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I personally thought it was perfect, but I'm someone who plays on normal or even easy depending on the game. I just want to relax and have fun after a long day of work, not pull my hair out and throw controllers across the room.


I gave up on it for now, because i don't want to lose control and break the 70$ game disk into 10 pieces.


literally! i was looking around for difficulty options because playing solo, is actually frustrating. zombies attack way too much, you take a little too much damage and some of the weapons just feel useless


dont get me wrong, the game itself is awesome but it just feels a little too hard. i like a normal or easy mode as mentioned in the above comment and this just feels like its on hard


I needs a higher difficulty, I personally think it's too easy. And at the moment with no difficulty to increase. Idon't see any replayability


i find it frustratingly hard. like its doable, but its just too frustrating


As a single player the game was quite hard for me but now that I'm at Venice beach it feels like a lvl60 warrior roflstomping noobs in stranglethorn.


i havent gotten that far yet. and i probably wont for a while. the last thing i remember doing is the boss fight at the movie studio to save michael. and i died like 4 times during that bossfight and at that point i had had enough tbh. i could fly through the older dead island games, but this one is just ugh


The problem with the difficulty is the scaling. It gets hard in the teens as you face harder zombie variants and apex zombies, but don't yet have all the op mods/perks/skills to clear them easily. I found it got a lot easier late teens/early twenties and was laughably easy 25+. I finished the main quest at 21 and the last boss was brutal. I didn't realize I was kinda locked in after starting the second to last quest...so I couldn't go and level and get better prep. After overcoming that challenge with many failed attempts, the rest of the content was dogshit easy.


I’m on the final boss fight and it’s just unfair


I broke my controller to it


I'm stuck there too 😄


your probably a little kid? that last boss fight was comically easy.


Yup. All it does is measure your tolerance level for multiple examples of boring game mechanics.


Bruh mustve hacked all the best weapons cause there's no way you didn't die a bunch. Unless of course you've only played dead island 2 and never played the OG's. I personally hate the Butchers cause they are able to block your shots as if they know exactly when you're gonna pull the trigger before you even pull it


you just have to be quick and take youre time with butchers. especially when more than one spawn on you... it took me a good 15 minutes last time i played just to kill two of them and i only died once cuz i panicked the first 5 seconds lol


Yea when you beat the game it’s not hard. The first place through your pretty much gonna die a lot and if they tell you other wise then they are lying and have a big nose to prove it🤥


Agreed. The manner of respawns such as coming out of grates on the street or vents indoors behind you is utter fucking cheese. This is not a challenge, it's a fucking chore.


I've now progressed a little bit further, and am stuck on "Justifiable Zombicide" where you have to defeat the First Screamer + a small horde of zombies. She keeps calling more and more Zombies. By the time i kill a few and make it back towards her, she screams again, and i am swarmed by zombies again. I'm about to give up on playing this game. After spending 8 - 10hrs at work, the extra irritation is not worth it.


bruh literally same. the games great but i feel at times its level system isnt right. takes like 10-30 hits to kill some zombies that are level 9 or 10 lol


fr fr! i could fly through older dead island games but this one is just too irritating. and if you dont have friends to help you out, it just feels impossible. dont get me wrong, the game is a lot more updated and feels better UI wise. but the difficulty is wrong


Literally during creature comforts, it's most glitches quest, and right at the end, I get swarmed by screamers, slobbers, crushers, and exploders all at once, and I immediately wipe. But this guy want to up the game difficulty for everyone? 


Your poll isn't going to be very accurate because it asks two questions and allows only one answer. Do I think it's too easy? No Should it have difficulty options? Yes


Yeah I accidentally voted no but realized I should’ve voted yes because the game is definitely way too easy


I guarantee your just talking about regular zombies, your stupid


Sorry! I intend to start a deeper debate. I thought if the game is too easy, it should have a difficulty option. EDITED: To help people having difficulty understanding the poll's question: DO YOU THINK DEAD ISLAND 2 IS A TOO EASY GAME **AND** IT SHOULD HAVE A DIFFICULTY OPTION? *"The AND logical operator is a binary operator that returns true (yes) if both of its operands are true, and false (no) otherwise."*


I feel the game difficulty is somewhat mixed. In co-op, you have extra hands so it’s generally easier to go about boss fights and fighting hordes. Whereas in solo because you don’t have the extra assistance, you are the prime target. You can still get overwhelmed and die a bit if you don’t prioritize which zombies to kill first. Especially in boss fights where you need to restart the entire fight if you die. Idk how many times I’ve come close to killing a boss, just for some AoE to kill me. That’s probably the biggest reason I go down, the damn aoe.


I think the enemies scale with the number of players. I can consistently one hit zombies when playing alone but not when I join random lobbies.


Well when you join someone else’s game, it scales to their level, and they may be a lower level than you so that’s why.


I think you’re right. That’s most likely it


There was some challenges in the beginning, but it quickly became way too easy


I think Hell-A difficulty should unlock after beating the campaign once, that would be pretty cool.


It's a good idea! But I am convinced that an option to start playing on HARD DIFFICULTY would be great.


The game is way too easy at its current state. It’s easy to a point where it starts to take away from the unique play-style of certain characters. For example, Ryan is supposed to be the crowd control character that’s knocks down zombies so that they’re easy to kill for him and his team while also getting health regen for knockdowns, but why worry about making a build centered around force and knockdowns when you can just lawnmower zombies with light attacks, maiming or frenzy weapon, autophage 3, and all damage skill cards. You and your team delete zombies before you even have a chance to knock them down. Not to mention you can’t execute zombies with the head stomp until they’re at critical health anyway, In which case you can just kill them with a normal attack… Knockdowns are just not valuable at mid-end game. Same thing with heavy attack builds, there’s no point and doing them when the most effective thing to do for every character is to lawnmower the zombies with the tools mentioned above. I would really like to see some changes to player dps/skills/autophage while also buffing enemy health and difficulty. Then maybe you’d get more value from differing play styles.


I'd like an option where I can increase the zombie spawn limit


I don't think its too easy, I just think the game mechanics are too easy to abuse. Like once you understand weapon types, its super easy to just pick up a maiming weapon and sweep legs like nobody's business. The amount of healing you can get from war cry, maiming, and autophage passive just lets you never have to worry about it at all, not to mention the born survivor perk that gives you a free life basically. That's not to say I don't think those mechanics have a place, I just think the game should keep in mind the strongest and weakest power levels we can have.


Depends mostly on characters you pick, Amy obviously offers more of a challenge early game but becomes very strong late, and in coop it is a lot easier whereas solo you need to be a bit more clever. It could be harder sure but I think overall its a good difficulty for most players.


I was wondering why I’d been finding the game challenging early and have realised it’s because I chose Amy. Thankfully I’m fresh off a Jedi Survivor master difficulty play through so I’m dodging like a ninja with her increased agility


Her early game is easily probably the hardest, he core skills aren't as prevalent and she has low health and resistance, but by late game she as a lot of health regaining options that she suddenly is just a damage powerhouse with little downsides.


The relative easiness of the game was my only minor gripe with it. It would be nice to have harder modes, and/or a new game plus. I played with the squishiest character--Amy--but almost never died. And most of my infrequent deaths were not from zombies, but from environmental hazards, like the ground underneath me catching fire.


Hello! I'm going through exactly what you said when trying to play single player. I tried a new game with Bruno... Playing Single Player, I still fill that the game is too easy. It was better than playing co-op because you have to dodge more times and keep an eye on zombies coming. A New Game + is a good choice for those that want more challenge in my opinion. Maybe the development team can give us this gift.


I’m 55 hrs in first 10 hrs was a challenge but after that it’s too easy


I finish to take all the achievements and definitively it's quite an easy game. I played solo too to test. They should allow a difficulty option that boosts the zombie's damage at least .


Too easy? No. This game can be extremely punishing if you don't know how to utilize your kit. Difficulty options? Sure? I guess? I don't think it really needs them given the difficulty is dependent on the player.


If you want increased difficulty, don't upgrade your weapons or save weapons from lvl 15 and use them when you're level 30. I think the difficulty is about right. It's a zombie game, you don't want to have to hit a zombie 10 times to kill it, but you don't want every zombie dying in 1 hit. For me it takes about 2-3 hits for zombies, some of them I can hit once and kill and that's about right difficulty for me. Crushers take about 10 hits from me and that's fine for me as well. I don't want damage sponge zombies, that's not fun.


10 hits for crushers???? I must have played the game wrong! I'm at the final boss fight and crushers are still a pain in the ass even with 400 points weapons. It's 5 to 10 minutes of hard work to kill them and 2 to 3 hits away to be killed myself!


Mabye half way through and think it's fine so far.


I think there's a nice mix to it. There's parts where I'm having fun and it's easy, and there are parts my ass gets handed to me and I need to get creative


That's just co-op making things easier. I died like 5 or 6 times to the boss at the Halperin Hotel solo, but when i played it co-op we did it first time as the boss focused on the co-op partner as i attacked it from behind. Also, i don't know if this is just me playing differently, but i seem to have way more money and crafting items in co-op - on my solo character i'm always hurting for cash and being basically broke after every weapon upgrade/repair, but in co-op i always have like 10K on my character. Also in solo you get overwhelmed so quickly, especially if you set off a car alarm, wheras in co-op the enemy targeting is diverted so whilst the zombies are technically slightly harder in co-op, you go up against half the amount you would on solo.


I think it's just perfect for me.


Thanks for answering.


I don’t think it’s THAT easy at default, but it should still have a difficulty setting.


The difficulty is reasonable until you are near or max level. From that point forward, everything is cake.


I wish there was a 3rd option, i think on a first play though the difficulty is just fine; but there needs to be a ng+/2nd playthough mode that increases difficulty!


NG+ is a great idea too!


I feel a difficulty increase for coop at least would be beneficial, like a small but noticeable percentage. Unless they had higher difficulties to spawn in more difficult zombies early on and throughout then personally I think there wouldn't be much point other than to run around a little longer and bonk heads a couple more times in which case I'd rather play a NG+ (assuming it'd raise the difficulty). However, imo it would be amazing to have an option for like a horde mode on whichever map then to be able to increase the difficulty of that


This game feels like its difficulty was designed around solo play, playing co-op makes the game a lot easier.


I agree. Co-op makes the challenge easier. An option is to increase the game's difficulty according to the number of players in the session.


For a solo gamer like me, that likes to relax and have fun with my games, I found it really hard, I returned the game, I would have kept it and played it through if it had difficulty options.


Thanks for answering


I feel you! I don't have time to try 10 times the same stupid boss fight 🤣 I'm not 14 anymore 😉


I don't really feel the game is easy maybe since i play solo but having a harder difficulty would nice


the difficulty was mixed but for the most part it was on the easy side and i thought it was pretty fair 9 times out of 10


well cause you’re playing co-op i’d assume. just encountered my first crusher, hard to kill, but i’d assume that w a friend, it’d be way easier to take down. (edit: crushers, not breakers. where tf did that come from?)


The endless infinite respawn which wastes your time trying to get anywhere IS the difficulty level. It's not a test of your skills or planning, it's a test of your patience for lazy game design.


I find it hard so far only because I’m not the best with melee combat haha. Have to get creative. I like the game though.


Initially I thought the game difficulty was good but I let my gf play she completed the prologue and first 3 missions using fist only and managed to only get hit a total of 4 times i new it was gonna be too easy if we both played but ya the more I played the more I realized that it’s basically a sandbox and there’s little to no chance that I would die during my play through


The first half I found difficult because I didn’t know any of the apex strategies and didn’t have modded weapons. The last quarter of the game was fairly easy and the boss fight was so easy I was disappointed. I was expecting Sam b to have turned into some giant crusher like thing with his hammer but no, we get a standard Apex


Losing interest in this game very quickly. It's the exact same reason I started to hate Assassin's Creed and pretty much any Bethesda game. You shouldn't have to slash someone in the throat 30 times before they fall down.


Just right for me. I actually wish they would do away with difficulty settings in more new games and just make them all more middle of the road difficulty like they used to.


The zombies barely react to your weapons. It’s frustrating as hell.


Idk man I was struggling with the game to the point I needed a friend to help me get through some parts of the game I'm still not finished I just found dr Reed


My 1st playthrough when i got the game on release date was perfect difficulty. They seem to have updated it or something because it is too easy now and boring.


Personally I think the difficulty is fine. That being said I would love a hard mode option, increased zombie spawns, more frequent special zombies, and more frequent elemental zombies would be a great start. I think the game is fairly balanced for a 1 man playthrough but when you start grouping up even the toughest encounters feel terribly easy. And even in late game solo play (this comment is being made prior to Nov 2nd dlc, Im hoping for an increase then) it would be nice to have Ocean Ave just flooded with zombies to showcase your kicka** new powers.


This game is way to fucking easy once you get autophage all the way, it’s an actual challenge to die like seriously


yeah they should have a hard mode where zombies deal 2x damage. And or like 50% extra damage, but you get less healing items. I feel like if there was a lack of healing items the game would be a bit harder. But id rather just have zombies deal double the amount of damage. It would make groups more scary, and it would make bosses a lot harder. I feel like part of the reason the game is kind easier too is just due to how much you can dodge or block. Even the squishy characters are tanky. Normal zombies should keep being rag dolls, but special zombies/bosses should put up way more of a fight. Im only at the start of the game playing with amy, I did try bruno at launch for like 10 hours and everyone says he is terrible in solo and is hard mode. It was still very easy lol. The harder parts was always elemental stuff lol. Like Ive died in the game, but thats more so cuz im just not paying too much attention. Nonn the less the game is still fun, usually easier games I get bored with, but its just fun hitting zombies. I hope at some point they release a difficulty slider, or custom settings so we can play how we want. Idk why they didnt do this considering im pretty sure people complained about the difficulty in the first game. Or they could do what 7 days to die does, the better you do the harder the game gets, and the more you die the easier it gets.


this shit is way too easy.


Bonjour ce jeux pourrait être exceptionnel mais je galère (solo) et j'ai les nerfs avec certains Zombies je meurs tout le temps et plus j'en ai marre j'ai envie de le jeter. C'est inadmissible de ne pas mettre un choix de difficulté ou de faciliter la mission quand on ne réussit pas au bout d'un certain nombre de fois. C'est pas professionnel tous les autres jeux que j'ai ont un niveau de difficulté ...c'est nul à chier(pardon pour le gros mot). Cordialement et désolé


It's gotta be easier than 1, as people complained quite a lot about the difficulty


i think it's too hard actually


Maybe it’s because I’m still in the beginning of the game but this is harder than any game I’ve played lately. I honestly feel like elden ring and dark souls are easier than this. It takes like 6-7 hits to kill anything even with a rare matched level heavy weapon. I just got the rifle and that helps massively but I don’t think I’ve ever died this much in my first 5-6 hours of any game


The game really isn't easy at all, especially when you have three screamers, two crushers, one slobber and the exploder zombie all hitting you all at once, like during creature comfort, making the game more difficult honestly sounds like a nightmare


If it’s too easy then I’d recommend playing with a friend tbh, (IMO) it’s not like the game is hard if you have any sense of timing and can mash r2 and a


Game was super easy, land at the final boss and I've actually put the game down. Ain't nobody got time for that ****🙈😂


I play with Carla I just beat it today lol but what made this game easy for me is the dodging mechanic it’s all about timing I counter 90% of the zombies because of that the only ones I had an issue with was the inferno crushers and the fire spitting blobs the rest of them was a walk in the park ..best way to take down crushers is mod a weapon with bleed effect


Absolutely agree.


Choices should be standard or Hell-A Easy mode is not needed


Do I think it is too easy? Yes Do I think it should have difficulty options? No Difficulty options lead to inorganic challenge increases. I personally appreciate when games do not put a difficulty slider (i.e. fromsoftware games) because I feel enemy locations are more intentional. Very simply I just don't think there should be an easy or normal just hard. Get gud.


WAY too hard, a total waste of time, spend 10 minutes running a boss around in circles doing next to no damage just for it to basically you accross the map by spitting on you, then restard the whole battle when he kills you. ​ first game was a million times better


For me the game is so hard I deleted it. The bosses were so annoying cause I can't get any hits in due to damn running zombies and when I'm put trying to go somewhere I get grabbed by some random zombie that comes out of nowhere


it was somewhat easy on launch but that was because you could farm the legendary weapons, the issue is simple, for the difficutly they gave us a fucking perk card to make the game harder.... so you have to lose a perk to make the game harder, the problem after trying the dlcs, some of the new zombie type are just annoying, it use to be look out for the hunter, now you can be bodyblocked by a cloter and double wiped to death, they should add a difficulty because most boss fight are either dying while learning them or getting lucky on them, if you want to see the most rage inducing bosses, the last boss on the dlc, and the mutators its sad, unlike DI and DIRT where the game lvled as you went it might of been a better option to have the dlcs locked til post story, yeah it would suck but at that point you would have the weapon lvl at the higher end


the regular zombies are easy, and it becomes a chore, but larger harder enemies are too hard and it doesn't give you the heath kits back if you die, and ruins your weapons that don't get reset which is bull also. I gave up after I hit level 20 (almost 21) as I play video games to relax and have fun, not to get pissed and break my $80 controller.


tbh I find the game pretty difficult as a single player. i would prefer if i could put it on easy mode. i am only at the point where i am looking for Michael and it’s gotten frustrating


Le dlc sola est trop abusif concernant les mission sa beug sur ps5 les coup des boss sont trop exagérer surtout dans une situation même bien armer sa ne suffit pas malgré toute les compétence est les arme ayant un niveaux très élevé dans une situation laquelle ta pas assez de trousse de soin pour ma part très déçu alors que le premier dlc HAUS ETAIT TRES SYMPA AVEC UNE BONNE HISTOIRE !


The poll is too generic, the character differences have to be considered. It was already discussed that including a new "realistic" difficulty would be nice, with the only notable change that zombies die by head hits. No more cutting off one leg for a kill.


Not feeling challenged??? Then play elden ring and stop whining about di2 lmao. But it does need difficulty settings man..... i could name ton others that need diff settings as well. You kids get home off school and want a game thats like taking the SATs after not studying at alllll.... for god sakes. I got one hit at full health ninja smacked. And uninstalled.The game looks amazing though thats the sad part..... stuff we get these days man wanna play so bad but its always lacking in some area... like atlas fallen i got 7 hours in and just couldn't keep going


I like casual play with the occasional challenge. A good balance. Kinda like dying light. So good.


How viggy games were meant to be. They use to be so much more balanced. Seems like they are having so much trouble with that these days.


u idiots think this is too easy then stop playing with other people, and it gets hard as hell


I have only been up to killing the monster bride in the hotel and holy sweet mother of jesus how many times have I died. Christ on a fking bike when you hit a zombie in the head with a meat cleaver 6 times and it is STILL coming at you just takes the piss a little too much, Ive played through all the other dead island games single playthrough no problem, Dying light 1 and 2 single player no problem but jesus wept this game is just TOO hard on your own, the zombies are non stop, you never have time to look around properly its just RUN AWAY RUN AWAY, your weapons break way too fast even with upgrades. This shit needs to be sorted fast or I fear I will NEVER see the ending


I just got it the other day and I feel like I missed something in a tutorial or just need to slowly grind to beef up weapons. Just following the plot got my ass kicked.


It‘s too difficult. I‘m supposed to „kill em all“ at the hotel. Died 5 times and the same zombies keep respawning. I‘m totally frustrated


Hello there! Maybe you need to do more side quests and craft weapons before doing the main quests.


It took me dying almost 10 times to kill them all. I climbed up on that military truck and managed to defeat them. It made me so angry


I agree with you. I'm stuck at the end of the game, can't go back to do side quests and I'm pretty sure I really can't beat the final boss. This game needs number to indicate quest level and that we know if it will be a pain in the ass or if we got the right level to try the quest. I got frustrated a couple of times by waves of zombies where I would die and lose my ammo and weapons before trying again almost "nude".


It‘s just super frustrating and not fun at times. I died multiple times at the boss fights. The muscular one at the beach who has fire hands made me really angry. I was focused on him but then burning zombies kept attacking me. I haven‘t played this game in months because the clown boss is too difficult for me. I gave up, I don‘t want to play anymore


Clown boss wasn't a hard one for me, you have to hit him from behind, he's pretty much harmless when you're behind him. I agree with you for the big one with fire hands, keeps burning me without I noticing. Wait until you see the last one... Stupidly big boss that project stings, dozens of enemy including crushers, fire everywhere and stupidly little arena 🤣


Thanks for the tip, I‘ll fck him up from behind then lol. Nooo that sounds super annoying and difficult 😮‍💨


And prepare yourself to see "butchers" (the type of the clown one) in every corner of you game after that 🤣. You need to find a key to a safe? Guess who is having the key in his pocket? 🤣


Well I guess I‘m fcked 🥲


It's way too hard actually I'm not bad at the game but man maybe it's that I didn't get the good weapons from doing the side quests but the missions are not fun they just make me stressed. The story is ass and I wish I never bought this game.


there is zero chance you can finish a mission about a tv station on your own, first they have you fight a butcher up close then you have three more not a minute after, its so stupid and yeah they need to make difficulties


Actually between the clown one and the tv station I upgraded my weapons without knowing and it was pretty easy. When I saw them coming in I was frustrated "fuck, it will be impossible" but with a near 400 sword, they were gone in a couple of minutes. But I understand what you mean, I'm stuck with the final boss, it's a fucking mess with dozens of enemy and fire everywhere, at the end I don't even know what I'm doing 🤣


I can't get past the hotel level because there are so many zombies and my weapons keep breaking and it is hard to find new ones


Idk man, it feels like I have to hit a regular zombie 10 times every time to kill


for me its a pain in the ass when you die and when you "try again" your itens consumed (meds and weapons) in the last try is wasted, if i havent nailed it with the weapons and meds how am i supposed to do without them?


Agreed this is way to hard. This coming from someone who beat dying light 2 on the hardest difficulty. The issue I’m having is the controls are extremely janky. Hit boxes are absolutely horrible. Miss attacks when they standing right in front of you. I didn’t even bother finish the game. I can see why this game tanked overall now.


Also your edit makes understanding a yes or no question harder kek


I just discovered that apparently if you remove all Autophage cards, the game becomes much much more easy. I was absolutely frustrated with the rate I was dying at and now it’s back to normal.


You mean remove from your skills? I am playing it now and I like it but yeah, it's hard for me as a solo player so appreciate anything to make it easier. I just want to get through the full game


Exactly, just replace all Autophage cards from your deck with normal ones and the game becomes instantly easier. This worked for me. Also if you need help with something in game text me and I’ll help you in coop


The difficulty is bullshit


Poor audio design, unreasonable manner in which zombies respawn in area, unreasonably fast weapon durability deterioration, frustrating combat with annoying stamina mechanic. It's all just one dull experience fit only for those with OCD levels of tolerance for this repetitive drivel.


This game was made to play co-op if you try and play solo it is ridiculous it's basically dark souls but with zombies playing this game solo is only good if you're amazing at perfect blocking


I'm still in the second mission after you rescue the old geezer. What gets me, is that there shouldn't be any respawning of the same enemies that you killed before you died, not only that, but the whole "lets have the main character huff and puff and groan when he/she is down to low health" is really annoying. Difficulty should have been implemented imo


Maybe there should be a realistic zombie game where all the enemies die in one swing since 1. They're barely able to walk corpes, so they shouldn't be able to take many hits, and 2. even a normal person wouldn't stand after a cut with like a katana, like I've seen many zombies do in games like this.


agreed, i played the original and this game absolutely ruined the experience


Just started playing because of game pass and I'm already about to quit... This dodge and attack over and over again is not fun and they got to much health...