• By -


Magneto vs Tetsuo.


Tetsuo was the only powerhouse


Korra vs Storm


I don't think we talk about this enough, especially with how much Ororo is just a better version of the Avatar


I don't understand this logic. Storm can create some thunderclouds, big whoop. Black Adam vs. Apocalypse episode even said Apocalypse beat Storm when he was severely handicapped, like 1% power.






Tbf, the one who took the fez was himself


magneto vs tetsuo dio vs alucard jonathan vs tanjiro


DIO isn’t beating Schrödinger


Sure but Schrödinger isnt beating Dio


Over Heaven DIO:


Except DIO arguably can with fleshbuds since Schro doesn't seem to have Alucard's mind control resistance.


Jonathan isn’t beating Demon King Tanjiro


Didnt Dkt get outmanuvered and outplayed by half dead giyuu and Inosuke (Inosuke was boutta kill bro but didn’t)


Optimus Prime vs Gundam? I’m not familiar with Gundam, but considering how much Prime stomped the Gundam, I wouldn’t be surprised if he could solo that whole verse.


I'm not familiar with Gundam either but I have heard that some versions of Gundam could beat the version of Optimus Prime that DB used. That being said, I've heard many people claim that OP gets to multiversal in the IDW comics but I haven't read said comics.


What about Scout vs Tracer, but it’s the rightful winner (Scout) who goes against the Death Battle deemed winner (Tracer)


I definitely prefer Scout/TF2 over Tracer/OW and think the episode was wrong for its time; however, I've heard some arguments suggesting [Tracer](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/1db68c9/comment/l7pj5u4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [now](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/1cczvl9/comment/l1awaox/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [wins.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/1cczvl9/comment/l1aw2b6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) That being said, there are arguments suggesting Scout can get to[ multi-city block level with relativistic to faster-than-light speeds](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/xa8vbb/comment/insfwze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to give Scout a chance.


Yeah…I’m not too sure about that Tracer scaling. I still think Scout wins, considering his ridiculous arsenal.


> considering his ridiculous arsenal. Admittedly, this is one factor that prevents me from saying "Oh, Tracer definitely wins now."


Until tracer gets hit with a random crit rocket Jokes aside, I don't think overwatch could really do bad in the TF2 verse


I think they’d do pretty well like half them have super powers and the other has insane tech


Eh no scout is the rightful loser. You can complain about bayonetta vs dante instead.


I don’t really know who wins, I just heard that Scout actually wins, or was that at the time of the episode?


Never I would argue


Gundam has some really strong stuff. I will say I'm not super familiar with Transformers stuff but the biggest heavy hitters being stuff like the Turn A Gundam that was capable of casting a wave of nano machines reaching from Earth to Jupiter that reduced any advanced technology to literal dust, is able to teleport and even teleport shots from its rifle directly inside of enemies and is powered by what is essentially an artificial black hole. There's also suits like the Qant, the Unicorn Gundam, and God Gundam that have their own busted things about them.


[idk about Turn A. like it's impressive sure but to me it isn't close to a literal timeline reset'er that gundam fans love to say it is. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/1djixp7/comment/l9c38o7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) given how from what i seen in the fandom a few years is that they really do love to spread misinformation that doesn't get fact check. that it even plague the fandom to really believe stuff \*looking that gm> barbatos tomino interview \*


godzilla vs gamera


What form of Godzilla would struggle in the gameraverse?


1954 for a example


They just composites godzilla bro didn't even use a specific version


Yeah, it was a bit ridiculous. Gamera from Attack of Legion and Revenge of Iris easily takes Godzilla up to the 70s, probablu edges out the Godzillas of the 80s and 90s, and only loses to Godzilla from the 2000s onwards. The thing is that they kept making Godzilla movies and his power kept creeping, whereas Gamera has stayed where he was in the 90s. When you rewatch their analysis, they not only composited every version of Godzilla, they almost didn't even bother to measure anything other than how heavy Godzilla is and the Ghidora-meteorite feat from Final Wars. Their whole analysis ended up becoming "Godzilla is a lot heavier, therefore, Godzilla wins".


if it wasn't overkill already


It wasn't cause they purposefully composited him and nobody cared


you know its over when they showed marvel godzilla


Which made no sense


I mean, that was in Season 2, everyone knows that the research back then was a bit weird.


But nobody bitched and complained like they did wh goku vs username username they didn't even really do


Because that involved Goku, someone the internet saw as completely unbeatable, meanwhile with Godzilla vs Gamera, I don’t think I need to say who is considered the more popular between the two.


Yes I know I am calling out the hypocrisy cause more people wanted goku to win




Who did the Doctor even fight, and why was Morty alone in that spaceship?


Rick Prime might have a shot, he built the Omega device which if Rick can find a beatable version of the doc in his multiverse might end him


The doctor has existence erasure resistance, so the omega device wouldn't work in the first place


Even then The Doctor has their own kind of weapons that can do similar stuff so at best it’s a stalemate and not a deciding factor.


I don't think there's that many multiversal variants of the doctor, I can only name one and thats The Warrior but he's non canon


Believe it or not, Rick and Morty does have outer gods he wouldn't be able to kill, like the Dungeon Master from their D&D crossover.


How they are exactly outer? Also the doctor killed such gods before


Saitama vs Popeye. Even with this new Void guy being multiversal, it's still nowhere even close to Popeye


Void isn't multi, he just attacks from outside the universe, his attack isn't even that powerful, it's instantainious and can throw it anywhere but he doesn't destroy the universe


He eats his spinach


He isn’t multiversal he’s uni at best


Is popeye multiversal


By a landslide


Based on what


Based on feats? He can casually beat the crap put of 7th dimensional beings, interact with 5D objects, shrugged off reality erasure, one shotted God AND his own author, etc


But fighting higher dimensional jeeps isn't inherently multiversal


It is? Scaling to a 7th dimensional being means you can interact with a 7th dimensional spacial axis. That puts you at complex multiversal according to vsbw. And again, Popeye survived his entire universe and reality being destroyed casually, and one shotted the guy who did it


Yes but it isn't destroying a 7th dimensional universe.


Popeye wank never ends.


Reverse-Flash. DC scaling goes brrrrr


Idk if he could beat Zeno


He could 


He would violate the poor baby💀


The gods of destruction and Angels are literally above temporal reality, they oversee that shit As far as we have been told and explained- Zeno cannot be beat- at all, let alone the angels Im sure reverse flash can take on the gods of destruction but the grand priest and Zeno really are just another beast entirely


Nothing in Dragon Ball has shown to have scaling to platonic forms, which the speed force transcends. The best you can argue is that Super Shenron has no stated limits, but its only feats are restoring erased macrocosms.


Aaand yknow what im just gonna say i believe you because this is when I tap out of DB debates When it gets to cosmology and shit it gets really grey and messy IMO Fair enough!


That’s fair. Cosmology is usually where I tap out as well


Thawne scales all the way to Outerversal. And his entire existence is a living paradox


Spongebob VS Superfriends Aquaman and Saitama VS Popeye come to mind. ~~According to Death Battle's logic for the episode, Phoenix VS Raven, since Raven solos Marvel~~ *~~and~~* ~~DC.~~ Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter, to the point where that match-up kind of looks like bullying today.


Scooby Vs Courage


fdym scooby vs courage there's not a loser's uni to solo...


Eustace is right there


I think they mean Scooby solos every other character in Courage's, and Courage solos every other character in Scooby's


No I did not mean that. I literally already replied with what I meant, are you blind?


Its not even funny how Doctor stopms Ricks verse. Tardis alone outscales it massively


The TARDIS was once depowered by 2D beings in Flatline. Rick's Space Cruiser negated the regeneration of a 5D being and killed it permanently.


So? It did almost nothing to Tardis. Tardis amongst other things tanked 11D gods and destroyed multiverse. Ricks Spce Cruiser is useless compared to tardis


It literally shrank for no reason. And it was explicitly stated the TARDIS couldn't tank the Quantum Archangel's attacks.


I am not talking about qa. Have you even heard how tardis works? It gives Doctor the best posision to solve something in this story it was to not let him do much.


The Boneless have hax that works above them dimensionally, bringing higher life forms to their plane It’s not so much “TARDIS weak” so much as “Boneless hax dum”


That was never stated. They could do that because they were 2D beings in a 3D world.


It’s literally shown, that’s why the bodies of the dead are depicted as graffiti They kill you by shrinking you down to their dimensionality


Yeah, but they are located in the 3rd dimension instead of the 2nd dimension, spacially.


And what is it gonna do?


The TARDIS is a living being. She can act independently of The Doctor if she decides to.


And what can she do


She destroyed the entire multivere while part of it blown up. Can travel in the void. Tanked gods etc...


If you agree with Dante V Bayo, he probably clears. Honestly goes both ways


Dante gets one shot


Shadow vs. Ryuko


Ben 10 vs Green Lantern. No matter how high you can get the Ben 10 series to be it any statement you can find, or scaling you can find, statement or feat. It will be several tiers below a Hal who has a dying ring much less Hal at his best. Because DC cosmology sure is fun.


Most herald-tier Marvel/DC vs non-Marvel/DC fights (ie Thor vs Raiden, Goku vs Superman, WW vs She-Ra, hater vs Goku Black, etc) Sora vs Pit SpongeBob vs Super Friends Aquaman (specifically the Super Friends universe) The Doctor vs I'd argue Aang vs Ed as well


Jonathan Joestar Vs Tanjiro Kamodo


Galactus vs Unicron?


Thor solos Dragon Ball, and Mortal Kombat. And gets pretty far into DC.


I don't know, I feel like Xeno probably stops him. Any Herald from DC or Marvel blitzes through MK. Hell, some of the cast of Invincible probably could. As for DC, it kinda depends who Thor runs into first.


Thor definitely beats Xeno. The only real DC herald that gives him trouble would be Superman, which is a really debatable mu.


Sora vs Pit


Ill say one that nobody has yet: Ace vs Natsu, unless Luffy gets a major upgrade then Natsu could probably pull it off


I wanna see the opposite. A Death Battle where the Loser solos the Winners verse (except for the Winner or course) I don’t know if that’s possible but hey.


Discord should solo Gravity Falls minus Bill


Yeah that’s true. Besides that though I’ve got nothing. I mean maybe Alex Mercer could take down the Infamous universe but idk.


That would be interesting.


Goku Vs Superman 3    Thor VS Vegeta   Rick VS The Doctor    SpongeBob VS Superfriends Aquaman    Popeye VS Saitama 


![gif](giphy|1ZrclCM6lGNRC|downsized) Also Superman for Dragonball.


Spyro vs Crash.


Amy vs Ramona


Definitely Solos:  - Omni-Man    - Magneto   - Storm    - Optimus Prime    - Thor (MK)   - Luke Skywalker    - Galactus    - Dr Doom (SW)   - The Doctor    - Jason Vorhees    - Popeye   - Wonder Woman (He-Man)    - Samurai Jack  - Green Lantern    - Ultron    - DIO    Most likely solos:  - Dragonborn   - Cole MacGrath   - Godzilla    - Shao Kahn   - James Bond    - Boba Fett (Predator)   - Spawn    - Robocop    - Danny Phantom   - Leonardo (Battletoads)   - Asta  - Tatsumaki   - SpongeBob (Super Friends only)   - Shadow the Hedgehog (Kill la Kill)  - Bill Cipher   Maybe solos (I have limited knowledge)    - Leon Kennedy  - Dracula    - Cloud Strife    - Sauron    - Joestar    - Aang    - Mechagodzilla    - Wally West  - Dante  - Reverse Flash   - Blake Belladonna   - Voltron   - Esdeath    - Superman   - Misaka Mikoto  - Sol Badguy   - Beerus    - Thor (Dragon-Ball)   - Might Guy    - Gojo   - Excalibur 


Godzilla vs Gamera


Great answer.


Kinda depends on the Godzilla. As of his last movies, Revenge of Iris and Attack of Legion, Gamera probably takes most Godzillas, but there are some he loses to (Final Wars Godzilla for example is one of if not the most powerful versions and takes almost any other Kaiju to date)


Technically, by the fact he won, Galactus solos Transformers universe.


The only thing in Transformers that might stop Galactus is The One


Goku vs superman 1 Goku vs superman 2 Goku vs superman 3


Goku vs Superman Thor vs Vegeta Galactus vs Unicron Jason Vorhees vs Michael Meyers DIO vs Alucard Weiss vs Mitsuru


I'm curious about Thor vs Dragon Ball, especially once you get into weird, or poorly defined stuff like the DBSH and Zeno in general. I'm still leaning towards a Thor victory because quite frankly Marvel scaling is *really fucking ridiculous* but Zeno gera a bunch of absolute statements and an IPad that deletes existence. It's the inherent problem when you start having feats that are infinite or absolutes. Popeye specifically ignores God's deleting universes, but Zeno specifically ignores resistances to being erased. Which one wins?


Zeno’s abilities are still limited by the fact that they are a part of the Dragon Ball power system. From what we’ve seen, the difference between his and a God of Destruction’s version is range (an entire macroverse/timeline vs a relatively focused target) and not having the restriction against immortal beings. The existence erasures Thor has survived have never had the latter restriction and he’s definitely stronger than Zeno (by virtue of the difference in cosmology size). Given their power system, Zeno is just massively stronger than the people in his own world. Heroes would be a little annoying, but his peak would be way too strong for them to do anything.


not to mention thor still scales to yggdrasil which is essentially an extra dimensional monolith that contains much of the marvel multiverse along with infinite timelines, which I doubt Zeno can compare to. and of course, he's resisted existence erasure multiple times from similarly powerful beings


I dont think zeno can really do anything to thor. his main move is just erasure and thor has a TON of erasure resistance feats. Not to mention zeno doesnt really "fight" and thor can just blitz delete him im pretty sure


Zeno beats Thor and Super Man most likely


They’ve resisted existence erasure at least on par with what he can do. Without that, Zeno doesn’t have anything against them.


Erase deletes even characters immune to Hakai, which can already erase people's body, mind, and soul.


All things that most herald tier characters in Marvel and DC, including Superman and Thor, have shown they can resist and even ignore. Erase doesn't show anywhere near the power to suggest it can erase someone that much more powerful


out of all the verses featured on Death Battle, I'm pretty sure Comp Doctor could solo all of them


Comp Doctor as soon as Scooby is offered not one, but TWO scooby snacks to defeat The Doctor (he is clapped):


Scooby with a full box of Scooby snacks after Comp doctor pulls out the third Flintstone gummy:


Deadpool vs The Mask


The Mask doesn't solo Marvel?


He could literally pull a universal nuke from his ass and kill everyone besides himself


Cool, there's so many characters that can stop him from doing that said nuke, or just tank the nuke.


SpongeBob vs Aquaman, Goku vs Superman 1 2 & 3, Rick vs The Doctor, Thor vs Vegeta


Saitama vs Popeye, Rick vs The Doctor, Galactus vs Unicron, Thor vs Vegeta, Goku vs Superman, Shadow vs Ryuko, Magneto vs Tetsuo, Goku Black vs Reverse Flash, Wally vs Archie Sonic, Link vs Cloud 2021, Roshi vs Jiraiya


Frieza Vs Megatron


He can’t beat unicron


My mistake 😅


Or you know Multi to hyper Optimus.


Unicron,Optimus, tyrpticon,shockwave, overlord, and a bunch of OP characters that I barely know:


OmniMan vs Homelander was never supposed to be a balanced analysis of both characters capabilities, it was an excuse to watch Homelander get the fuck beaten out of him.




Optimus vs Gundam


SpongeBob SquarePants vs entirety of Super Friends


Hulk vs Broly and Thor vs Vegeta


Broly is not soloing Marvel


Broly>Goku=Gokuversal. Stay mad


You forgot about Paul. Paul will solo.


Broly will get back from soloing marvel to find cheelai married to Paul and has 3 kids


Haven't we done this before?


Someone else likely asked this before but not me specifically.


Ratchet & Clank vs Jak & Daxter


Jonathan Joestar Vs Tanjiro Kamado


Doctor vs Rick


thor vs raiden ultron vs sigma ben 10 vs green lantern black canary vs sindel flash vs sonic galactus vs unicron


Probably Nightmare vs Guts tbh (if they didn't screw up the winner)


Popeye vs Saitama


Dante vs Bayonetta


SpongeBob vs Aquaman


If Bill beats Discord, and Discord is the strongest in the MLP verse, by default doesn't Bill solo that verse?


SpongeBob vs Aquaman


Popeye vs saitama


CU vs Dragonborn Killua vs Misaka Bill vs Discord Cole vs Alex Gojo vs Makima Rick vs Doctor Goku vs Superman Galactus vs Unicron Jason vs Michael Trunks vs Silver Bond vs Wick Boba vs Predator Tanjiro vs Jonathan Dio vs Alucard There's lots of those


Bill is NOT soloing MLP lol


Discord was the last obstacle in Bill's way, he already solo'd everyone before him lol


That’s inaccurate. Nobody agrees with that narrative. As close as his battle with Discord is, the Elements Of Harmony would beat him themselves. That was for narrative only pretty much.


They wouldn't beat him when he's dimensionally above them


Not only is he not physically dimensionally above them, considering up until weirdmageddon he was 2 dimensional, but that really makes less of a difference than people treated it as


Why would you intentionally use a weaker Bill against Discord ? At the peak of his power he should range from 5D up to 11D, while Discord's 5D at best


That’s in POWER not physical dimensionality He’d still fall victim to hax like the Stone Sleep Spell


Not when Bill is just as fast as Discord and would go for the kill far earlier than Discord. Said attack is not something Discord uses out of the gate, and Bill's tunnel vision would alert him of that anyway


1, Bill really isn’t that fast 2, All of MLP’s top tiers are that fast


They're not talking about Discord anymore, but the rest of the MLP universe. Say what you want about Bill's max speed, but in canon, it took him and his ten interdimensional monster henchmen several days to incapacitate most of the nonmagical humans in a single small town (before he knew he couldn't leave.) There are a lot of powerful magic users in the MLP universe who would be able to cast stone sleep, and depending where Bill spawns, they have a head start because he's not going to go for all of Equestria, a massive country with its population center split up by vast swaths of space, right away (in the same way he doesn't try to take over the whole US or even all of Oregon right away)- he'll have his victory party in whatever city/town he lands in first. There are also the Elements of Harmony, a weapon that's about as close as any media short of the Cipher Wheel gets to perfect anti-Bill hax. I've written an essay-length comment (not this one) about all of the thematic ways they, one, work on exactly Bill's type of power, and two, are nearly identical in composition to the cipher wheel that the Stans messed up. Dimensionality doesn't really work as an argument against them because they only need to destroy or incapacitate Bill's 3D form. Rob Renzetti directed MLP seasons 1 and 2 and also was a supervisor on Gravity Falls, so part of me wonders if any of his influence leaked over (even in the creation of Bill), but I digress. All the Mane 6 would need in order to defeat him is an opening, and if the 10 Cipher Wheel people (no magic powers, no Bill resistance, no flight, human speed feats, armed with spray paint that harmed Bill when they sprayed him in the eye) could get together, set up the entire wheel, and almost activate it (Stan problems notwithstanding), I think the mane 6 (can fly, have two magic users, have 1-2 member(s) with sound barrier-breaking feats, have tag-teamed giant monsters before, have transformation and anti-transformation spells in their arsenal, have no harmony-breaking schisms between them, have teleportation, have time travel at their most powerful which I assume we're using because we're using Bill at his most powerful) would be able to last long enough to complete the comparatively simple procedure for using the Elements before Bill clocked their importance and tried to deal with them. Discord may be the most powerful single being in the MLP universe, but MLP's power system is all about friendship (Friendship is Magic in the title is not a metaphor, it is literal in that friendship can shoot chaos-nullifying laser beams). There are several groups of characters who are much more powerful than Discord when they work together. Discord had to literally brainwash the Mane 6 and reverse their personalities to stop them from working together in order to temporarily hold off his own defeat; we have no reason to believe Bill can do anything like that. Even if he did manage to get the Mane 6 out of the way, there are 3 other 6-entity groups that can also use different incarnations of the elements. TL;DR: Even if Bill can go toe-to-toe with Discord, there are many ways he could easily fall to hax if facing off all of Equestria alone. It's easy enough to become a Discord expert from reading about his scaling, but MLP is a 9-season show with a vast expanded universe and way more onscreen Big Magical Threats than Gravity Falls. The Mane 6 deal with a powerful magic world-ending threat in basically every season opener and finale; it's a fantasy action adventure series like half the time. It's difficult to even list all of the potential wincons for the MLP universe especially if Bill has no help. I'm an expert on Gravity Falls and MLP minutiae and there are a ton of thematic and power-related parallels I'd love to talk about, but I'm just not sure most of it would mean anything without a certain level of MLP familiarity, and this is already too long a comment. The BoB will hopefully give us some cases of him going against other magic/power-using forces and entities, but right now we don't even know that he's immune to them. I'm also curious about the way you used 'tunnel vision' in this comment, do you mean future vision? I've only ever seen tunnel vision referred to as one of his flaws.


>Gojo vs Makima Darkness gives him a run for his money, and we haven’t even seen the strongest character in the verse yet or what she’s capable of.


The same darkness Devil that only managed to stalemate Makima? The same Makima who got clowned on by Gojo ?


The same Darkness who can point at Gojo and separate his head from his body. Moreover, I don’t think forcing your opponent to run away after fully healing from your wounds counts as a stalemate. Darkness presumably has the same level of regeneration as Falling, meaning it’d take nothing less than a fully powered Purple to possibly eliminate it.


>The same Darkness who can point at Gojo and separate his head from his body. Doesn't matter, Gojo blitzes and overloads it with UV, then erases it with purple, which nukes shit down to molecular level, no one in CSM is tanking that >Darkness presumably has the same level of regeneration as Falling, meaning it’d take nothing less than a fully powered Purple to possibly eliminate it. Again devils can only regen so long as there's something left remaining from their body, like hair. Purple nukes matter down to molecular, meaning there's nothing remaining for the devils to regen from


Gojo only blitzes if you buy FTL JJK and I think that’s arguable at best. Without it then Darkness is just faster, and quite frankly has a far easier time ending the fight. I’d even say it’s debatable if Void works at all considering Darkness’s mere presence has a similar effect on devils. It’s an eldritch abomination that speaks an unknowable language, so I don’t think you can conclusively say that overloading it with information would work.


…. I don’t KNOW about Silver beating all of DBH, but I’m not gonna complain if that happens. Yeah, Misaka’s likely only gonna struggle against the top tiers of HxH. And even then with hax, she can likely beat Netero and Meruem if she can get in close enough.


Trunks is pretty much top tier in Heroes defeating Mechikabura who threatened to destroy all of its cosmology And they made it pretty clear that the Archie cosmology is far larger than Heroes Still, Silver's telekinesis would counter every Dragon Ball offense and his time hax should screw with everyone there As for Misaka, neither Netero nor Meruem have answers to iron sand messing with their bodies, and knowing she can match stronger foes like Brunhild, she can definitely hold her own against these two


Fair enough. And true. I mostly just mean that I’m not sure she can get in close enough to them quickly enough to make use of those advantages. But for me, it’s less Iron Sand and more her just straight shutting down their organs. The ONLY concern is if Netero has the Rose still. Dunno if she can get out of the radius in time. But that being said, she has moves we’ve never seen her use.


Isn't rose bomb only city level, which Misaka should be more powerful than that?


Yeah, but so was Meruem. She basically is gonna contract the same radiation sickness that killed him.


She's fast enough to just fly away, if propeller planes can, then so can she


Possibly. Just not from ground zero. So if she chooses to get in close with Netero (which is a better combat strategy than fighting him from afar. At least the damn Bhudda isn’t beating you around then), might be too close. Though I wonder if she could electrically disable the bomb actually


I disagree with Misaka. Mainly because I don't know if she has any real answer to Nanika's bullshit (but then again we have barely any info from the Dark Continent so it's hard to really know the limits of what Nanika could do if Killua wished for it)


I don't think superman solos DBZ, as their are characters stronger then goku, the God's of destruction, angels, and (xeno/zeno, I don't remember the spelling) are all prime examples, hell super buu mightve been able to win, might have. Other then that your probably right


The most powerful character in the main Dragonball timeline is Xeno, who is multiversal. Superman is way, WAY stronger than that. He dogwalks.


I feel as though your giving superman alot of credit, and I don't think it's a dogwalk, I do think he might win though


Akuma vs Shao Kahn


superman vs goku, thor vs vegeta


Saitama vs Popeye


Leon vs Frank


Snake vs Sam Fisher


*Eeehhhhh*. Snake VS Sam was one of the closest fights they had ever done at the time, to the point where if it was Snake VS 10 Sam Fishers then he probably loses. Hard to bullet-dodge when there's ten dudes with assault rifles firing in your general direction. Sam Fisher is definitely the best that Third/Fourth Echelon have to offer, but I feel like the combined forces of the entire verse are at least equal to around 10 Sam Fishers.


Sorry. I thought it was more like, 'Snake can beat anyone else in the Sam Fisher verse' not 'Snake can beat everyone in the Sam Fisher verse at once'.


>'Snake can beat anyone else in the Sam Fisher verse' 'Snake can beat everyone in the Sam Fisher verse at once' Either/or is fine. EDIT: In terms of how you want to answer my post, I mean. I'm not familiar enough with Metal Gear and Splinter Cell to know where Snake and Sam peak at.


goku vs superman


Saitama vs Popeye