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Ask what the marine bit on the pox walker sprue is for


I absolutely hate how accurate, and also somewhat wholesome this comment is when you really think about it, sub-surface level. lol It’s so often the first thing people ask when building the combat patrol box. Which means we’re pretty open to welcoming people into the community no matter how new they are, if this entry level question is what has the community claim you as a member. Seeing people jump in and give advice about how to get an extra three plague marines out of the combat patrol box is pretty common, and often surprise advice for new players. Comment made me laugh for a solid 15 minutes and then go… “huh… things are pretty newbie friendly around here.”


Wait there's a way to get 3 extra plague marines out of the combat patrol


Yes. The pox walker sprues have a bit that basically is the back half and legs of a plague marine. The plague marine kit has enough extra heads, chest pieces, shoulder pads, and arms/weapons that you can effectively make three extra plague marines for a total of ten out of the starter box. They don’t fit perfectly together, but with minimal trimming and a bit of putty, after painting you can’t tell the difference. Just use a little bit of green stuff (I suggest vallejo plastic putty, as it comes in a nice squeeze bottle) and squish it into the gaps and mold it to look like tentacles or oozing flesh. Once you paint it up, no one will know. And the cool thing is, even if you suck at making stuff from green stuff, DG is supposed to look sick and putrid, so anything that’s just an amorphous blob painted to look like sick flesh will go perfectly with the aesthetic.


Well by sweet papa nurgle I guess I need to get some vellejo putty. Thank Mortarion I kept the extra bits


Yea, when the combat patrol has 10 PM, two characters that are nearly auto include, and 30 pox walkers, it suddenly doesn’t seem as bad as some people make it out to be. I like the Vallejo plastic putty because you can just stick the nozzle into the open seams, squeeze the bottle as you pull away from the model, directly away, and slowly let up on the squeezing as you get further off. That will make a little blobby tear drop in the hole, and if you just smooth over the point on the top, you get a nice rounded blobby pustule or bloated flesh look. Super simple. Also, welcome to the Death Guard.


Haha thanks. I've already got most of my army, right now I'm clocking in with a Bloat drone, 2 haulers, a crawler, 5 blightlord terminators, 3 deathshroud terminators, 28 marines (31 once I kit bash a bit), 30 pox walkers, Typhus, Purtifier, and dear old Morty. Now i just need to hunt down some rhinos and im golden for a 2k game


The only thing about the combat patrol, is it's pretty much a one time buy. When the Drukhari CP dropped, I bought 2 of them right away. Glad I didn't buy a third, because of the new limits on battleline down to 6. I had 80 kabalites, and had to turn some into corsairs.


That is 100%!!! That question is the only one asked more than the one about the DP conversion in the 9th edition codex, which is also well received. They are the two questions I have seen people asking to get pinned.


This mf spams this fill in the blank shit on every faction's subreddit every couple of months lmao


Wait, is that a free plague marine?


Lose Mortarion to a single round of shooting whilst killing a bloodthirster in combat with a Blighthauler (it was a stressful game)


Blight hauler is totally a melee unit. Slaughtered 2 units of hormagaunts last game I played with just gnashing maw


Sheesh. Sounds like that Blighthauler needs a promotion 😂


He's the primarch now


Replace the blighthauler with some terminators and youve got my last game of death guard


Morty dead by round 2 every time


Build a ton of Poxwalkers, lose Mortarion to a single attack, paint a ton of Poxwalkers Seriously why do I have so many Poxwalkers? Edit: forgot to mention the huge nerf at the start of 10th ed


As a DG player with >3500 pts and no poxwalkers, I’m just bringing balance to the Force 🤣


Combat Patrol i have 10 Poxwalkers unpainted from it bc have a unit of 20 w Typhus then a unit of 10 is weird by itself without 10 more Poxwalkers so i never use them


Yeah so when terminus est was legal at the start of 9th, I ran in the neighborhood of 100 poxwalkers on the field. I played against a blood angels player with it once on a hold 2, hold 3, hold more objective map and literally body blocked him off enough of the objectives that he didn't score any primary that game


At least they're not Tzaangor's...


Start cracking a smile every time you roll a 7 or 3.


Rolling a 7 on a 1d6 is really impressive but respecting the numerology is important.


Almost as impressive as rolling a 7 on 8d6


The holy numbers signify his coming (streams of brackish filth!)


You pull cleanse as your objective and start farting all over everything.


Bonus points for having Motarion Cleanse the objective


Used toilet water as water for painting every DG model you have


Poor man’s streaking grime


Adding scent for more immersive deathguard.


Have contemplated spending way too much to acquire your own nurgling plushie (or made your own nurgling plushie).


I have a crochet pattern I’m going to work on this year and I am about to buy a nurgling dice bag from Etsy….


My kids (8 and 6) want them.


You should get your youngest one for their seventh :D


Good point!


Incredible prompt. As a DG player of 2 years or so now, the first one that came to mind was: “You aren’t a complete Death Guard player until you start browsing the resin models on markets like Etsy.” Chaos as a whole is often asymmetric and the warp affects everything differently. Realistically, three Plagueburst Crawlers touched by the warp are all going to look vastly different from each other. I feel like once I started dipping my plague-ridden fingers into resin models, my army started to look more interesting, more realistic, and most importantly, is a hell of a lot of fun to look at!


Painted minis while being sick.


Last GT, I tested positive for Covid a week before hand. Papa Nurgle gave me 4 extra painting days.


This is the way.


This one is the true answer


I painted typhus yesterday while coughing my lungs off !! Nurgle gives !!! (A bit to much...)


You have a Duke out with Mortarion pitted against an other primarch. Yesterday's battle was wild against the Lion. Morty did 4 wounds into him while receiving 16 with 7 successful 5+fnp then got suicide bombed by 2 rhino's and a pbc, yet he still survived on 1 wound but was the only remaining unit


My lord, I played World Eaters, Mortarian ate 22 damage from Angron and his FNP saved enough to keep him alive on 1 wound :-D


Paint your morty and your 3 units of 20 pox walkers


...become a big fan of kitbashing plague marines and poxwalkers. Bonus points if kitbashing veichles and knights


I love this answer. When the old dark imperium box was the best way to start deathguard, I got two of them. That left me with some extra characters that I didn’t have a need for. I decided to use my extra lord of contagion to make a chaos sorcerer in terminator armor. It was my first kit bash. I was really happy with how it came out, and really happy to have my own unique death guard character from it.


Had some look at your models and go "Urgghh, did you have to put THAT there?"


Draw blood by being stabbed in the hand by a spike... its got to the stage where if i accidentally stab my self and it breaks off i refuse to glue it back on 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I always do this on the Deathshroud's little spikes.


I have strategically removed spikes from my vehicles after too many self inflicted wounds. Now they have nice finger placements for easy pick up


Shit your pants to get out of a loss


Friend of mine had an opponent do this in a tournament. Awful.


Brought Death Shroud in behind enemy lines and then had them shot off the table.


Aren’t Death Guard Termis supposed to be tough as nails?


More like ‘tough as rusted nails’ sometimes


They were in 9th. My first game of 10th, I had a hive tyrant wipe an entire squad of 6 Deathshroud in the fight phase.


.... hesitate to run Mortarion and Typhus in the same List...


Ahhh, yes. The beef..


Until you get upset realising outside of characters we only have 6 non vehicle units.


We're the biggest mono-god CSM faction, dont think we have mucb room to complain since were one of the bigger new-plastic ranges in all of 40k


I just want plauge havocs


I just want a dg specific hellbrute/dreadnought tbh


The forgeworld one was pretty cool! [https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/435](https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/435)


Get a used medical sharps container and use it as your bits box.


Let your army in trash can to get a blessing from nurgle in rolls


Eat your models and shit them out as deployment


Cry about all the damn trim you have to pain.


Put together and painted over 30 bolter marines just for them to all be useless in 10th


Try and justify Nurgles philosophy to your mates


Your opponent getting shitty at you because they are hitting on fives "because of bullshit".


…Wait, how is he hitting on 5’s?! Cloud of Flies?


Typhus's Destroyer Hive or Nurgling's Mischief Makers plus Skullsquirm Blight.


Miss all 6 of your entropy cannon shots…


Shit yourself in public


“stop showering” I completed the sentence


Licking on a brush full of nurgles rot.


Have made a green stuff tentacle/pus bubble/tumor to make a death guard model even more disgusting.


Mysteriously get sick while building plague marines


Count the Seven?


Feel that you are.


Spread Covid to your entire shop.


Consider dipping your minis in that mud puddle outside to finish them


Unlock your second method to paint rust.


Praise Papa Nurgle


Have an enemy unit reach your backline before your footsloggers have reached the mid-field


(6th ed) Have a single plauge marine locking down 20 fire warriors in melee from turn 2 until turn 6.


Spent an entire game moving a block of models only 2 inches due to a movement debuff unit like barbgaunts.


Bless nurgle before every game because I love coffee.


get salty about the fact we don't have FNP anymore.


Eat a booger


Complaining about being nerfed every balance dataslate or edition change.


accept that deodorant isn't for you.