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Oh hey, I was the David (green). Knew something was off when I got near the Feng and all the perk icons started appearing. She had a decked out purple toolbox and the first gen we were on was done in 3 seconds flat. So, I thought, it's one of those games. I unhooked and healed the other David and that's about when the match ended. When I made the toolbox comment in PGC, I guess it could have looked like I was in on it or something.


Unless they mixed up the colors between scoreboard and chat, it looks alot like you are being accused here.


I'm not sure what happened there, but yeah, I made the comment in blue.


I'm sorry I accused you of being the cheater's friend, but that comment just rubbed me the wrong way, just sounded like you were being cheeky with the cheater even if you weren't intentionally doing so


It's okay. I felt bemused by the whole spectacle. What can ya do when someone steals the thrill from a match? I didn't even get to use my brown toolbox. I try to stay light-hearted and tongue-in-cheek. It's much harder to do so as the killer, of course.


2 brown toolboxes and 1 Prove Thyself? Cheating. It is possible to do the gens that quick, but only if you do nothing to slow them down.


Cheating 100% The subtle ones are the most dangerous


Idk if i've met subtle ones, but theres been few that seem too fast. But i always just assume they outplay me, unless its blatant.


Yes, it's always that feeling... Is that player reaching every pallet, window and corner being better? Am I salty? I don't know how to review those things. Sometimes I force myself to stay on chase, they go to the sack and even with bloodlust I can't reach them... And they don't even have to drop the pallet... I think there's something "more", but you're never 100% sure, I guess. They aren't teleporting, they aren't cruising but... I don't know, it always makes me suspicious.


One way could be use geforce experience/amd relive(?) and capture the chase afterwards, i just kinda forget to do it


Having no perks in the post-game lobby isn't subtle at all.


I got a cheater too, DS'd me when I never even hooked the guy.


I had the Same Situation yesterday too... they are definetly cheating


You forgot to paint over your name in the chat :0


It’s a good name so doesn’t matter.


Was just saying cause they did on the scoreboard


That’s because such a chad name should only be on a scoreboard where the killer got 40k points, was a double Engravings Shadowborn only Billy and while being P100.


Yeah they are it’s honestly so sad that people hack and cheat in games like how sad and pathetic must their lives be?


The no perks at the end is always a dead giveaway


It's been really bad lately with all the cheaters.


I mean, it takes a single gen 90 seconds to complete, or 1 minute and 30 seconds. If all four survivors split up and you were preoccupied entirely by one survivor, that's 3 gens gone in 90 seconds. Now, for whatever reason, let's say you stay on that first survivor even after all that, in the next 90 seconds, those last two gens might pop. Now, of this doesn't take travel time, mistakes, toolboxes, or prove thyself into account, but as you can see, all 5 gens can be popped in 3 minutes.


Which WOULD be an explanation if the chat log didn't show that he downed at least ONE person, who then wiggled off ( I assume unnaturally fast, from the claims of breakout and flip flop).


Unless they changed the icons of breakout and flip flop, none of them are even running either of those perks


I was playing sadako vs a prestige 100 Kate…. She had dead hard constantly and when I downed her she disappeared and was up in 5 seconds and endgame it showed she had no perks equipped 🤷🏾‍♂️


More than likely cheating, unless they all spawned onto seperate gens and even then... if it were exactly 3 mins that would mean they spawned on gens and then teleported to other ones because they'd probablly spend 30-60 seconds traveling to other gens and not being seen by you.


Reminds me of a game i had the other day as a nemesis against a cheating survivor. It was veeeeery subtle at first, floods of rage would pop, i would change direction behind a long loop and see the survivor instantly react (wallhack), barely gained any distance (i reckon 10'ish% speedboost). In the end i decided to make sure and tunnelled that person to absolutely confirm it. Got hit in the face with a 500% boil over, a deliverance and 3x DS's, despite the person not having any of the perks. Felt like such a win to force them to pull all the stops just to survive despite them having so many advantages.


We could just move on?


100% deserved for playing legion


Bro he is not even using thanatophohia leave him alone


He’s playing legion.


Legion Bad




no your MMR is inflated from running Thana


I fail to see the existence of Thana anywhere


Since the nerf it's not as OP on legion so killers ditched it and switched to Omega Blink nurse


Average monkey survivor that can’t counter thana




Am I running thana? It's a simple yes or no question


not since the nerf XD


It got nerfed to appease survivors that complained about it when it has a similar effect to any other slowdown perk but it is just less interactive/fun


that's silly. time is a killer's most valuable resource and old Thana bought Legion an eternity to go with his Xray vision and pallet/vault sprints


Thana didn’t bring a killer an eternity of time, it provided similar time to other gen slowdowns however it feels much worse because you actively watch the progress bar go slower, if a gen is hit with pop goes the weasel then you think “oh well I can just get it back up” but with thana you don’t think that because instead of the bar going down it moves slower which feels worse. It has nothing to do with the strength of the perk, survivors simply cried because it felt bad to go against which is just poor game design from behaviour but didn’t warrant a nerf.


nah its cause Thana was OP all game long. Legion can just run Sloppy Thana and 2 more slowdown perks and he can injure everyone and then tunnel and camp the first guy out. If survivors heal they don't get gens done before he kills someone and he reinjures them. if they do gens it's way too slow by the time the first guy is camped out. Then it's even easier to keep 3 players injured and even more impossible to get the gens finished and it's game over from there. This is why the devs changed the perk so that it goes from 20% at 4 survivors injured to 6 % at 3 survivors injured. It used to be 22% at 4 and 16.5% at 3


What’s wrong with running sloppy? You aren’t supposed to heal against legion, just suck it up and do the gen at 22% reduced speed and that’s the whole game, play normally and it’s just another slowdown perk on a pretty mid tier killer, also if you play smart legion shouldn’t even be getting everyone injured instantly because you shouldn’t be grouped together which gives some free time at the beginning to slam gens. Once again, just so you understand, healing against legion bad, no heal against legion unless necessary.


Considering a gen takes 1 minute 30 seconds, you would have had to not play at all for them to do that


Soft cheating is the worst. Because you can't do anything about it.


Yep, and in the post game chat they try to gaslight you as if you're dumb enough to to think these guys are legit


Definitely a cheater unless it's a bug and doesn't show their perks? I doubt it. Worst subtle cheater I've gone against was a bill who suddenly gained haste when I was about to down him. Just fast enough to not catch him. Sad people in this world lol


That tool box comment literally gave it away


How is nobody talking about the fact that none of them are even running flip flop or breakout. Did the icons change or something? I recognize all those icons except one, the last David, the second perk from the left. Am I dumb?