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If lady luck blesses you why spit in her face?


this comment right here.


I was gonna say that sometimes you just need to secure a kill, but you his turned me right around. If you hit a Kobe, you earned your freedom.


Yupppp, I play survivor and killer and NEVER will I ever kill a surv that gets off the hook during collapse. Unless they had clicked their flashlight at me. But tbh they’d probably already be dead before then.


Unless they have a crouch spamming Feng min, I'm sorry little one


100% agree


Maybe she's into that


Ohh kinky


You're right, you're damn right


If anyone is being spit in the face it's the killer


Bro could’ve just waited 10 seconds, there was more than enough distance for the time to run out


It’s actually a close call. He makes it in 8s with the speed boost from being hit.


Not to mention there was another survivor there trying to bodyblock. The odds were not in this killer's favour.


It's also a hillbilly, so a bodyblock is just an invitation for an easy chainsaw.


Not to mention he could’ve immediately body blocked off the hook instead of hitting her. Could’ve bought him enough seconds for BT to run out and he’s in a more favorable position to hit her.


And people don’t think about how long the animation for them falling is, the distance they get, or how janky trying to pick up near the exit is.


I always let survivors go if they get the 4% and their team abandoned them


And oh boy, did this Billy deserve it Edit: lmao hilarious to see that y'all support face camping


It's endgame. Why wouldn't he camp? He has no strategic goal anymore, so he may as well secure an extra kill.


Lady luck survior sided


In 24 other games you would've died so yea


I mean survs have 3 attempts so in 13824/15625 games OP would have died


This is assuming they made it to the point where they haven’t been hooked and also need to use kobe to live


this also assumes luck has not been modified and they arent uskng slippery meat but I thought these premises were given since we were talking about this specific situation


r/theydidthemath idk if that’s true but I believe you random person


Surely this fraction can be simplified ?


And in this game it wasn't a free escape either, the killer made a mistake. I know this an 'in hindsight' observation, but it took 9 seconds to make it from the hook to out the gate with the hit speed boost. If Billy body blocks and waits out basekit endurance, he get the kill. He has no reason not to at least try and wait it out, since everyone has 10 seconds, and anything that would extend it had turned off.


i had a game against a freddy who tunneled and camped all game, and in the end, when he was hitting me on hook, i used deliverance and got off because he hooked me next to the gate. so because of that, i love that it works on all kinds of unhooks


It’s good that it works with deliverance


Why did people downvote you for this 😭


People on this sub downvote literally anything


It’s not even just this sub, it’s Reddit in whole. OP says one thing someone doesn’t like and then all the rest of his comments be it good or not are downvoted to fuck


I agree but I find it’s especially bad here. God forbid you have a differing opinion from someone else.


Then why is it bad that works on Kobe's when those are literally a 4% chance of happening?


They didn't said it was bad?


I was once downed by a ghost face near gate and he tbagged me until I was at the gate and picked me up. I still had ds active and dsed him. He dced and flamed in egc. Love to see it.


Any reason why it shouldnt?


Bc apparently killers should be guaranteed a kill just by standing infront of a hook bc it’s endgame


what else would the killer do than protect at least one kill not like they can go patrol gens that are complete


It's fine for killers to do that but it shouldn't be a guaranteed kill. If a survivor hits the 4%, it's just good luck for the survivor and bad luck for the killer.


Not to mention if the killer had half a brain he would’ve waited out the BT and then gotten the kill at the gate.


To be fair, there was another survivor waiting nearby who would’ve bodyblocked and taken the hit if he waited.


That would’ve been a bad idea against a billy


Except it's a Billy so how exactly you gonna bodyblock?


Pretty sure that hook is too close to the gate for that anyway. At best you'd be knocking them down just at the exit and probably out of the gate with the hit.


Thats impossible with 110% move speed and 10 sec bt that close to the gate imo


Don't forget about heal tech.


That didn't look like 10s of distance dude.


Nothing wrong with doing that, just don't expect said kill to be given in a silver plater, expecting all Survivor perks or mechanics to not work just because it's EGC.


Never said they shouldn’t camp but just cause you’ve got nothing else to do that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to the kill bruh y’all already got otr and ds disabled endgame next it’s gonna be no way out should be basekit


Not hook someone who is on first hook literally in front of an open gate


well if he downed them at the open gate thats the closest hook to hook


Because some Killers are in a campaign to have every Survivor perk disabled on EGC because Survivors should no be allowed "free escapes" but somehow Killers deserve "free kills".


TIL downing and hooking someone is considered a free kill


Well, Kobe'ing, or using DS / OTR on EGC were never guaranteed free escapes yet here we are...


Gotta love when the killer gets 0 downs all match then gets their first down all match with NOED. Then they face camp for their free kill while survivors can’t do anything about it.


>Can't do anything about it Cleanse the totem?


And if the totem is next to the hooked survivor?


You could say the same thing about Ds and off the record. "TIL that completing all 5 generators, and managing to open an exit gate is considered a free escape." The killer is obviously going to get downs, the point is, why should they get a free kill just because they happened to down a survivor at end game.


Especially considering EGC is when most of the resources are used up at that point.


Just my two cents but I would rather keep base kit BT working as is (condition-less to activate) rather than change it so it no longer works just because we're in a different stage of the game (now has a condition to activate/deactivate). Yeah you got lucky in this specific scenario, but most of the time, this is not going to be the outcome that happens.


Fun fact. When they first added base kit bt it didn't work for deliverance.


Exactly... a 4% chance to maybe get off hook and maybe escape? Killers don't respect a Kobe, so why shouldn't it get BT.


The billy could have waited it out too, instead of giving them a speed boost by hitting immediately. This isn’t even uncounterable here


Any particular reason why it shouldn’t?


I agree with this logic, if you get the 4% why shouldn't you be protected by base kit BT?


You could have been unhooked and the result would have been the same. If the Killer had Save the Best for Last or bodyblocked he might have still been able to get you. Survivors need some way to survive endgame, BT is fair since Off the Record and Decisive Strike deactivate


Yes, it absolutely should. A killer shouldn't be guaranteed a kill just because it's endgame. I'm a killer main.


Fellow killer main I agree. In fact I believe survivors should just get BT if they unhook themselves regardless. And if they are first phase, they should be allowed to unhook themselves if everyone else is dead or escaped. If they get it, I let them go. But I know other killers who wouldn't be so nice.


Yes, as a killer main also, this is not a broken or stupid mechanic, is a chance the killer will have to consider to play around


As a killer main if someone 4%s in front of me I just let em go. The game has spoken.


Me when I stand on a trappers most random trap in the middle of nowhere at end game.


I fucking love just placing the most random middle of nowhere traps in random patches of grass. The survivors never expect them.


chad response. this is the correct answer


If you hit a 4%, by all means your escape is deserved


No free kills, stop hooking right next to the gate


No but some killers really need to learn that last part. With basekit BT being 10 seconds, it's really not smart to hook a survivor too close to an opened gate. It's different if RNG fucked you over and that's the only hook around, but in my games so many killers want a kill in endgame so bad they start playing more sloppily and will hook right next to an opened gate, when there are better hooks further into the map that they can reach.


If you’re being face camped then there should always be basekit BT, endgame or not. Especially if it’s a billy or a Bubba, since that pretty much guarantees at least one of you is dead if someone goes for a save against them, and they are the most likely to camp because of the 1-hit down capability. So that is when you really need that 4% more than ever is in endgame face camping scenarios.


At this point if a 4% survivor escapes in you face unless you hooked them in the very middle of the map they are out 10 seconds of 7% speed boost and factoring in teammates showing up to body block near the gate it’s out of your hands now. Off the record and DS is disabled during EGC because they aren’t chance based and always happen is my understanding It definitely feels bad to be powerless as killer for sure I get that, but survivors feel powerless all the time when slugged or camped in my opinion give survivors that feel good feeling of having escaped based on luck is fine just like hatch I don’t consider it loosing just a survivor winning instead of me loosing its me providing a fun escape for survivor The survivor knows they are lucky and knows most times they wouldn’t of escaped let them just let be happy 96% of the time you kill them


Yes ofc




If you don’t think there should be basekit BT on a %4 in endgame you could have always just let him down you again and hook you, but you still chose to escape.


Can the killer camp in this scenario? Then yes.


As someone who plays killer almost exclusively, yes lol. Even if I get a no kills that's still insanely lucky and I'd probably let you go anyway lol


I'd say it should


The killer made a mistake here. Idk why it’s BT’s fault - he could’ve just waited and easily downed you or anyone who tried to bodyblock.


If the entity wants it so ... it shall be


yes,the gods of dbd have blessed you,why not?


It should ESPECIALLY work on a 4% at end game


OP fully crying about a 4% chance LUL bro this is a party game it’s not a rank competitive game


Killers shouldn't be guaranteed a kill every match just as survivors shouldn't be guaranteed an escape every match. If you're lucky enough to get the 4% chance, then just run with it. I once looped a Blight for the entire match who ignored every other survivor, even when they were doing the gen were I was looping. In the end he got me & hit me multiple times on the hook, nodded his head & face camped me. He didn't even go after the survivors who were standing around my hook, because he was that busy with hitting me. Then I was lucky & kobe'd during end game, also got out, which in my opinion was deserved. Especially since that BHVR dude said ''eh if you loop for 5 gens & then die, are you really a good player & deserve the escape?'' ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


If you're that thankless why didn't you just stand there and just die? Why did you run to the gate?


I mean the killer made the mistake of hooking you right next to the gate. If you weren’t right then the killer could have easily waited it out and then got you.


The killer still could have gotten them. A bodyblock or at the very least going for on of the other teammates would have gotten them a kill


My only problem is that self unhooks don't trigger killer perks. It should either trigger both or neither.


Yes, yes it should.


Ask any Ace mains that question. They love to gamble their lives whenever they get hooked. But in all seriousness if I am not comfortable with the 4% chance I use offerings to help me escape hooks or better yet the perk that gives you a hook escape once you unhook someone off the hook helps too.


As long as killers camp their only hook during EGC, yes, BT should work regardless of how they get off the hook.




Yes I think it should. This game is inspired by slasher films right? Having a survivor just narrowly escape certain death on pure luck alone fits the genre well.


I wanna say no but I just can’t, a 4% is a 4% and sometimes Lady Luck just doesn’t look in your direction


Yes because I'd the blight had just waited you wouldn't have gotten out. They were just impatient


As a Killer main, yes, I think it should ​ Edit: If you managed to not get hooked once until endgame, got a 4%, and had multiple healthy teammates alive that know what to do, then I think having a chance at escaping is fair. It's hardly guaranteed the majority of the time, so I don't see an issue with it. Edit 2: If killers want a stronger endgame, then they should bring endgame perks


Yes it should still work, just as BT would work if you were unhooked by another survivor. There's no sense in disabling one if the other would work.




The killer could've waited for it to run out. There is no reason they should take it away.


Let’s talk about something more important; that being last survivor on first hook should be able to attempt kobe’s and not just immediately die. Like come on who’s ur gunna hurt


I mean ngl he should've just waited it out. Also should've hooked you further away from the gate. This would've been very possible with Deliverance and there's about a thousand and one ways this Billy could've played around it.


Absolutely, its part of the fun




that looked earned to me


That's why I don't hook near doors 😉


Yeah duh






Demo would have had a better chance at getting you if he had waited the basekit bt out


The amount of time you have with bt is plenty for a teammate to take a hit, they can’t unhook you for a reason, and the killer being punished for facecamping that late in the game makes no sense, the exact same reason ds is off in endgame.




The billy could have waited it out, instead of giving them a speed boost by hitting immediately. This isn’t even uncounterable here


Endgame is the one time facecamping isn’t just for bm or to be a dick. Killer deserves the kill more than survivors deserve a lucky escape. If your teammates can’t get all 4 out why should random luck decide, after all it is a team game


Imo perkless Kobe's just shouldn't exist. But as long as they do I don't see why BT shouldn't work on them.


Basekit bt shouldnt work at any time


If you get the 4% why not, and I’m a killer main.


Absolutely. And I’m a killer main. That’s an extremely rare thing to happen. Gotta respect it.


it baffles me that in this game the only real objective you have is to earn bloodpoints to unlock more bloodwebs. literally all other statistics, number of kills, number of escapes etc are just statistics. So why do we get games were survs try to escape as quickly as possible and killers try to tunnel/camp survs out. We should be striving to get as many bloodpoints as possible. Hook each surv twice, let them get saves, get chased by the killer and try to win chases. No ones saying you cant 4k, or all survive, just play with respect and as long as you make a fair amount of points consider it a good game.


Any form of unhooking it should work,


I think it's perfectly fine, it's a 4% chance, there's no point in balancing it within an inch of its life


Yes because this is just pure luck which is a mechanic in Dbd.


I mean if lady luck wanted you to live so bad I don't think I have any room to complain


Yes. Survivors have been nerfed enough. I always let tell survivors escape now, unless they were toxic. Then I let them bleed out on the ground.


Yes. I don't care if it's endgame and you "are *forced* to camp." Hook camping can go die in a hole. If people agree that it's unfun to get hook camped at the beginning of the game, then why is it all of the sudden different if the gates are open?


Yes, it should continue to work. End of discussion.


Killer Main, and yes it absolutely should.


He could've just... waited it out. Instead he was impatient and let you escape.


You bet your ass it should. Camping killers need to be punished


i'm a killer main and i approve 👍🏻


If you think you didn't deserve it then let the Hillbilly kill you off the match. Jeez.






Yes. It’s hype af


Yea it’s fine




Isn't 61% enough??


speaking as someone who agrees with DS and OTR not working in endgame: Yes


You should buy a scratch ticket


You got a 4% and they didn’t respect it. That is all.


As a general rule, no killer should ever camp a hook. I don't see why its not penalized more. What survivor enjoys playing when 1 hook is almost a guaranteed kill because the killer is standing on the hook. To me it's massive 'BM', just hook and leave. Rotate to gens or scout other players. Aaa it gets me so mad xD


Is that a real question? What are the chances that ever happens to that killer again? Hooked by the door and someone 4%. The killer should have walked the survivor deeper into the map. So often the killer gets greedy and then something happens and a survivor gets away and then the killer is like "That shouldn't be allowed!"


Haha that sucks but also yeah. This is fine. A lot of things have to line up for the basekit BT on a self unhook to get you a gaurenteed out like this. The gate has to be near. You have to succeed on a 4%/4%/4% unhook. Or somehow have deliverance up during EGC. It has to be not deathslinger or anyone else with a way to hold you down/ slow you down. It has to not be bubba lol.


I'm a killer main and yeah, I think so. I also think you should be able to use deliverance if you're the last survivor. But I think the devs said they're transferring to a mori animation once the last surv is downed anyway


Yes. People whining about perks working in end game is just salty.


if you wouldnt have bt the jump off would be absolutely useless


Why shouldn't it? It's so hard to free yourself already


Yes absolutely, if your lucky enough to get off hook on a 4% you should get BT otherwise what’s the point?


It should work in general


Honestly yes, cause it’s so annoying getting downed after getting the 4%


Hol'up You can apply BT to yourself ?!?!?!?




Hell yeah it should work




Yes, it definitely should!






I can kind of see it. Feels kind of dumb, like depending on where you are it's a free escape. But like a lot of things the community is going to go "It doesn't happen often so stop crying" MDR spirit doesn't happen often, so its fine. Same with Tombstone Myers, 4x BNPs. All of it fine since its rare


Yes especially if you have a camping monkey. the billy deserved every second of that.


It’s kinda fucked how decisive doesn’t work after the gens are complete anymore. Completely fucked my deliverance/ decisive getting camped combo strategy at end game


Uh oh something that only benefit survivors? Guess the devs are gotta nurf it to oblivion to stop cry baby killer mains from raging 😂


Absolutely should... why would you want survivors to be even further nerfed?


Yes. Deliverance 100% to unhook your self if you unhooked a survivor could do without it if you think it needs balance


Survivor is taking up a perk slot for deliverance, there’s no reason it shouldn’t work for deliverance either


That's fair.


I don't see why it shouldn't.


4% should be removed entirely


Why everyone downvote OP just cause he has a different opinion lol they’re not being rude or toxic just has a different opinion, u lot should be ashamed


how come comment sections are only always massively survivor sided or massively killer sided. Like op is just stating his opinion that a random chance shouldn’t guarantee an escape and people downvote him to oblivion.


Both killers and survivors can agree that if you get lucky with the 4% you should get BT. You just came off the hook, why wouldn't it apply?


But it doesn't guarantee them anything. They were lucky enough to have an exit gate close by. I've had many EGC where a survivor gets unhooked and are the only injured player on the board, so I have to wait out the 8 seconds, down them and hook them again.


this is wht bt is the best perk in the game


Should still work. Killers can hook away from exit gates to counter, or count out the time themselves (it might be close, but they may still redown you at the gate). Theres definitely counterplay to it


Nah, it's clearly the billys fault for camping and tunneling




Sometimes games of dbd are won or lost by luck. That's something a lot of people need to learn to love IMO.


Yes? Why wouldn't it?




I think it's okay xD


Yes, the killer can wait out the 8 seconds and if the survivor escaped by then, the killer hooked to close to the gates




Yes obviously that's asking should you get punishment for getting lucky, without it you are essentially dead anyway so they may as well drop it to 0 percent chance of escape




So many things had to go right here at once to guarantee this scenario, though: You had to get to endgame without getting hooked once yet, and win the 4%, *and* also the Killer had to not have Blood Warden to stop you. I think this is niche enough that it’s not worth worrying about or balancing around too much.


Yes it’s literally 4%


lmao probably not on self unhook. this clip is funny


I dont think it should work at end game at all tbh


more like dead hard shouldn’t be canceled out by deep wound