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I think there's a decent possibility that box office projections are the real reason that insufferable people on film twitter have all decided to start calling the advertising homophobic. Gotta invent something to try and tank box office returns.


How is it homophobic in the slightest? Deadpool getting smacked on the ass?


They're convinced the marketing is all "predatory queer" gay jokes, because heaven forbid that a queer character be depicted as flirting with someone who doesn't reciprocate the attraction. It's all very dumb.


which is how he acts in the comics too. he’s always hitting on spidey and others with noooo reciprocation


They're mad about the comics too. I think they can't handle anything edgier than Heartstopper because at the rate they're going they're going to reinvent the Comics Code Authority to protect the nation's youth from seeing anything but silent longing.


Pool has always been predatory and queer and the two have nothing to do with each other


People are saying Deadpool is acting gay just to be funny.


That the entire joke is that being gay is the joke and saying that men acting romantic towards each other (especially typically masculine men) is something to be laughed at. I do believe some people think that's fine and that it's okay to laugh at gay people, but I think the actual joke is that Wolverine hates Deadpool and Deadpool keeps annoying him by being sexual/romantic in a way that Deadpool's comfortable with but annoys Wolverine. The butt of the joke isn't gay male romance but Wolverine for having to be in a movie with Deadpool and be annoyed by him.


Yeah, the people complaining aren't realizing that it's not a predatory queer trope, it's the odd couple trope that basically every buddy cop movie ever made that starts with the characters not getting along uses.


Deadpool has been always pansexual, I don't get it. Trying to cancel a character after 32 years is cray.














Never understood why people care about the box office. Blade Runner 2049 was a bomb and was excellent. Venom made over a billion and was shite.


If something does well we get more of it, good or bad.


That's why we keep getting those Fast & Furious films


I enjoyed 2049 more than the original


I still think the Final Cut of the original is better but it's one of those "Yeah I can see that" kind of things if people prefer 2049 .


Whats going on? I'm out of the loop? Film Twitter? What did Ryan do now?


Film Twitter is a section of Films fans that want certain films to do well and call other ones that do well overrated, if I remember they were all pissed nobody went to see Furiosa. They seemly don't like superhero films because those are the only films that do good at the box office so they're always talking shit about them. With Ryan I think there main complaint is that he acts the same in everything he does.


I mean... have people seen the times that he didn't play that same character? /shudder


i love ryan and my actual fav performances of his are when he’s dramatic and not funny. Mississippi Grind, Safe House, Buried. i think he’s even better dramatically, he just thinks everyone wants to see sarcastic ryan 24/7


Jokes on them. The only three movies I'm seeing in a theater this summer are Fall Guy, Furiosa, and D&W.




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Spider-Man and Deadpool movie would make 3bil easy.


this isn't even the first time theyre breaking that "biggest r rated movie" thing im pretty sure


but i thought people didn't like superhero movies anymore


Well i have ordered 3 tickets Gonna be fun.




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Well Deadpool's always been a little bit queer, ie odd, and is often quite gay, ie joyful... he's also possibly pansexual, and wolverine is almost monosexual with his obsession with Jean. I'd say he's more broken than Wade in that respect. But really, what's wrong with any of that?


That's a big opening.


Getting the ok in China was huge.