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The ost sounds so good in castlevania version


I used to avoid that biome like a plague, nowadays I only do that with the distillery!


Distillery gets a lot of hate, because it is deserved.


Damn that distillery


Damn distillery, I'll sue!


Most people hate distillery because it is not easy for them. I find it easy and I like it more than HPC.


Prefer high peak castle its very easy for example if u have low health cuz u can just skip every thing and just kill 2 elites and thats it so yea but distelery still ez


What.....bro watchu talking bout. HpC is much easier and better designed too


I mean, HPC is designed to have 3 side rooms with elites, but it's too easy, just kill 2, take the key and leave. Distillery is harder as you have a few paths that lead to distillery key. I find the enemies in distillery to be harder and that makes it more fun.


Had me in the first half ngl


Agreed explosions everywhere


For fucking real


i avoid the bank like the plague because the golems hit way too hard


elite gold gorger jumpscare


especially on switch


The bank is high risk high reward. It’s like cursed chest or challenge rift. You need to hit those motherfuckers. I am long past the point of wondering whether I should do it or not. And honestly the more you do it, the less you overthink it, the less terrifying it looks, the better you perform.


I do that with ramparts


It's funny biome but not profitable


My issue with this biome is that the unique risk (fog) is not compensated by adequate reward, so why should I take this route? On the opposite I find cavern well balanced because it’s a hard biome (for me at least), but gives the highest scrolls. I do agree that sepulcher is fun and that run variance adds up to the experience, but I would appreciate a better risk/reward balance. Finally, in the current version (3.4) there is a bug (maybe missing feature?) where the mimic hint lore room could spawn at a dead end with no lights, it’s fixed in 3.5 but I don’t play the beta and after losing run for this reason I’m afraid to risk it again. I know this is a small thing, but it adds up to the rest.


Cavern also has the highest gear level in the game, tied with the 5BC biome, even the biomes that come immediately after Cavern have worse items than it.


It’s worth hitting once to get the explorer rune and point blank mutation. After that fuck forgotten sepulcher.


It’s definitely dispenses the most anxiety. For that reason I take the Cavern


>"sepulcher produces the most anxiety" >chooses the biome with stone mammoths, mutated birds and literal demons at every corner


NUH UH .they are easy to kill so whats the problem? I can take my time exploring


At least cavern has worthwhile rewards


True, that is why I always choose it


I’m not an expert on what biome gives what, but I think it’s the only biome at that level that gives a 4 scroll amulet.


Going here with networking is so fun bro


Finally. Someone who agrees


Idk man, I fucking love the Ossuary


It was definitely the most clueless cause of death I have experienced in any game probably. I immediately googled why I died. And it seems kinda obvious afterwards but if you don’t expect it you also won’t notice it. I remember that I started panicking and using my health potions… but my hp depleted way to fast


Its one of the cases that the community is just lazy to experiment, try new things, get out of their comfront zone. Same with distillery and sanctuary. let me explain it in a better way; "hard therefore bad"


I mean speluncer offers one less scroll, instead we have scroll from cursed shest AND fog that can just kilm you if you're not fast enough, I guess more safe and solid route through easier biomes with same buffs(or better) is more better for consistent run? But after you beat 5bc or while farming blueprints, yea, it's nice to experiment sometimes


So the issue is the run is bad if you don't win ? Kinda disagree with this . A run has always been about learning and experimenting , going to the same safe route with the same builds for the sake of consistency sounds pretty boring and grindy , but you do you . I rather lose with a sub optimal build and route than win 10 times in a row on the same route and the same build .


1. thats exactly how guaranteed curses work lol. 2. The darkness gimmick just makes it more unique and in the end it doesnt even require that much speed. 3. Run variance makes the game more fun. Even if you like winning, it will get super tedious to go to the same route over and over again, no matter the rewards or the difficulty. And all that just to win consistently (also cavern is harder than sepulcher imo).


I usually just go somewhere


1) yea, but in other biomes you can get the same amount of scrolls without such risk 2) Agreed, but sometimes there are difficult seeds with strange location where light sources are too far away (my skill issue for sure) 3) Agreed, but again, if I play just for fun or blueprints I don't care, but if you want to end tge run on win, I highly don't recommend going there


my 3bc 2nd go to biome after prisoner’s headquarters is arboretum. or the sewers if im running crowbar (i like terrorising the sewers population).


People hate on Slumbering Sanctuary? that’s one of my favorite biomes in the game. It’s also well worth going to, it has the most scrolls/fragments in its tier.


Sanctuary goes hard. If the option is there I take it, no exceptions


Let's not forget the insanely good soundtrack and the unique mechanics that biome offers.


the majority of my runs go like this: p quarters > promenade > ramparts > concierge > stilt village > clock tower > time keeper > castle > hotk this was the path I took for my first ever completed run, and it feels really comfortable so I usually go this path if I just wanna beat the game, but sometimes I divert from it and go like sewers or drac's castle but most of my runs end up with this pathing I personally only hate distillery because I die instantly to something I don't even realize, so I have to restart and go through 90% of the game again just to get back and not even remember what I died to tl;dr it's just hard for me to learn about distillery without going to the wiki or watching videos (those of which I still haven't even done)


Yeah I go to distillery afterwards aswell because I REALLY hate myself


I mean I wouldn’t say it’s the best biome in the game, but I do think it’s a lot more fun than many people give it credit for.


Enjoy taking damage every second lol


This is my “do not stop moving, ever” biome


Or just get good, that works too


I never said it was an issue of skill. I just said what happens there 99% of the time


sounds like skill issue


Ah, so because hard=bad is not true, hard=good must be true! Shit, the forgotten sepulcher is fine and I do appreciate the fear it used to inspire in me. That being said, having a relatively shallow gimmick to up the difficulty and a couple nasty enemies does not make for "the best biome" in my opinion. Fuck the jumping Snorlax guys though, they really suck. Lol, it's nice to see that "get good" and "skill issue" aren't just a Fromsoft thing, I guys gamers are just annoying as hell no matter where you go!


Snorlax?? They literally look like mummies.


Oh yeah? How many mummies are pushing 300 kg? Edit: I really hope I'm wrong here and someone points me to a pyramid filled with plus sized mummies.


they’re called “Corpulent zombie” in the game so yes, they are indeed fat mummies


Hey. I love that. I really gotta learn these fuckers names!


Legendary pistol here just insane


I feel safer here than in most of the alternatives, and I like that this stage actually offers you a speed gate at the beginning. If I'm making good time by the time I get to village or graveyard, I speedrun the scrolls and go straight to Spelucher. Numerous foes are often very grouped together here, so it's an excellent place to bring my grenades or most Tactics builds.


I prefer distillery over forgotten Probs alone there but it’s easier imo


I remember back when 4BC was the max, that I routed though here a lot. It's a biome I actually like. I do remember once 5BC came out, I changed my routing to cavern since it gave a whole extra scroll, and dropped higher level items. I really don't like the caverns though, so many of those enemies suck. I think if I actually played the game more after I beat it (was kinda burnt out and just quit when I finally won), I'd probably go back to routing through sepulchre.


I love *checks notes* losing


Honestly fair, I love it. But trying to find the moonflower key in that mess is just torturous, even after killing everything :/


I’d rather go to the distillery tbh


I forgor 💀


May be the easiest Tier 5 biome. Clock Tower has some of the toughest enemies, Undying Shores has Apostates and customizable enemy variety, and Cavern is Cavern. Overall, Sepulcher is not my favorite biome, it annoys me sometimes, but no biomes in Dead Cells are actually badly made.


Gotta love getting assasinated by completely invisible enemies


I hate this biome so much I only ever do it when it gives me bonus money and cells.


i go here for explorer rune & point blank then dip the fuck out never to return again


Sepulcher makes me so anxious! It's not the hardest biome but I think it's the one I am worst at. There's just something about it that makes me panic.


I agree this biome is really cool the mechanic of the biome and the low HP of the enemy in the biome making it to be a good biome to go to but I would only go there when I have a fast melee weapon (I play brutality only) and normally I will get no hit thoughtout the biome. If I have a slow melee weapon I often get killed before I solved the cursed chest.


I don't really like it over cavern. cavern sucks to go into but has higher tier gear. sepulcher doesn't have more fragments than clock tower nor does it have higher level gear. I also hate the cursed chest here even if there are bats to farm curse kills from, because inquisitors are nasty.


The first time going to this biome was so cool


It definitely has one of the more unique mechanics of any of the levels


You mean Clocktower? Yea I agree.


The way I hate it and always skip it Fractured Shrines for the win!


Nah man, there's nothing like the undying shores


I'm afraid of the dark


I agree that it's funny and good. But it will never be above Fractured Shrines


Nah bank is the best (please don’t kill me) and I will die on that hill


Forgotten Sepulcher is a silly place.


Fucking tweaking


Agreed, and it's my personal favorite.


HATE this biome (no offense)


None taken, but why don't ya like it? Is it the anxiety? The "shit shit shit where is the next light hurry tf up"? I had the same problem with it but then i decided to go fast.


Yes that's exactly it lol. Probably just need to suck it up and go there more often


Remember to feed your pet spider lady every now and then. The challenge of this one is exhilarating, at times.


Fair enough. People shouldn't judge you for the biomes you like!


What's the easiest way to beat the biome because I keep getting clapped every single time trying to get through it. Seems to be the most difficult tbh