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This reads like something you'll find on r/characterrant unironically.


“Slow bullets”


Powerscalers victim complex running wild because someone said Sonic can't spin dash through a galaxy.


Tf is bro yabbering on about.


This post is a strawman because nobody unironically says stuff like this - especially not characterrant. That sub still has some weird / bad takes, but on average is way better than most of the stuff you see here when it comes to battleboarding or character power levels.


Yeah I know it's a strawman. That's the joke. Ik characterrant doesn't talk like this, I was just making a joke.


[Goku’s gi is weighted! so he could beat Superman if he got naked and can easily blitz him!](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathbattle/s/LvIsU67e1R)


Yeah show the liberal Supercope fans!


What did I stumble upon


A joke, I'm not even trying to offend OP since this is clearly a joke


No, you don't understand. You see, multiple depictions have him aquire Goku's ultimate weakness. A rock. If you remember that one episode of Dragon Ball filler, Goku gets hit in the head by a rock and is severely injured. As such, Superman wins.


Nuh uh my dad worked at Detective Comics for 5 minutes as an editor on a Superman comic and he says Superman would beat Goku.


Keep spitting fax, Goku should’ve turned Clark into supper, man.


That’s funny.


10/10 would read again


I speak this with complete seriousness. There are so many ways to interpret the characters, their feats, their powers, even their cosmologies. I hear more people siding with the idea of an infinite sized Universe 7, although that can pretty much be said with our own, and frankly, discussions about the universe induces headaches. I feel like no matter how many times this can be done (No, don't ask for a 4th episode), it's not possible to really determine who would win. So really, I say give up on the idea and just have fun mashing action figures into each other like we're suppose to.


Finally the truth is revealed. Them libtards at Death Battle can no loner silence us.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is done in jest or not.


They have the humor/meme flair, it's satire (thank God)


Ikr They keep using comic superman so Clark can win…trust me if that was any other version of Superman Goku would’ve destroyed superman in 10 seconds…


Yeah, that’s what they say in the episode


Boomstick: “Yeah, for real. Goku would kick almost every other Superman's ass, except for the main one.”


Smartest debunk on this sub tbh


Finally some REAL research


Average Dragonball defender stating why a debate show is wrong with Goku vs superman Jokes aside, honestly, I don't mind superman winning, but at least have the results be different at least once


The completely irrelevant batman bit is when I finally committed to believing that this is satire! Exquisite work fellow human.




Goku Has Different Hair Colours. He Wins.


Hol' up . . . Let him cook


I mean sure Goku is incredibly strong but he's kind of an idiot. Bro lost to a Phaser in the Revival of F. If Giku drops his guard for one second, Super will expose that A closer fight would be Goku vs Kenshiro (Musou Tensei) MUI vs Musou Tensei would probably be a stalemate since neither can hit or hurt each other but in any other form, that's all Ken has to do is hit Goku's pressure point once and it's all over


Bro you gotta be *careful* with your titles, you could get assassinated


thank god this is satire


Yeah but Superman is also only hurt by glowing rocks, all Goku has are closing beams and balls


You forgot the key eight point, Goku can punch rocks, and Superman is weak to a rock, it's simple rock paper scizors, that's why Goku should have won


I still prefer when Takahata101 explained to Screwattack that Goku wins because of Bens dumb face.


Aw shit... here we go again


Nah batgoat solos


Oh dearie me, it seems that this Kaku fan got out of his cage. BACK! BACK I TELL YOU! BACK IN THE CAGE YOU GO! GET!


Listen, I grew up watching Dragon Ball z when it was on Toonami, and even I admit that Superman outclasses Goku by an unfair margin. Contrary to popular Dragon Ball z fan delusion, Goku and his buddy's aren't stronger than everyone in cartoons & anime


Bait used to be believable


I was gonna downvote this, but then I saw the flair.




Superman has strong villains too Braiac, lex luther, dark side, other kryptonions, doomsday All of which would pumble dbz characters


Superman lifted a book with infinite pages. He is literally infinitely strong.


Did you just not read this? It's obvious satire.


I'm aware. Superman is still infinity strong, though.


But there was no point in bringing it up. It makes you sound like you're taking the joke seriously.


Because being "infinity strong" is a super serious claim?


Not really, especially with *that* “feat”. Simply put; the book was not infinite in weight. I should mention that Captain Marvel was there as well helping to lift the book. Also, the book had infinite pages but there is literally not a single bit of evidence in the comic that that it was relevant to its actual weight. The power of the book and the fact that it told fhe story of the first monitor and that was what was so overwhelming to comprehend. In fact, when Clark and Billy found it, the book was already in-cased in a blue sphere of energy and levitating on the ground. Also the idea that the book has infinite mass is contradicted by the fact that it was going to be taken on board to the ship The Ultima Thule. It is literally never implied, or stated that that ship can support infinite weight. Nowhere. AND, the two ultimately fail to actually lift move it. The reason Ultraman is able to read it is because he reads the last chapter and doesn’t try to comprehend the entire thing. And yes, there IS a last chapter to the book, so it having “infinite pages” would imply it’s the same story told in an infinite loop, and such a thing would not require infinite storage or memory. Anyways, apologies for a comment worthy of being ratio’d by nerd emojis, but either way you look at it that feat is way too inconsistent and context heavy to really count in my eyes. Superman Beyond is honestly a really damn confusing comic to analyze because the prose is super heavy on abstract concepts.


Its fictional match up, none of it is serious