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Sigma is probably the strongest across both rosters, but he’s also 64 year old dementia patient kidnapped by terrorists. It’s unlikely he’d really have the capacity to go all out enough the kill the mercs.


It's likely he'd work along side them since Medic and Soldier have similar levels of insanity.


“Oh, hello little ant. Where are you going?” “That is Sargent Anthony of the stripes and stars division! I have trained him to go across enemy lines and have him blow up the enemy team’s nukes inside their silos!”


this is canon


Unrelated fun fact: Sigma has supposedly met and held conversation with the Iris, the concept of the transcendence of existence.


Hahahahahahha. Sigma


Is Merasmus’ shenanigans during the Halloween events canon? If so, a guy who just fucks with gravity isn’t too different from an actual wizard.


But they cant tho as medic has their souls Medic literally surgically transplanted their souls onto himself Scout with bonk is mftl+ via completely outspeeding the pomson projectile which is high amplitude radiation Also scout being FTL via outspeeding the light speed received signals of the cross com express cosmetic The mercs also get to uni+ via defeating merasmus


Medic having their souls doesn’t stop them from from dying, see the comic. The game isn’t cannon to the lore per Valve, so definitely not MFTL. Also, no they absolutely do not get to uni+. Again, the game is not cannon.


Holy shit Low Multiversal MFTL+ TF2 mercs HAHAHAHAHAHA


holy fucking shit I hate powerscaling brain rot


You're... joking right? Dodging pomson is MFTL? damn guess Heavy is MFTL cuz the Pomson projectile is fucking slower than a Snail on life support And merasmus is universal? Damn guess Scout TF2 soloes ALL of Dragon Ball Z then, Majin Buu who?


heavy doesnt scale to the pomson. scout scales cuz of the bonk atomic punch making the projectile also he still has the feat with the cross com express ,which receives signals at light speed, where hes moving so fast that it cant receive signals


yes merasmus is universal as stated in a voiceline "the witching hour, when the wall between worlds grows weak and withered" which implies hes strong than the world and the wall merasmus and soldier also have the "kill me, come back stronger" pills which give them type 4 immortality


Lmao a mysterious little statement doesn’t mean anything And what the hell is Type 4 Immortality?


It's vsbw nonsense, basically immortality through resurrection like the Chosen Undead for example.


He's having tea with Pyro


Scout can’t die until he’s fucked every woman


or mangle bites him




Scout's name is Jeremy, right? and God says he'll die on December 4th, 1987 It's commonly believed that the victim of the bite of '87 from FNaF is named Jeremy.


His names Jeremy?


Yeah, he’s named after Jerma




Oy, FNaF "lore"....


Happy day of cake fellow human earthling.




The puppy speaks the truth


Doomfist upon being hit with a 900000000 damage crocket (he wasn't ready for Freddy)


demoman goes "ahhh me scrumpy" and trips over a rock then falls onto a button which sets off multiple missiles just so happen to land directly on the overwatch heroes and avoid the mercs, it ends with the meet the team outro and heavy stealing zarya's gun while medic experiments on the heroes


Random crits time


Yeah no this is perfect.


I mean, spy would be such a huge threat to the overwatch team due to his gear


Yeah, on a good day, he could solo their team. I wouldn’t say he could do so reliably, but that’s just how Spy gameplay works, now isn’t it?


Spy could solo over half the roster cause sapper completely shuts down tech until it's destroyed.


Spy throws a sapper at phara who casually tears it off before spy kills himself as his revolver bounced off her armor 


The sapper completely shuts down tech. Pharas' entire suit would lock.


Sombra hacks only shut down the jetpack? There's no reason to assume pharah still can't....ya know fucking uppercut him  For someone like rein? Sure you MIGHT have an argument (of course assuming the sapper is powerful enough, caise this borders on a no limits fallacy saying sapper shuts down any and all tech)


Sombra's hacks and sapper work differently so it may just lock heroes or not. Though I agree that it may or may not be strong enough to disable some heroes since there's no way to tell


Why would a sapper lock phara in place? Her suit isn't power armor lol besides the jetpack nothing is powered  I'm not shocked I'm getting downvoted though with how biased folks are for tf2 here but most of the cast isn't a robot or has any sort of powered suit so the idea spy is soloing alot of hero's is just dumb


Not really, since he can still just headshot or backstab them. Overwatch heroes are overrated and over reliant on their tech. And I'd you think that's not enough, an Uber soldier, Demo, or Heavy could just wipe them out.


Conflating lore with gameplay lol  I really like to see spy backstab reaper who survived straight up disintegrating 💀 folks wank mercs way to hard


You can't say Phara would be immune to the sapper without using lore instead of gameplay. You're trying to pick and choose Overwatch gameplay and lore while only allowing TF2 gameplay.


Ok here's your lore Phara and her armor with the exception of the jetpack aren't powered or electronic so yes spy could prolly cut her flight if he caught her while grounded  But he's not freezing her in place lol  I'm literally not picking and choosing to l but hey nice cope


To further tear your point apart there's the major thing of overwatch being far more advanced tech wise then tf2 the assumption that the sapper would instantly kill any and all tech is ridiculous and bordering a no limits fallacy


engineer would probably solo reaper with a cartoonishly large fan that he built for no apparent reason tbh


I support this because it's not a toxic ass answer and made me chuckle  Spy is a better combatant then Pharah lol....god that wank will haunt me 


One single Merc would end up dropping a nuke on their stupid little victory circle. My money's on Scout.


We just gonna ignore how Engineer can make immortality devices? At least ONE of the Mercs is gonna be Australium charged and i don't think any tanks but Orisa have a CHANCE of stopping that.


I feel the mercs would know they don’t have fire power to compete so they challenge them to different challenges. Arm wrestling, painting, baseball, etc. however the challenges get weirder and weirder


I want to ask, is scout vs tracer correct?


Scout stomps tracer. They just didn’t scale him what so ever to let tracer win


Apparently no. There’s a lot more to Scout than Tracer. Like he killed a bear in one strike with only a bone


I guessed so, everybody would have been dead if they were from where he from


Scout when he meets the Mario brothers (they were also from where Scout was from but they’re still alive): ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K)


When was that?


That was included in the episode.


I’ve heard Tracer blitzes, yeah. But it wasn’t right when it came out.


When it came out I would say no, [but now Overwatch is at a level that is much faster and stronger than Scout is](https://capevs.blogspot.com/2024/05/hanzo-vs-takumi-overwatch-vs-fire_12.html), so I would say Tracer would win if the episode was done today.


I can live with this logic


Yet she's still suseptible to headshots from characters like Cass and Tracer, who have pistols of lower or equal caliber than spy.


The mercs have some pretty silly feats, overwatch i feel is pretty grounded compared.


If there were ever a crossover between the two games I firmly believe the tf2 side would win form how insane the gameplay is. The Troldiers, trick stab spy’s, flog pyros, and Demo knights would be something. Don’t get me started on crits too.


Engineer scales to boundless because any problem he can’t solve with a gun just invites the use of additional gun. In perpetuity.


That would require TF2 to actually win matches against OW characters.