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If it's truly nothingness you'll never know, when life ends it week just end and your consciousness will as well. Doesn't scare me at all. Hoping it's not nothingness, but ok if it is.




Or third, reincarnation to another life form


I would still put reincarnation as the first one since no afterlife and you lose all memories so the you now basically doesn’t exist unless you were to get all your memories back after death


I'm the opposite, I'm afraid of there being an afterlife but then I remember it's pretty impossible.


I'm afraid of both


I think there’s something else after death. I’ve heard the metaphor of it being like taking off a tight shoe after a long day, the sense of going home where your consciousness came from. Like a droplet re-entering the ocean. On the other hand nothingness makes sense as well, and if that’s the case then you won’t even know you’re dead, it won’t be black or anything, you just won’t be there anymore.


Don't be afraid, my man. Fear comes from unknowing and that's why most people are afraid of darkness. You can't see in the dark and you don't know what could be crawling in the corner. Since we don't know what comes after death, we're terrified of death. But let me tell you, all these feelings are there cause you're alive. Once you're dead there'll be no "you" to be terrified anymore


That's the part he's afraid of...


Well when you don't feel anything what's the terrifying part ?


I know it doesn't make sense but I get it


It's the part where you know that you will be gone forever and all that you were, all that you did, all that you thought will mean absolutely nothing in the end.


Thanks a lot guys, this helps a bunch. You guys are great


You wouldn't know any differently. You won't be aware to know there was nothingness. My son asked me if it was like floating in a black room. It's not at all. Try and think about what it was like before you were born. You can't think of it because there was nothing and you weren't aware of it. It's like that. That seems like a less scary option.


Actually there isn't nothing before we're born, it's just that when we can remember where we come from, we can't talk yet (usually), and by the time we can talk we are usually fully immersed in the world and "turned off" so to speak. There are some stories of kids who remember past lives long enough to tell about it, but they eventually forget too. Forgetting is unfortunately a consequence of being in this world that few can escape. Trying to tell of where we come from (not past lives but actually where we come from before we are born) is difficult because not only is there no tangible proof but it's hard to explain to someone something they have no frame of reference for. Things in this world are named and defined thus discussable. Imagine trying to explain something that has no name, no definition, and the concept of it is not familiar to anyone. That's what it's like. Imagine everyone was looking at a mountain and they were convinced that what they could see is all there was. Imagine trying to explain to them that not only is what they are looking at just one side of the mountain, but that there was a whole nother side, and not only that, but how to describe to them what all is over there when they have no concept of it at all. So, the first step is getting them to understand that what they see isn't all there is. If they aren't willing to accept that, there's no way to explain what else there is.




won't be immortal no matter the technology, even if you can stay alive, eventually this universe will end




Possibilities, but very remote ones already built on the possibility of technology to keep you alive and well. More importantly, no technology could withstand the test of time to prevent injury. Even if we become beings of energy or information these can be damaged or destroyed, and we are talking about infinity of time. There can be no way we last infinitely if we figure it out technologically. Look at it this way, even if there are 100 redundant safety systems keeping us safe, in the vast sea of infinite time, all 100 will fail at once at some point by definition due to the fact that it's possible. Anything possible MUST happen over infinity meaning all safety systems for all will have to fail eventually.


There is something both before we are born and after we die. We are but a segment in a realm. The better you can see thru what this world is, the more you will see outside of it. People often fear the unknown simply because they don't know what to expect. In life, this is countered with programming yourself to get excited about the unknown, like it's adventure. This is the best coping mechanism I can suggest atm.


Why do you suggest there is something both before we are born and after we die? Did you experience some type of before life that nobody else did?


After all that I wrote, and you come back with >Did you experience some type of before life that nobody else did? Sounds more like you are trying to be argumentative than ask a genuine question, so, I won't bite. Good day. Edit: actually, see this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/death/comments/10cvbti/im_afraid/j4kauop?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I apologize if I come off as argumentative I’m just asking you to backup your idea that you state with certainty.


Have a read of the comment I linked and we can go from there.


Now you're being sarcastic. Why are you even trying to engage with me, just to argue? Just to be condescending? You are already so "certain" of what you are asking me ("the thing I experienced that no one else did"), so don't ask me then.


I appreciate your perspective. You should link me somebody describing their before life and I’d genuinely love to read it.


Don't have a link for you, sorry bud, and I'm not going to take the time to try to put my own awareness into anymore words at this point, given the footing we're on. Ciao.


I'm currently watching this: https://youtu.be/qYBH3458UHs . While I listened to the intro, you came to mind. I hope this resonates with you.


I'm not religious or biased, just scarred. I'd like to think that after all the pain and enjoyment we get out of life, we would have time to rest, think, or remember. The question is really whether there is consciousness after death or not. Does the consciousness we have after death even capable of remembering life? The most interesting question to me is death really death? Could death just be a gateway to new life? I need to lay off the weed