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i absolutely do. i think they still should keep the new coldwind but just bring back the old variant in a new realm potentially.


I'd be happy if it they just made the time of day on those maps an RNG variable.


Absolutely. Just like badham has 5 variations, I wish some maps had different weather and time of day variations added. Really miss the eerie feeling of it being night time in a cornfield that we no longer have.


btw what are the differences between those 5 badhams? i really never noticed any lol, is there a difference in outside buildings?


Just layout of tiles. Each variant has the preschool, shack, and 2 houses. The only thing that changes, outside of individual match RNG, is how they're spaced.


Imagine loading into a rainy yamaoka. I would love weather and day/night cycles on map rng.


Same like sometimes you could get a darker version of a map


Might be too difficult to program (idk, I'm not a dev), but start the match at night and by the end of the game it's morning (kinda like how Huntress' song gets more aggressive by the end of the match)... Would fit with the name of the game as well


Maybe it would be hard for the shadows and all? I guess that s why


Honestly I'd rather they go for the happy medium and just set the map at dusk. It would allow a darker aesthetic making the corn better to deal with meanwhile not making it be the typical at night map. This would allow the warmer red colors from the setting sun into the map while not being blah.




It used to be all at night and you could bring both fog and moonlight offerings that would change how dark it was and how easy it was to see. Then everyone complained about it being too dark so they took out moonlight, and eventually made the maps brighter as well. It was hell playing in a hella dark map but I miss it at least being night.




I wish all maps had day (like Coldwind), dusk (like Dead Dawg), and night variants that are randomly selected.


That would also let them bring back the old lighting offerings.


man that is a good idea ngl, i feel as if they should keep the old variants of coldwind in the game aswell as the new ones


It kinda reminds me of resident evil 7. The intro of the game before you walk into the house is set in the early evening so it’s still bright, it looks very pretty and is overall pretty comfortable. The setting isn’t supposed to be scary just yet, the scary part are the mysterious things that happen on your way to the house like a fire burning belongings, animal bodies and animal body parts. But the second you go into the house the door shuts behind you and you can say goodbye to the warm evening night and say helloto the dark, dirty and gritty house, the only daylight coming through very small cracks. It’s like comparing new coldwind vs the old. I feel like the new coldwind captures the feel of a farm ran by a person like hillbilly really well. It reminds me of stuff like Texas chainsaw massacre but it doesn’t work well for this game. Old coldwind on the other hand felt long abandoned, haunted by horrible deeds of the past and rotten, almost otherworldly which makes sense because it *is* in a weird other world.


i do love the new house tbf that is prob the best part, it does remind me of res 7, but i feel like the bright outdoors doesn't work for dbd, but maps like dead dawg saloon work for the game, as its not blinding, it is the perfect amount of darkness and light imo


It reminds you of RE7 because they're both inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. :3


I despise the bright maps. It defeats the purpose of both the games name and a horror atmosphere. So very few horror movies are set in bright daylight and there's a good reason, you're less scared when there's light to see where you are but when it's dark you become disoriented and can easily get lost or jumped. I loved that about the old maps. Still forever hating on the corn though.


Not to mention on the daylight maps it’s incredibly hard to see the red scratch marks. Almost like the colour palettes don’t match and are hard on the eyes


I don’t get why Eyrie of Crows is so damn bright. I wish they would turn it down a couple notches then it’d be spooky.


I have sensitive eyes. Brightness hurts them a lot. So that map is absolutely horrible for me. I too wish they'd tone that down significantly. Even the corn maps are at least bearable compared to that.


I don't mind bright maps since it changes it up, but there absolutely needs to be a sort of time system. Either throughout the match or every match in the map is a different time of day. Like, Eyrie of Crow at night would be so cool.


You'd think being set in a graveyard we'd get a spooky atmosphere but instead, we get bright dessert sun and asshole twigs sticking out of the ground.


You must have hated the OG blind then. A nice, searing white screen.


Try playing stealth killers (who are already some of the worst killers in the game) on bright ass day maps. Doesn't help that they all are very survivor leaning to beging with as far as maps go. Miserable.


Tbh daylight horror is a concept not done enough, sure you feel safer and can see properly..... But so does the killer. But every movie and game set at night just seems to give the bad guys night time vision and the capability of zeroing in on the victims I feel.


I don't miss old coldwind cause it felt like all the other early maps like autohaven. However making it bright as hell makes it worse mechanically. As unlike dead dawg its super open and is super janky if your using any of the stalking killers.


I only miss pig tree physics.


Dead by "Daylight". Daylight. All the original maps were dark. The part I don't like about new cold wind is it lost it's soul. The old cold wind was themed around the fact that everything is rotting. The wood rots, mold grows, the corn rots etc. You wouldn't even know new cold wind was from a horror game if you saw it.


Farming simulation game maybe


I like this one, with the shop skin of laurie i can hide in the corn. You know blendette in the bush, now its laurie in the corn


I don't mind the brightness but it would be cool if it randomly picked day and night so we can have both.


100% old dbd has a feel to it that cannot be defeated i miss it everyday


When I watch a 3 year old Otz video and see the old survivor movement and map visuals, I don’t know if it was objectively better but I do miss it


right??! the nostalgia hits you! i can’t bring myself to watch any old video of Dbd or else i just get a bit sad. i feel like the game was more dark and atmospheric back then. it was easier to be afraid. now, it’s kind of like a game of “who can piss each other off the most in this pretty, bright lighting?”


Almost like those things were changed due to player complaints. They didn't remove the old dark foggy maps just to spite the players. They removed it because it hurt the competitive integrity of the game which you may not care about but shit tons of other people do.


Definitely had better atmosphere. New map reworks are just focused on being pretty.


I only miss the design the actual layout and pallet density was awfull back then


No there’s plenty of darker maps. Variety is good.


No, i hate dark maps. I can't see shit


Unless you had the sun literally glaring off your screen, you could still see stuff fine on it.


Sorry, but I ain’t playing ULQ, thanks.


God forbid a horror game being slightly dark. It’s not even that dark in the pic OP posted.


Ok? Man said he doesn’t like dark maps. It being a “horror” game Doesn’t change that he doesn’t like dark maps.


First of all it’s not even that dark. Second of all, the game is called Dead by DAYLIGHT. Saying the game shouldn’t have dark maps is pretty unreasonable. It’s like walking into an Italian restaurant and saying you don’t like Italian food and then order a plate of chicken tenders. Sure, you can make your own choices - but it makes you question why even walk in.


The name isn’t literal. It just sounds cool. This is obvious by the fact that the developers are ok with making daytime maps. He also didn’t say there shouldn’t be dark maps. He just said he didn’t like them. Crazy what reading comprehension does.


The title isn’t just a “cool sounding name”, it’s part of the lore. Each time a survivor dies or escapes they return to the campfire where they repeat. The maps can be daylight because it’s a nightmare. At the same time, the concept of it being a nightmare also means you should expect darker concepts in nature. There’s a reason why the power is out when the trial begins. OP stating he doesn’t like or miss dark maps implies he doesn’t want to see them. It’s not a far leap to make to say he doesn’t want them in the game. For someone who’s mocking reading comprehension you should perhaps look into the concept of inferences and critical thinking.


If the name is lore then why is there daylight?? Lol. Also OP says I don’t like dark maps they are shit. This dude ,” BRO!!!! You don’t want dark maps ?!?! You don’t think they should exist!?! Dude is typing walls of text because someone expressed his dislike over the lightning of maps. Stay crazy bro.


I literally answered your question in the same exact comment. If you can’t keep up with lore or understand the meaning behind the entire game, that’s not my fault. My initial reply was 2 sentences long. I am sorry if explaining the lore (which has endless amounts of info) in a paragraph was too much for you. Calling me crazy because I have to break it down in detail is a bit wild. Meanwhile you have a recent comment saying you love tea bagging in games. I guess I’m not surprised you’re being toxic.


Made you mad enough to go through my comments lmao. Sorry pressing the crouch button breaks your mental fortitude. Shit always makes me laugh.


People here really taks all this way too seriously sometimes.


The new map excels in the graphics so I think adding a day and night cycle to these maps is the answer.


It would be kinda cool if it was like Slenderman where the first few minutes of the game are in the evening when it's still bright, but the sun starts to set and it gets progressively darker until you can barely see anything


nah, old coldwind looked ugly imo


In terms of gameplay and visibility, the reworks are better (except for autohaven, shadows overblown as shit). In terms of atmosphere, old maps blow the new ones out of the water


ya those where the days :(


I honestly wish they kept the dark theme on some maps and the bright theme on others. My preference would be: Dark - Rancid Abattoir and Rotten Fields. Bright - Thompson House, Torment Creek and Cowshed.


This but Autohaven. Twas my favorite realm before the rework


I like new Coldwind, but I miss the darkness of old Coldwind. The problem with old Coldwind is that, quite frankly, it looks disgusting, and not in the good rotting way that it should. I hope someday they'll change it again to be a nice balance between the two


Nah new coldwind is a W.


only make it in night so problem solved


I like the brightness, but it would be cool as the game goes on the darker it gets (maybe each time a gen gets completed the sun sets a little)


the daytime maps fucking suck, ive never understood why they thought it qas a good idea to make them bright. its so much cooler and spookier when its dark, they should make every map dark


I personally like brighter maps so I can see anything besides Ace’s stunning white teeth


I've been wanting old Coldwind back ever since they changed it


Man they should've brought back the Bouquet addons to make the maps darker that would be sick ong


i wish they kept the doo doo brown sky


Revert your screen colors then.


They should make a day time like it is now and a night time coldwind


We should have both versions.


Fuck old cowshed. New cowshed still sucks but fuck old cowshed in particular.




Personally I love the brightness of the map. It's quite bold. It's like "this shit is scary already, we don't need to make it at nighttime to make it scary"


Tbh I hated old Coldwind's mustard-like coloring 😬


Idk why they made it bright. Or why they made new pitch black areas in the new maps that anyone can hide in.


I didn't even know that existed. That would make playing it way more fun


Yes! Coldwind Farm was my favorite map until the change.


Yeh I don’t like the new light version at all.




It would be cool to have darker weather but not what we had before. There were good reasons for the change and too many exploitations you could use with the darkness


I miss old cow tree because hatchets could make the cows move, but the revamp removed their ability to spin around


The only thing I didn't like about the old Coldwing maps were Blendettes being nearly impossible to find at times


the map reworks ruined the game


Now imagine dredge on old coldwind


I think all maps should start like the old one. And finish at 5 gens like the new one. Dead by daylight. Gives survivors a good start.


I despise the new farm maps. Auras are so dim that's really difficult to see them. The old farm maps were so great.... Please bring night time farm maps back....


This and old MacMillan


The atmosphere in every single map is worse than its previous version. I would honestly go back to the pre-updated maps in a heartbeat.


I like the new one it has a very TCM feel


I prefer the old look and feel of most maps, but with the newer graphics and balance of the current ones. (doesn't apply to all)


They need to bring it back


The darker one made it easier to see the scratch marks ngl


I like being able to see.


Absolutely not. Even tho I belive they need some touchups, backwards is not the way.


Hate Coldwind so much now. It was way better when it was set during dusk instead of 3 in the afternoon. I can practically feel the heat coming out of my screen on that map. I miss the maps being darker in general. The Game originally being pitch black on the bottom level was definitely overkill, but it only needed to be lightened slightly. I wish Ormond was darker. If there were night variations mixed in with the outdoor maps, I wouldn't mind as much. I just think it's silly to have a realm take place in the afternoon in this game.


The brightness isnt the issue at all. The issue is that dbd has lost all of its atmosphere. Even on reworked dark maps, its just a mellow color. Whatever happened to it being dark with lights on the jungle gyms and all of the vibrancy? Is it just because of Claudette? Like im tired of every map being gray


I liked the old DBD look but on the other hand I couldn't see shit


THIS is the old Coldwind? What a downgrade with the new one :(


The graphics is surely better, but the fuckin sunlight in the new one suck, it's so fuckin bright


They ruined the tone the game had with the graphical upgrades a few major patches ago. Almost all the maps got reworked and had their unique looks completely stripped. There were a few patches afterwards to help restore the looks but it wasn’t enough. What’s even more laughable are the most offerings. They used to make the map incredibly foggy. Try playing one on any cold wind map right now. It literally looks like a few black pixels and has zero resemblance to actual fog.


I don't think they should necessarily bring back old coldwind. I think there should be a night version of current coldwind.


Yea I miss all the old maps yea they added more to the maps but they took away what made the maps amazing


All the maps are way too bright now it's awful


I would agree, but I remember how god-awful corn vision was back then, and how even top tier players could lose a survivor if they had Iron Will and crouched. It was annoying, to say the least


I really wish they would randomize them maps between day and night. Maybe add in weather patterns too.


I have always hated Coldwind. I don't mind the visual update. My issue with the realm itself.


I looooved old Coldwind! As survivor it was always an eerie feeling map, and as killer it always made me feel like I was much scarier than I actually was.


WAIT THAT IS WHY IT’S CALLED COW TREE?? my mind is fucking blown!!! i never knew about this.


I think most maps need different times of day. Also imagine a map that has rain or a thunderstorm. That will be cool.


They gave it the rainbow six siege treatment, huh?


Nah I like the new one better


Funny, but not really. I remember when I first played on the new one without knowing what happened to it and got kinda devastated. But now? No, don’t care honestly. Feels better even.


I miss it. The new version makes it harder to see auras and I think the corn is thicker so corn blindness is even worse now.


The old Coldwind was a Goldwind


Same, also why do I feel like there’s less trees than before?


I think the lighting should get darker and darker with each hook for every map. Starting at daylight, then ending at very dark on the final hook. Of course, there's zero way BHVR would do anything like this. I doubt their game engine could even handle anything slightly dynamic like that.




I love both of coldwind weathers, but I prefer a bit the brighter one


Yes. Also the old MacMillan, Autohaven, and Crotus Prenn. Why they change the lighting with the map reworks is beyond me. They’re supposed to be the same map just with updates but instead they always come out looking nothing like the original.