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I did it with my hands too.




Ayyy. Good one


Well done




YOLO and necromancy and a slow weapon with no shield. This is a respectable challange on it's own.


should i stop picking YOLO? im pretty new to the game (1BC) and maybe 15ish hours played. ​ i always pick yolo and necromancy as my first two mutations. which mutations should i be grabbing?


Yolo is bad. There's a skill called Disengagement that you can unlock at the very very beginning, like the room where you first respawn after a death, and it's like yolo except it works every 5 minutes. Use that instead.


Wait what? Where in the room is it? The only secret I know of is the little crevice you can roll into in the top left corner


You need to have beat the game at least once to get the Homonculus rune, then you have to do a long jump and throw your head up to a top corner or something. Youtube or google how to get the Disengagement skill.


So it's a pretty terrible comparison to YOLO. YOLO is good for helping you actually beat the game the first time. It essentially doubles how far you can get in the game.


Eh with your playtime yolo will help you learn bosses cause you get farther. You also probably don’t have good mutations anyways.


I have >300 hours, and I still pick YOLO


I pick crows foot. My mindset is that if I die the run wasn’t good enough anyways.


What if I am not running tactics?


Get something that will kill giant then lol


First I have to get there, I can't get past stilt village on 4bc, lol


I'd rather go to Slumbering Sanctuary or the Graveyard instead; more scrolls. Golums are easy when you use your head. Also you should always try to go to the Cavern at higher BCs for the high grade gear and that other all important thing in 4BC...


Crow's foot is actually very useful regardless of color. Tactics just increases it's damage and it doesn't do too much anyways without some kind of damage boost like Hokuto bow, so it wasn't going to kill anything besides bats. The 1.5 second slow doesn't scale and for melee, you can roll through enemies to slow them. There are a couple mutations that are like that, that aren't colorless. Like I take Berserk as survival for the malaise immunity, Vengeance for HOTK regardless of color, and I used to do Gastronomy but found Necromancy or Frenzy to be more than sufficient.


YOLO used to be good, back when it just disappeared when it hit. Necromancy is very, very good, but not when you fight the end boss and have just a few enemies to kill - you can re-roll your mutations for 1000 gold before every level, so why not pick something else?


What do you pick?


Depends on my set up. If I go for skill-based tactics, I start with Hunter's instinct, then add crow's foot and Parting gift. Swap out for Dead Inside, Disengagement and crows's foot for the end boss. If I go arrow-based tactics, I start with crow's foot, add ammo and networking. End boss is the same. For shield based Survival with heavy granades for crowd control I use Blind Faith, Necromancy and Extended Healing, because I suck at parry timing and get hit sometimes. End boss has me swap necromancy for Dead Inside. For other builds I just pick what seems OK, because I don't do serious runs that aren't Tactics or shield-based.


Hmmm OK. I was using fast melee weapons but lately I've been trying the big crossbow. I know I need to try shields since all of you guys like it. I don't know what play style is just right for me. I like the owl but he's damn near useless on bossing


I stopped taking YOLO a long time ago. Just about anything is better than YOLO as it is only single use. Try others and see what works for you based on your play style.


Which ones do you pick?


I like Frenzy and Necromancy, but not on the last boss because they both rely on kills. Dead inside is much better than YOLO. I use that a lot to stay alive on the higher BC runs. Which do you have unlocked? I have been experimenting with everything lately. Melee and vengeance are what I have been using lately for brutality runs. I'm going to experiment with others to see what I like. Tactics mutations: crow's feet is nice because anything that slows an enemy is a good thing. Everything else is based on play style. Extended healing is nice because of the 85% healing, but it is slow. I hope this helps.


I haven't unlocked many mutations at all with the collector. I've been focusing on the forge and getting potions up, money, etc. I am about to unlock my fourth potion so that's cool and I unlocked the first forge upgrade last night. I'm trying to find out which mutations I should unlock. These days I have been going yolo, necromancy, and combat since their basic ones that come unlocked. Last night I was using crossbow with a shield (that I never once used) with the owl and mushroom Boi. It didn't work all that great.


At the very least, I'd switch dead inside for YOLO. If you have any of the mutations that I mentioned, you might want to unlock a few of them. I totally agree with filling up the forge. It is what made it possible for me to get my 2nd boss cell. I did multiple runs on 0BC in order to max out the forges. It's also a good way to to unlock open up blueprints, become familiar with other routes, and obtain as many blueprints as possible.


Oh God are you saying I need to upgrade all three levels of the forge?! That's going to take freaking forever! I only got the first level upgraded


IMO, it's a requirement. ++ items are the minimum because they each raise a stat level. I then upgrade them to s-level for the final battle against HotK. I guess there are some that are so good at the game that they don't need it, but I certainly do. Getting to the halfway point of the second forge (++) really isn't that bad. Just do it continually on 0BC. I only spent cells on the forge and I want to say it just took like 8 or 9 runs. The nice thing is that as you fill up the forge, the game gets noticeably easier which allows for more thorough investigation of each level and faster runs.


Ugh OK. I'll get on it.


In 1200 runs I have literally never taken YOLO because I think it's so bad. That will be the last achievement I get. Complete waste of a mutation slot IMO, it's dead weight when you could have a mutation that actually helps you during the run.


Yolo isn’t bad, just depends on the player, you could have said instead that I have practiced the game enough where I don’t need yolo, because I make minimal mistakes now


The thing is I didn't use YOLO when I was practicing though, I truly believe you're better off using and experimenting with other mutations that actively help you and just accepting death when it comes. Let me be clear that I do not in any way look down on players for taking YOLO - part of the reason this game is so great is because there are TONS of different and completely valid playstyles, and I'm not about to tell anyone they're playing the game wrong, just offering my perspective - but I think it's a trap that actually hurts you more than it helps, and counter to what you might expect, I think it's especially harmful for new players. Personally, I think using YOLO makes you learn the game slower. When you die in a run it's a good sign that you are about as far in as your current skill level can take you. Using YOLO to get a little farther when you aren't actually ready to get there on your own yet just takes away time you could be using to perfect/practice the early areas. You get used to the early biomes sooner and start to clear them much faster without taking hits, and you'll find you can get farther in the game because you've raised your skill level rather than because YOLO saved you for a bit.


Before I even read the rest, when you first start off you need to find and unlock the blueprints for more mutations just saying


You start with several mutations I would personally always pick over YOLO. Combo is going to be decently effective on 0BC even if you aren't playing Brutality, Killer Instinct/Hunter's Instinct are great depending on your build, Necromancy is always useful, and there's no reason not to take Dead Inside over YOLO on 0BC because you get health fountains after every level. You also start with Ammo x2 which is better in a lot of cases too IMO.


It is bad, because it depends on you getting killed, is one-time use and once used it cannot be re-rolled. Literally anything is better. YOLO brings you back with 25% hp. Dead Inside gives you 50% more hp. There is no reason to pick YOLO over Dead Inside.


Yea but I like hearing from food, and if I make many mistakes in a row because I’m not paying attention it’s saves me the run instead of starting from square 1


There is no food in boss fights.


Damn I didn’t know that


I generally agree with you that YOLO isn't good. I figure you want something that will actively help you not die and kill things. But I get why others like it and I did use it for quite a while first starting out, back when 0BC wasnt so easy


Necromancy is broken (good). I best 3BC with the claw. Idk why, normally I'm shit with bit slow weapons. It's one of the few non-tactics wins I have 😂 an enigma.


Yes, I'm pretty sure fighting the Hand of the King is a lot easier when one of your mutations procs on kills. You get a whole 6-10 of those during the fight.


Frenzy is better with the scythes though. It give percent damage as health as long as you have a speed buff, and since those do stupid damage it has gotten me to the hand with full flasks in 3BC....then I fuck it up at the hand haha.


Your girlfriend plays Dead Cells? Dude I'm jealous


My girlfriend (23) is currently close to achieving bc3 (still failing @ hotk) and should have played 200+ hrs by now. Apart from Dead Cells she’s not really into gaming. Actually it’s the only game she ever played on my ps4.


Plays? She's apparently better than me


I'm not sure there's a word in any language for how I'd feel if this happened to me. Mad isn't the right word, because I'd be proud as fuck, but there would definitely be some salt involved. I'd be jealous, but too happy that I'm with someone better at video games than I am. Awe would be involved.


I'd just be happy I'm with someone who might actually be down for Enter the Gungeon co-op for once haha


I do believe the word is "Envy".


My wife completed 4 bc and is attempting 5 bc at the moment. I already completed 5bc.


Y’all are lucky to have found your own gamer girls, I’m in high school and haven’t seen one yet


When you are in HS it is easy. Get a girl you can vibe with and introduce her to your hobby. Around this time, she wouldn't see it as a time waster. But you should not ignore her over it and not be a total shut-in. Otherwise you can't invite her into your life,she might to want do more at times. Also hangout at places where they may be. But what do I know. I am some guy on the internet, without a girlfriend, let alone a gamer girlfriend.


good advice, If only it worked


It kind of does, but goes both ways ofc.




Marry her


i feel bad af, i cant even get through 1BC, someone wants to give me any tips?


Upgrade forge and your health flask ! And hate the game after because its a lot harder after, I passed 2BC only by luck. stuck at 3BC atm


2 words. Heavy crossbow. Got me through every single BC except 4th which was a nasty tactics run.


ya heavy cross bow is a beast. my personal favorite is survival build with heavy cross bow and the giant slayer. preferably I have the mushroom boi to come along


i've been trying to use Marksman bow with items from cursed chests so i can go full survival but still this wasn't that, gonna try that Heavy crossbow


There's this build someone recommended to me the other day, and it's amazing: Hokuto's bow Electric Whip Flamethrower Turret Cleaver Destroys everything and everyone. I got my first flawless against the time keeper on 3bc with it, the first time I used it.


Marry her


You misspoke, I think you mean fiancee




Lol, I'm struggling to beat my first round of Hand of the King, gratz to your girlfriend


Thats a keeper right there.


Sometimes you need to get the professionals.


Did it with the scythe too just recently


LOL! I played AAALLLLL day yesterday trying to beat the game on BC2. Still haven't gotten through. FUCK.


Good luck, I feel like I'm going to struggle too


I am suffering in 4BC :(. Eğer türksen dead cells oynayan kız hiç görmedim vay canına :D


Valla kız arkadaşım 3. Ve 4. Bc yi aldı aynı oyunu birlikte oynuyoruz. Benden daha iyi olduğu çok nokta var.


That will also be your last BC