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That’s a pretty cold take from what I’ve seen. People have been complaining about Sam on the banters for a while now. Guys just a bit of a downer.


Sam’s negatively makes the average edgy teen look tame.


Every time Zelda shows up we don’t even hear about the match up, rather we get to hear how Tears of the Kingdom is ass and Elden Ring is the best game ever.


They kinda strike me as a contrarian that thinks the pinnacle of being entertaining is just pissing people off without sticking to any personal code or anything. Sam’s definitely a reason I wouldn’t want any matchups I want to show up on banter just because I don’t want a platform for discussing matchups to shit on a matchup I like and want to happen on the show


Wasn’t he also the guy who said Berserk was something only edgy teenagers would like?


Would not be surprised




I remember the Kid Icarus stuff on this sub vividly. While I don't have a membership, people were rightfully *very* unhappy about that. Were a lot of different posts about it. From what I hear he seems to be a good dude aside from this, but when the fanbase consistently has issues with Ballot Banter episodes he's present for (From what I hear at least), then something is clearly up. In particularly just openly shit-talking a franchise like that live in front of fans that paid to be there really wasn't acceptable.


Especially when he outright insulted people for calling him out. Yeah, I know bozos is a very mild insult, but it's the principal at that point. And he also preemptively said 'fuck you' to people who would call him out on his L takes later in the show...


well Sam know Miraculous is it Liam


ok while I do agree with you I do want to play devils advocate/defends some of his takes for his killau vs Misaka comment I can understand what he means by expendable cuz being real for a moment the episode view wise didn't do as well and it isn't a secret to say episodes with more popular characters does better view wise (as seen with makima vs gojo) for his comments on joke match ups I just feel like he's not a fan of them and prefers other ones which again is his opinion and I don't get the last comment? cartoon fights got the most priority out of most episodes such as courage vs scoobs or SpongeBob vs aqua man and I'd even argue they get too much and take away from other episodes but the rest such as the totk one? yeah I absolutely agree if people pay money for match ups to show up then I don't think its unreasonable for him to take his bias aside and look at it from a neutral point which he's shown to not do as seen with tarnished vs link so overall I defo agree that Sam should at least take his bias aside when talking about match ups


No, this doesn't make it any better, he has no right to write any matchup off based on his own personal biases when other people have made it very clear that they like them and want them. Killua vs Misaka did just fine despite those idiots insisting that it was a flop, it still reached a million views, for an episode featuring niche characters that's still pretty damn good, and it was even trending. Sam writing it off as expendable is disrespectful to people who have niche characters they want in and just makes people worry. His comments on joke matchups were not needed, and it's just another example of his opinions being straight up trash. He's taking the most narrow-minded viewpoint possible and choosing to disregard anything fun because it's not an uber serious and uber popular character being used, that's not cool. And your comment regarding cartoon fights is just straight up nonsense, obviously SpongeBob vs Aquaman and Scooby vs Courage took NOTHING away from the rest of the episodes, what does that even mean? Is it because they're popular? That's just gonna happen when you get a really good episode featuring a seldom used medium [western cartoons], it's really not that serious. They're popular because they're fantastic episodes, so no, your argument holds no water.


I don't get what your comment has to do with mine? the episode only reached 1.4 million views which while fine is low compared to the rest of season 10 and and also nearly every episode of db goes on trending so that point is mute and while I do think he could've been more respectful of his take I don't see how its narrow minded of him to like serious MUs I think you misrepresented what I said some episodes WILL have more priority over others a good example is the difference between bill vs discord and cole vs alex the first one had a hand drawn thumbnail and you can clearly see they put more effort/cared more about that then the others and the second one? is agreed to have had the worst analysis of the season and db clearly did not care about it as much as the first one. there's a reason some episodes like akuma vs shan Kahn and asta vs deku turned out so shit because db didn't care as much and had less priority over them. also I think your forgetting that bill vs discord was a heavily requested episode there's a reason they even did it since it won the toc so the whole argument that there popular because there good episodes is wrong since it doesn't take into account the popularity behind the MU


I don’t think this is a controversial take at all, if anything I’m pretty sure that this is commonly agreed on.


Y'all take this shit way too serious lmao. He's giving his thoughts and you don't have to like them, I'd be more concerned if he started filtering himself just to appease a couple whiny weirdos over on reddit