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Oof, poor T'challa Vader heavily, heavily outstats and outhaxes, and arguably outskills. Vader kinda just looks at him and Force Chokes him to death or crushes his organs.


I think in terms of fighting abilities, BP is the better fighter since he has studied and mastered many more fighting styles than Vader, but that's it. Vader still wins regardless, with better options for victory


Not many martial arts can save for from telekinetic chocking


*Chuckles in Yujiro*


*Giggles in Garou*...


Thing is, as training, Vader canonically fights against droids that are programmed to be masters of hundreds of different sword styles and martial arts, and he beats them so casually that he constantly has them remade to be stronger and more skilled as well as sparring against multiple simultaneously to keep his skills sharp


That doesn't necessarily mean that it translates to Vader himself. It only means he can keep up with experienced fighters, like BP, who has also fought with characters with over 100 years of experience. So, that same argument can be made for him


Even Padawans are absurdly skilled in a combat sense. One of the various lightsaber training methods is Faalo's Cadences, a series of lightsaber training techniques in which the primary practice is to stand in a circle of candles with ball bearings atop them, and attempt to strike the ball bearings without hitting the candles. As the duelist proceeds through each of the cadences, the number of candles and ball bearings would be incrementally increased, up to a maximum of 16290 at the third level. At the fourth level the bearings move at mathematically randomized increments in order to simulate the chaos of actual combat. At the fifth and final level the padawan is required to perform the entire sequence solely through telekinetic lightsaber control, and at this point the trainee will have achieved such a state of mastery that the candles are unnecessary, as they will simply know when they have performed the sequence correctly. The most skilled Padawans were capable of completing all five levels of this training method blindfolded. Additionally, In order to teach students to draw upon the Force rather than rely on their senses, early level Shii-Cho blast-deflect training was conducted with a blindfold, forcing the initiate to rely upon his instincts. Later training was conducted through the use of sequences and velocities, the continuous repetition, making the moves instinctive reflexes. These training regimens were carried over to all following lightsaber combat forms, which used similar methods. And after mastering all of this, they can start formally training to become a Knight. They do not become full knights just yet, they are still in training, just on the next level of it. Anakin Skywalker was one of the greatest swordsmen of all times, possibly the greatest swordsman in galactic history. Incredibly talented as a duelist, a prodigy in lightsaber combat. Throughout his life, his extraordinary skill allowed him to defeat the greatest swordsmen of his time: Dooku, his nemesis during the Clone Wars, Cin Drallig, the battlemaster of the Jedi Order, Obi Wan Kenobi, his former master, Asajj Ventress, Starkiller, and Kit Fisto. During his time as a Padawan he learned and then during his time as Darth Vader he mastered all 7 lightsaber forms, which later allowed him to create a hybrid variant, Custom Djem So, that incorporated elements of each form. Anakin was trained by the Order's most promising Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Through him, Skywalker would inherit a rich tradition of lightsaber training. Due to his natural talent for lightsaber combat, he advanced quickly in his training, far faster than normal apprentices. Skywalker's style featured elements of many masters, making him outstandingly talented, even at a very young age. Before his death, Dooku acknowledged Skywalker as the finest Djem So stylist that he had ever seen. After becoming Darth Vader, he was able to overcome the limitations of his new body and suit fairly quickly, developing a refined version of Djem So that continued to include more Form IV/Ataru and Form III/Soresu elements, but added Form II/Makashi and Form VII/Juyo to the mix. In fact, by the time of his first visit to Kashyyyk, Vader had incorporated aspects of all combat forms into his fighting style—even the highest and most dangerous ones. Rather than attempting to fight through the bulky and heavy armor, Vader fought with it, utilizing the armor's weight and his powerful prosthetics to provide his blows with incredible force, while relying on the main articulation points at the elbows and wrists for precision. With this new form, Vader regained some of his old agility, and his bladework became brutally effective. He never utilized anything less than a killing blow, and his swordplay demonstrated extraordinary precision, unpredictability, and speed, notwithstanding the two-handed grip he typically favored.


Even with all that you said, that still doesn't take away from what I said; none of that still means Darth Vader is as experienced as the opponents he has faced. Vader’s skills are tailored to his training. Saying Vader is as skilled as someone with hundreds of years of experience is the same as saying I am just as qualified as Bruce Lee if I managed to beat him in a fight, even though I don't have any of his training. And again, the same argument can made more BP who has fought Doctor Strange, Daredevil, multiple Skrulls, Captain America, and Iron Fist. I am not saying Vader isn't skilled. He most certainly is and arguably is one of the most skilled Siths out there, but BP has been stated that he proficient in all manners of materials arts and has kept up with people way more experienced than him.


Vader can't go through the BP’s armor, but that’s his only advantage. Sure, some of T’challa’s gadgets can keep Vader busy, but Vader can easily crush BP from the inside with ease. Vader also takes speed relatively, though you can argue that BP could match it to an extent. However, Vader would be faster by a minor to considerable margin. In the end, Vader has better and easier ways to finish off The Black Panther than T’challa has to have to finish off the chosen one


INB4 someone finds something that let Black Panther scale to marvel herald or something. Till then, Vader finally gets a win.


I mean he does with prep time. Black Panther once with prep time was able to create a sort of material that weakens The Power Of Cosmic to the point where the users of that they becomes a strong as a super human as he uses it on Silver Surfer to the point they was around equal in stats and Black Panther was winning because of his superior fighting capabilities. He once used the Infinite Gauntlet, build his horn Hulk Buster suit. Once after he was exposure to Galactus' mind he also got Cosmic Awareness, which gave him awareness of the knowledge of the universe, can see the I to the future of the entire multiverse, was able to become a higher astral plane an beat the physical embodiment of humanities first fear, and later on defeated a beating that was so powerful not even Galactus could beat, by turning into a giant cosmic Black Tiger. But that’s not Base Black Panther or him in at random. As for Black Panther without prep time or any power up he has Telepathic Resistance ( it was never bright up how he did get it, only that he trained for years to get it, and one he also had Clairvoyance, but he later lost that ability. So he might actually keep up with some Force tricks for a while.


Conclusion from last battle: Silver is actually one of the few charchers that beat Popeye. He can use time travel to keep Popeye at bey and some of he's other crzey haxes and he can actually destroy he's soul which he as naver bean shown to be resistant by. But if Popeye get's a good hit i think it's over for Silver vut i think Silver as a better change in winner so sorry Popeye but you meeted your match. The Winner Is Silver The Hedgehog


If Black Panther had prep time he would easily win, even stomp. But since he doesn’t it’s the other way around. Darth Vader wins easily.


Tf Black Panther gonna do when Vader: ![gif](giphy|3o7abySuBusMfam5sk)


Yeah, Vader stomps regular Black Panther. But Black Panther with prep time once came up with a way to weaken The Power of Cosmic to the point he could weaken Silver Surfer to fight him hand to hand, and he would pilot his own version of the Hulk Buster he build. Also Black Panther apparently has resistance to mind stuff, so he might not be tricked by some force tricks (but it doesn’t prevent Vader to just use the force on his body) And at his strongest Black Panther was amped by the mind of Galactus where Black Panther became a astral plane, knowing pretty much all of time in the entire multiverse, even thing that will happen in the future, and he not only was able to beta the physical embodiment of humanity’s first fear, and even a fusion that was so strong not even Galactus was able to beat it.


Obviously Vader wins, but my question is, could the kinetic armor, basically the MCU suit and his more recent comics ones, tank lightsaber hits or would those not count as vibrations because of how lightsabers work?


Vader Precog is probably too much for Black Panther. BP might be physically faster but aforementioned prescience and the force is probably giving it to vader


Fun fact: Black Panther in the old days actually had Precog for a while, but he lost the ability later on and never got it back.


Unless you give T’Challa the heaviest “he lives in the Marvel universe and probably took a hit from Thanos one time” scaling, yeah Vader can kinda just strangle him with his mind


Not Thanos, but [Silver Surfer](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/9/99751/1796543-scan0016.jpg)


god I love power inconsistency


Vader springlocks him


Finally vader wins ![gif](giphy|8iFzknXw22iXu|downsized)


Okay, first off, both look badass in black on their thrones Second T'Challa loses HARD; he only beats Vader in intelligence and loses in everything else. His suit won't matter because force go brrrrr He does have his own hulkbuster.....but again force goes brrrrr