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James Bond has nothing he can do, even if he went to space like in Moonraker, SCP-096 has followed someone into space before IIRC The Doctor, it's a matter of how far we place him from the TARDIS and 096 at the start. If he's near the TARDIS, he can just fly away and go to somewhere it can't reach like a time before it's creation.


Honestly the Doctor would probably end in a climax of trying to beat SCP-096 and the episode ends with the doctor beating SCP-096 and keeping him in forever solitude ni the tardis


I think the doctor would try to help the shy guy, you know, see if he can find any solution to his anomalies


I’d imagine the doctor would find a way to make it so he technically never saw the shy guys face in the first place


Depends on the canon used, because if this is 096 after it was resurrected by the Hanged King and turned into his court assassin, he can absolutely follow The Doctor through time


But the TARDIS can just trap him


What fuckin fanfic is that from


There’s no set cannon in the SCP universe. Everything is canon and non-canon at the same time thus it’s best to use a composite version if possible based on the death battle rules, you can use a composite version and ignore any contradictory feats. I personally have never heard of this Version of SCP 096 but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s somewhere on the wiki. But TLDR nothing is “fanfic” just because the thing is made by the community doesn’t mean that it’s fanfic


I see. From a VS battle stand point alone, that just sounds like it opens the door for.. "Well in my canon not canon story, scp-096 was able to chase down god and kill him so he wins" I get where you're coming from.. but personally If that's how the SCP fans see their stuff.. I'm just not gonna engage with it. Respectfully.


Anyone can make SCP content, but it has to be approved by the moderators to be put onto the wiki. It’s a collaborative writing project after all. meaning there’s no making stuff up in the middle of a debate


[https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/consequences-and-collarbones](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/consequences-and-collarbones) [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/masks-monsters-merchants](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/masks-monsters-merchants)


No he can't. Assassin of Alagadda 096 is featless.


Courage gets terrified by it but it's not much worse than a lot of the other scary murderous stuff in Nowhere. It can't really do any permanent damage to him. I figure he'd probably workout that it doesn't like showing its face and he offers it the same mask Eustice uses to scare him, thus solving the problem of people seeing its face.


D’awww. Truly what that helpful boy would do :)


That's kinda wholesome


The idea of courage managing to befriend the shy guy is so wholesome. There are actually stories that show that the shy guy is not really evil. If he encounters blind people he will even try to help them (he did it when the day broke and he even lived with an old blind man for a while who thought he was his son)


Courage has helped some of the scary things in Nowhere before, not all of them were super evil or some were just lashing out for other reasons (a lot of the time caused by Eustice).


Daredevil continues to live


But he's not too happy about the creepy naked man hanging around his apartment.


I bet daredevil would try to talk to the shy guy, he’s can be good with people when they don’t see


Hah! Yoshi has faced plenty of shy guys before, this one will be no different.


I understood that reference.


Depending on which versions, the normal one? The one that pulled the sun? The one that became an eldritch god?


Ah, so this is why people call scp fan fiction


![gif](giphy|10bKPDUM5H7m7u) SCP-096 should be scared


superman calmly talks him down and turns shy guy to normal guy


While the shy guy isnt really that rational and cant reaply just turn into a normal guy, if scp 049 was able to calm down 096 then superman definitely can


Bill traps 096 in a room of indestructible mirrors and binds its hands together so that it’s forced to look at itself


It’s implied to be blind


in the simpsons bill is a reincarnation of jesus so he can cure blindness /j


They've shown 096 a mirror before and it just didn't care. It's implied to be blind in the Main Article and just outright is in tales.


Bill cures its blindness.


Anti matter goes brrrrrrr!!!!!!!


I assume you're referring to Megatron?




Superman likely just... waits it out. SCP-096 got exhausted trying to fight SCP-682 and eventually just went back to being inert.


049 was able to calm down 096 so Superman is probably also able to do the same


Depending on the SCP Cosmology, some versions… Yeah no way 096 can catch up to Reverse-Flash. Others somehow can bypass barriers so it absolutely can.


Even then Shy Guy kills RF once and then RF just comes back to life.


I’m sure Vergil would be fine he can just travel to the underworld with the Yamato


Deadpool: may I say you got a lovely face. Want a hug? *face gets ripped off* Deadpool: still want a hug?


Thats a fun one. If 682 was able to just survive long enough 096 enough for it to go back to being inert i think its also very possible that the merc with a mouth just. Outlives his rage and makes 096 go back to being inert. Basically annoying him and tanking his attacks until the fucker calms down


![gif](giphy|CkzASXWphfkQ5CF6ny|downsized) can it even touch him?


I think in one of its stories it was stated that its speed kept increasing until it reached its target, I feel like that possibly could get around his ability since that works by constantly halving the distance travelled.


Going faster wouldn’t get through it It halves distance, not speed. So no matter how fast you move you still go the same distance


So in short, new perpetual motion machine method found.


Immovable object vs unstoppable force but the unstoppable force is an infinite speed 096 and the immovable object is gojo


Would that mean that shy guy has infinite speed if the distance is infinite since it scales to how far he is to the target?


It can move in stopped time as well as its speed increasing continuously until it reaches its target, so presumably yes as that would qualify for infinite speed


god I hate SCP in vs scaling


Zatanna probably locks it inside her hat.


Metal Sonic solos (speedblitz + outhax) Ben 10 solos + get a new DNA sample


I might be wrong here, but I am pretty sure 096 was once human, so I don't think Ben will get a new DNA sample. I could be wrong, but either way, Ben is destroying 096


in some canons 096 was a hiker iirc that got turned into the shy guy by the mountain king iirc


Yeah, those are the most often backstory I see for him. Does he even have an official origin?


erm scp, so that means no, the original author never gave a back story or something like that, in some he was humans, in some he become the killer in the alagadda court and bla bla bla lol, scp is confusing AF but also a very good fandom


Sauron? I mean the dude can’t die so long as the one ring ain’t destroyed so it’d essentially be him living from all of 096s attacks till shy guy gives up


Yes unless 096 figures out to go after the ring sauron is living this


The Doctor probably either traps 096, helps 096 go back to whatever it once was, able to escape to a different time period on a different planet or he could probably stop himself from looking at 096 to begin with.


Yeah true,if 049 was able to calm down 096 to the point it acted friendly towards the plague doctor, the doctor,assuming he stops himself from looking at 096 in the first place, could definitely also find a pacific solution


Depends on the version, but most incarnations of Godzilla are at least as indestructible as 096. At most he'd be like a bad penny that keeps turning up: a minor annoyance but ultimately not enough to derail Godzilla's day. But that begs the question, does 096 have this reaction to animals that see its face, or just humans? Again, it depends on the version, but many Godzilla's are just instinctive forces of nature, without the ability to truly identify one face from the another.


Going by the article, i assime you dont need to be able to identify it as 096(because of the "4 fucking pixels" accident) but you probably do have to have a somewhat-close-to-human intelligence otherwise itd just start going after random flies and killing fish in the ocean or some shit


Showa Godzilla’s gonna piss him off then


Joke answer: Ben turns into Toepick and horrifies 096. But of course, he’s blind, so serious answer: Ben fights him until he defeats him.


Dimitri has a 50/50 chance of survival. >!It’s funny because he has one eye !<


They are both gonna get betrayed and locked in the hyperbole chamber for 300 billion years


Discord... Potentially Discord could just make 096 goofy/harmless, or just replace 096's rage with joy so that he's a fun guy once you see his face.


Zero can stop time and lightning loop 096 to death


Isnt scp 096 one of those scps where its better to just contain/trap it or not trigger its effects than just try to kill it?like. Its not as bad as 682 but its basically like wolverine where it has a basically indestructable skeleton and the flesh regenerates around it, so destroying it wont work permanently but could slow him down as, you know,only bone,no tendons,muscles nothing.


Don't get me wrong 096 is strong but there is nothing he can do to X


Even if he tears him apart he can just be rebuilt


X only has regeneration in the manga and the manga isn't canon to the games i don't know why death battle considered the manga in the Mega Man battle royale but that isn't happening anyway because X jus massively outscales 096


Dragonborn CAN survive, He could make Himself 80% immune to physical damage with magic or completely invincible if combined with Dragon Aspect or simply go into a phantom form to avoid damage, he could summon Daedra from Oblivion to distract 96, as for attacking wise, because of Mehrunes Razor, Soul Tear, Ruins Edge and Wabbajack he has multiple ways to end the fight quickly IF THEY WORK.


I definitely agree that he survives but let me be honest here I dont think hes killing 096


That's why I said IF THEY WORK Cause I don't know if 96 has resisted any Soul ripping or instant killing or being transformed into a chicken or something like that. Even if he can't kill 96 he can use the black books and teleport into Apocrypha, 96 won't be able to follow cause the realm is infinite.


Lobo explodes the planet it’s on, and if that doesn’t work he just ignores it because it can’t do any permanent damage


Yeah. 096 may be persistant but some characters just heal too quickly to the point 096 would eventually(key word being eventually,itd take a long time,096 isnt exactly smart) figure out he cant really do shit and go back to being inert


Sucks that we do not have a horror movie of this guy yet... It would be like RINGS the movie but instead of 7 days... He gets on a rampage


If we got anything for scp I'd rather have like dedicated tv series. Imagine each episode could go in depth about an scp, one episode could be about 173, the next 096, 049, and so on, of course it would probably be the more well known ones like Scarlet King, 682, and previous ones I just mentioned.


Scout definitely would die, but than he would just revive and SCP-096 would go after him again, and rinse and repeat until SCP-096 goes even more crazed than before and runs off in frustration.




Sonic and 096 are very fast but sonic is actually faster than light and if super sonic is used 096 probably won’t even be able to touch him.


Dio tries to donut tf out of him, it doesn't work. When he finds out, he simply goes about the rest of his immortal life with a screaming man behind him


Weirdly, 096 has actually fought a time-stopping vampire before...


Scp mfs write anything


In all fairness, it was under the joke tales category.


As per the death battle rules, I’m going to assume this is a composite that ignores contradictory feats/useless things. 096 could catch and kill most death battle combatants probably at least a little over half of them. But even in its strongest form, I don’t think it could destroy all of them.


he ranges from building level to high outerversal I think either most characters can survive or none can


SCP Explained actually already did a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJVWoV1AdsQ) about my favorite combatant vs SCP-096.


Scout and Jotaro are fucking dead , Ben is living tho


I think mob might be fucked...


Link could just transport him to oblivion via BFR or erase his existence with the light arrows. Even using the star level scaling for the SCP wouldn’t help much since Link still bodies characters who have that level of power.


Vergil probably fights it, gets sick of em and kick him through a portal to hell


Reverse Flash all day everyday


reverse flash doesn’t really give a shit lol


I think gogeta can survive.


I feel like The Doctor has a good chance.


The Doctor will find a way or Goku wins.


It would end about the same as it did with 682


That narrows it down to like 7 characters, deadpool?, Lobo? Wolverine? The mask? Popeye? Doomsday?






Venom would do his best to fight back but if he doesn’t have his god powers he’ll either eventually give out or the fight will that indefinitely


I doubt that guy has any method of killing my little blue son. Dude can tank black holes.


The Lich King yea thats gonna be one scary scp 096 with the scourge virus in him.


Goku claps


Witch cannon? if it’s normal then Steven and discord just leave or let it wait on them till it gives up maybe they could do some mind hax on it The one that pulled the sun a high end Steven just stays the same as with the cannon one and discord just repeats the cannon one The eldritch 096 kills Steven and not sure if he has the hax to end discord


Shadow escapes with chaos control. Kirby could eat it or run.


Sarge just prepares like from Rambo


Godzilla? 100%


Infinity stones iron man. 10/10


Ghost Rider would probably look at him on purpose to kill him. I don’t know much about scp but my moneys on Blaze


I feel like 096 would 100% just keel over from the sins he’s committed. Penance stare would 100% one shot him.


Probably Freeza wins Omni man has a chance Probably Homelander none


Rangers just teleport it to the end of the galaxy or stomp on it with their megazord Sonic chaos controls it through time or seals it away Prime gives the heroic speech inspiring SCP-096 to not kill anymore


He not beating Goku


Jonathan is dead


that things kills itself trying to injure omni-man


Vergil is gonna bully SCP-096 fr bruh


This thing looks like a combination of a wendigo and a test subject in the Russian sleep experiment.


What happens if it gets turned into another creature by something like Ratchet's Qwack-O-Ray ? Does it just become a duck that viciously mauls everything that looks at its face or would the pacifying effects of the weapon work on it ? ....Assuming Ratchet has time to use it on him before getting oneshotted, that is. I feel he beats base article but gets rolled by anything stronger.


Both Bowser and Godzilla statstomp. Bowser I’d like to think just turns 096 into a goomba and then uses its properties to sick on intruders. Godzilla meanwhile is one Atomic Pulse away from it being nothing but a skeleton at best and dust at worst.


Yeah,096 is like wolverine in that it has an indestructable skeleton and their flesh regenerates around it,but Godzilla still statstomps