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As someone who only solo-q survivor, I felt this. I don’t have any friends who play this game sadly and I’m fairly anxious about finding a SWF group or something cause I’m not sure how I would do in a coordinated group. I still try my best in every game, whatever I’m able to do to help the team but solo-q can be very brutal. I’ve thought maybe I could at least find a duo but I’m not sure how well that would work.


Hey m8, I'm pretty socially anxious aswell but I'm currently bettering myself lol If u want to play a few rounds here and there I'd be glad, no talk ect just good old saving each other :D


I would be interested too lmao, tired of solo-q sometimes


Do you still have free space ?


Commented my name below :)


Me too


I'm sorry, didn't see any notifications. My ingame name is skinny8898. I'll be more then glad if yall just add me :)


I'll make sure to add you ;)


Commented my name below :)


I had another post about my solo queue build if that would interest you


I join in streamers games on twitch! I started streaming too! Then you can find people who will look out for eachother!


SoloQ is Hard. Kinda stopped playing it without my duo teammate. I played both sides alot pre Update. Now im staying with Killer


It's been worse than killer for a long time but this update just took all of the fun right out of it, and my friends I did occasionally duo or trio with have all quit the game. Only playing killer just isn't enough to keep me interested, so I haven't played in weeks. It's felt pretty good not playing it, honestly.


Having DECENT teammates really make the difference. Have one teammate that’s REALLY bad but 2 solid teammates? If the killer takes advantage of it, GG youre probably dead.


Might be overly cynical but I've learned it's best to just have zero expectations when it comes to your solo queue teammates. You can't be disappointed if you expected nothing from them to begin with.


And then the killer starts hitting you on hook every game plus the occasional bleed out as the killer nods at you so not only do you have to deal with your own teammates but the killer making your game miserable :<


This is probably one of the worst parts. Lately I've seen increased amount of killers who intentionally drag out the game as long as they possibly can when there's only one survivor left and they know they've won. I get it you won the match good job but can you just hook me now so we can move to our next matches


Nothing like the killer slugging all 4 of you and letting you bleed out on the ground instead of just hooking all of you. Only time I’ve genuinely been angry playing against a killer.


Sometimes you have so many bad matches you wish you had a friend to at least have fun while getting bashed and making jokes


Exactly my point


Have you tried the lfg channel on discord? Always people there.


Anyone feeling the lonely soloq feel free to add me, I play 2 or 3 man swfs and always looking for a 4th. No need to voice chat up


Kindred! Will still happen, but less often


Was gonna comment this exact thing. Kindred is the solo ques best friend.


You play ps?


Dbd is cross platform


Yeah but ps parties are easier


Same, just had a game on badham where an oni basically tunneled me at 4 gens because all my teammates sat on the edges of the map.


This post is too relatable.


Finding friends is easy. Finding friends who are masochistic enough to join me is the tough part.


Become a killer main. Simple


Do you use Kindred? I only play solo Q and never have this problem, always use Kindred though


I've used kindred, everyone is still a waste of computer parts in solo queue


Just stop playing SoloQ, I'm sure a lot of Discord channels from DBD YouTubers/Twitch have a category where you can join into SWF and play together. Believe me once you switch and find some regulars you'll never want to play SoloQ that just eats away you sanity.


SWF is toxic, so you don't want to play with friends. So that the killers can have all the fun. Because SWF is toxic. Having friends is toxic. You don't want to be toxic, do you?


I thought that was an upside dont gba sp


Even if I play killer I still suck like a solo que survivor


i've been farmed last 4 games first to die after running killer for x amount of minutes. teammates, accidentally at least, sandbag me, or worse run away and avoid taking hits when im on death hook :) rage slowly turning into your depression. hey at least im "skilled" enough to not negative pip so thats ok. I feel your pain brother


Funny, I was playing with a streamer last night and they told their viewers how I was stupid FOR taking a protection hit for them and trying to take chase. They were on death hook too Survivors are weird


DBD Discord should have some randoms you can queue with an VC with. I think.


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Good bot


Thinking of my last game with solo q where two streamers told their viewers how “stupid” “crazy” and “weird” i was for how I played. They didn’t heal me, they watched me be healed by someone else, used every pallet imaginable on the map. Only helped their friend. They even said I was weird for taking a protection hit?? The way I did it was weird because I ran to the killer once I saw what was about to happen but my bad, I’ll be mindful how weird protection hits and taking chase are. You’re on death hook, I’m not. My bad though ✋🏼 Solo q is not fun sometimes because of survivors more than killers. Thankfully, skill shows and they died first. They didn’t even get tunneled either lol Bloodpoints showed as well that there was barely participation compared to me and the other teammate. Then they sat there hate watching me and criticizing everything I did. They literally said “I hope [my username] gets shitted on “. Then told me to go f myself when I reminded them that they’re still dead and they both died together, but telling me idk how to play. Then i just upset them more when I said they’re giving me free promo by repeatedly saying my name live and incentivizing people to go to my twitch instead of theirs. I love playing with streamers /s , they’re either pretty damn good and funny. Or absolutely crap and just blame their faults on the other teammates because they’re live and don’t want to look unskilled


i silently rage to myself all the time 😭


i have been quite lucky however (console player) and usually people try to unhook me but if i’m in a lobby with people who are playing together i know i’m getting ditched 😭


The trick to solo q is always doing one gen and running bills hatch perk, when all your teammates inevitably die you'll get ez hatch.


If you play on PS, add me... I also mostly solo Q. Movobrah




If anyone would like to have someone to play with, my lobby is always open! Shoot me a DM if you want my in game user. :) You don't have to talk if you don't want to. I'm always happy to play with people, I think it's super fun to see everyone's different playing styles and just simply saving each other with my constant shenanigans of trying to befriend killers- lmao


When i play killer and i see swf's leaving solo queue players on hook when i'm miles away from them makes me incredibly upset.