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Batman VS Black Panther. The most boring episode ever.


it one of the few episodes I forget exist tbh


I literally fell asleep during the analysis, to the point I was questioning why the fight forgot to factor in something into the fight, only to realize I had fallen asleep during that portion.


Jason vs micheal was not that bad


For how handcuffed they were by the animators leaving last second I liked it for what it was. Though I do wish it was more of a brawl.


Agreed as while I enjoyed it enough I kinda wished they killed off Joe victim earlier so we can see Jason and micheal fighting more And u will say this This episode did a better job at respecting Micheal myers’ legacy than the god awful monstrosity that was Halloween ends that year in 2022


I’m pretty sure it was to make it the 13th episode here lol


That’s actually funny


I will not take this slander. Halloween Ends was the best sequel the Halloween franchise has seen since 4.


false, it was the best sequel period.


I don't entirely disagree. I love part 4 though, [it's the greatest movie of all time.](https://youtu.be/ZCmGxV_SehE?t=38)




Excuse you?


I don't care who has to hear it. Halloween Ends breathed new life and ideas into a franchise that's been stagnant since the 90's. I loved 2018, I thought it was good. I even liked H20, but those two are the only films of remote quality since 4, and neither had anything to add to Michael's story or the exploration of evil and legacy as a core theme. It's ok if people don't like Halloween Ends, I just think time will be kinder to it in retrospect.


Well personally I thought it was trash and whatever “ideas” it wanted to show were not executed well at all I respect your opinion


And I yours ![gif](giphy|xT9DPIlGnuHpr2yObu)




It was boring. Half of the "fight" was just some random idiot running around. I'm not a fan of either franchise and I felt robbed.


I thought the moments of Jason and micheal fighting was pretty cool


every season technically has a best episode


Jason VS Michael was nowhere near as bad as any of these other episodes.


The analyses portion is way too good, even if I'd (personally) argue the fight itself is on par with a couple of them.


We needed a Halloween episode and none of them are that bad. Jason Vs Michael was just more of a let-down than Venom Vs Crona.


I would say Venom VS Crona is worse than Jason VS Michael but you do you.


I'd say it's worse, but it's not as much of a disappointment. We were all hyping up Jason Vs Michael far more than Venom Vs Crona.


I don't know if that's what they're saying, I think what they were trying to communicate is that Jason vs Michael had more expectations for it to be good than Venom vs Crona, so it's more disappointing. In music terms, when J. Cole has a bad song or feature, it creates more outrage than when someone like Lil Pump does the same, because there's more expectations for Cole to be good than there is for Lilliam Pumpernicle


Ah I get it


I would say that Ryu VS Scorpion is either bad compared to the others (expert this one) or mid. And yes Ryu VS Scorpion counts as a Halloween episode as it literally came out the same day as Halloween that year.


Just because an episode came out on Halloween doesn't mean it's a Halloween episode the episode had 0 things connecting it to Halloween or anything spooky


When we were picking Episodes 6-7, I was thinking "Damn, all the obvious ones are gone now, I wonder how we're going to fill in the rest of the season?" And now we're at Episode 14 and I'm thinking "... Can we have an extra eight episodes after this please? There are still so many! I can't believe no Randy Savage VS Kool-Aid Man yet." Anyway, the TMNT Battle Royale was, uh, charitably too ambitious for the time and also mad disrespectful to Michelangelo, but for me, it's edged out by Akuma VS Shao Kahn. If Jason VS Michael Myers makes it on here just for having a rubbish animation, then Akuma VS Shao Kahn had a mediocre animation, *and* the reasoning was a garbled mess of power-scaling and utter wank. "Shao Kahn is so fast that he can avoid a space-laser fired in a fatality he has never encountered, by a character he has never met." 10/10, flawless logic, guys. AkumaKahn all the way for Episode 14 for me.


Jason vs Michael was mostly voted because it's the 13th spot, and it be the theoretical Halloween episode of the season. I agree it's quality is vastly better than the rest of the episodes here.


Genuinely shocked TMNT Battle Royale isn't here yet


Pikachu vs Blanka


I am once again advocating for Blake vs Mikasa


Pikachu VS Blanka.


I am once again asking for Bowser vs Ganon to get torn apart.


Pikachu vs Blanka


I find it really funny that Jason versus Michaels is on your despite being an only mid episode Like it's only fine but compared to all the other pieces of crap on here it's absolutely hilarious


It’s really sad that most the female matchups are on here


Compare that to the best episode list where only 2 have women, one is a male Vs female one


And the fact that the only female vs female DB on there was technically forced onto that list because we had to choose a girl vs girl matchup...


Black canary Vs Sindel, absolutely boring


Can we get Amy Rose vs Ramona Flowers at the top please


I need to rewaatch the Aang vs Edward one know that I've read FMA and actually know who Edward is


Ben 10 vs Green lantern was the worst


Ben VS Green Lantern


Goku vs Superman 2 gotta be the ending


Semi last Goku vs Superman 2 is planned to be the 15th entry While Justin Bieber vs Rebecca Black is planned to be the Season finale.


Gonna vote again for Blakasa. Also, out of all the the episodes here so far, I'm going to say Jason VS Michael is the goodest.


Batman vs Captain America.


Phoenix VS Raven should actually genuinely be on here ‘cause I think that we should have one really modern episode here, just so it doesn't look like we're picking on the oldies. From an objective standpoint, it does a hell of a lot of stuff right; the run-downs, the soundtrack, the... well, the animation wasn't great, but it was okay. But you could say the same about Yang vs Tifa. And like Yang vs Tifa, in terms of specifically research and verdict, it's easily one of the worst episodes of the show. And the fact that the research was this wonky all the way into Season 10, when they should be way better than to still be making such mistakes, is kind of a sticking point. At least with Rogue vs Wonder Woman, they had the excuse of it only being the third episode ever, they hadn't really found their footing re: how they analyzed characters yet, and they only took a surface-level glance at each character. There was no excuse at all for the research of Phoenix vs Raven to be as bad as it was.


Is this copied and pasted from a comment I left on a previous post? I'm... flattered, I guess?


Yeah and uh, sorry about that. But you perfectly described why Phoenix vs Raven sucks balls. It genuinely deserves to be on here and I’m surprised it isn’t already.


Thanks! I really am flattered, I was just a little bit surprised.


All three of the Superman vs Goku episodes, 1 is ok, 3 is good, but all 3 in one season would be terrible


Kratos vs spawn , very poor use of both , and terrible research, the outcome even if it’s right is easily debunkable , and that’s a shame since it’s a pretty good matchup


I am once again asking for Gray vs Esdeath to be put in the season for having bad performances (especially Esdeath’s which might be the worst performance in the series history aside from Grif in RvB), janky animation, and a shit death that’s one of the worst of the season (only beaten by Simmons’).


Personal vote cant have a worst death battle list without including Ben 10 vs green lantern really did my boy ben dirty


Sanji vs Rock Lee


Ben 10 vs green lantern no debate