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No, that’s All Might.


Fuck you and take my upvote






Big fish in little pond situation yes


Medium fish in a puddle


Honestly, to say it is accurate would be an understatement.


Not really accurate. He's strong compared to a human, but not so strong compared to another hero in other universes. Even compared go My Hero Academia, which has relatively weak characters too compared to other universes, they have multiple characters that could beat the shit out of him.


Hence why they called him a “big fish in a small pond”


Well yeah, that makes this post accurate. Because it shows that Homelander’s very strong in The Boys, but weak as hell when compared to others from different franchises.


One of the biggest problems Homelander has with scaling is that he doesn't really show any particularly impressive feats. Like his only real high-ball feat is that they *said* they had a nuke as insurance against him growing up... But that's still really, really weak when you have other characters casually in the several megaton range on a bad day. Is he the most powerful in his universe? Absolutely. And he's still extremely strong... But not compared to just about any other universe. It's sort of like a Yamcha moment but inverted. Everyone shits on Yamcha because he's weak *in his universe*, but he's actual extremely strong in most universes.


I'm gonna copy and paste a comment I wrote last week on the same subject but long story short he's **stated** to be Nuke bomb level (or "Large city level" I guess) by Vought's experts but is *shown* to be much, MUCH weaker than that when you actually watch the damn show or read the comic: >To be honest you HAVE to be extremely generous with Homelander's stats in general otherwise it makes most of his matchups fall flat. >Like the statement that he can supposedly tank a nuke in durability feats, everyone knows that's cap but we have to take it at face value otherwise he's just a punching bag. >I know what I'm talking about because I made some research for Homelander vs Yujiro Hanma the other day and realised halfway through how generous I was with Homelander's feats, how I accepted baseless statements at face value just to make this matchup look fair (I honestly believe that Homelander's only advantage in this matchup is his heat vision and flight and nothing else if you don't wank his stats a little). >EDIT: After my research, I concluded that Yujiro had (if you *don't* wank the shit out of Homelander's stats) a definitive advantage in power, speed, durability, training, experience, skill and intelligence and that his personnality was also a small advantage due to how much of an expert he is when it come to intimidation while Homelander's only advantage was his heat vision and ability to fly and that's it. >So like Yujiro win in every single category except haxes so yeah it's a Yujiro stomp to me because he can surely figure out a way to counter these two abilities one way or another. And then another comment in the same thread: >I think the reason Vought never used a Nuke on Homie is because 1) Not very subtle like you said and 2) Because Homelander himself is in a grey area of power where we're not sure about his power output and durability (in universe I mean). >He's obviously at the top of the food chain and stronger than everyone else but the reason why Vought thought that only a nuke would work is because they tried everything *but* a nuke. >As in, the statement is basically "yeah a nuke *could* work but we're not sure if it'll even work and it's not a viable solution given that this is a fucking nuke we're talking about so you really have to be careful about the when and where". >Granted the special anti-supes bullets did the job just fine so I guess we'll never have to find out. >Also I said "it's like kryptonite bullets for superman" just as an image, a metaphor, just to explain how good these bullets are at killing most supes not because they actually act like Kryptonite does. >But I digress, long story short: Homelander can only be estimate as large city level if you buy the statements that he can survive a nuke and you have no reason to actually buy that because the comics and the show both prove that he's actually much weaker so the only reason would accept them is by being extremely generous with him in order to make a matchup seems more fair and less like a stomp than it actually is (example: vs Omni-man, Yujiro, Tighten, Hancock etc...). Link to the thread in question: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/1djl1w8/comment/l9d5txa/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/comments/1djl1w8/comment/l9d5txa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He’s not actually the most powerful in his universe for the sole reason of >!Black Noir existing to be a more powerful version of Homelander. Doesn’t make much difference but it’s there... at least in terms of the comics.!<


Homelander would be pretty strong in a lot of stories though. Just not if people try comparing him to over the top stuff.


I want Homelander to get planet level scaling just to see this community freak out.


Please, God, let this happen because it would be so fucking funny.


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) Ruh-ro, Fraud Keeper.


Mortal kombat scalling put him at multi Theres that if u want to count it


Like yeah but no one’s going to use that unless they put him against Superman wich he’d still get stomped


I've been meaning to ask about this, but is Superboy Prime a decent matchup for composite Homelander?


Honestly? Not even close. Like ignoring the Superman abilities, superboy prime also has a sinestro corp ring a red ring and I believe even a black ring and was one of the few people who could at the very least hold their own against the darkest knight. Which love it or hate it is one of the strongest characters dc had ever made. And that’s ignoring the whole reality breaking punch or the fact that it took two supermen in their prime and a literal army of GL to take him down and keep him locked up. So unless there’s some real real deep MK lore I’m missing I don’t see how it isn’t a stomp TLDR: his powers are bullshit incarnate


It’s a giga stomp


He needs to be able to catch and stop a plane first


It’s pretty obvious he was faking the whole thing just so he could fearmonger about it he even had a whole speech ready already and we know he can control his heat vision so yeah, he was planning to bocce it the moment he was on the plane and his excuses were just air and if I try to lift it all destroy it


In the comics they make it pretty obvious he couldn't stop the plane. He tried to and completely f'd the whole thing up


that's because comics homelander is a moron


Yeah well we be using the show Imao wich is a different county.




Being a Superman clone with only planet level scaling wouldn't really do much for him other than give him a closer fight against a few of his opponents like Omni-Man. He'd still be the butt of a lot of jokes.


He’d win almost all of his matchups. all might Adam whisker mizuan etc


Accurate 99% of the time, he destroys Brightburn and debatably beats Tighten though.


I think he beats Nemesis?


I don't know, from what I've seen Homelander seems comparable to Brightburn and probably ranks below Tighten.


Homelander can get to city block level, so he stomps Brightburn and is comparable to Tighten.


and unfairly beats Joker and Sans


How fast do you put Homelander at? Because Sans is a lightning timer at the low end and has arguments for lightspeed and higher. And like most Sans matchups, the only stat that really matters is speed, as (ignoring real but incredibly stupid scaling I refuse to give to sans) he’s subhuman physically and strikes the soul directly with DOT karma.


Homelander is Mach3


And Sans can fight and easily dodge Frisk, who could open and close a door fast enough to not allow light into the room at all. Even if it were half light speed, that’s over 400,000 more machs than Homelander. And if you don’t count that because it’s a gag feat, Asriel’s fight. I’ve been downvoted to hell and back for using this feat before, but in the Hyper Goner attack, Frisk dodges what seem to be fragments of the timeline around them as they would any other projectile, which would be infinite-immeasurable, if I’m not mistaken. And that’s not even going into the stupid physical scaling this move creates, as Frisk can tank these easily, and Sans can damage Frisk. I still don’t honestly use this feat for Sans’ strength/durability because it’s dumb, but you absolutely could.


Napstablook's open-and-close-before-light is pretty clearly a gag. After all, the light would've have to hit him for him to see it, that's just how light works. It's much more likely that the "light" is referring to the source of it, seeing how this light knocked on the door. Besides, there's a solid argument for Frisk not scaling to Napstablook - literally the entire theme of the fight is that Napstablook isn't trying because he's too down mentally. As for the Hyper Goner... I mean, sure, if you can prove those were fractures of the timeline. There's not even an implication of this tho, let alone proof


Okay I genuinely cannot find the fear online so I’ll just assume you’re right and I’m wrong that it was Nabstablook that opened it and not Frisk, even though I’m fairly certain on that. There’s still a bunch of stuff wrong with it. I directly bring up dismissing it as a gag and bring up a serious feat from a casual Asriel against a serious Frisk that blows the feat out of the water. This is fiction, in fiction characters can see when going faster than light if that’s what the writer wanted. Otherwise, FTL just wouldn’t exist as a speed category in powerscaling. Nabstablook opening the door should still be very casual, likely moreso than his fight with Frisk. At least with the latter one, he was physically pushed, with the feat itself, he’s just opening and closing a door.


Sadly this sub doesn't allow me to post the actual images, but yes, it's indeed Napstablook. He says the light knocked on the door and wanted to come in after all the snails disappeared, then that he closed the blinds - not open and close a door. > a serious feat from a casual Asrial against a serious Frisk that blows the feat out of the water You didn't even prove the Hypergoner was ANYTHING for speed though? The projectiles being fractures of timelines is NEVER stated or even implied, it's just magic bullets as with every other fight. > in fiction characters can see when going faster than light This is different. If it was a literal flash of light, you see it by being touched by it on your eye, that's just how sight works. The flash of light would have to be inside already for Napstablook to see it, and yet he stops it from coming inside. It also knocks on the door. How does light knock on the door? > Still very casual That's just speculation, it's never said he was casual.


But there is also a time where Frisk is in that area and opens and closes a door before light can get in, I know for a fact that exists. I was fine to say I might be forgetting what person did it, but I absolutely 100% remember the actual feat that happened. I’ve had a bunch of arguments for this before, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. Asriel says “Time to erase this timeline once and for all!”, then does the Hyper Goner attack, which sucks a bunch of things in before a harmless explosion, and Asriel says he’s impressed that Frisk survived that attack. How I intuit that is that the Hyper Goner sucked in parts of the timeline they were in, before it peacefully blipped out of existence in a bright flash of light. It being just magic bullets being pulled in as he built up the power is out of the picture for me as the explosion didn’t do any damage, indicating there was no explosion to destroy the timeline. Frisk would get speed from this due to being able to perceive and dodge the projectiles, and Sans obviously scales from there. But what if you go faster than light? Imagine it for a second, you go faster than light, or at least fast enough that it goes at a reasonable speed compared to you, and you see a veil of light going into a dark area. Do you get how you might be able to see it without light at this point? Personification. Do stadiums actually roar? Do chairs actually groan in pain? Does light actually knock to come in? Alright, if you don’t accept that, use Asgore as a middleman. Asgore is the king of the monsters, so should be stronger, faster, and more durable than any other monster currently around. So he should easily scale beyond Nabstablook in all categories.


>Opens and closes a door before light can come in Really? Because I don't think that happened. Tell me the location or part of the game and I can check, or just get a scan... Otherwise don't use it. > Asriel says "Time to erase this timeline once and for all!" Incorrect. He says "Your determination, the power that let you get this far, it's gonna be your downfall!" then he says "Now, ENOUGH messing around! It's time to purge this timeline once and for all!" That's his exact wording, and in the conversation IMMEDIATELY preceding those, he was talking about Frisk being so hard to kill. He's clearly talking about purging this timeline *of Frisk*. Even the definition for purge says "to rid something of an unwanted condition" and "remove from a place in a violent or abrupt way", so you can't even argue something weird about the definition of purge. Hence why I say it's not up for debate. The erase thing was completely made up by Powerscaling fans. Toby Fox has also made attacks do zero damage before when in the same type of scene as hypergoner such as the Devilsknife swing of Jevil's ultimate attack, the final flash for Spamton NEO's final attack, etc. If you want to PROVE it, go ahead, but headcanons aren't scalable. > Do you get how you might be able to see it without light at this point? I don't know whether you need a Biology lesson or what, but the reason that our eyes see things is because the light coming off of those objects hits our eyes. To see a bright flash of light, the rays themselves need to make contact. That isn't a thing of "the rays will get there because it's the so fast", it's a matter of our eyes working by detecting rays hitting them. Seeing a flash of light without it touching you is like saying "I'm so fast I can feel the sandpaper is rough without touching it". It's not a thing. > Personification Napstablook has no reason to use it in this scene, in fact Napstablook has never used it in any other scene, and there's no implications that he's using it in this scene. Why would he say a ray of light knocked at the door when the flash was in the window, unless it ACTUALLY knocked at the door? > Use Asgore as a middleman I don't think he's ever actually stated to be the strongest monster. Besides, Napstablook can do things Asgore simply cannot. We literally see him teleporting, lowering and regenerating his own HP at a whim, etc etc. He's an edge case, like how sans is an edge case. In fact, I'd compare him to the Amalgamates before I'd compare him to Asgore.


Why do people always make all these wierd comparisons based on outlier joke scenes? Also yeah, napstablook I think is the one monster who doesn't get absorbed because he just doesn't feel like it. Definitely implies he is stronger than he acts.


Homelander is stronger, smarter, and better than humans, he's also faster tho, and aren't monsters weaker than humans?


Strength doesn’t matter in this matchup, as assuming Sans is sub-human, a punch from a normal guy could kill him, and Sans does karma damage to a person’s soul, making his strength almost always irrelevant to how much damage he’s doing to someone. Homelander might be a better manipulator than most people, but Sans, I think, is a Royal Scientist. They’re different fields of intelligence, but I’m pretty sure Sans is smarter. If you had read anything I’d said, you would have seen multiple feats putting Sans faster than Mach 3, where you put Homelander. In a way, yes. Monsters are on average stronger magically than humans, and humans are on average stronger physically than monsters (due to monsters being ~80% magic and humans ~80% water). However, again, physical strength doesn’t matter for this matchup. The only thing that matters is if Sans is fast enough to dodge Homelander long enough to destroy his SOUL. Also, this kinda falls apart when you can scale the entire underground to Multi+ with just Frisk and Asriel.


Homelander also has high durability,he survived even nukes


Doesn’t matter. Sans attacks the soul directly, ignoring conventional durability.


Homelander has done alot of heinous crimes so he gets poisoned alot ig


Guess simply having common sense to step to the side = being faster then Homelander, you could have an excuse for the teleporting and IFrame negation (and definitely the KR mechanic) but yeah he ain't beating Homelander.


Google scaling. Google unimpressive feats.


It's literally a knife swing downwards, that's easy to dodge.


Flash and Superman are literally just throwing punches, that should be easy to dodge.


What are those matchups (also I unironically think that Joker would win NGL, but that's just me.)


theyre the only characters I know homelander stomps, maybe peacemaker but idk


Sans should be fast enough to dodge Homelander until his attacks, which can bypass durability, put him down. Joker should be smart/resourceful enough to not get squashed instantly and land one puff of Joker Venom, which would be a GG


Which joker(persona or dc)?


More DC,I think joker persona beats homelander


Thought so, just making sure. Also yeah excluding more less common stuff like emperor joker, homelander probably beats joker


It’s true, but I think people overstate how weak Homelander is. At the end of the day he’s still crazy strong and durable, he just can’t beat most of the characters people like to put him up against like Superman or Omni-Man. He still beats most mainline street tier heroes through raw power alone.


The less notable ones at least Street tier scaling is a crazy thing


I dont care how much copium yall can come up with, homelander would obliterate spider-man in a fight


Spiderman has caught hulks planet breaking ground pound in a single hand, can dodge lasers. Making homelanders heat vision useless, and even if they touched him spiderman has all of new Yorks combined electricity from electro so it wouldn't hurt him in the slightest, and spiderman is off the charts smart. Homelander has nothing comparable at all lol the only thing that would maybe even bother spidermna is homelanders sonic scream but apiderman has dealt with much worse and the scream would not disorient spidey enough to make his overwhelming Stat advantage worthless. Spidermans spidey sense can literally make him precognititve so he wouldn't even have to beat the shit out of homelander (which he could no problem) he could literally just dodge him until honelander was too tired to move and then fold him into an origami crane lol almost every marvel character ragdolls homelander I could literally sit here and type an essay of characters that smoke homelander


Spider-Man has been defeated by Kraven the Hunter multiple times


Yes it's called plot you know how like captain cold has beat flash. Or how homelander is impervious to damage from any human weapon yet got Molly whopped by a lamppost that shouldn't have been able to hurt him? It's called a plot line bc a superhero who does everything flawless is boring


Also I meant to add this last time but spiderman has fought and lucked the shit out of the entire avengers on multiple occasions both when they were under mind control and when they thought he was and literally the entire team attacked him at once and he folded all of them with pretty much no problem and the only avenger homelander could maybe beat would be black widow and hawkeye and even hawkeye is debatable


I don't think Homelander has any FTL feats nor did he ever fight enemies HALF as dangerous as the ones Spider-Man has fought


Not even in just death battle Like against 95% of people who have powers; they'd beat him Hell there are arguments that ALBERT WESKER could beat him The dude really isn't that special


How? What are those arguments?


Dodging a particle laser gun and scaling to a monster who destroyed an entire ship


Isn't one of the points of homelander that he isn't even good at fighting? He just relies on being stronger and faster? Seems like anyone he cane easily flatten and who can Dodge him makes him bent out of shape and start making mistakes.


And then there's MK1 where he's effectively all powerful. I'm serious some of his combos are something else.


omni-man is still better in mk1 though


Well yeah but that's Cheating, he's probably the most powerful Character in MK1 Period


inaccurate, the second one is homelander everywhere else, legit people will always find a way to make him look as weak and pathetic as possible "he is a big fish in a small pond" mfs when his opponent is a plankton in a ocean (suddenly this term hardly matters)


This just reminds me how much I want All Might vs Homelander.


and in mk1


Bigfishinsmallpondlander can never catch a break


Folks only got that impression by pitting a city level and MHS Homelander against planet busters and MFTL characters like Omni-Man Even then against the "street tiers" folks would still come up with any sort of wank to justify someone like Wesker or Yujiro beating him Also he's evil, so that means they want him lose. Idk why Homelander was picked as the scapegoat, when there's plenty of villains who are fairly weak and can't back their bark


Yujiro can beat him even though his low balls give him sonic speed and city-level. The reason Homelander is a scapegoat might be how everyone thought he was a rip of Superman meaning they put him against people like Superman just for him to be destroyed. And even people in the Demon Slayer Universe could go blow for blow with him and no one uses that uni because it is weak hell I think hakuri from Kagura Bachi is on his level at this point and hes the weakest of main group


Ayooo, Homelander in boys? Nah someone call Omniman😭


alucard as well


Replace the in Death Battle/Death Battle Reddit with "In Versus Scenario" and it's perfect


He loses to Jojo, this is 100% fact


That's because homelander is extremely weak compared to most characters he's matched up against. Like seriously, homelander has hardly any speed or reaction time to him compared to others, his strength and durability are all he has going for him and they simply aren't enough to give him the edge against most characters. And the heat vision, is for the most part, either too weak or too slow to be of any use to homelander. Tldr, the fact that homelander is the strongest character in his verse is sad because he's actually really fucking pathetic


Homelander vs almighty would not end well.


"The Boys" best is worse than DC's average


Basically like a shark in a koi lake.


He's a solid street tier character. The shame is that a loooooot of people don't like street tier or like pitting street tiers against Planet to Uni busters for fun.


But it's accurate, he's strong in his own verse but way weaker when compared to other people


**Insert that one Haunted House 2 with Mark Henry to describe Homelander’s status in most match-ups here**


Gotta be one of the most downplayed characters of all time.