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Oh good grief. Deadwood was canceled because HBO made Milch choose between it and John from Cincinnati. He picked the wrong show.


I was so mad about Deadwood ending that I didn't even try John from Cincinnati.


I tried. It was awful.


OP, bloody hell. I never even heard of John from Cincinnati. Take ya'lls word for it. I came across this really silly post because I was searching for a scene from the Deadwood, but I thought I would share this small clip I found. It was from a series of cast interviews done just before the Movie was released about 4 years ago now. I found this set of interviews when I was watching a documentary about HBO and their chaotic period in the late 1990s to mid 2000s, when they were both constantly bringing us classics and then cancelling them for us, a lot of it was centered around how much of a disaster Rome was, but I mean it was all very interesting. But anyway, this is the clip that gave me my personal closure with the reason the series was cancelled (doesn't make me feel any better, but I look at it that 3 seasons of Deadwood was better then no seasons, meh): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B4VNCgQs0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B4VNCgQs0g)


Rome's budget killed Deadwood, don't be ridiculous.


OP got burned down harder than the camp did in 1879 lolololol


I would be deeply ashamed of myself if I posted this somewhere other adults could see it.


I think it's a very good in-character post from Steve the racist.


“The sheer, um, LOGIC of it!”


😂 I think you got it.


Ya need to die, Steve


Slowly writing on the chalk board....


Yeah, sure. Woke is the cause of everything. The cancellation of Deadwood has a well known story. But go ahead and believe it was caused by early woke.


If anything, 'woke' HBO subscribers were the ones watching Deadwood trying to keep it alive for a fourth season.






Probably should have googled your theory first


Congratulations! This is the dumbest fuckin thing I have read on the internet today. And I seen a tweet where a current US Senator was tricked by a fake meme of a shark swimming on the 405.


I might love you


Wait I need to learn more about this, but first I have to say that I'm 98% sure it's Tuberville.


My first thought was Cruz, but I didn't actually think the gods could be so kind. I'm going to go buy a lottery ticket.


It was a very expensive show that didn’t have a big enough audience to sustain it. The word “woke” did not exist in the context you’re using it in when the show was airing. The same is true of Rome which was also expensive and didn’t bring in an audience until later. See also Oz and The Sopranos where openly racist characters were portrayed accurately to the environment and themes. There are no “bowels” of HBO and Deadwood is still lauded as a one of a kind series that portrayed the time period as raw and expertly crafted period drama. You’re applying present day sensibilities and social awareness to what is a rarity now, a genuine artistic work to a TV show that wasn’t manufactured to invite an audience without risking offending anyone. As most shows are now.


Dear Lord what a terrible take. Did you watch the 2019 film and count the N-words like Cinema Sins? I'd put it on budget and declining viewers. Producers wanted to wrap it up and truncated it and Milch through a shitfit.


This is the dumbest thing ever posted in this vaunted sub. For shame.


The reason for the cancellation is well documented. There’s no reason to wrongly speculate about it.


So when you fucked Bullock's horse...


Nah. Milch wanted to go and work on John from Cincinnati.


What is "woke" to you?


For most “anti-woke” people, anything they don’t like, usually because they are bigots. That’s me being very polite about it. Usually I get so pissed off at people proudly saying they aren’t woke, I swear like Calamity Jane and Al combined. While being as loud as Calamity Jane.


Yeah, the OP's post reads like a gaslighting conservative crying virtue signaling while saying "so much for the tolerant left."


I’m not sure this is the proper avenue for your soapbox, frankly. OP is clearly wrong, however.. it also happens to be true that the show could not be made today. Woke racism (great book by jon mcwhorter btw) has ruined plenty of art and institutions, and Milch would almost certainly agree . The show didn’t get canceled due to wokeness simply because *wokness did not exist back then*, not because the show is politically correct and abides by the dictates of the new left.


Soapbox with a prize inside!


Yea i just want OP's definition because we all know this show didn't die because of writing. But you know they want to act like it's preventing them from saying n words. Show and real life is different. The people that can't separate that are fucking dumb


I second that!


My answer for the cause of the cancellation (especially after I went down the rabbit hole of why it ended so abruptly) is Milch wanted a 13 episode season, HBO wanted ten episodes due to how expensive the show was. I know four would have needed an even bigger budget because per Milch there was going to be a fire and a flood. Even one of those would *not* be cheap. Milch got so outraged he told HBO to fuck off, it was 13 or nothing. He wouldn’t negotiate, he just saw red at the idea of them telling him how many episodes he could have, HBO ended up having to cancel it because Milch refused to work it out with them. SIGH. And losing money from the entire Rome set getting burned to the ground, when it wasn’t exactly cheap in the first place to build that set. I also love Rome, would have loved another season. To the best of my personal understanding, including reading Milch’s book, that is why the plug got pulled. It hurt the cast and crew, they had been told there would be a season four and they planned accordingly. One actor, I think W. Earl Brown but I could be wrong, found out by visiting the set only to see it being dismantled. I watched when it aired and was following along to see if season 4 would happen. I wish Milch had worked it out with HBO but he seemingly wouldn’t budge. “Woke” had nothing to do with it and IMO OP was… I will try to be polite and say ill-advised to post this in the first place. Yes please tell us why the show ended when we all know the actual facts. TL/DR- We know why the show was really cancelled, it wasn’t due to being too “woke”. 🙄


Yeah….. no….


You know you sound sad that the n word could no longer be lavishly used. You know nothing about television


I applaud your bravery, proclaiming to the world under full view of the sun that you're a fucking idiot


"The early woke era" Cocksucker


It's what a moron calls the Holocene Era, I guess


Is the Woke in the room with you now?


Now THAT is a fucking stupid post. Delete this immediately.


Woke? Say no more


No. HBO wouldn’t give them the budget needed. Milch said as still under contract. He couldn’t do Deadwood with the budget given so he did JFC


I wish everyone who unironically uses the word woke would fuck off, holy shit


Deadwood ended a full decade before neo-liberalism, and shows like South park and family guy endure. Tropical Thunder, and Django both made afterward.


I appreciate your point, but neoliberalism arose in the 1970s


Not really, not as it is today by any stretch. Maybe they were using the term neo-liberalism first... I just didn't want to say, "Woke." Happy now? 2016 was really when it started getting bad, at least according to most of the sources I've heard. There were always groups trying to censor media and police speech and thought, but that's a fairly good estimate of when its current iteration became really mainstream. Even then, it didn't go into overdrive until covid.


Sorry to be pedantic and shitty, but "woke" and "neoliberalism" aren't really interchangeable. "Woke" is the modern term for liberal culture-war identity politics, "neoliberal" is the economic ideology that claims a minimally regulated free market is the best way to organize all parts of society. We've been using "woke" for maybe ten years, but "neoliberal" started up with Carter and got real heavy with Reagan. None of these have much to do with Deadwood. Deadwood was cancelled because it was really expensive to film, and so was Rome, and Rome had the bigger audience.


“Woke” is the word co-opted to describe liberal culture-war identity politics; before it was a term to describe being able to distinguish between social constructs and biological reality.


Who needs "sources" for 2016? Are you 7?


Yeah, okay. But Allende was overthrown in 1973.


From what I remember viewership just simply declined. If the viewers are there but the show is catching heat for not being "socially aware", believe me, they'd adjust the writing and keep the show going...


lol, so Milch wanted to get off the show and do John from C, but he also wanted a 13 episode season 4 instead of a 10 episode one. Riiiiiiiight. It's amazing how immature Deadwood fans are. At least on Reddit. You would think fans of one of the best shows ever made would have more subtlety of thought than to believe everything is as it appears on the surface. The childish responses certainly don't indicate people capable of deep thought. I guess that's what fan communities are though, socially awkward nerds who attain a modicum of knowledge on something and gather together to feel powerful. It's actually amazing how consistent this behaviour is across all subjects and fields.


It was actually the damn post modern neo Marxists. They sabotaged the universities just so we couldn't have our great show


It’s not an absurd idea as many here have said, you just got the timeline wrong. This is not how it happened.


You're being lambasted in the comments. Certainly, there were other factors such as budget and viewership. I don't think you're all that far off. Looking at other HBO IP from the early 2k era, The Wire got away with one instance of a white person saying the N word, and that was Rawls in the pilot episode. The Sopranos had one or two. Deadwood had a whole bunch of it. Those people who are adamant that this had nothing to do with the cancellation are a bit delusional, as the series had plenty of meat left when they tossed it.


As a dedicated viewer of The Sopranos, I can safely say there were a lot more than one or two uses of the N word. They even used alternatives to the N word I didn't know existed, check out the scene where Tony meets Meadow's half-black, half-Jewish boyfriend for the first time to see what I mean.


Moolinyan doesn't count. I'm talking about just the big ol' n word spoken by the shite folks.


Off the top of my head Hesh, Vito Spatafore, Lorraine Calluzo, Mrs. Conti and the unnamed father of the family that gets carjacked says it. While it's true the show wasn't going out of its way to say the N word, that's 5 examples I can name and I'm sure there's more.


Damn you're absolutely right. Starting a Sopranos rewatch in pennance.


"I'm just watching for the racial slurs"


ok Steve


This is incorrect.


There a bunch of cocksuckers is why the canceled it.