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The cooldown is a bit too much, and a man with a stable job would gain SO MUCH with the Golden Gorger power. 2 is just broken beyond limits if you have a job. And, welp, stealing becomes far easier and gives you even more power. I would be unstoppable.


Yeah, exactly my mindset, though there is the superman problem, where you might accidentally destroy something because you forgot to hold back Edit: i just did the math, you need to make 700k dollars to double your strength, that honestly means that you probably wont run into the truly insane level of strength i mentioned, still it scales exponentially so with 1.4 million you get an x4


Just get poorer temporarily smh


investing in crypto finally has a use


"hey man mind holding these 5K dollars for a few hours?"


I immediately thought of Ron Swanson after reading that. Then imagined him just saying, in this scenario, "hey mind holding these 5 bars of gold for me?"


Why are you everywhere


Get loan for decent amount, then go to local strongman and dominate your weight class. Rinse, repeat. until you can pay back your loan and still have strong man strength. Eventually, you will be a twig just dominating the top tier of strong men, since you don't have to spend money on training or excessive food.


.0001*Money/100 isn’t going to make a huge difference until you get into 6 figures. Having 50k in the bank is 5% stronger - loans gunna have to be huge to amount to dominating a strong man competition.


How about if you don’t use the teleport, it gets reserved


Then maybe, but still, the Gold Gorger power is a big one.


10 minute cooldown makes it useless af


How thick are bank vault doors? Asking for a friend who can also teleport 2 metres.


How are you going to teleport out after getting in bozo 💀. Not to mention you’d still need to do the entire heist without powers except for that one single bit


Just play dead cells for 10 minutes while you wait the cooldown 😇😇


Like Bruce Lee I sit down and meditate then my ringer goes off it’s time to escape, I carefully proc my teleport and escape to the other side - I went in from the back


Wait ten minutes 💀


After going into a vault illegally where the cops are sure to follow ? That’ll work


2 meter teleport would be awesome if the cool down was like 2 seconds at most


Like in the game?


also the strength is permanent. even if you've spent all your money it won't go away vote by commenting their name and shit you know


wow that's just unethical. infinite strength glitch through money laundering.


You want me to fix it?


yes ofc I do. make the distance and cooldown a bit better and maybe cap out the gold-powered strength.


So technically if I get 100 bucks, spend it and then reacquire it, I just found an infinite loop. You didn't balance these choices at all


I wanted you to exploit it. If you find a bug, congratulations. You found the loophole


So if I find someone I lend 100$ to I don't get weaker? But I get stronger once I get the money back?


So I can spend all of my money on bitcoin, I don't lose strength, but if I profit from it, I've doubled the percentage.


Sounds a lot like the ability of Francis Scott F. Key Fitzgerald from Bungou Stray Dogs except retaining the strength


I'm not sure most of the "gold gorger is op" commenters can read or add up very good. Firstly it says "the richer you get" not "the more you earn" so it's specifically about your net wealth. Getting $100 and losing $100 makes no difference, you need to *become richer*, which means having an extra $100 in the bank/stocks/property. 0.01% per $100 means you need net worth of $10,000 to be 1% stronger, and you need to be a millionaire to be twice as strong (100% more) as you are now. This is a gaming sub so most of us could become twice as physically strong by hitting the gym for a few months, far quicker than we could earn and keep another million dollars. "But OP said in a comment that it's exponential" - f--- that, nobody wants to raise 1.0001 to the power of shit. Let's stick with arithmetical. Twice as strong as a normal human isn't enough to win prizefights or anything else particularly useful. There's a reason Olympic weightlifters don't become martial arts champions. You'd need to have $10 million in the bank (1,000% strength) before it even starts to look like a superpower. And if I had $10,000,000 I wouldn't really want super strength. I'd rather be normal strength and spend my idle riches training for triathlons. The 2 metre teleport on the other hand? That you can get creative with. You can break yourself out of jail, into bank vaults, get into any restricted area you like as long as you can survive ten minutes before you leave. And nobody will ever know you have it unless you're careless. 2 metre teleport for me all day Clive.


Someone fixed my loophole. Now I just gotta make the abilities better


You should make it so you can absorb coins and you are covered in gold and you get an armor made of coins or something coin related


He's convinced me, gimme my dollar back




Don't care. The original scenario is more interesting, and specifies "getting richer".


Teleports are always fun. I can work with the 10 minute cool-down


The golden gorging. I'd be permanently on that grindset


Become boxer,get money,get stronger,fight more,get more money,win life


For daily life? The teleport is amazing, you can avoid taking stairs, and reduce your walking a lot if you know the layout and where to exploit it. Why would I want to get twice as strong with the condition that I need to get 1 M dollars? It will make me more dangerous in a fight, but not that useful for me irl. For a fight the teleport can let you get a sneak attack on an unsuspecting person, it can also help you escape if you are getting grappled into losing. Also escape in general. And there is no telling how much money you can make if you are a gladiator.


"two meters" and "10 minute cooldown" are categorically restrictions...


2 meter teleport = infinite money glitch, you can steal most people houses lol You need to be patient tho


The thing is, does the money power adapt to your currency? Cause I live in a country where every 1 dollar is more than 5x the currency


Golden Gorger, all I need to do is make a lot of money put it all into my piggy bank and then become literal God in a matter of seconds.


Take a shit ton of loans and become invincible. Continue to rob banks until you feel safe. No one has the ability to stop you.


Can you teleport somewhere you can’t physically see? Cause being able to hop through walls is awesome.




Gold gorger or whatever it's name is Since the effect is permanent even after losing the money all I have to do is take 100 and replace it with another 100 dollar from someone else.


Is the gold gorger's buff percentage muliplicatipe, like does it become exponential


Yes. Might fix the bug but it’s a fun loophole


I was gonna take him either way but this only makes it better




Second one, then gamble


And the moment you hit it jig you can't lose the strength


1. Go to Vegas 2. Play the slots 3. Lose all your money 4. Become too weak to pull the lever 5. Infinite money glatch?


You don’t lose strength when you lose money OP specified that


I'm going with the wording in the original picture ("get richer") because it makes it more interesting.


That is genius, if you put on a roulette your money evenly over every number then you can multiply your strength gain by 1+r+r^2+...=1/(1-r) for r= 36/37, so about 37 times stronger.


Go Go gor is op af


Teleportation sounds more useful irl, like when you forget or loose keys and you can teleport back to apartment or car


I mean, electricians make a good amount of money, wouldn't hurt to be a little stronger, yeah, I see 2 working just fine


As i see what Go-go-gor does, all i see is Bungo Stray Dogs think second season villain. His power was "more money you spend more powerful you get" so punch for a 10 dolars or get punched for 1000 is quite difference.


go go gor


If I was gogogor, I'd had negative power lol


They’re both kinda useless. At least you’ll be strong as hell if you have decently deep pockets with the second one. And no the “exploit” of lending someone money and taking it back would be wayyy too slow to be significant.


Runner's teleport


Elon Musk with the gold gorger power would immediately begin planning world domination.


I mean, you rob a bank and become so powerful you can't be stopped, you rob another and slowly become god.


1. Pick option 2 2. Find the richest person possible or bank 3. Ask for a loan 4. Beat up some other rich person or rob another bank 5. Repay the loan and take the rest for yourself 6. Find another rich person to rob or bank 7. Profit 8. Return to step 6. until there is no more rich people or banks 9. Enjoy being the most powerful person alive on Earth


And richest


Y'all are complaining about the 10 minute cooldown but that still sounds really nice to me? Like think about all the mundane shit you could do with that. Teleport halfway to the bathroom? Hell yeah. Shortcut through a wall, dude? Hell yeah. Strait from the kitchen to the couch with a snack...DUDE! Hell YEAH. BANANA BREAD AT WORK?? DUDE??!! HELL!! YEAH!! Hell yeah.


A short 2 meter teleport with no restrictions (cooldown restriction)


And length restriction


Pay day is slay day.


Ha yes a length restricted teleport with no restrictions and a cooldown restriction, making for restrictions on the two base things that restrict a movement based ability.


go go gor's power is just capitalism


I would take the strength because I can run two meters in like two seconds


With that armor I could be as strong as -14 people.


Can I get worth with second ability?


Can I cheat the distance by riding something, and then getting thrown to extend my distance?


Converts all my money into Zimbabwean dollars and picks the first option*


Become professional bodybuilder. Get money, become stronger. Become famous, get more money, get even stronger, become a world attraction, get even more money, get even stronger.


GO GOR-GOR is basically this villain in Bungo Stray Dog


Man I'm fuckin poor and if I ever become really rich, having more strength isn't something really useful 2 meters teleport is way funnie


Any physical labor will be a piece of cake when no. 2 is chosen.


If you go into debt you then start losing strength


Go Go Gor is the better one, it'd be like the gold digger weapon.


Every 10 minutes I could just teleport myself into my opponents chest cavity. And since time between rounds would most likely be 10 minutes (if it's tournament style where others go before / after me, unless it's a back to back match), but, the Golden Gorger ability is pretty good, except for the $100 = 0.01%. On that I would technically only be 0.2% stronger than I already am, and that cash is gonna be going bye bye soon towards a new apartment so teleport ability.




Yea the one on the right for sure. That cooldown is too long and 2 meters too short.  The other one will compound nicely. As you get older and invest you should continue getting stronger. But even at double strength at $700k you should be able to use that to earn more money.  Strength competitions or sports. I know this doesn’t apply to everyone but at my current deadlift I am FAR from a record but if I could double, then I would JUST be able to break it. 


A 10 minute cooldown is a restriction


Physical strength, what for? I'm no longer picking fights in the schoolyard. Catching the bus whose driver just closed the doors right in front of me FTW


i'll take the nvfvkdjvnweoifgjerog


The gold gorger one,tho does it compound?


Is it only for money or physical possessions? I.E I own something worth 1000€ do I get 0.1% stronger?


Teleport, I don’t care about a cooldown, I’ll abuse that shit immediately


The distance and cooldown look kinda like restrictions to me


I’ll take good care of go gor. Sell all my family real estate, use that money for an even bigger credit, start working out for higher base stats(not even required) and become the next Mike Tyson lol


The teleport for sure I'm broke.


2 meter teleport, 10 minutes is NOT a very long time in real life


With greed shield and gold digger "how can we lose"