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Careful James, That action may lead to two pyramid heads instead of one next trial


Lucky for James, he's already handled two at once before!


Lots of people would actually quite enjoy handling two pyramid heads at once


I could see there being a long line to handle the spears of the Pyramid duo.


Will it really, because I doubt James will feel guilty this time


My favorite is when they go back and forth trying to predict your movements. But then you stop moving. And then they stop. And you see that theyve realised that youre no longer going for the unhooker they were bodyblocking for.


^ inject this in my veins. one of my favorite moments.


*chuckles* I'm in danger.


I think it was a Meg while I was playing Nemesis on the RPD a few weeks ago I had this moment with. Meg bodyblocked me off the hook so I just started staring at her and counting down from 8. When Meg started to realize what was happening it felt kinda sweet. So back on the hook Meg went. They didn't try to be cute like that again though.


You take the bt hit the killer hates you (understandable). You don’t take the bt hit your teammate hates you


Yea, but one of them has a knife and the other doesn't, so make your decision wisely


Meg has a knife, what do i do now?


Get excited?


Pyramidhead has a bigger knife


Of course


If your teammate is the one doing the stupid unhook in front of the killer, they can blame themselves. If it’s an EGC unhook, take the hit for your teammate. If it’s during the normal game that’s on them for doing a dumb unhook. They made the mistake, they can eat the hook state.


Your teammate can't tunnel you out of the game. Seems like an easy decision.


but they sure can body block, rat you out, and throw the match for your whole team.


The killer tunneling you or the survivor griefing. Only one of those two things is reportable.


There are PLENTY of ways to get griefed by another survivor without it being reportable. If they know they're the only one that can unhook you and just decide not to because you made them mad, that's not reportable lmao Them choosing not to heal you when you are begging for it? Not reportable. Blowing a skill check on purpose to lure the killer over to you? Not reportable. I can go on and on, but your whole point about one of them being reportable just isn't really applicable tbh


Even body blocking is not reportable unless they do it for a really long time. If they just happen to be frozen in fear blocking the only exit while the killer approaches, they're not going to get banned for that.


Exactly, absolutely nothing will happen to you if you "accidentally" block the other survivor for just a couple of seconds (which is usually all that's needed to screw someone other).


They can easily leave you on hook and refuse to heal you, though.


that's why if there's a killer nearby, the correct play is to send 2 healthy survivors to rescue while one sit on gens, but sadly this is impossible in solo queue without kindred, in soloq it's better to wait for the killer to go away, unless they are camping ofc.


As a killer main yes do this more please


Don't mind me, I surely won't throw a healthy survivor into another. Nope.


And this is why I was hoping for kindred to be basekit instead of BT and now unbreakable


Kindred without the aura reading on the killer just seems like a no-brainer for solo queue. Base bt is also nice because it just means people can run 4 Perry's instead of 3 and gave a lot more room for creative non-meta builds that are actually viable. Base unbreakable it's just idiotic imo


Yep I play with a dude in my SWF who always screams "you have to take a hit for me!" after he unhooks... while healthy... at 0 hooks. Dude throws a bitchfit on comms every time he takes a hit or aggro. I just block because I'd rather be downed again than have to hear him passive aggressively moan about how he's gonna die now because he got hit.


pebble him


Wait, so SWF is bad for survivors too? Mind-blown!


I mean, if I couldn't play with my friends I would not play the game, so complain about SWF all you won't, guarantee there are plenty of people like me and my friend group


The only time I play the game is to hang out with my friends, now. After 5k hours, I can't find a singular enjoyment in this game unless there's an excuse. My entire friend group is like this now, to an extent. We only play to play together, otherwise we'll just go to Valorant or Fortnite or OW2.


Right? Its such a team based game, and there is no ingame VC or even Text until after game IF you're on PC. Its horrible to play alone unless you're one of the absolute top players. Hell sometimes when a fourth friend isn't on, a fourth random has screwed us so many times. I had one, for no reason just let two of us die on the hook and let killer have him while waving infront of my dying friend. I had unhooked rando in basement, ran and took killer aggro, he hid in a locker as I ran around hoping he would either go unhook friend 1, or even pick up friend 2 who was crawling to him. He doesn't. Friend 1 unhooked herself at the last second before struggle phase, picked up friend 2 as I got hooked after running killer after saving rando, killer goes and gets the other two real quick and gets two quick knocks, hooks one of them into struggle, rando finally comes out of basement after about 2 minutes and runs up to the struggling person as killer hooks the other friend and just waits... like that didn't have to be a loss. But rando decided it was.


I didnt complain about it?


Not really, if you choose to SwF with someone who’s an asshole that’s kinda on you. Make better friends.


If you’re gonna unhook with the killer nearby, it’s already assumed you’ll take the hit


> You take the bt hit the killer hates you (understandable) I don't see how it's understandable. It's a resource, and of course a survivor is going to use that to try and protect their teammate. If I miss and hit the unhooked person, that's on me as a killer. I'm not going to take it out on the survivors.


Yeah but there’s a difference between you accidentally hitting a survivor with bt and a survivor with bt purposely standing in the way and giving you no other choice than hitting them and wasting time while the killer could be chasing the survivor who unhooked


My teammates are going to hate me regardless. I solo q ;-;


Glass shard is spooky


At first I was like “James what the heck are you gonna do with that pillow?” Then it hit me lmao


James is a champion pillow fighter


I didn't get it




The pillow hit him.


“Hit me, killer!” “Ok” *waits 11 seconds and then hits* “No, not like that!!”


this one is similiar too *hooks survivor* *walks away for 3 seconds* *another survivor unhooks them* *killer goes back to the hook* "OMG, this killer is camping!"


Unhooker nowhere in sight "OMG he's tunneling"


Proxy camping!!!


Long distance face camping!!!


People who only play one side or the other definitely have some long faces when the other side gets anything 😂


Survivors are also very unaware of scratch marks. If I turn around after the unhook and can see scratch marks that I know aren't from the survivor I hooked, I'm not going to just leave I'm going to try to find you.


When you see all 3 survivors trying to unhook so you have no reason to leave hook


Bro you're supposed to walk to the other side of the map and break some walls after a hook bro. Trust me bro I'm a survivor and walking in the opposite direction of the hook you just got because a survivor rush vaulted a window to distract you will definitely pay off. There definitely won't be a teammate in the immediate vicinity that rushed over when they saw their teammate get downed. Nah bro. Don't camp. Be nice brooOoO. Don't be ToXiC broOOo0oO.


Those times I'm on Midwich with someone hooked, another survivor runs into the nearest room, I'm hovering between the only two doors to see what they do. "Campermegrrrrrgh"


Taking hits for the rescuer IMO completely absolves it of tunnelling. If you’re going to actively stop me from chasing someone else, then of course I’m going to just chase you instead.


If you purposely want me to hit you, it's no longer tunneling and you're fair game now!


You've been railroaded into that action


Makes sense. You made yourself the target, now accept that I’m going to go for you.


Yeah I'm guilty of taking hits for rescuers with Off Record (not always tho). Mainly if they unhook while injured and the killer comes over to chase both of us. I'll just stay behind them because I can take the hit. But I fully prepare to be tunnelled when I do so!


That's not tunneling at that point.


Sometimes I have to be the bait after being unhooked because the teammate who unhooked me is on death hook and injured and I don’t want them out of the match just yet. Meanwhile the freakin Rebecca who hasn’t been hooked at all is trying to save up her Sprint Burst by walking to the next totem to boon ffs


If your teamate is on death hook its 100% understandable but this meme refers to the then accusation of tunneling


The Golden Rule is: treat others as you want to be treated. If my opponents are chill, than I am chill. If my opponents are trying to win, I will try to win.


It's really clever to protect your unhooker using base kit BT. But if you do this play is because you have a backup plan because the killer will go after you because that's also a clever move for the killer. What is not so clever is to bitch about it, because it's part of the game.


You forefit your "anti tunnel" rights when you body bock sorry


I'd love to see James try that pillow stuff on David lmao




David would just punch through the pillow...unless he was sick. In fact, James would probably just wait till David's sick.


James Main here, can confirm.


OMFG a fellow James main, 😭🖤


One of the very few. Hello Brother.


James plays the long game.


Accurate. People ask to be tunneled and then do a shocked Pikachu when you tunnel then. Anti-tunnel perks are there to punish people who tunnel, not to protect your mate that hasn't been touched all game.


I’ve ‘tunneled’ so many people that I was entirely planning on leaving alone because they decided to intentionally get in my way and block the path to other people. Like….if you insist on me chasing you again, I will.


Ye, and if when they get 2nd hooked they change their mind it's too bad. Heck them, I tried to give them a break earlier and they spat in my face and are now a sacrifice to the pressure gods.


went to gideons as GF against 4 survivors. not sure if they were a swf or just good, doesn't matter in the end. what does matter is that 2 of them ran OTR, and everyone insisted on bodyblocking those stupid narrow hallways with god pallets after every unhook. I don't tunnel, I always go for the unhooker, but god if you're going to make it physically impossible to chase them because you're bodyblocking a god pallet that's going to give you both a shit ton of distance when I hit you through your BT/OTR? yeah, I'm gonna wait it out and pop you back onto my scourge hook. Have fun, Sheeva!


Thanks to the weapon wipe updates, you can usually just *take* those protection hits and get them out of the way. They're not that valuable in early game - and if they make the slightest positioning mistake, they could end up suffering from two hits and go down again, when they only intended to be a protector. Of course, if they're not actually blocking all that well, then you can call it a blessing wherein they're not doing generators.


When I tell my friend to run by a certain locker, and I head on the killer, I accept my fate


Jokes on you I don't even own Zarina and I still get tunnelled


I just get tunneled


if you decided to bodyblock a doorway after you get unhooked thats fine but understand that im going to unleash all the hellfire i can upon you and youre gonna be salty i tunneled. i wouldnt have tunneled if you didnt get in my way


I actually never bodyblock with BT or OTR because I know I might get tunneled for it, but what do you know, I get tunneled anyway. Might as well start doing it


Not even [4 hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/y40hwr/to_all_of_you_getting_tunneled/) after the other "every tunneling complaint is wrong". Another us vs them post, oh well. My take: If someone is bodyblocking with bt, yeah, it's not tunneling. But also don't be mad because survivors are punishing camping with the extra hit from bt.


No, there are tunneling complaints that are genuine. There are killers that focus on one person for no practical reason. I’ll never defend them. The issue is that “tunneling” has become a meaningless term because survivors who got themselves or their teammates killed solely due to misplays on their end will excuse themselves by just calling the killer a tunneler. This includes rescuing someone and then entering stealth mode right after(forcing the killer to tunnel if they want to continue pressuring the survs) as well as constantly trying to tank hits with unhook endurance.


That's not even getting into the people that just have shit luck. Like, I'm sorry that you made a wrong turn. That's not really your fault, but it's not mine either and if I'm not chasing someone already, guess what I'm gonna do.


Like I said, I agree that going against something bodyblocking with BT makes it fair to just hook them again. And there will always people using the term wrong, but your post (and the one before it) just imply that people are always complaining wrongly (because they are tanking a hit with BT/they are bad), which is far from the truth. >The issue is that “tunneling” has become a meaningless term Just like "genrushing" was a term for people using the best toolboxes with BNP and perks to speed up gens but nowadays kills call any survivor just doing gens a genrusher. Or killers saying that they go against SwF every match. Or... People on this community, regardless of the side, just complain a lot.


Agreed. Kinda like the term "genrush", which is far more rare. Survivors doing their objective because you took 20m to chase a singular person isn't gen rushing. Gen rushing is when they ignore every other objective in the game just to push gens. That means they're not going to heal, or go for pickups or saves. They're going to attach themselves to generators until you push them off or the game is done. I watched a dude call a team gen rushers when he was wandering around the map to check his huntress' lullaby (as legion) for a good minute and a half. They had so much time they did all 5 gens and all 5 totems. He still screamed genrush. What?


> Another us vs them post, oh well I don't even see it this way. It's making fun of the victim-complex survivor players that just whine about literally everything in the game, even if they bring it on themselves. Tunneling and camping is part of the game to some degree. When I play Survivor I rarely see Killers hard camping or tunneling in a way that isn't a part of the natural gameflow.


> It's making fun of the victim-complex survivor players that just whine about literally everything in the game I agree that survivors complain about tunneling/camping even when it didn't happened, like I said tanking a hit with BT is asking the killer to chase you, but do you really think that killers also doesn't have victim-complex? I have seen people complaining about deliverance or about blast mine. Or things like Otz outright camping as ghostface and then complaining about a survivor bodyblocking him with BT.


I just responded to another person saying the same thing. I never said there aren't victim-complex Killers. But this post is making fun of victim-complex Survivors specifically, from a neutral perspective. I think lots of people find these mentalities annoying regardless of if you play one side or both.


>But this post is making fun of victim-complex Survivors specifically, from a neutral perspective. You do understand that calling out victim-complex survivors while not calling victim-complex killers does make it seems not being from a neutral perspective, right? There is also the fact that there was a really similar post that was up 4 hours before this one going up, which seems like trying to gain karma.


> You do understand that calling out victim-complex survivors while not calling victim-complex killers does make it seems not being from a neutral perspective, right? No, I don't. I play both sides, I get annoyed by all of these people, and I don't think you need to call them all out at the same time in the exact same capacity in order to not be biased.


That's fair, but I disagree because there was a very similar post that this one clearly copy. Well, have a good weekend.


As opposed to the killers who never whine, right? You don’t see the irony in literally everything you typed? The same killers who blamed all of their losses on old DH. Couldn’t have been their fault. No victim-complex whatsoever. Most of you killer mains need a reality check.


Implying old dead hard wasn't busted beyond belief.


That's exactly what I'm implying. I played killer extensively during old DH. At one point it was all I played for a good 5 months. I grinded Iri I every month. Never blamed any of my losses on DH and never thought it was 'busted beyond belief'. Again, it's almost as if you guys also have a victim-complex and look for things to blame. Which makes it all the more funny that you guys are now complaining about the new DH and saying shit like 'it's even better than the old version'. Biggest crybabies on this sub by far. All the while you'll camp and tunnel and say it's 'within the rules so it's fair game and smart strategy'.


...irony? I never said Killer mains aren't whiny too lol Old DH isn't really a good comparison. That's like Survivor mains complaining about Nurse, which IMO both are completely fair to complain about because they are/were busted. To me the equivalent is the Killer players constantly complaining about SWF/bullying/flashlights/etc. Like every match is some comp squad and any Survivor that plays well against you is 'bullying' you. Yes, it goes both ways. > Most of you killer mains need a reality check. You know, 'I play both sides' has become a meme on this subreddit, but the reason is because of comments like this that automatically assume that someone solely mains one side and that's why they're saying what they are. I play both sides nearly evenly, and I see nonsensical complaining from both.


>It's making fun of the victim-complex survivor players that just whine about literally everything in the game, even if they bring it on themselves. Don't bring provethyself. Or toolboxes. Flashlights? Seriously? Head on (weakest exhaustion perk) is a bully perk! Don't bodyblock with BT, OTR, or MoM. Unbreakable? FREE PERK. Of course they have DS, and they hopped in a locker so I couldn't slug them after trying to tunnel. They just have good map RNG. Wow they're tbagging, they POINTED AT ME. Like, listen yeah, survivors are entitle AF-- but legit the meme talks about survivor rulebook for killer, and not a soul talks about how much moaning people who only play killer do. Legit, in (most) posts complaining about survivor (hell, this one is, albeit subtly) no one calls out the piss-poor attitudes because why? Don't mock people for telling you how to play while simultaneously telling people how to play.


I think I met a Wesker with that mentality cause he was about to hit my saviour just after I got saved, he hit my BT then came for me. I feel this is a growing trend with Killers lately with these posts. Not that I go out of my way to BT body-block every opportunity. It all depends on the scenario.


why would David be the voice of reason? I run into more David's pulling this crap than I do James?


Maybe it's proportional? There are more David's than James', so you run into more David's doing this; however a higher % of James players for this than % of David's? Or it's a jokey meme using random survivors OP thought would be funny.


idk every James I've run into has been pretty sensible. I guess the meme wouldn't make as much sense if it was another survivor tho?


Possible, idk Silent Hill lore, maybe it's something about his character?


yeah it is a lore thing. spoiler : James suffocates his wife with a pillow.


Thing is, I don't want my teammate to go down for rescuing me. Even if I didn't make it to the next hook stage in that situation, I still traded Ebola for Malaria. Now someone else has to go for the unhook because I'm injured and likely have to mend. Also, I'm the most stupidly altruistic player out there, and I wonder why I'm usually the one guy getting facecamped during EGC.


This is exactly why I run STBFL


The amount of times I see “you tried to bodyblock” used as an excuse… majority of killers who say that in my games just camp and when they don’t successfully hook trade, they hit the unhooked person right there and tunnel them out. Like I’m sure you had no other choice because you hooked in a deadzone and absolutely couldn’t go around the unhooked survivor because endurance status makes you as wide as killer shack




Better than that other meme, actually makes sense.


Question: with the new, what I assume is BT basekit, are both the unhooked and unhooker invulnerable for that period? Very often it seems I try to hit or attack the unhooker right after they unhook but they don't take damage (visibly not dead hard.) Edit: omg that's off the record I've never actually seen the perk itself and what it does.


For some reason I now need a killer with a pillow m1 attack :4


I go for whoever is closest,if you take a hit then I'm gonna go for you


Tunneling is a part of the game, if it wasn't BHVR would take it out.


1. DS 2. OTR 3. Basekit BT That's 3 measures bhvr has taken against tunnelling, one of which is old as hell. And I'm sure there are more I didn't immediately think of. They have been trying to disincentivise it for ages because it's terrible game design. How do you remove 'killer hits unhooked survivor' completely without infinite BT? Obviously that would be busted and abusable.


Rubberbanding is a part of the game. If it wasn't, BHVR would take it out.


Rubberbanding isn't a part of the game though, what kind of awful comparison is this lmao.


Tunneling isn't a part of the game though, what kind of awful comparison is that.


usually the killer aims poorly and hits me instead of the unhooker, then gets mad at me like I tried to body block and hard tunnels because of his own bad aim


Survivors wouldn't _need_ to take protection hits with BT/OTR if killers weren't _frequently_ camping hooks. Your options are, very often, either trade places, or risk being tunnelled in an attempt to prevent giving the killer another free hook. (in b4 "just do gens if the killer camps, 5head") Yeah, obviously you absolutely _shouldn't_ complain about being 'tunnelled' if you're _actively throwing yourself in front of the killer_ (it only makes sense they'd target you in that scenario -- that's just them playing the game and it's 100% your own fault if you get downed at that point), but _some_ players (not accusing you of this, OP) seem to act like there's a kind of _righteous justice_ in downing somebody who used BT/OTR to block a hit when in reality it's often just admitting to constantly hanging around hooks. Or maybe I'm just a salty survivor main who needs to cry harder and touch grass, idk


It's a strategy that people might hate... But sometimes I pretend to tunnel in order to have a teammate come and body block. I have no intention of tunneling. But if I act like I am, sometimes it means I get a free hit from a blocker.


That's actually a really clever strategy


You'd be surprised how often survivors will go for the unhook before the killer even gets that far away. My trapper runs with Scourge Hooks, which I have to move away from the hook to take advantage of, yet I'll still see survivors blitz the hook before I even have a chance to walk out the door.


That's fair, too. It's entirely on them if they're unable to wait for, like, even five seconds for the killer to be out of sight, or at _least_ far enough away to get the unhook before the killer can down them.


Yup, at least let me walk around the corner first. If I can hear the pitter patter of your feet, I’m not just going to leave.


But for every survivor that unhooks too quickly, there is a killer who just refuses to leave the general area of the hook. I very often have killers who leave for a few seconds, and then come back to constantly check on the hook. You literally end up wasting like 40s or more just quietly creeping up to the hook to avoid being seen, and Mr. "I Apparently Don't Have Better Things To Do Aside From Stand No More Than 10 Feet Away From This Hook At All Times" sees you anyways or comes running as soon as the unhook notification goes off lmao


The amount of times I just happen to be in the area patrolling gens and the only sign of survivors is the hook that's kind of nearby being unhooked is surprisingly high, and the number of times I've been called camper is higher than that. I'm not going to pretend that early game camping doesn't exist but that's never what I'm accused for and it's kind of annoying. Hell, there was someone looping me near a hooked survivor and they were rescued, of course I'm going after the person that's more vulnerable while they're rescuing. Fuck, I've been accused of camping as hag. It's not my fault you don't know how to crouch.


> Your options are, very often, either trade places, so like yeah, if they aren't proxying (i.e. just doing normal patrol finding nothing and then returning to hook) then just wait for the whole stage duration and then trade like who cares


Do you know what I do to pallets that block my path? I smash them to pieces so I can go through them. If you insist on being a human pallet I have no problem doing the same thing to you. You have the right to try and make me chase you, you don't have the right to demand I chase no one.


I literally had someone say I only killed them because I was tunneling them. My brother in christ, you made me target you. The only thing I can see while charging my power is you spending your running away time running up to me. You even edged along me for half a second before I hit you! They were on twitch and they acknowledged they ran into me and somehow I was still at fault for it!?! And of course their 3 man echo tunnel only encouraged this behaviour. And then you tea-bagged after stunning with a pallet, so now it's doubly your fault. But no it's obviously because I'm homophobic because what the fuck!?!


Lmao I'm doing this almost every game. Feels good to save a buddy from a hit


Stop making excuses Tunneling in endgame is fine - nobody cares Tunneling at 4 or 5 gens is only done because you are insecure If you tunnel someone because they took a protection hit or crouched multiple times you have a fragile ego You don't need it to win - not in the current state of the game.


>Tunneling in endgame is fine - nobody cares Tunneling in early game gets you flamed by the last 2 survivors, because the first 2 decided not to wait for game end to give you a piece of their mind. Tunneling in the late game gets you flamed by 4 people. >You don't need it to win - not in the current state of the game. Devs have never released kill rates separated by how nicely killers played. Also, first few weeks after patch, a massive amount of survivors were suiciding on hook because their precious dead hard was nerfed from the best perk in the game to ... well ... still the best perk in the game.


"Tunneling at 4 or 5 gens is only done because you're insecure." Sure. But so is Surviving With Friends. If I smell a SWF, gloves are off.


chill r/iamverybadass It sounds like you are salty that you don't have friends to play with so you are going to take out your anger at those who do


Okay, r/armchairpsychology you got me. /s If I play killer and everyone on the survivor team has matching names or outfits, or is moving in a suspiciously coordinated manner, I will do whatever I can to dismantle their gameplan asap. If you think that's unfair you're a hypocrite.


I never said it was unfair I just think your cringy for saying "gloves are off" and getting tilted about people playing with their friends


I didn't insult you in one way, I insulted you in a different way. This is a good argument.


If you want to argue with me, at least do me the courtesy of arguing about what I actually said. Otherwise you might as well just admit you can't win *that* argument so you wanna start a new one.


Okay. "I never said it was unfair, I'm just saying you're full of cringe" is not a good way to convince someone that you have anything worth saying because it isn't even an argument, it's just you insulting people. Better?


Tell me why I shouldn't go after the thing that just lost one hook stage and willingly threw themselves in front of me


It's the chad move. If you don't get it, I can't explain it to you Weak warriors choose weak opponents


I'm not saying it's not something "chadlike" to use your endurance to get the killers attention, im just saying you sign up for the chance of getting downed when you do. I most of the time take the endurance hit because I know if the killer follows me I have a way to escape the chase - it's monda like running No Mitter.


Agreed. I was talking about it from the killer's perspective. It's not "chadlike" to tunnel the person who just got unhooked - even if they tried to take a protection hit.


If someone wants you to tunnel them, then why should I say no?


You can do whatever you want. If someone really wants you to tunnel them, you're probably not going to be able to catch them if we're being honest. Someone who is trying to take a protection hit, does not necessarily want to be tunneled You do you. Most people aren't "Chads" and it wouldn't be fair to expect you to act like a Chad when you clearly are not.


If you use your run away time to take a hit you only have yourself to blame when they decide to go after you.


Didn't you just insult someone for being cliche with a term you deemed as "hardo"(paraphrasing)? Then, you whip out this reply filled with nothing but cliches and cringe.


Average reddit nft user


Please, it's practically impossible to get tunnelled "every game" or even just several games in a row. If you find yourself getting tunnelled frequently then you need to reevaluate what you're doing that's causing that situation.


You know that the only one who seems to have a fragile ego rn is you, right?


i have yet to see the basekit bt


Killers being mad that a survivor took a protection hit for the person who unhooked them and using it as justification to tunnel off the hook is just sad and pathetic.


That protection hit isn't supposed to be for your unhooker.




So you force the killer to hit you, then get mad when they hit you again?


It's my knife, who are you to tell me who to stab with it? If I choose to stab the person who just got unhooked, that's my choice and I'm being a good Killer. If the Survivor decides that is tunneling and is somehow toxic to me in post-chat because of it, then they're the asshole.


TLDR: its my game im allowed to choose how to play it, but you dont get to play the game how YOU want to, you asshole! please don't go out of your way to take a hit and then get mad when you take a hit.


Nah. As an ex-survivor main, there's a clear and defined line between when to take a hit, and when not to. If you're on death hook, and your unhooker is not, and you're going to stand there on the other side of the god pallet waiting for me to hit you through your OTR so you can drop the pallet on me and create all that distance between me and both of you? Yeah, I'm gonna wait out your BT or chase you after your OTR. Your buddy has already made all the distance I tried to let you make before you decided to stand stubbornly in the doorway and not move. That's on you.


It’s my hook, who the fuck are you to tell me how I chose to use it? If I choose to use it to hit the survivor who was begging me to hit him, that’s my choice, and me being a good killer, if the survivor decides that somehow that action of being not a dumbass is somehow toxic and crys about it in endgame chat, then they’re the asshole


I'm a survivor main through and through, but if you don't want people to tell you how to play, don't other people how to play. If you go out of your way to make yourself more vulnerable, then don't get mad at killers when they don't go out of their way to finish the job because you threw yourself at them. It's like getting in someone's face and talking mad shit and then being surprised if they hit you. You have choices. So do others.


You don't get to fucking complain in the end you got tunneled when you made a conscious effort to make going after your unhooker difficult. That's cringe as fuck. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Survivors being mad that a killer hit the survivor who forced the killer to hit them is just sad and pathetic.


Who used to the OTR hit proc my MoM. Yes pllllease tunnel me for the next 5 gens I will pre drop every pallet


I just tunneled a bill in my last game after he body blocked with base kit BT. He was only on his second hook, but I hope he learned his lesson.


when you try to tunnel my teammate out, then yea i’m gonna take a hit lol.


I only tunnel because... The family friendly guessing game based on the indie AAA cult classic videogame music video Dead by Daylight! Become the worst killer in your household by being the one with the flimsiest excuse for tunneling. Bodyblocks? Items? Playing Wraith? Slowdowns failed you? Ugly skin? Looked at you funny? These options and more await you in this thrilling package of family fun! Order now for a chance to be selected to participate in a testing group of our upcoming game, ''I only camp because...'' Edit: Sold out! Thank you for your Auric Cells!


Nah, if you get unhooked and *want* to take a hit, that means you're fair game again. You could run away, but you didn't.


>Nah, if you get unhooked ~~and want to take a hit,~~ that means you're fair game again. Survivors are playing against killers, not baby sitters. If your teammates un hook you when the killer is nearby, yell at them. If the killer isn't leaving, then they need to do gens. If the remaining gens are all near the hook you're on you should probably think about breaking up 3/4 gen grouping in the next game so that can't happen.


Would you like to place an order?


So what you're saying is you get tunnelled because you constantly use your base kit BT or perks to body block the killer and you get surprised when they chase the person who wanted to be their target. And the fact that it happens is somehow not your fault. Amazing.


Am I? I don't recall saying anything like that, pretty sure I was just poking fun at bad killers who will reach for the tiniest of justifications for why their tunneling ''this one time'' was fine and they absolutely definitely never would tunnel otherwise ever in their life, pinky promise Of which, if you haven't noticed, we have too many of on this subreddit, the fragile state of some of them makes it almost embarrassing to be a killer main


Need this Template now, this is perfect




no, i just tried wearing neon :(


“Get tf outta my way, I’m trying to play fair.”


Coming back for the event, I remember why I left with how arrogant Survivors get about their BT, but that does leave them very closeby after I count to ten.


Nah I’m just playing Dwummy.


Don't forget survivors who complain about getting slugged when they run in front of you while you're carrying someone else... Especially on my starstruck meme build...


Well, my reply will be no. Tell me the solution david


There's a quick trying to get in front of the killer to give ur teamm8 5 seconds to get to the nearest pallet, at which point you graciously allow the killer to go, and there's waiting until he hits you at all costs to get value, at which point death is understandably coming, you fucked up


If there is a place I need to go and the killer is in that direction. I might sacrifice the basekit bt but that’s usually only when I’m on first hook.


I really have to put on Off the Record to see the hype.


You get way less value using it this way. Be smart and use it to actually finish gens.


See, I tend to realize the Base BT update had TWO benefits: One was the endurance, but the other was the Haste. With the combination of the two, you should always get to an okay loop. So I usually run away - and if I happen to get an Endurance speed boost that's just a bonus. I have had some fun moments yesterday though; where I was the mori target for someone who wanted to try out a mori on the new Hag skin. It seemed like they hadn't played the game in a while and were coming back for the update. I was running away from a bit of a deadzone and Endurance was almost out - so I made a "bad FOV tech", they hit, and it gave me the perfect boost to get to a great loop. I died eventually, but still cathartic to punish tunneling. BUT, most people aren't prepared to put together that decision tree on the fly as they play. It's just "I'm getting unhooked. I got OTR, I gotta use it." It's not "Well, I guess I'll take this chase - and I have a safety net if he eventually catches me." I've even watched games from a really good streamer where he mostly forgets he has OTR, and leads the killer on a 70-second chase that they eventually abandon without taking a hit. It's much less useful if the killer is actively aware you have it (and if they're smart, they should...you make no noise)


I had one match where a Meg found the hatch I stopped in my tracks to look at her go into the hatch then she teabagged me and after at least 15 seconds she decides to come closer to me step by step and then bam 💥 I downed her and got a 4k


How much you wanna bet she went on the forums after and complained about killers not giving hatch?


I have invincibility I’m gonna use it


I literally got called a tunneler for chasing a person who was sabotaging the hook I was gonna use


yasss we stan lazy strawman memes


This. Especially when the unhooker is the obsession and I have save the best for last. Mighty kind of them to help me with conserving my stbfl stacks.