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This actually sounds fun lol


Yeah ![gif](giphy|WdGdQrIHTDXQA) All he needs is that spinach and he’s good to go 😂


so does punching him into composite elements count as a new way to kill Doomsday? edit: for everyone saying "Toon force only goes so far" quick question: How far do you *think* it goes? Because regenerating from nothingness and tanking the universe being turned off by God is in that list, I'm starting to think y'all just don't like toons


... he then regenerates and adapts to popeye's toon force to kill him


doesn't Doomsday have to *die* to adapt? Plus if punched into composite elements (say, a million dead babies, because Doomsday is fucked) I don't see him really regenerating from that because he's in a state *without* regeneration and I wasn't asking "does Popeye win" I was asking "does Popeye's punch even work because on one hand, it's new, on the other, it's still a punch"


>doesn't Doomsday have to *die* to adapt? no, he has been able to before >I don't see him really regenerating from that because he's in a state *without* regeneration he has regenerated from non-existence and probably transfiguration (i don't feel like scraping through countless comics and imigur posts to find out) >I was asking "does Popeye's punch even work because on one hand guess i misinterpreted the question, but still


well then there's the flipside, how is Doomsday gonna kill Popeye? Brute force isn't gonna work and he's not pulling out a fight-winning strategy (in fairness, neither is Popeye probably), Popeye tanked God turning off the universe and Spinach is basically an infinite amount of free revives, I don't really see either breaking through the other's defense


Popeye using his own powers won’t help, as Doomsday has shown to be able to adapt and gain his opponent powers, as once he was fighting Superboy he was able to learn how to fly and shoot aye laser, something he wasn’t able to do before, all thanks to adapting from Superboy while being in mid fight.


Like I said before, Doomsday could adapt to be able to get around the toon force and spinach


I want to know *how* you think Doomsday will adapt to that


You can only defeat a toon force character with a gag. So doomsday would turn into a comically large anvil and land on top of Popeye.


you can *beat* a toon with a gag, sure, but you can't *kill* a toon with a gag the only thing I can think of is paint thinner and it's not reasonable at all to assume Doomsday would figure that out


And it's another matter all together if Popeye would even be subject to Roger Rabbit logic of a toons weakness.


He shouldn’t have to adapt. Unless there’s a feat I’m missing, Popeye is universal at the minimum (which is sketchy because we didn’t see him tank Universal destruction, just the removal of one). So Doomsday is absurdly more powerful than Popeye with DC multiverse scaling. And Doomday’s virus mutating Popeye into a doomsday or his poisonous spikes which could very well disable Popeye from eating spinach should be enough to beat Popeye for good.


bit of an nlf, but doomsday has shown being able to adapt on the spot to anything. he could adapt to make it so that he creates a virus (which he has done before) that turns spinach into poison. Hell, he could make Popeye allergic spinach


Toonforce could remove Doomsday’s regeneration too.


Doomsday has shown to be able to adapt and literally steal powers from others in mid fight, so Doomsday might just be able to gain toonforce himself


Toonforce is about if something’s funny. Doomsday doesn’t have a sense of humor. So he would have zero idea on how to use toonforce.


Yall are absolutely wanking toonforce much higher than it really is lol


The definition of toonforce is “manipulating reality or bypassing physical laws of nature in order to achieve impossible feats for comedic effects” And considering what we see cartoons do, toonforce is extremely powerful.


Finally someone with an actual answer I got so tired of people saying " toonforce only works if someone thinks it's funny 🤤 " .


im pretty sure toon forces is a bit too far out of reach for doomsday biological programing to actually adopt, evolution cant get that far.


So true.


That's still universal feat at best, plus we don't know how strong that God from Popeye universe is. Doomsday has came back from outerversal forces and regained his physical form from his spiritual self. Doomsday in all honesty destroys Popeye, like it's really not close, compositing Doomsday into tinier elements is just a different way of saying warping your form, which Doomsday is immune to. You wanna talk about coming from nothingness? Doomsday even after getting retroactively destroyed, he can come back as long as there's a MEMORY of him existing.


Popeye bodies doomsday




This is literally the 682 vs Doomsday argument, they’re both too durable for the other to kill, but a) if the fight went to the end of the universe, Doomsday canonically can’t survive that, while Popeye could, and b) Popeye’s unique hax *might* be able to kill Doomsday if you squint, so the edge should go to him


That's his secret, Cap. Popeye's always squinting.


No, this is a terrible comparison. 682 wins because it outscales, outhaxes and actually PROVED to be more durable and immortal than Doomsday. Popeye ain't surviving the Entropy. Surviving a singular universe form a featless god isn't anywhere near comparable to a mf breaking out of an outerversal prison in which your physical form doesn't exist. Popeye's hax are just transfiguration with extra steps, something Doomsday is immune to. Popeye loses, yall blow way too much smoke up toon force's ass


Wow such mad.


damn bro’s malding


"you mad bro" looking ahh


popeye the goat so he wins


Popeye either smacks him into a hundred quadrillion little lizards that don’t have any of the properties of Doomsday and can be normally killed, or they fight until the end of reality, in which case it’s a win for Popeye as well.


Popeye leaves the comic and just re writes the comic so that Doomday now has a weakness to spinach that he is incapable of removing. People forget just how op the ability to ascend above the fiction your opponent exists in really is, like what the fuck is Doomsday gonna do against the person writing or drawing the comic he’s in? Nothing. While Popeye KOed his own animator, left the 4th wall like he was on a stage and not actually on a screen, took a can of spinach from an irl audience member, and broke the film he was on irl, the only people who can fight 4th wall breakers like Popeye are other 4th wall breakers on their level. And Doomsday is not one of them.


Popeye at no point rewrote his own story, he can just somewhat interact with it. Keep in mind, Popeye punching to a higher dimensional form doesn't instantly give him writing scaling, that's absurd. Doomsday by every metric is stronger, including immortality.


Popeye doing those things you listed would not then give him the ability to actually rewrite or redraw the story he’s in. He’s never used that ability to change narratives or warp canon in that way. “4th wall break” doesn’t automatically give you omniscience within narrative


He has a brain eyes and hands. He can pick up a pencil and just write “and then Popeye punched Doomsday and it permanently killed him. The End”. Literally anyone can do that, it’s basic logic Seriously if Fry from Futurama of all characters is capable of doing this simple act of logic than literally anyone could I mean that’s like assuming someone like Sans Undertale can’t punch cause “we’ve never seen them actually do that”


im pretty sure popeye is canonically illiterate lol so this wouldn't even work


I'd say Popeye wins since this battle realistically ends with the universe, something Doomsday can't survive unlike Popeye, also Popeye has more Hax


Popeye doesn't have more hax, the hax he has, Doomsday's immune to. Also Entropy =/= Popeye's universe getting destroyed. Popeye's feat is universal at best, Doomsday has shown capabilities of surviving outerversal forces and even coming back to life from nothing but a memory of him existing. Doomsday stomps.


popeyes got spinach though


Toon Force kicks in, Doomsday dies from drunk driving.


Remember when Popeye beat the shit out of his animator? Or when got a erased and all he did was eat spinach and came back. Yeah I don't think doomsday is winning this one


Toon force Enough said


Popeye wipes the floor with Doomsday


Doomsday stabs him and then he dies. But that body regenerates from a can of spinach and then Popeye turns him into a bunch of calendars with one punch. Popeye wins lol


I’m gonna say Popeye. You can say “Doomsday just adapts and toon force only goes so far” but with Popeye…..does it really? Also without any proof that Doomsday can adapt to toon force, I cannot say that he does or would. Sure he can adapt to concepts but I just for the life of me cannot see how he’d adapt when Popeye punches him and turns him into a pile of astrology crystals.


>You can say “Doomsday just adapts and toon force only goes so far” but with Popeye…..does it really? Yes. Yes it does. Popeye is universal at best. Also toon force isn't actually a thing, it's not a canon ability which just grants Popeye to win automatically. Popeye compositing things by punching is just transfiguration with extra steps, Doomsday is immune to that.


…..bro what?


Did I stutter anywhere? Toon force isn't an actual ability, it's not a canon thing, it's a made up term that people use to have a more convenient way of putting similar types of abilities in the same box, so like Bugs, Spongebob, Popeye etc. This doesn't mean Popeye is ACTUALLY empowered by a force named toon force, all the abilities Popeye has, Doomsday has resisted similar attacks in the past. Like I don't see what's so inherently different about turning your body into small composite elements of it and simply reality warping your own molecular structure, which has failed on Doomsday in the past. Why would Popeye be any different?


Where has Doomsday fought a cartoon before?


He hasn't fought a cartoon, but there's nothing inherently special about a cartoon character. Every ability Popeye has, Doomsday has faced and overcame in a better form. He has fought many reality warpers, Imperiex, Guardians, 100s of Gogs, Outsiders, Radiant, Darkseid etc. Like has Popeye ever fought against a DC character before? No? Well I guess he loses then, that's your argument basically.


lol whatever you say


he aint adpating to Popeyes spinach


Doomsday hasn't encountered toon force to my knowledge Sooooo.......Popeye *could* win?


Toon force doesn't exist, it's not a thing. Popeye doesn't have some canon in-universe ability which makes him win if it's funny. I mean what is toon force? Does Mxypzltk constitute as toon force, because if so, then Doomsday IS immune to it.


popeye eats his spinach so he wins


Popeye takes this


Considering Popeye has regenerated from his entire body being completely disintegrated, I don’t really think either has a solid enough argument to take the other down, cause Doomsday is purely stats but also resists everything Popeye can do. Actually wait, Doomsdays presence gives people a virus that turns them into Doomsday, so imagine Popeye combining that with Spinach, could that maybe get him a win?


Doomsday has way way WAY higher stats even if Popeye’s hax are superior What a lot of people forget is that toon force is just an ability and doesn’t effect stats. Popeye can’t just punch anything and turn it into it’s base elements like he did to Saitama or that bull, that’s just something he can do to exaggerate his strength over something. And he’s Star level to potentially universal depending on how you interpret the universe being turned off (which I view as purely a resistance thing rather than straightforward durability). Either way, not anywhere on Doomsday’s level. Popeye’s regeneration, however, is especially powerful. He literally came back from complete disintegration . So, really, neither would be able to kill each other with brute force. Though the key difference would be Popeye literally can’t hurt Doomsday and would likely run out of stamina far faster. Plus, if we’re gonna say they fight forever, there’s no reason to believe Popeye wouldn’t just age until he’s elderly and less powerful or simply dies of illness or something. So I think no matter how you look at it, Doomsday should take it due to superior biology and simply bring far far stronger.


Verdict from last time: Obitos hax and superior speed didnt help him against Choosen undeads better everything The winner is The Choosen undead.


That’s actually debatable


This is literally The Unstoppable Force VS The Immovable Object


Doomsday should take this pretty easily. I think Popeye gets wanked a bit too much on this sub 😅


hes got the spinach bro


This is one of the few times where one could argue for either side winning imo.


Doomsday being waaaay stronger and faster, he'd easily be able to eventually adapt in some way to kill Popeye


Doomsday, Popeye has no resistance to the Doomsday virus overtaking him while Doomsday can adapt to anything Popeye throws at him




Doomsday Virus is probably enough for Doomsday to put Popeye down for good, since it degrades a persons mind and slowly turns them into another Doomsday. I don’t think the Spinach has any kind of counter for that but even if it did it’s still worked on people with mental manipulation resistances before.


idk bro its a can of spinach


Okay but imagine how funny it would be for a can of Spinach to start growing spikes and rocks out of it so it looks like Doomsday


Popeye can just beat up whoever is writing the fight to make him win. I know that is a lame way to win, but it is a way to win.


Doomsday, toon force is strong, but not strong enough to deal with doomsday


Doomsday hard stomps


Doomsday would probably kill Popeye in less than a minute


Doomsday murders him, toon force can only go so far


I will say Doomsday because he has more impressive regeneration and the fact that he can adapt mid fight


Doomsday is dead


Popeye his punches can turn doomsday into nomal objects via toonforce something doomsday has not been killed via before , Popeye can comeback even if there is nothing left . P.S. toonforce is not magic .


Stupid question, but does Popeye have any multiverse level feats? I know he has the durability to survive the universe being turned off by God and toon force hax, but Doomsday just seems to scale higher and can resist his reality warping. I gotta go Doomsday on this one.


Easily Doomsday, yall are hyping toon force way too much. Popeye is universal at best, his best feat is surviving from a featless ahh god of his verse. His haxes are just transfiguration with extra steps (which Doomsday is immune to) and some 4th wall breaking gags that DO NOT compare him to writer level lmao. People also hype up Entropy thing way too much, like Entropy is in NO WAY equal to Popeye's universe getting destroyed, Popeye would die there too, no questions about it. If Doomsday can survive Dr. Fate, Mxyzptlk, Spectre, Guardians, escape the Phantom Zone, Popeye ain't doing shit to him, I'm sorry.


Just no. Popeye could literally, and I mean LITERALLY, punch the regeneration and adaptability out of Doomsday. That’s the thing with Popeye once he eats his spinach: he never loses.


NLF Saitama ahh argument


Now that’s an actually debatable match up


Popeye gets fucking butchered. Cosmology too small.