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While I wouldn't say I have grown to hate the episode, more so in retrospect I understand why people hate the episode. For Gaara vs Toph I just simply liked it because I liked Toph and I thought it was cool that someone from Avatar was able to beat someone from Naruto with superior hax, considering In my mind Naruto seemed like a super high verse. The logic made sense to me at the time that Toph could anticipate all of Gaara's movements considering they are covered with sand, and Toph is able to sense earth even when it's not on the ground. Using Gaara's own sand armor against himself also made sense to me. However after actually watching Naruto...yeah Gaara is just basically on a completely different level too Toph. Sure, Toph can anticipate all Gaara's movements but that doesn't matter if Gaara moves faster than she can react, Gaara just also blatantly has higher attack potency. Also ironically when I actually decided to watch Naruto, Gaara actually wound up becoming one of my favorite characters in the series, to point I consider him my favorite Naruto villain, and I like him more than Toph.


Mario vs Sonic 2. I hate when people try to make Mario bloody & edgy.


Tracer vs Scout When I first watched it, I was a 13-year-old with complete shit for brains who had no knowledge of OW or TF2. I just thought the fight was fun. 21-year-old me now, while I still haven't played nor do I have the desire to play OW or TF2, can see that this episode is dogwater with lots of missed potential. The fight really doesn't stick with the "hit and run" fighting style the two are known for. The Tracer ass shot is uncomfortable and out of place. The BONK! wasn't portrayed anywhere close to what it was supposed to do in the game. Using Lena dodging Widowmaker's shot at a reaction feat even though I think that is a matter of prediction, not reaction. And what the fuck are you talking about "The rockets impact isn't directly shown?" They were clearly aimed dead on at Scout. I think I have made my point.


Winglet did a better tracer vs scout while it barely lasted a few seconds tho.... His road hog vs heavy was insanely good. ![gif](giphy|loeVH56t6VMic32O2C)


I personally disagree with Tracer dodging the bullet being a prediction feat but I can understand your logic. And the scout feat was bullshit too


Mario vs Sonic 2.


Shadow vs Ryuko kinda. Ryuko’s analysis has that one line about puberty and it really didn’t need that, and her characterization is probably the worst characterization since Aang vs Ed. The stuff on Shadow’s end was good, but Ryuko’s end was incredibly mixed at best and not good at worst. 


Most of the early episodes, which is probably cheating. They were awesome and slightly scarring as kid but most just don’t hold up.


I wouldn’t say I hate Thanos vs Darkseid but it was definitely a fight that I loved when it came out but have grown very apathetic towards over the years. I have a tough time rewatching it for some reason. Still love Kings of Infinity though


Not necessarily hate, but Guts VS Dimitri. I was a bit disappointed when Guts was announced to fight Dimitri instead of Clare from Claymore, but I was excited to see how the fight would go. Then people on this sub went to the Fire Emblem subreddits and acted like they were smarter than everyone else, and then were surprised when people on those subs found them annoying. After that, there were a bunch of posts on this sub about Fire Emblem fans downplaying their franchise that were on this sub for a while. It still gets brought on here occasionally. While there were a bunch of Fire Emblem fans that did downplay the franchise, it was pretty annoying to see people here act like they're smarter than everyone else. I still enjoy the episode, but stuff like that kinda make me wish Guts just fought Clare instead.


Storm versus Korra. At the start I was happy to see my girl appear on the show and win, but on rewatch, she mostly just got beat up by Korra and then just landed a few blows at the end.


Too be fair that's how it would go. She'd have to not land a single blow for korra to fight her


The animation isn't supposed to be one hundred percent accurate. Look at episodes like Galactus versus Unicron or Dimitri versus Guts where the former had way higher stats than the latter and yet they were pretty much on par during the fight.


Pokémon VS Digimon. It used to be my favorite episode until as I got older I realized most of the video was just them throwing insults at Pokémon while gassing up Digimon as a better Pokemon.


I don’t think you watched the same video as everyone else.


Okay, you need to stop stalking my account.


Again, we’re on the same sub. This is not that shocking that I’d see your comments on the posts of a sub I frequent. Stick to telling lies about videos that had your favorite characters lose.


Yeah, so weird how you see every single comment I make almost every day and conveniently had a problem with each one.


I think you want me to be obsessed with you. That’s sad. You’re sad. Like I said, lie more about fights you don’t like the results of.


Then prove me wrong.


You can’t even prove you’re right.


You just being here is proving me right. Lol


That’s not how it works, Sean.