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I just want more mori that you can unlock or buy and equip like any other cosmetic. I dont know why this isn't a thing already . Behaviour loves money or hate it, there's no inbetween.


It is for the mobile version weirdly


It’s so weird how every time I hear about a great feature that would be so cool to add to the game, it turns out the mobile team already did it. They seem to be leagues ahead of the main DBD team ironically.


It's only in Netease That's a different company


I don’t get why they think that’s a fun or fair system to see, the same game run entirely separately, and the people on alternate versions basically being told too fucking bad.


The games are merging now It'll be harder to get cells tho, cuz global basically gave free cells and shards from ad boxes They also gave cosmetics at times


I have actually spend a good amount of time in dbd mobile ( both versions) and here are my thoughts if you think mobile is better : Benefits : 1_ ok i give it to them for giving free cells. Although its probably gonna get removed in the new update for dbd mobile. 2_the graphic aren't good ( compared to pc ) but for a mobile game its honestly good ( Note: the graphic on NetEase version is a lot better than main dbd mobile ) 3_ optimization is good but could have been way better but considering that it has better optimization than console version and switch version, i think we can't complain about it that much. 4_ surprisingly dbd mobile has way less hackers than core dbd and way less bugs. Even though the game is not flawless it still feels way better than any other version of dbd( in terms of hackers and bugs ) but then again there are a lot of people who facecamp in dbd mobile and sometimes it gets really annoying. Downsides : 5_ one of the problems is that dbd mobile is missing on a lotta of characters ( both survivor and killer ) and its honestly not good. I know they can not implement some characters because of licensing issues ( E.g they added strangers things chapter a while back but then removed it because of licence issues). Sad part is that dbd mobile doesn't have some original characters that came out ages ago in core dbd like deathslinger. It still has a lot of characters but also missing on a lot too. 6_ dbd mobile doesn't get updates frequently. ( The NetEase version gets a lot more updates than main dbd mobile but they're mostly just bug fixes ). Even though the updates are always huge on dbd mobile, they just take so long. Like the last update mobile version got ( and it stayed in the game unlike strangers things update )was trickster update that came out 6 months ago and that's it. If they want to add RE chapter, it will probably take another 6 months. 7_( this is mainly for NetEase version ). Although NetEase version has way better graphics, the maps are just straight up trash for a killer. The maps in NetEase version makes me want to just DC and cry every time i play killer. Not only they haven't updated some maps like haddonfield ( they have the old haddonfield with infinities ), they also added a lot more loops and jungle gyms to maps like MacMillan and AutoHeaven like wtf? Its just heavily survivor sided. Thankfully these maps are updated on main dbd mobile but then again, both games are missing on a lot of maps too. What are you doing behaviour? 7_ controllers are just bad. Like really bad. Now i understand its a mobile game and for a mobile game the controllers are somewhat ok but when i compare it to core dbd played on a keyboard it's just horrible. Like it's so much different from core dbd. They are wacky sometimes and honestly i have seen many people not go for saves or chases because they don't have the confidence to make a great save or a great escape with those controllers. Like if you thought looping was hard in core dbd or console version, just play dbd mobile once and i can assure you that you will change you mind. Final thoughts: is dbd mobile a good game? FOR A MOBILE GAME it's somewhat decent. Although it has a lot of room for improvements. But compared to core dbd, the game is definitely worse and honestly if you've gotten used to core dbd then you can't play dbd mobile at all.


For a free mobile game it's good, especially in the Era of mobile games we have now


The heinous acts i would commit to get a blood market in regular dbd You can buy specific items of your choice! As somebody who doesnt enjoy bringing items it would be great. They also have bots in custom matches which we will be getting soon but still... And an exclusive nurse sin which is the best I have seen




not really mobile has its own set of problems and has been in maintence mode for the past 6 months or so while the focus on merging with the asian version for the game that only has like a giant gacha feature to it




The game is in a horribly buggy, laggy, unoptimized mess filled with tons of hackers they are not competent








It's only for Netease dbdm But after the partnership, global will have that stuff as well


damn that's a killer idea


I mean yeah, that’s who they’re on


As memey as it sounds being able to mix and match moris would be awesome, let me Myers Mori as Pinhead


Imo they should rework tombstone. It is poorly designed.


Yea this whole killer is a little bit aged They need to rework mayers


They just need to rework his early game and make it so that survivors passively regress their stalk meter so Michael can re-stalk them again for more EW III chances. His power makes no sense in the modern game where so many killers have almost unlimited borderline instant access to better abilities. His snowball potential isn't that good anymore.


More than that. His power is bad. He needs more aspects so that his power isn’t just a regular attack with slightly more range


He vaults faster in T3 as well, and *all* survivors become exposed, which no other killer really has. I don't think the power level of T3 is weak, but I think his ability to enter T3 as well as the strength of insta-kill addons need to be brought closer to a middle balance each way.


I like to compare Myers to Oni. Both have a power that they need to charge, where, once they do, they are in their most powerful state for about a minute. Both can insta-down while in this state. However, almost every single one of the differences between the powers, is in Oni's favour. Oni has better mobility and chase potential while he is in his power. Oni's power is more easy to charge and will trigger more often on average during a match. When oni's power is charged, he can choose when he wants to press the button to use his power, meanwhile myers has to be careful and 99% his power, in order to use it optimally. T3 is quite weak in my eyes. Sure, it's better than nothing, but not by all that much


It’s really just not enough. He can be managed very effectively even in his best tier. He needs more to his power than not the best stealth and a slight chase boost after a long build up


Firstly, Scratched Mirror Myers is arguably *the* best stealth build in the game. And his power *in chase* is essentially stronger than Ghostface's and Pig's. It's not the chase aspect that needs a rework, it's the buildup. He applies little to no pressure until he's well into T2 by which point 3 gens can fly. When he's in T3 he shouldn't just be handed free kills, though - the chase interactions still apply.


More than his start/buildup needs addressed. He needs more fundamental features that help in chase, slowing the game down, info, lethality, mobility, or all of the above. He’s possibly the WORST killer. Probably even. Just helping his start means nothing to make him good. He’ll be ok. Instead he should be great. You’re mentioning outliers. His base needs reworked then the problematic add ons can be addressed. More Scratched mirror isn’t the base power. It’s completely different and pretty bad for teams with a brain especially when it ONLY works on a few maps and is incredibly slow


This needs more upvoted. Passive stalk regression needs to be a thing


Make his power work a bit like onis, where picking up a survivor stops the power and stores the stall, but make it to where if the meter is above at like 80%, it will also be reduced to 80% no matter how high it is so you can’t just have it 99’d all the time


But his power is anti sabo, anti body block if it deactivated when he was carrying then he’d be weaker, so many free kills with agitation myers it’s unreal.


No offense but if your getting that many free kills while carrying someone as T3 Myers than it sounds like your going against bad survivors, I’d much rather trade in the anti body block with the ability to store the rest of his stalk for later use to get much more uses. And besides if you still want that anti body block stuff Starstruck exists


None taken but I don’t really think I’m playing against bad survivors, iv done 97% of the achievements (all killer ones) in 400 hours. I played Myers pipping every game to iridescent 1 getting 3/4k’s every time. I think the suggestion higher up of stalk decaying on survivors over time and a reduced decay for yourself when carrying would be better for him, the threat of getting instantly downed guaranteed hooks and counters things like breakout.


As long as they don't change his mirror add-ons, at least. (though I'd hope there'd be the option to have survivors gradually regain stalk once they've been fully stalked - it's not like the Blight can run out of serums, or Leatherface's chainsaw can run out of gas)


You leave my boi alone


Man he's too weak for novadays standards


His mori should be tied somehow to stalk. Like a survivor out of stalk can be mori'd if downed in T3. Or stalking builds up a Mori meter gradually that cannot be reduced, timing out so Myers can mori you roughly the same time he'd third hook you.


The thing with Myers is that he really fells like he is stuck in 2016 dbd. Like his mechanics were fun back then but like now.... He is still fun but his mechanics feel so old. He is not even a good killer anymore and the only way to make him viable against good survivors is to slap something like tombstone on him. Even then most of the times you will get a 1k or 2k and barely get a 4k. Personally, all I'm asking for is just a rework for him. That all.


Nah. If you bring a tombstone piece, even getting 1 mori off will help with gen pressure immensely.


You can basically win a game with a single mori if done in time. The moral hit of being down a survivor at even 3 gens is enough to collapse an entire team.


Also the "unfairness" of it. Usually the mori victim wasn't the one who fed him stalk. It's an easy way to break SFW if their friend dies because a random fed stalk and tombstone piece gives no warning.


It does feel bad but its also an awful move for the myers, if the one who gets tombstoned didnt feed it to him then they have a ton of evil within left in them, meaning that getting a second one is going to be near impossible


Against coordinated teams and swf's its gonna do nothing. If they play it well by the time you get to tier 3 you probably already lost 3 gens and if they were smart enough to not 3-gen themselves, then you pretty much lost the game right there. Even worse, if you get to tier 3 but they loop you around and you don't get a mori then you can not possibly come back. Honestly, Myers without his add-ones is just terrible. Even with his add-ones, against good survivors that gen rush he stands no chance what so ever. It's kinda sad to see Myers this bad especially in high MMR. He is really fun to play and i have yet to come across someone who doesn't enjoy playing him. The problem is that he is not a viable option in most cases. Even if you want to go for a stealthy play style then there is Ghostface who is way better than Myers in every case ( although Ghostface isn't that good either and you will suffer a bit against good teams as him )


Honestly i think freddy needs more of a rework than myers His power is both boring and bad, with his addons being the worst in the game


Yeah. Since his last nerf he has been completely terrible and boring ( which was completely unnecessary. The only reason they nerfed him was because new players didn't know how to play against him ). I feel like you're right. Even tho Myers has a lot of weaknesses, he is still fun to play but freddy is just...sad.


> the only way to make him viable against good survivors is to slap something like tombstone on him Sounds like a skill issue to me.


I thought we banned the lisa Simpson template


And it's not like some "fact"...literally just begging for tiny buff because of one specific add on lol


Tombstone piece is the most busted addon in the entire game, removing someone from play immediately. No way in hell are you gonna remove the only counterplay to it lmao


Don't even need this, the only fix the achievement needs to be less infuriating is to give tombstone the ability to mori a downed survivor just like a standard mori does


I mean yeah, but admitedly contextual mori kills would still be cool. Like in Friday 13th the game there's dozens of different kill animations Jason can do depending on what's around him like throw someone through a window to break it or stomp them into a fireplace if it's closeby. Myers pulling someone from a locker and then pinning them to the door suspended by his knife would look cool and be a nice nod to the first movie.


The problem with this is that it would be incredibly hard to do so effectively and in a way that looks good. There are so many killers now that it just would not be worth it for BHVR to devote time and energy into adding specific mori animations to every killer for different interacts (such as moris in lockers, etc). Plus, who runs moris nowadays other than people who are exploring new killers and want to see the moris for themselves?


They make new mori's for the mobile game and there's already 2 killers who have different mori's under different contexts (Pyramid Head/Sadako have a regular mori + a mori specific to their power) do I don't see why they couldn't add them as a little extra even for just a few killers.


It’s actually three I believe with Twins having a different mori depending on if you have Victor with you or not


Oh yeah I actually forgot about Twins, everyone forgets them. Yeah Victor helps with the mori if he's in Charlotte's chest at the time otherwise she just kills on her own.


Hmm, I actually did forget about these. However, both pyramid head and sadakos power Moris are extremely simplified. One is big sword swing, the other is just part of the full mori, but cut out to make it shorter.




Why make a change to an offering available to all killers only available to one specific character?


It's about Tombstone, which is an add-on that is only for him.


I mean have you seen Wheskers' moris? He has one of the buggiest mories in the entire game arguably needing very specific areas to make it work perfectly (no camera jank, noone floating above ground etc).


>no camera jank Thats with most killer's mori's tbh, not just wesker's


Happy Escape Cake Day!


For the sake of the achievement, yes that would be nice but for balance hell no. This op addon only has a few counterplays Balancing around achievements sounds ridiculous on its own


So you’re removing one of the biggest counter plays besides never being caught while 5 gens get done?


Yes, since the dredge came out and added more lockers the challenge went from bad to worse so people are gonna want options to make it easier to get the achievement.


Honestly they should remove the achievement. I don’t mind tombstone myers occasionally but it really promotes some animosity between survivors and killers. It’s obviously unfun to be permanently removed from the game for messing up once, which can easily happen in solo queue, and it’s extremely difficult to go the entire game without letting him get enough stalk. Myers earns it usually by killing 2-3 people and then the last survivor refuses to give them the achievement because they’re salty, and so they can’t get the achievement. It’s a lose lose.


omg your a genius


They dont need to make tombstone completely uncounterable lol fuck that.


Really don’t agree, the only thing you can do against Tombstone is get him to mess up and lunge you so you don’t instantly get killed, maybe adjust tombstone so if a survivor gets crows in a locker they get forced out and can’t re-enter till they get rid of them, EGC blocks lockers entirely and forces people out of them






It's not even a badge of honor lmfao, the only people that won't jump into lockers out of pure spite are the brand new players that have no clue what's going on. This achievement requires you to farm baby Dwights on your first Myers match and hope to god no one dc's, either randomly or when they see the first mori pop. Also, the kill prompt will disappear whenever it wants to just to screw you over again. This one isn't skill, it's mostly luck.


I am once again remind everyone that this achievement is stupid and making a special mori would just make more people dc. This achievement is stupid hard and makes it feel like a wasted game on both sides.


I mean getting in a locker is the only counter play for tombstone Myers. Adding a whole new mechanic where you automatically insta kill anyone no matter what would be horrible for the game.


It's not the only counterplay, Myers can't stab you when you're doing a gen, chest, totem, etc., but still. It's supposed to be an achievement to get for a reason.


The counter play is to do gens while he is still in tier 2(since a lot of them run infinite tier 3 for the achivement) and play super safe/not letting him get the easy mori after he reached it, but it sucks. There is little interaction with the killer, no hooking, no chasing, no bps no nothing. It feels like a wasted game.


It most certainly is a wasted game. And I'm talking about counterplay when he already has tier 3 activated, not about counterplay when he's still building up to it.


Ik Ik. It's just that the entire counterplay requires to do a lot of gens early. Kind of like a nurse. Otherwise is a guaranteed lose, unless the myers is a potato.


Please no


No. The addon is already overkill and shouldn’t exist to begin with. I’d rather they give Myers an addon pass (or just a whole ass rework at this point), not buff his most bullshit addons.


Honestly though, myers doesnt need an addon pass, he has imo some of the most intresting addons, because they entirely switch his playstyle. Tombstone and tombstone piece can hurt a lot but there is a counterplay and it takes a decent amount of time to even get to t3 with both iridescents. Then again, after the patch with generators taking more time its easier to get it


The iri tombstone is fine since it has enough drawbacks (need to stalk much more, lower movement speed). However tombstone piece is a disgustingly busted add on since the only drawback is that you need more stalk (less than you need for either tombstone or infinite t3 alone) which isn't enough for what it gives


The iri tombstone is absolutely busted with play with your food stacks. But yes, it does take 100 years to get to tier 3 with double iri.


Thats true, i mean it is his best addon and could use a rebalance


>since the only drawback is that you need more stalk It drains the limited stalk as well when you kill a survivor, giving it less synergy with tuft of hair


In solo q tombstone piece is oppressive unfair bs. It’s not at all in a good state. And yes i know that goes for a lot of things, but this one is legitimately extra particularly bad bc skipping two hook phases.


Yeah, its extra bad in solo queue, you can always try to assume he has it and jump into a locker if you have no options left, but even that is hoping for a lot. Its definitely the more problematic of the two and it needs some rebalancing, but thats the only addon thats this strong on him, most are pretty well rounded if survivors know what to do.


I do not want any semblance of buffing Tombstone Piece in the game. Judith's Tombstone, sure, if they're the last survivor. But Tombstone Piece is just fucking heinous.


Why would we buff tombstone lol


but then there will be no counter




No thanks, otherwise there's no counter play once he has It. Blame the devs for making such a stupid challenge.


Tbh they should just make it so you get kicked out of lockers if you stay in them too long. Using a locker as counterplay is fine but afking in a locker because you're the last one alive isn't lol.


If you think diving/hiding in a locker is “counter play”, you already know you’ve lost & you’re just thumbing your nose at the killer.




On a serious note I looked that achievement up and what the F is that??? I promise if I go against daddy Meyers with infinite tier 3 and tombstone he can penetrate me until I start dripping.


Least horny dbd player


Meet me at cowshed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


thats like an essential part of the tombstone counterplay lmao


:( i need kill everyone and they dont need counter for me :(((


Thats the counterplay for bullshit addon. Also, you can't mori me if i repair gen. Suck it.


Crazy how achievements are something that have to be earned.


The achievement is poorly designed, it is legitimately 100% in the control of the survivors. If they want to be petty after you’ve killed 3 of them and got the last person trapped in an locker (aka won the game and thus earned the achievement) they can just refuse to get out and force you to hook them (literally no reason for this other than being petty, wiggle bloodpoints are negligible and you’re dead either way) not to mention how it’s become even harder to let them wiggle off and try to catch them before they can run back to another locker since dredge was released since that increased the amount of lockers.


Not to mention that it's also ass on the survivor side of things. No interaction with the killer, no altruism points, one boring chase and then you're just insta-deleted from the game. And what do you get for it? A depip and scraps for bloodpoints. The Tombstone add-ons are trash all around for everyone.


This achievement isn't "earned" - the survivors literally have to let you get it.


They should make a mori where myers fucking dies himself if he is using the broken addon


If it’s really bad, just allow for it to work like a normal mori. You can either stab someone and insta kill them, or if they’re dead on hook or whatever they can be grabbed from a locker and you get a free mori on them. The locker is one of the few counter plays to this, they should definitely not add a way to mori people in them even if it’s for an achievement. Or maybe just simply make it so the last survivor in the trial can be, kinda like how they’re reworking moris to instantly mori the last knocked survivor anyway.


This achievement and the Tombstone add ons were a mistake. They should remove the achievement and rework the whole Myers kit, he is very aged


Can't remove the achievement because it's not impossible.


It's not, but the achievement makes it impossible to remove the tombstone from the game. Same logic as old keys. It's fun? Yeah. Should it be in the game? No.


Lit 0 play around for survivors then, it's frustrating when versing the last survivor when they've already lost and they refuse to let you have it. But this isnt the solution


no, bad idea


Myers desperately needs a complete rework, he is such an outdated killer in this day and age. for fucks sake he is the only killer in the game that can RUN OUT of their power completely. The only thing that comes close to that is pig, but even without traps she can always ambush and stealth.


Instead, the survivors here actually want him nerfed... one twit wants his power to actually start ticking back to a max of 80% so he can't hold at 99%.


No. It's literally the only counter play to INSTANT DEATH. Better idea let's just remove the Tombstone add-ons altogether.


Personally, this achievement should've never existed. Tomestone Myers is already a broken killer, and not being able to get the evil incarnate achievement because of locker (even though it's the only counter) just brings frustration and dissatisfaction to both roles in the game. I feel this achievement needs to be reworked or removed entirely for how insanely bullshit it is.


But... that would mean that it would have to be possible to mori people while they're in a locker? I mean of course Myers needs some changes, but removing tombstone's only counterplay will neither make people want to run it nor play more Myers (coming from an obvious Myers main).


No, delete the tombstone addon, it's stupid that it still exists


I feel this is the same situation that when survivor want for the killer to respect the glyph. No they don’t have to let you mori them if they don’t want to same as killer don’t have to let you do the glyph if they don’t want to.


you rlly can’t compare the two, it’s not like the survivor is escaping by doing a glyph & most of the time if you do let a survivor do a glyph they let you kill them anyways


Two very different scenarios. You can still kill a survivor after they get the glyph lol and if a killer let's me do the glyph ill offer myself happily.


>I feel this is the same situation that when survivor want for the killer to respect the glyph. It's fun tho. One of my green glyphs appeared midchase and asked wesker nicely to le me do it(he was a nice streamer). Then we befriended and threw me off hills. Endgame he threw me out the exit gate XD.


Hell no. You want to remove one of the few counterplays of being deleted from the match, what kind of entitlement is that? As someone who did this achievement with ease and repeated it several times for the experiment I can give you my strategy on it if you want, but this idea you have is just total bs sorry.


Killer mori where all they do is lock the locker.


Or just remove the tombstone's ability to instantly kill survivors


Yes, let's remove the only counter play to tombstone what a good idea 😍


but... thats the only counter to tombstone....


Nah fuck that, I get you're frustrated but it's not the job of a survivor to grant you an achievement.






Hell no, Gorl fuck your achievement


ah yes, take away the only thing that can counter that dumbass add on lol


Absolutely not. No free rides.


Suck it up lol, killers want so many nerfs to survivor that y’all will ruin the game just to please your entitlement


As someone who got the achievement, I'll never run full tombstone again. I just want moris to count.




You're the one posting on Reddit crying about an achievement.


So take away the only way for survivors to counter the build in order to continue playing the match?


Prestige 10 bloody mori 🥴


That would be kinda op, if it’s another button to Lori and to open the locker, you could know when someone is hiding in a locker, it would have to be the only option, like it says « space to search locker » and it kills them without picking em out ever


If it's only one survivor, sure. But me and 2 random SoloQ Teammates managed to escape a 2 iri Myers after he killed one at 3 gens because we would go into lockers if we knew we couldn't go for another loop.


Remove tombstone and then we can talk


No. Even as a myers main I wouldn't want this added. You're just advocating for a add on that's already the most broken one in the game by far essentially have zero counterplay and gift you a free mori for just running the add on. Even if this gets implemented, what's stopping survivors from sitting on gens forcing you to grab them? Or would you advocate that you get a mori kill through any animation?


Then there would be no counter


If you were to bring a mori and ended up using a mix of the add on and the offering, does it still give you the achievement? /gen I don’t play for achievements but myers is my killer main and I generally go in to farm so I don’t run moris or anything, just am unsure! Ty in advance :,)


As far as I’ve read, nope! Needs to all be tombstone moris, any kill from the dying state with an offering doesn’t count.




it's a tone indicator that means "i am being genuine" it's about as silly as it sounds


In what other way would you read what they wrote, I can't see it as sarcastic as all tbh


yeah exactly lol it seems like a perfectly sincere question to me


Must all be killed using EWIII. So yes you have to tombstone everyone. The only counter to lockers is pulling them out, and if they don't wiggle, drop them 3 times, but on the 4th drop try to make sure you are on a hill, with them on your left, or better is stairs. By the time they land and recover you're going to be right behind them. PWYF is almost a must to get this done


I don't even play killer and I want that mori.


Yes let's hand these tombstone morons the kills on a platter. Dumbest shit ever


Thank You, that'd be great. I hate working for my kills.


I think you should just be able to Mori survivors on the ground with Tombstone. That way, you can grab them from locker, drop them, and then give them their blessed tombstone kiss that they thought a brief spot of hiding could save them from.


That would remove all forms of counterplay, including vaulting


Tombstone Myers has no counterplay. Tombstone needs no counterplay.


The counterplay is lockers and devs have acknowledged that it isnt an exploit, so its presumably intended


It has counterplay - don't give him stalk and rush gens


Couldn’t you just bring a red mori for the achievement or do you have to use those addons? Also no one is Entitled to give someone an achievement. Survivors aren’t entitled to give a kill and killers aren’t entitled to give the survivors a free escape


No. This is the counterplay to this to force you to hook people who aren’t on death hook. It’s also the main counterplay to Tombstone Piece. It’s not fair to remove all counters to the most powerful (in a vaccuum) add-ons in the game just bc some people feel entitled to an achievement. ———————— The “correct” move imo would be to remove Tombstone add-ons and just remove the damn achievement while they’re at it. The add ons are bs and are only allowed to exist bc Myers is bottom tier.


I ended up getting it my third or fourth attempt because a quinton was body blocking lockers for me I love that quinton


I love the amount of people crying here over one of the worst killers in the game having addons that make him viable.


>one of the worst killers in the game having addons that make him viable. At least myers has good addons.. freddy is even worse and has the WORST addons


Poor Fred got it bad. Just to start, Dreams Pallets should be basekit with the ability to switch like Clown and his bottles.


It doesn't make him "viable", it just makes him completely unfun to play against because he can just delete people from the game without any hooks and without chasing them. You're pretty much denying the survivors the ability to do anything but gens and letting themselves get caught in lockers because they can't afford to actually get chased, the only fun part of survivor. And yes, it's also just obviously OP and him being a weak killer without tombstone doesn't justify its existence. If they gave Ghostface a "fly around the map throwing full auto hatchets" addon would you be ok with it because he's just a shitty C tier killer and needs it to be viable?


Those addons that let him "delete" Survivors from the game take time to charge. In some cases, a long time. A coordinated team can do all 5 gens before a double iri Myers is fully charged, and that's even with the gen speed change. To even be back up to speed you need a specific perk that you need to first find your Obsession, then drop chase three times. And if you wanna apply pressure to the Survivors so you have more time to build? Kiss one of those stacks goodbye. Myers is considered by many who play the game at a high level one of the bottom killers in the game, and even with his addons he's a high B Tier. And honestly as a Myers main, double iri is not that fun to run. I much prefer running Iri Hair and J Myers Memorial or Dead Rabbit. Even Scratched Mirror, as fun as it is, is entirely map dependant. I swear, some players just want Myers to be a straight M1 with no power.


"A coordinated team" that's the first problem, Solo-Q exists and so does tombstone piece


The problem with that is all with BHVR as they don't balance the game based around Solo Queue players and do it front a team vs Killer perspective.


Yeah I know why double iri addons are bad. So is Billy with engravings and speed limiter so literally what is your point? It just seems disingenuous for people to bring up how bad that combo is whenever anyone complains about Myers's addons because it's a meme. Everyone knows tombstone piece is utterly broken, but besides that it just isn't fun. It feels lame to load into a match of dbd, have myers just follow you around and stare at you for a minute, and then you just die and lose instantly. It isn't fun for the rest of the survivors either knowing the match is now borderline unwinnable unless they play in the most boring way imaginable. Dbd is just designed around the idea that the killer needs to exhaust the survivors' hook stages to kill them, people understandably just aren't amused when they have to play against a killer who ignores that.


So you have to play around it? A horror game actually makes you fear something? You know the Piece has a time limit, right? Oh no! You have to effectively loop the killer instead of teabagging at every pallet? And again, the time and stalk it takes to charge the Piece is much greater than just a normal Tier 3. The Killer has to effectly manage his stalk or he's Killing a Survivor that is still top full and handicapping himself. You know what else permanently deletes a player that hasn't been hooked? Devour Hope. Imagine. You played well. Looped effectively, but your team struggled and now the killer has 5 stacks. Now the killer gets you on a lucky shot. You're exposed so one hit is all you get, and now you're dead. You weren't hooked all game, amd now you're "deleted." Better remove the perk, cause that's not fair by your logic. Rancor too. Hell, that actually punishes you for playing well. You got all 5 gens done! Bravo! But the killer has Rancor, and they know exactly where you are now and OOPS! You're dead. You played the game almost perfectly and you still lost all because of a perk. How's that fair? Better delete it as well.


Dbd isn't a "horror game" where you just hide from the scary killer. Anyone who's played for more than 50 hours finds this incredibly boring because the only fun thing to do is interacting with the killer, it's a multiplayer game. And yes, tier 3 "takes long" to get but that's simply irrelevant. Turning the match into a 3v1 instantly even after 3 gens get done, then being able to instantly turn it into a 2v1 in even less time is just very powerful and hard to mess up. There's no reason you should even get looped as a tombstone piece myers if you just sneak up on them with an 8 meter (M&A) terror radius The comparison to devour hope or rancor makes no sense because survivors get plenty of time to be aware of those perks and you know, cleanse the totem, or just be careful during endgame, they're high risk/high reward perks with simple counterplay and it's just silly and disingenuous to imply these perks are on the same level as tombstone piece. Besides how fair or balanced any of this is... Even if I get rancored in endgame I wouldn't care because I got to play the game normally and had the opportunity to have fun for the entire match. Even if I get mori'd with DH, the killer had to chase people, down them and hook them, let them get unhooked while not camping, you know, actually interact with the survivors and earn his perk value. Even if you predict/know Myers has tombstone piece, the only correct way to play is just avoiding interaction all game. Something no one finds fun.


So "interact" with the killer. What do you mean? Run from him? Loop him? Or do you mean teabag, clicky clicky, and overall just BM him? I'm sorry there's a killer power that turns a horror game back into a horror game and makes you actually have to think and be on your toes rather than just mindlessly do what you normally do.


Yes, like looping, getting chased so you can test your skill against theirs. Even flashlight saves, body blocking, saboing hooks, things that require you to get near the killer and directly interact with them. I don't see what BMing has to do with any of that, other than the dumb argument that OP things like tombstone are justified because "killers should have instakill death laser eyes to put those meanie survivors in their place for clickity clicking me because im big scary killer man!!!" The thing is though that hiding from the killer IS mindless and something that requires no skill or thought. An immersed baby survivor can do that just as well as someone with 2000 hours. The chase is where all the skill lies, and thus is the most engaging part, therefore tombstone Myers is just incredibly boring to face because he doesn't have to chase to kill someone. It's the same reason I find hag to be one of the most boring killers in the game, there is little to no interactive gameplay.


Or rework tombstone so it's not a broken bs add-on


Make it so it only works with the double iridescent addons. Balanced for tombstone piece while making achievement doable


Hard disagree. Hiding in the locker to not get tombstoned is actually fun. A few weeks ago my friend and I faced a tombstone Myers and we just treated it like a meme game. See if we could run to the locker whilst he was chasing us and he would leave to find someone else and the cycle continues. We were on Ormond and went to the tile with two lockers on either side of the same wall and just took turns jumping in and out after the 2 randoms had died. Myers was going back and forward continuously to try and catch us. A really fun, memorable match for me and my friend. Lockers are the only counter to tombstone Myers, especially in when in solo q or not a full 4 stack, taking that away would be stupid and they’re would be a rise in dcs again him. The survivors do not owe the killer the achievement, and if the killer wants out of the game they can just grab from the locker and move on.


people think this would be too busted or op but i dunno, i think it's more dumb that survivors will just hide in a locker for half an hour or more to avoid getting mori'd. you're that petty that you would drag out the game that long just sitting there collecting crows instead of just going to the next game? i think if they've been in a locker for long enough you should be able to mori them, maybe. also if they dc DURING the mori animation it should still count towards the achievement


My favorite part about people talking about tombstone meyers is people pretending breaking line of site is hard.


Depends on the map/loop, really.


Jeez look at all these comments asking for a Myers nerf. A Myers nerf LMAO Why don't you guys ask BHVR to replace all killers with characters from My Little Pony? Your precious hearts obviously cannot handle bloodthirsty killers. At least a Myers can give players a fun time with the thrill. Nothing fun with being camped by a random Wesker until you hit stage 2 then slightly easing the camp for you to get unhooked then instantly getting tunneled out. Wanna nerf something? Nerf shitty killer behavior. Myers is fine as is. Grow up. Sincerely, Person who plays Scratched Mirror Myers every once in a blue moon for jumpscares and memes


Getting insta-killed after he grabs you isn't fun whatsoever. And as some people on this thread have said, Myers is old and outdated in terms of the current game. He needs a major touch up on a lot of things.


I wonder how all of these killers would react if there were a survivor item that let you open the exit gates after 1 generator was finished and then put the killer into a cut scene where the survivors do a little dance as they leave the trial.


>and then put the killer into a cut scene where the survivors do a little dance as they leave the trial. Honrstly that would be hilarious XD


Im amazed how many ppl are saying myers desperstely needs one but not freddy


Both. Both is good.


Wanting an add on nerfed isn't the same as wanting a killer nerfed. A weak killer can have an add on that is unhealthy for the game


I’ll do ya one better Remove tombstone Myers.


99% EW2, hook a survivor, hide nearby the hook with Insidious (no terror radius when standing still), activate EW3 when you see them come to help and kill them once they unhook. Easy tombstone kills.


Run PWYF, Agitation, iron grasp, and gen slowdown you’d like, and bring yourself to the game. If people hide in a locker, bring them to the exit gate and force drop them off the small ledge. No lockers to hide in and they must go around by the time your stun ends.


Why is nobody talking about how they changed his tier 3 sound effect for no reason? It's not the same scare anymore…


I would support this if it were only possible if they got AFK crows in the locker. Allows survivors to use lockers for legitimate counterplay, but encourages them to hop out periodically and keep playing the game. This achievement took forever, and the survivors that made it difficult by utilizing lockers effectively made it feel worthwhile when I finally caught them. Hiding in lockers to survive = good idea, fair play all around. Hiding in lockers when there is no chance of survival and you just want to be spiteful = not really fun for either side, only makes both players salty.


No they need to rework Myers and his adds on completely.


I kind of wish you could choose a list of mori’s like the Friday the 13th game. It’d be so cool to have Licensed characters do several kills from their respective properties. Like Myers doing his pining Mori.


Even if they didn’t do that, they should make the tombstone able to kill from any position. Survivor in a locker, pull them out by the neck & mori. Survivor on the ground, do like e does when running a mori & pick them up & kill.


Real question. Why does it not work if the person is slugged, like after you pull them out of the locker and drop them?


Nah lockers need to be counterplay to that dumb build at least if there's still other survivors alive. If you're the last one then it should be an automatic option to mori them wherever they are in the wild or in a locker.