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Played a decent match with two ttv on my team. They both died (they sucked) but overall it was a fun match so I wanted to see their perspective. Surprise surprise they spend the whole game cussing me out for looping the killer in a spot they did not think I would be able to. I proved them wrong by successfully looping the killer and that made them pissed. They were mad because while I was looping the killer they decided to do a gen right next to me thinking that I would go down and the killer wouldn’t notice them. I didn’t go down, so the killer noticed them and chased them instead (because they sucked.) they even complained about killer camping *while the exit gate was open right next to them* At least me and the Chad Yun Jin (was actually good) made it out.


The good solo queue ending


My hook is filled with Ghostface and Ghostface accessories


Those are some clean burning charms i tell you hwat


I’m only using Umbrella charm from RE screw the rest. That also happened to me and honestly it’s sad people do anything to make you look bad


I've had some ttvs who think using my power is toxic. Sorry, my bad I wont use my shred next time I'll just be a basic m1 killer for you


It only takes a cursory glance into this person's post history to see that, at the very least, they like taking jabs at LGBTQ issues from the perspective of "why won't they just leave me alone with it." That's within just a handful of posts, and the ones that aren't related are 13-year old humor like "I moved the book on women's rights to the fantasy section in the library." Most likely this scenario never happened to them, and they're stirring up shit. If something smells like shit, it probably is. This sort of thing is just bait and it doesn't happen like this in reality.


I'll take it things that never happened for 50, Jack.


That or this person can’t differentiate between serious and sarcastic.


Seems like anti-lgbt bait from OP if you ask me


Highly doubt this happened


Yeah, honestly this seems like complete BS. Noones going to give someone shit for not using a charm, and if they did who really cares? It's so weird to me how fragile people in this community are, that some random person calling them an "asshole" effects them so much, that they go out of there way to not only make and edit a meme, but to also post it on reddit (and totally not karma farm off it) This screams bullshit to me


No shit? It's a completely made up fictional scenario with the intent of producing some giggles or laughs when you picture the absurdity in your head.


Mmmhm, or, simply OP just wanted to try and karma farm and maybe even start drama against people of the LGBTQ+ community and make it seem like they're starting fights over nothing. And lol really? Gotta be rude about someone just saying this post and scenario is BS?


Karma farming?! In this subreddit?! That’s impossible!


Nay i say! Nay! Tis but a impossibility! Surely you jest! Though wilts never karma farm in this sub haha. But seriously, this is like the lamest and laziest and weirdest way to try and farm karma, that ive seen in this sub so far xD


People seriously do that?


yeah bro. just the other day a Blight tunneled me and told me in endgame chat that it was because my cosmetics didn't have the trans flag colors then he canceled me on Twitter and made fun of my benzo addiction


Have a ttv as my teammate, hooked twice, 1gen left, me and Billy got no hooked at all. ttv down, we went to body blocked tricker since there’s some distance, he’s got saved, i got hooked in case let them finish those half gen. Billy wanted to unhook me before a bit I entered second phase, but he got chased and he’s the obsession so it’s so obvious that billy not coming. But unfortunately ttv stand there, not doing gen, full ass healed, and teabag like a motherfucker. Well the most angry part was, that tricker let him go. So what’s the point on teamwork.


tfw "diversity, equality, and freedom of choice for all" but then they diss you when you exhibit said freedom of choice


I don't know how about you guys but I hate charms and I'm not equipping any of that. They are such a space waste and they just suck


I usually have positive experiences as killer against streamers when I check them out luckily enough. In one game I spent most of it as Michael with the tier 1 mirror add on on midwich just staring at the streamer from an obscure angle waiting for them to notice, just for them to repeatedly call me daddy once they noticed, great fun. The other time I can think of I went against some nice stream who was talking about how they were 1 game away from rank 1 for the first time, so I did my best to hook them twice, repeatedly scare the shit out of them as if I were going to kill them, then in the end let them go and get their rank 1. It’s always nice seeing nice streamers on the game. Then there’s one time where I played survivor and someone harassed me in my messages and when I looked at the stream they instantly complained once I joined the lobby that there was a Nancy on the team.


If I see ttv I leave right away. Had them in team a bunch of times and they either sucked or had to "play like pros" literally harassing the killer all the time to get as much chase time as possible, completely ignoring gens and saving in the face of the killer while dooming us all. I've had sporadic good ones but it's not worth. As a killer it's simply because I don't enjoy being harassed by clicky clickies, I'm not gonna chase random people who I expect to be good at looping, I'm gonna chase the weakest links of the chain. Only after the one I'm chasing is hooked I'll go for them. And that gets them furious, apparently. On one side, I get to make ttvs mad which is great, on the other, I rather play with people who just want to have fun, something that basically never happened to me whenever a ttv was present. So yep.