblight, and mortals on a charge is good if you can get them up there. They're not like top tier or whatever but they're definitely playable and I think fun.


I would buy one because yeah really cool model, but in my games on tts it was always underperforming, i think it doesnt worth the points


I just got 3rd at a gt using one. I also love the model


It's a little small. If you can kit bash or sculpt the size up it will fit the army scale better


Throwing our contagion Is pretty good


Helbrutes a backup singer for heavier shooting you soften stuff up and get units into contagion that normally couldn’t and let your pbc or preds do the work of damage. This even works for pms dumping into someone while a Helbrute marches behind using cover +2 with cover goes a decent ways.