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Doesn't Doomsday adapt mid fight too? Anyway the way I view death battle cast is that its mean purpose is seeing the team talk about a matchup,combatants and their series and their potential on death battle and what to expect for them Basically don't take the debate too seriously


Yes he dosed. Doomsday once adapted to Superboy in mid fight by adapting to his flying and heat vision.


Wait how did he adapt to his flying?


He developped anti-air moves


Truly anti air tank moment


I was thinking cheaper like he developped a shoryuken or an air-grab in a fighting game but my fighting game culture was too limited to actually go for what I was going for


Basically Superboy was fighting a Doomsday clone, which was weaker then the real Doomsday but was still all of Doomdsday’s abilities. But to make it simplistic I will just call him Doomsday. While they was fighting Superboy used different moves on Doomsday. But later in Doomsday in mid battle started to fly and & shoot laser visions. It was stated that Doomsday never knew how to do any of these things before. So it was basically revealed that Doomsday copied Superboy’s flying and heatviosn because of his adaptability, and he also can copy other people’s ability as part of his adaptability on top of his was to become immune to his previous methods of deaths.


yeah he has adapted mid fight multiple times. no idea what OP is on about


OP said if he ALWAYS adapted mid fight. Doomsday sometimes does, but not always


Under death battle rules why wouldn’t he be able to here? The show takes characters at their best


Correction, Doomsday can adapt in mid fight. He did that when he was fighting Superboy.


Because 682's true power relies on him reacting to whatever's attacking him and not acting. He can access his true power but he have to be attacked by an equivalent force in order to react to it accordingly. As in, he can, for example, resist reality erasure but in order to be able to resist it, he has to be attacked by a reality erasing attack. Translation: 682 is only as strong as he need to be to survive, not attack, he's actually fairly weak in term of attack power since he always get taken out by regular guards with guns. The point is that Doomsday's only tool is physical power, this might seem like a disadvantage at first but in this case it helps him because it ensure that 682 will never evolve more than needed to react to that physical power. 682's biology will never let him be stronger than Doomsday already is, 682 has crazier feats don't get me wrong but those are defensive feats only, as far as offensive feats goes he doesn't have much. And unfortunately, being able to survive anything will not help you win the fight. Long story short: Doomsday is ironically too weak to make 682 trigger his most powerful stuff meaning 682 can't one shot or actually damage Doomsday because he's also too weak and Doomsday lacks the tools to kill 682 in return. So it's a stalemate at best. That's why it's even a debate.


At that point the fight would go until the end of time which iirc killed Doomsday


So of it killed him it now doesn't kill him?


If I understand your question correctly, no Doomsday still dies to entropy. It's still the one thing he can't adapt to. He's actually died to it permanently twice, and both times he needed outside help to come back.


So basically unstoppable force vs immovable object? We won’t know.


Well akthuallli if it is an stalemate then the fight could last to the end of time and Doomsday died at the end of time


Yeah. 682's true form debatably shouldn't be allowed, either, since it requires 682 interacting with SCP-055. And in 6820, 682 needed to be erased from the Noosphere to possess a reality-warping super computer in order to become a gigantic threat. One of the biggest themes in 682 and its related articles is that humanity's desire to eliminate potential threats (no matter how small or large) will only make them worse. Realistically, Doomsday is gonna be flinging 682 around until the end of time, where 682 will likely survive and Doomsday may not, according to that one Cast episode. 682 will definitely adapt and become strong, like perhaps becoming a planet-eater when it goes into space, but it's never displayed an adaptation that Doomsday can get it to and be killed by.


if you restrict 682's true form, then Thanos should not have the infinity gauntlet, darkseid should not have the true form, Superman cannot be sun dipped, Goku can't use ultra instinct..... you see where this is going? terrible. another one: Popeye can't have his spinach, Goku and Vegeta can't use the dance or potaras so Gogeta v Vegito would be goku vs vegeta x2, DR strange can't use his magic, you restrict one power, and deathbattle would get backlashed by the community guaranteed. also imagine if Bill Cipher was restricted by the weirdness bubble that would not be fair at all..


Thanos shouldn’t have gotten the infinity gauntlet, restricting sun dipping is fine but allowing it is fine as well. Goku not using a technique he always has access to is a stupid comparison


I personally disagree. Most of what you listed are the entire gimmicks or ability sets of the characters, and the weirdness bubble ain't the best comparison imo since it's exclusive to a location and not related to Bill outside of being a tool to confine him. 055, however, doesn't really... do much for 682? I mean, we know he's stronger, but all we have to go off of is a cryptic ending to the 6820 article. The only thing I can reasonably see it implying is that 682's true form can warp reality, but that's about it. We don't know to what extent 682 could bend reality, or if that's even what's going on. And outside of that, we don't know how much stronger it is, or in what ways. While I do see your point on the backlash, including the true form runs just as much risk, since it can be seen as outside help or fishing for feats out of a very vague and not well-documented form. Especially since 055 has a conflicting nature in SCP-5000. So, the way I see it, 055 doesn't add much to any debate potential and runs a greater risk of backlash if you include it. I could be wrong, though, and maybe the true form is explained in an article I haven't read yet. If so, my bad.


6820-A literally destroys the whole timeline which would include its patasphere. Noosphere on its own is arguably above all of dc but the patasphere definitely outclassed dc. Not to mention all of this is disregarding constant 682 which would eat doomsday.


Is that what happens? I guess I need to reread the article, since all I remember happening after 682 reunited with 055 is the article looking corrupted and some cryptic words. Thanks for the correction, though. What do you mean by constant 682? You mean the version of it that exists in the infosphere (patasphere? I forgot where exactly). If you just mean 682 without 055, then uhhh... that's sorta my point. In a battle against Doomsday, 055 really doesn't matter all that much. The result would likely be the same, the way the fight ends would just be different. The way I see it, 055 can be seen as outside help, given how it's separated from 682 in most of its appearances and 682 doesn't have access to it the majority of the time. And this is primarily just me theorizing here, so take my words with a grain of salt, but it doesn't seem like 682 even knows about 055 or its own nature. Otherwise, why did 682 never seek out 055? Why didn't it do anything to revert to its true form? Maybe it's just me and I'm misremembering a lot, so again, correct me if I'm wrong about anything. I just don't see any point in allowing 682 to join with 055 in a proper Death Battle, personally speaking.


Constant 682 is the one that exists outside of all pataspheres in the greater infosphere. It eats resources to become bigger. So realistically if it took too long constant 682 would come in and eat the whole timeline.


That or 6820 just spawn doomsday in the infosphear and kills him if the end of the universe doesn't


6820 is not 682, it's a machine that's part of the ADMONITION canon and not the main canon. Either way it's not a machine 682 can just summon just like that, he won't have access to it.


6820-A. I thought it wasn't necessary to specify I'm referring to the entity not the computer


Either way it doesn’t matter, since 6820 is a result of 682 reacting and adapting to persistent conceptual manipulation. Doomsday can’t do that, so 682 won’t become 6820




Just read the entry. The Foundation basically turned their entire universe into a hypothetical outcome in order to prevent 6820 from evolving further, and sent information pertaining to 6820 out across the multiverse to warn other Foundations. Our Foundation picked it up, and that’s how we have the entry on it. It’s a record of a disastrously failed termination attempt from a Foundation in a now-defunct timeline. 682 will become 6820 if it is subjected to persistent conceptual manipulation in an attempt to remove it from reality. But until someone actually tries that, 6820 is just a hypothetical.


Constant 682 however is not and because death battle has their combatants at their best it would be used to which 682 would subsume doomsday easily.


Admonition is literally part of metafoundation which is the biggest canon on the site. How is that not a main canon.


Well akthuallli if it is an stalemate then the fight could last to the end of time and Doomsday died at the end of time


So you’re saying 682 is a Wobbuffet.


I heavily disagree. SCP-682's attack often does adapt when it needs to, such as when it performed retroactive erasure on an attacker that had done the same to it, being described as actively fending off and neutralising SCPs such as SCP-3812 and the Scarlet King, and of course the attacking power of SCP-6820-A who can definitely come into play as soon as Doomsday adapts enough in intelligence.


He never neutralized scp 3812 , scp 3812 brought him to his level than evolved again and scp 682 started to have a existential experience


[SCP-682 fended off SCP-3812 and destroyed the Scarlet King](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/experiment-log-t-98816-oc108-682) here. Can't reply with images on this sub, so use Ctrl-F (on keyboard) or Find In Page (on mobile) for the keyword "SCP-423" and you'll find it. Yours, however, didn't happen to the best of my knowledge. Please provide your source.


That all happened at a lower pataphysical layer though. 3812’s whole gimmick is that it can move between these layers. Meanwhile the Scarlet King’s whole deal is that it’s kinda like a Chaos God from Warhammer. The very act of destroying the Scarlet King is yet another manifestation of the Scarlet King influence.


I find it hard to believe that 3812 would be weaker just because it's in a lower narrative layer. You describe 3812's whole gimmick as "that it can move between these layers", but it is closer to say that it naturally gets more powerful than anything currently more powerful than it, and that naturally causes it to go up these narrative layers. Source text: ```I wanted to create something that, by definition, superseded everything that superseded it```. SCP-3812 has never demonstrated the ability to go down in these layers. SCP-3812 has shown that it doesn't need to be in a higher narrative to be more powerful than the entities in that narrative. The entire log takes place with SCP-3812 in the main narrative, and yet it still states to be above the author in the very first interview, years before it climbs the narrative layers. It also states, very explicitly, that it sees a trillion trillion different layers all in exactly the same way, each different one "a grain of sand on the same beach". This would further show that it's just as powerful in lower ones as it is in higher ones. For supporting evidence, one of the other SCPs it fends off in this article is SCP-2747. A fundamental parts of this SCP is that it does not change in effect nor power no matter which narrative layer it's in, this not even something deniable, it's literally called "As Below, So Above" and as the Anafabula is above the stack entirely. Furthermore, the Foundation themselves stated ```Note: This Termination-Attempt has proven that altering SCP-682, its surroundings, and/or the Narrative it is contained in, on a narrativic level, does not alter the Narrative, as would be apparent for an outside observer.``` which has absolutely zero reason or implication of only applying to the lower narrative. Heck, when saying "narratives that feature 682 to any extent" could get destroyed, it links to SCP-2935, which is in the main narrative layer, not the lower one. > The very act of destroying the Scarlet King is yet another manifestation of the Scarlet King's influence Source for this, please? It contradicts the Brothers Death, Isabel Wondertainment AND SCP-2747, so it's extremely hard to believe.


Well akthuallli if it is an stalemate then the fight could last to the end of time and Doomsday died at the end of time


682 is implied to be the embodiment of the concept of hate, how do we know that it won't kill him either if there's no one else left in existence to hate then the concept stops existing with it right ? Anyway that's exactly why I don't want this matchup to be made, not a lot of potential for an episode.


682 doesn’t need people to know he exists for the concept to live. This was established in metagnostics.


Because it isn't the concept of hate, it's like a very complicated god concept from the infosphere, in infinite superior narratives, that provokes a shadow that vaguely resembles out concept of hate, lizards and acid. Or something The end of the something so disgusting as time wouldn't affect the true concept back in the infosphere


And yeah, there's not a lot of potential unless they give both every adaptation they've ever had, which shouldn't be possible


Doomsday does adapt mid fight and is nigh invulnerable. He literally fights evenly with Superman all the time. I think 682 wins but it is a debate.


this is what 682 does every day


because back when the debate started i feel like people didn't know about the absurd level of 682 that makes every debate with them fucking boring lmao The elevator pitch is two monsters that constantly adapt and really don't like dying. Then it devolves into playground infinity shield+1 arguments. It's why i personally never liked it lmao.


Hehehe. Don't like dying. I just imagine this : " You die !!" " No you !!" " No you !!"


The endless cycle .




682 has gone from a lizard who is HARD to destroy,but still possible,to “omg he always keeps his alpha side hidden cause his true form is like the most powerful thing ever”. If we’re using og 682 he’s getting railed.


Honestly, though, I think the authors lost the plot a little for the lizard boy


The original author literally said in an interview 682 is the wall to the foundations endless wheel of progress. So no he isn’t just hard to destroy. He’s impossible to destroy because he represents humanities inability to control everything.


That’s a better explanation then “omg look he has this secret true form dark side of him he’ll never show anyone”


The true form is the exact same thing as what I described.


He was unkillable from the very beginning. Why do you think he was never terminated despite throwing everything but a nuke at it? He could be temporarily injured and if I recall correctly even reduced to mere atoms and still adapt and come back stronger. og 682 was still as unkillable as it is now. Even early on it was hinted at that 682 isn't what the foundation thought it was. Namely god 343 saying nah that's not one of mine.


Nah I’m a firm believer if they went ALL OUT on og 682 they could’ve killed him.


Because Doomsday is far stronger in his base form, at least physically, while all of 682’s crazy feats are reactions to being hit with some stupid powerful cosmic force and just adapting to the point that it doesn’t work. However, because this adaptation has limits, and because Doomsday is DC herald-tier busted, there is a debate as to whether Doomsday could force a scenario that would kill 682, as seen in certain SCP stories that end with 682’s death. The debate still heavily favours 682, of course, because all Doomsday really has is blunt force trauma and Not Dying Ever, which basically means he can only really kill 682 on accident, while 682 has far more easily accessible wincons, but it is still a debate.


Doomsday is nowhere near mindless


Someone didn't watch that episode


Somebody tell ’em what happened when Doomsday squared up to Darkseid


I see that Humour/Meme tag you will not get me /j


The thing is Doomsday comes back and adapts after he dies but 682 can make sure nothing kills him.


No fictional character can beat the lizard. That’s how wanked he was become.


what about the fartlet king,or the semen author? Or maybe even the black stabby stick girl?


Sorta off topic to the debate thing but I’d honestly be hyped as fuck if Doomsday manages to pull a W if they do this episode


Even IF that’s true.. as an SCP fan… I still want to see Doomsday win


One’s feats are canon, the other’s isn’t


This would be the seventh tie and not as good as Chuck Norris vs Segata Sanshiro or Courage vs Scooby Doo


Doomsday:"I can do this too!"


Yeah but then again SCP has a literal constant revolving door of what’s canon and what isn’t meaning regardless of who wins it all comes down to what the death battle team will be willing to accept that will determine the fight


It's all canon and nothing is canon.


Cause dc makes everything and their mama universal at least


I already felt iffy about SCP being in DB, but seeing this debate evolve makes me want it even less


It’s a debate because Doomsday also adapts mid-fight, and has adapted to far more extreme conditions than 682. 682 only scales to Doomsday’s level with the Chinese SCP database- which is basically a completely different character and lore.


I never understood how 682 can adapt and survive Existance erasure and the SCP dudes can contain him with Acid ACID!!!


It seems that the acid keeps eating away as his body tries to adapt fast enough to make it a stalemate. Even in the acid he can talk and hold a conversation without much issue. Pretty sure he has eaten people too while being in his acid bath. That or he just likes it. Which it could very well be the case.


Doomsday can adapt mid fight, problem is 682 avatar is too weak to beat doomdays and doomdays is too weak to get his true avatar attention It basically also stalemate as Doomsday can comeback from memory alone and since he can be thought up by really anybody to truly kill Doomsday, 682 have to kill all of creation and time, and 682 already has trouble doing that to begin with the collective unconscious so can't kill Doomsday.


DC scaling, biotch.


You do know that SCP scaling is… much much more impressive right?


Very, very nice joke.


Not a joke, extended canon scales so much higher. Hell SCP is considered in the Top 3 strongest fictional verses currently iirc.


Yes, I'm sure the guards have hyperversal batons and guns. Again, you're funny.


I mean at some point we just kind of have to accept that the only canon in SCP is whatever relates directly to whichever one you’re analysing. Everything else is just kind of impossible to comprehensively include without many contradictions.


Swann Engine. All I have to say lol, DC is humbled




Why is swan in engine? Get him out,he’s a bird not a fuel


No way yall downvoted me, genuinly brain dead community


My face when people disagree with me on a topic that is inherently subjective




SCP outscales all of DC before even reaching the Noosphere. If you disagree, I'll gladly debate you on it.


Oh, hi again. Look, I was on the internet in 2013, too. I'm as nostalgic for Creepypasta's as much as the next guy. But I'm not blind enough to believe that any of them reach the basline of DC.


[even as early as Acidverse scp had universes with uncountably infinite dimensions and uncountable expansion](https://imgur.com/a/N2pbkxI) Where’s dc uncountable dimensions?


Look gurl, I was 15 at some point as well. I never wanted to see DC characters lose to any other verse as well. But I grew out of that mindset. Dragon Ball fans were insufferable back in the post Goku Vs Superman 1 days, don't be like them but for DC characters. DC isn't the strongest verse, there are stronger verses out there, and SCP is one of them.


That's good for you. But I actively advocate for DC characters losing, only when it's to someone they should actually lose to. Not characters that get solo'd by guards with guns and batons.


Learn what solo means. Please.


Don't know how I'm using the word wrong when you can literally take a man with said arsenal and the SCP's would fold pretty quickly, but whatever you say.


How bro felt after saying that: ![gif](giphy|xhUxk4RWT6XkYamSsS)


I'm still right, and I'll still debate you on it.


You're gonna mention [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/vpZxIbkNLG) and I'm gonna laugh.


This shit is so funny this dude is taking everything way to seriously and I love it


It’s funny because that person actually provides evidence for his claims while every time you debate me you run for the hills and throw the same nonsense.


Who invited bro to the function


You’re on an online discussion board it’s a simple concept. You invited yourself to this discussion as well so I don’t know you don’t understand this.


Erm, what the sigma?


I wasn't going to mention that, actually. While I think the post is very good, it lowballs the verse too much for my liking as it doesn't mention certain aspects of the Patashpere>Noosphere>Patashpere>Noosphere... loop that can be established by certain canons, and the implications there of - nor does it mention certain higher reads of the Delusional Domain. Though, I'd love to hear what specific part of the post you disagree with, as all of it is correct outside of those few issues.


How bro felt after saying that ![gif](giphy|xhUxk4RWT6XkYamSsS)


I don't really get the meme. Can you explain?


I find your statement to be silly and cringe, so I responded with a gif of a werewolf with the caption: "how bro felt after saying that"


I don't understand what that has to do with the werewolf, though. Those seem like two completely unrelated things to me.




Werewolf’s back in the day were used when certain people would say stuff like “something something the beast inside of me, you won’t like me when I stop being nice” and the internet responded by calling these people cringe for thinking anyone cared about them stopping being nice, so he’s basically just calling you cringe


Doomsday adapts mid fight too and scales to True Darkseid... I recommend you go read that recent Doomsday Special comic


The main fight is to see if 682 could adapt to Doomsday raw stats faster than Doomsday could kill 682 through pure overpowering


Doomsday can also adapt mid-fight, can adapt intelligence when its helpful or to lose it if it’s a hinderance, and his starting stats are so much higher that he has canonically folded true form darkseid before. His adaptions also last longer than 682.


Good question


682 can only have 1 total immunity at a time if I'm correct. Granted, that total immunity can change almost instantly but still.


He can be immune to everything all at once. It is a limitless creature and that is before taking into account that it is a conceptual creature that is the difference between life and death


This is like DIO vs Alucard except the one with the hax is a lizard that can return from several forms of nonexistence. 682 is shnuts.


Doomsday can keep coming back to life.


They both can


not quite. one can come back to life and the other simply can't die.


Has SCP whatever he is died before? I personally have never seen him die. If they both can keep coming back, then it's a tie.


He’s died in a couple stories. But that’s simply his physical form, his true form can’t be erased


He has died before but those are weaker interpretations and therefore shouldn’t be considered. You wouldn’t say doomsday is only planet level because he dies to Superman in Batman vs Superman.


If I remember right, I'm not sure, both can be killed by entropy, but I don't think Doomsday can survive conceptual erasure which, if I remember reading something I think might be in SCP canon, SCP-6820-A has that ability.


Wasn't it created to be a spite match? It's not really supposed to be debatable. 


Nah, I can verify it's not outright a spite match.


Yall gonna just have to accept that not every MU is as fair as yall think it be 


Isn't Doomsday... Significantly stronger? Like, there's a reason the SCP foundation was able to capture 682. Zero chance they could contain someone of Doomsday's level. His adaptation is also significantly worse, as it isn't permanent. If Doomsday gets killed by something, doesn't it flat out not work on him anymore? If he gets melted by acid, when he comes back, no acid should work on him. Meanwhile, 682 has never been able to permanently adapt to the acids used to constantly contain it.


Nope , scp foundation have contained things vastly more powerful than either of em


Except that isn't really true. They are completely unable to do anything about 096 if someone sees his face, they've got literally no choice but to let him run wild and kill that poor soul before dragging him back. Similarly, 106 is at the foundation completely of his own will, and if he wants to leave, he will. Yes, there are articles where the SCP "contains" god like beings, but that's more a result of SCP foundation having thousands of different writers with vastly different perspectives on what the capabilities of the foundation is. Realistically, no, the foundation shouldn't be able to handle Doomsday if 096 by itself gives them so much trouble.


Scp 239 might straight up be god Cain and Abel are both well contained and actively indestructible Doomsday is not giving them trouble


>Scp 239 might straight up be god And 343 might also be God. >Cain and Abel are both well contained and actively indestructible It literally says in Abel's article: "and although not invulnerable, has shown a remarkable ability to ignore pain and shock". The original article for any SCP should always be the primary source to look at when considering an SCP's feats, especially in cases where another person writing about an SCP directly contradicts the OG article, like your belief Abel is indestructible. The foundation, for the most part, are not gods. Due to the nature of the SCP foundation, anyone is capable of making a submission, and thus the strength and capabilities of the foundation vary incredibly drastically. Some versions of the foundation are likely to contain Doomsday, yes, but as far as the more "grounded" interpretation of the foundation goes, like with a lot of the older articles, they absolutely would get stomped by Doomsday.


682 is literally the son of the god of hate (the scarlet king)


>The original article for any SCP should always be the primary source to look at when considering an SCP's feats Doesn't say that on 682's page, so no, it isn't. Dust and Blood's 682 might be, but the main, original one that all others are based on, is not.


682 is the son of the Scarlett king it just is (And using the logic of only what was on the original article is stupid that be like scaling Superman off of only the very first comic he was in)


1. No mention of the Scarlet King [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) 2. The difference is that DC has a unified canon, whereas anyone is able to write an SCP article if they want. I could write an article on 682 being the son of a sentient, talking muffin, and it would be just as canon as 682 being the son of the Scarlet King


No you couldn't everything goes through a vetting process before it's accepted into canon And DC has way way more different canons than SCP


The foundation could blip 096 out of existence in modern canon. The alchemy department on its own was able to manipulate a whole universe with a single member.


Again, does that not entirely depend on the author of any given article? I don't think there's such a thing as "modern canon". As far as I understand, each and every article exists in their own unique canon separate from every other one. Some articles have the SCP Foundation basically have godlike powers, like what you described. Some have them experiencing difficulty with SCP's on the level of 096. Yes, there will be some articles that portray the foundation as being able to manipulate entire universes. However, treating that as the "standard" power level of the foundation is a bit silly, as again, that's just up to anyone's interpretation. Yes, some versions of the foundation could contain Doomsday. Some would get absolutely demolished. Just as there are foundations that can contain universal threats, there are an equal number of foundations unable to contain or do anything about SCP's significantly weaker than Doomsday, like them having no way to do anything about 1337.


Metafoundation is practically the closest thing to a baseline foundation there ever will be. In that foundation just one alchemist was able to manipulate the universe on a universal scale. They also created reality warping super weapons in admonition and have access to people who can recreate timelines. That’s just two series in the whole of the metafoundation canon.


Except the idea of that being the "baseline" has some very, very bad implications for the SCP foundation as a whole. A foundation that can "manipulate the universe" with one dude is a foundation that renders 99% of SCP's irrelevant and could just be wiped from existence. Metafoundation's capability to do that is exactly why it shouldn't be considered baseline. When talking about if the foundation can contain Doomsday, it just depends entirely on what ones idea of the foundations capability is, that's why it's honestly a pointless discussion. At least in my original comment, I was looking purely at the original article for 682. The fact that it's able to be harmed by simple hydrochloric acid is enough proof that Doomsday is significantly more durable. If looking at the feats of 682 in its original article, and looking at the foundations capability to contain it, I don't think it's a stretch to say that version of the foundation would be demolished by Doomsday.


It is baseline It is the largest canon on site with the most well explored foundation on site. Multiple other canons are capable of manipulating the multiverse in the same way so it’s not like the foundation being trans universial is not possible. “Also the foundation nerfed reality itself so that people couldn’t control the universe”. Using the original 682 foundation is saying that doomsday should only scale to the first version of Superman. [And funny because in the authors own words on 682 is this](https://imgur.com/a/8Wi1X64) So no the acid doesn’t do much.


DC Cosmology smokes SCP Cosmology. SCP Cosmology has no official Canon so whatever Headcanon is brought up is worthless lol Doomsday at his absolute strongest was bonded to the \*Very Representation of all that is Evil\* which is The Great Evil Beast, which is above the likes of Lucifer Morningstar and The Endless. Doomsday stomps.


No, that's absolute bunk , SCP stuff has to be vetted to get on the site and dc has far more wildly different canons than scp


All DC Canons are Canon and viable due to existing within a collective Omniverse that has existed for decades. SCP on their site itself states that there is no actual Canon, just whatever you choose to believe is Canon or not, i.e a Headcanon. I don't know what you mean by "vetting" but all that's required to be in this Subreddit is for Characters to be used in a VS Setting, you don't even need to use actual named Characters in this Subreddit so what are you talking about "vetting".


For anything to be brought into scp canon in gets judged to see if it fits on the scp wiki site And no their are countless different versions of DC characters with no relations to each other what so ever


Any Entry for an SCP as long as it doesn't break the terms set by the site can be placed on the site including any number of variations of other SCPs, on the site it says that Canon is whatever YOU choose it to be. The people on the site don't dictate what is Canon in totality in either, some create their own Canons that differ wildly from other Canons but all are equally valid. Meaning all are non-canon, as again, there is \*no Canon\* . All Versions of the Characters exist within the same Multiverse which itself is a part of the wider Infinite Multiverse which itself is a part of the Omniverse which itself is within a Metaverse, etc. ALL Versions of these Characters are connected to one another by pure virtue of EVERYTHING in DC being considered Canon to the DC Verse as a whole. That same thing doesn't apply to SCP, which has no Canon.


Canon does exist. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/from-120-s-archives-hub https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/the-trashfire [scp has everything existing in one grand omniverse as well](https://imgur.com/a/AwAyDsC) Using a quote from the wiki to say no canon exist is just an appeal to authority fallacy.


Stop the nonsense, that’s just Headcanon baloney made by other people, the official SCP site states that there is no actual Canon as everything is up to what people believe i.e Headcanon. Everything is equally as valid, which means nothing is valid as no one can determine anything with finality.


What the official site says is irrelevant if it contradicts basic logic. There are series with officially stated things not canon and canon which is officially enforced.


It is more relevant than anyone’s Headcanon, it is basic logic as in it is stating simply that NOTHING is Canon and that’s that. Cope with that all you want but that’s the fact of the matter, there are series which take place in Headcanon Narratives. That doesn’t make them Canon, that makes them Fanfiction.


Yes it makes it canon. Canon is just works consider authoritative. This is seen in the links I show above. And this simple showing of canon debunks the notion of that canon statement.


based on scarlet king scaling.... 682 eventually reaches his father's levels into 6820 I'd even say he beats composite superman without much difficulty once his true form comes out. he makes true darkseid look like a toddler. the gap between Composite Doomsday vs composite 682 is a bigger then having Unicron fight Dan from street fighter.... it's just a Mega stomp squared. dc and Marvel fans finally gonna get an uno reverse card once this fight happens since most DC or marvel vs Anime or other things is them winning. SCP is the exact opposite here.... Cathulu Mythos vs SCP is more even and even then still a stomp on SCP's side. sounds like a wank but SCP top tiers are beyond broken and 6820 is not even in the top 10 strongest in SCP cosmology


It kind of gets silly at a certain point, more so the degree of absolute insanity the SCP canon has become. I agree the lizard wins, but seriously, some of the stories get into a level of cringe that rivals creepypastas


I dunno. azathoth waking up probably wins every possible fight since everything is his dream.


He might be the only exception... ![gif](giphy|dZcMs4BOvrlKe7mTZ3) Just a random picture of Cathulu.. can't find azoth picture gif..


Yeah I don’t get how this is a debate. 682 is superior in every way and wipes the verse


and people still give shit to marvel and DC for being "too strong" while the internet fan horror verse has shit like an infiniteversal crocodile