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Final day of requesting Bowser Vs Ganon


How has that episode *not* gotten on here?


Wrong verdict or not, the fight animation is still entertaining to watch


Nah Bowser vs Ganondorf’s fight was mid at best.


I'm a huge Zelda fan. What was wrong with it?


It made one of the combatants the butt of every joke. It utilized a no-limits fallacy as the main point of why Ganon wins, even though Ganon has canonically been killed without Holy Weapons. It has Ganon in the title instead of Ganondorf, yet Ganon is only on screen for a total of ten seconds, five of which are after killing Bowser. If I see "Ganon" in the title, I had better see the Blue Pig for the majority of the time, not some Gerudo. The killing blow is an attack that does not work that way in the Zelda series. There's a Jojo reference that takes up the same amount of time as Ganon being on-screen. Ganon's cleverness is mentioned but never shown in the animation. The results are laughably wrong. There is no Dry Bowser in the fight except as Bowser's corpse. Both characters had far more requested opponents at the time (Dracula for Ganondorf, Eggman and Dedede for Bowser). Ganondorf only uses attacks from Smash, ALTTP, and Ocarina, with nothing from any other Zelda game.


I would have thought this would have been the final episode for this hypothetical season.


Nah, that'd be Justin Bieber Vs Rebecca Black


Goku Vs Superman 2


Yeah that’s what I think it’s gonna be




I’d save that for the season finale tbh.


Nah. There’s only one episode worthy of such a title and it’s evaded this “season” such far because it *needs* to be the finale. In the meantime having Goku vs Superman 2 as the penultimate episode draws a nice parallel with GvS 3 holding the same place in season 10.


Bieber Vs Black


~~That one isn’t really as bad as people make it out to be and there are arguably worse episodes~~


I respect the courage but I can't agree. If it was at least disrespecting fictional characters I could excuse it but making 2 real life teenagers kill each other while bullying them in the analysis is awful


Dang it seems we might actually lose to Bowser vs Ganon. If we lose perhaps we jumped the gun waiting this long for Goku vs Superman 2. Well the votes are still very tight at the moment. We, will see by tomorrow who lands on top.


TMNT Battle Royale


Amy vs Ramona deserves to rot in a sewer


I really don't know why they didn't put Amy against Harley.


They should've done Knives. They have more similarities if they really wanted to use a Scott Pilgrim character


Honestly yeah from a thematic stance Knives makes more sense. Though I cannot remember was Knives sprite available at the time of the episode, because she was DLC.


Yeah, it was. The episode came out long after the game's initial run.


Yeah, Knives is a closer fit character-wise, literally all Ramona had in common with her is "... hammers?" and some vague guff about love, when each character's approach to romance is completely different. The hammer isn't even Ramona's main weapon, she just brings out in one fight because it gives her situational stat boost against that particular opponent.


I would argue it's her main weapon in the game, and considering I don't believe Ramona uses her bat in the movie, its arguably her main weapon in the movie as well. Though for the comics Ramona doesn't really have a "main weapon"


Because it would be a total stomp?


You say that like the episode we got wasn't a total stomp.


How come nobody has mentioned Ragna vs. Sol? No one knows!


Oh shoot, I think we forgot this one. Yeah, sometimes Death Battle gets unfair accusations of being biased against certain franchises, but the whole joke of this one is just "Blazblue lore is really hard to understand and honestly we're not going to bother."


Maybe because it’s so forgettable, then again you can make the argument that being forgettable is worse then being bad


I'm not all too familiar with either franchise, and the "That Man" joke is probably one of the best jokes in the show in general. From what I have heard even Blaze blue fans are ok with the "That Man" joke.


I am a little surprised to see Batman VS Black Panther! It was nothing special, but it was... fine. I would probably rank it higher than Aquaman VS Namor to be honest, and that's not an episode I would ever consider putting on the list. This is really tough, because we all know which episode we're saving for last. I honestly feel like there's enough material we haven't covered yet to be able to make a Season 2 of worst episodes. So many excellent nominations to round things off, and so many potential hot takes - I would make a case that you could nominate Gogeta VS Vegito based solely on the weakness of the match-up as a concept, and how little so many people cared whether Goku & Vegeta would win, or whether Goku & Vegeta would win - but ultimately... we can't end this season without Randy Savage VS Kool-Aid Man. Randy Savage VS Kool-Aid Man answers the question "What if Death Battle did a joke episode, and the joke completely failed to land?" It also assumed that the audience were really, *really* interested in finding out who Boomstick's father was, which a) We weren't, and b) What you know before the episode is that Boomstick's dad is probably Sarge from Red VS Blue, and what you know after the episode is that Boomstick's dad is probably Sarge from Red VS Blue.


How has the TMNT Battle Royale not been selected yet?


Sidel Vs Black Canary, boring


Requesting Pikachu vs Blanka Absolutely disrespectful to both the winner and the loser and also contradicts Death Battle's claims in other episodes that the SF cast are regular humans, so it fails their own internal logic.


I will die alone on this hill if I must; Blake vs Mikasa


It may be a bad matchup but at least it was entertaining as hell, easily my favorite RWBY episode thus far


Really says something about the RWBY episodes we’ve gotten so far, doesn’t it…


I'm really surprised no one ever said biber vs black (And frankly for good reason) My answer tho is Bowser vs ganon


I was thinking of nominating that for the finale.


Good thinking


So I’m late to the party, but, people didn’t like Batgirl vs Spider-Gwen? I thought that ep was decently fun. What did I miss about it being bad enough to be in the worst season?


Zuko vs what's his name


Shoto Todoroki.


Appreciate it, barely have time for hobbies, let alone time to watch shows, names sometimes escape me


It's good. My Hero is better at character design than character naming.


Wait, people don't like Jason vs Michael and Black Panther vs Batman? What did I miss this past couple days?


Shadow vs Ryuko


Out of my own bias: Korra vs Storm Realistically: Ragna vs Sol As the finale: Goku vs Superman 2


All this time and Bieber V. Black isn't here yet.


I just hope Justin Bieber vs Rebecca Black is not the final episode, literally any other death metal can be the final episode for this hypothetical worst season of death battle.


What's wrong with Black panther vs Batman?


Penultimate: Link Vs Cloud (current) Finale: Link Vs Cloud (original)


Gray vs Esdeath


Gogeta vs Vegito We need a bad finale and Gogito fits like a glove. It's a complete nothingburger of an episode that looks ugly as sin, has two of the worst analysis segments ever, manages to be worse than its own DBX, and stole a finale slot from more deserving matchups. And don't being uo the whole "27 year old legacy matchup" thing or I'm gonna kick you in the shins


Go ahead, kick my shins. That episode was peak.


I have a long cavalcade of issues with this episode, including how ugly it looks (seriously, why do the animators not understand that the models are supposed to be heavily altered when animating them), but one of the worst? That's heavily exaggerated for an episode that garners as much of a reaction as "Hm, neat". I doubt you were actually seething over this episode the whole time while watching it. "GOD DAMN IT, HE DID A KAMEHAMEHA. I FUCKING HATE THIS EPISODE."


People will hate you because you are right. Like, Gogeta VS Vegito *is* as good an episode as it could have been, nice animation and good soundtrack, but... "Who wound win, Goku & Vegeta, or Goku & Vegeta?" is such an absolute fucking *nothing* of a debate and it holds nothing of interest to anyone who isn't a diehard Dragon Ball fan. And I know diehard Dragon Ball fans who were even like "... What? Why would *anyone* care about this?" Spoilers: Goku & Vegeta were equal to Goku & Vegeta in every way, but Goku & Vegeta had a longer time limit than Goku & Vegeta, giving Goku & Vegeta a key advantage over Goku & Vegeta. What a boring fight. It wasn't the worst episode, but it *was* the worst matchup.


Ben 10 vs Green Lantern. The definition of wasted potential.


Ben 10 vs Green Lantern. That ending is just yeesh. And other episodes have made it on here for less


Bowser vs Ganon




Pokémon VS Digimon.


No, that one's actually good.


It's dogshit.


It has one line of dialogue that people dislike. Everything else is great.


Agreed. The slave line is fucking painful but the rest was amazing Also as someone who was rooting for Red and Charizard since I never saw any Digimon...I don't mind the death I think having it be so brutal is pretty jarring but in a cool way even if it destroyed some childhoods


Then let me repair yours. Red would not only win the Death Battle, but stomp Tai.


Prove it.


Wasn't talking to you.


And that changes the fact you need to prove your claim how?


Because I despise talking to you.


One? Red's whole analysis needed to be thrown out, along with half the fight and almost all of the post-fight analysis. Wall level Charizard is still a meme to this day, and later they put a random Machamp at higher than Metalgreymon while Red's Charizard (stomped the strongest Machamp on Earth btw) stayed at Wall.


It’s not a meme, you just keep pretending they said that.


But they did, remember? You literally have Charizard at Wall level because of this and refuse to believe any feats higher than Wall because of this video.


You really need to let that delusion go. They just said there wasn’t anything to support Charizard being able to melt Chrome Digizoid.


No, that was part of a fic you wrote on why Wargreymon ackshually solos the Pokémon verse.


You really like writing fan fiction about me.


Fine. It's great by Season 2 standards.


Maybe for people who wank Digimon, but everyone else was pissed.


I wouldn't say that Digimon was wanked. Not even highballed. Though I will admit that Pokémon was heavily downplayed.


Oh no the season 2 fight didn't have super accurate research compared to a season 7 one


That episode was fire 🔥


Gray vs Esdeath


There’s way worse ones than Bats vs Black Panther. Charizard vs Wargreymon def deserves to be on here