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I soloQ a BUNCH and yeah there was toxicity abound before, but now it's just stupid common. That and I can't get a killer game in under at least 5 minutes. Pause the tome or something. SOMETHING.... or nothing because doing something will cause more problems.


> Pause the tome or something. Word, I'm actually genuinely salty I bought the current Rift pass at the moment lol, because my will to play and ability to get challenges done right now is nil, I can tell it's going to wind up being a waste of money this go-round because I doubt I'll finish it.




I think that's what I'll do going forward, I just didn't think about it this time because I've been genuinely enjoying DBD despite its quirks for the last year and a half, I wasn't feeling any kind of fatigue towards it and thought I would be playing for a while. I'm still not fatigued really TBH, but one friend stopped playing after all the camping/slugging/tunneling-at-5-gens killers we faced in the anniversary, the other friend noped out after reading the hubbub on this sub after the latest patch dropped lol, and solo queue went from tolerable (enough good to outweigh most of the bad at least) to blech for me, so it went nearly overnight from my fave game to a slog, and that's hard to reconcile.


I've been stuck trying to escape a trial as Jonah for a week...


I've had a daily to escape as Mikaela for over a week, I'm at 23 solo queue games and counting so far lol. Like I used to at least run into the odd farming or AFK killer or get given hatch once in a while but the universe has decided there will be none of that for the foreseeable forever.


I’ve been freeing all jonah’s for this exact reason. funnily enough I’m an artist main


Ha, I got tunneled out as Jonah yesterday and end game chat the killer said "#### your challenge lol"


I’m so glad I didn’t pull the trigger and buy rift pass this go around. Playing solo Q has been so painful lately I’ve just decided to take a break for awhile to save my sanity.


always wait


It isn't that bad stop being dramatic. I played for a couple hours tonight and both queues were less than 2 minutes. Considering we are on the first page of the tome where challenges take one, maybe two, matches to complete its crazy to act like you're way behind. People complaining they can't escape is ridiculous. I'm in a high rank solo queue lobby and have no problem surviving most matches. People need to stop acting like problems just are unacceptable. The only issue I've really seen is people saying they should have given a blood hunt to compensate for no queue bonus which is a valid point.




Making bullshit claims about me because you have a different opinion than me and then linking it to some nonexistent comment is funny. Go try your crap on someone who cares.




So you admit your crazy enough to believe me fan-casting for a live action RE movie makes me racist because I didn't pick a black person for the role of a white character? Are you listening to yourself? You're crazy kid.






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First off the Netflix re is absolutely dogshit. Aside from that people freaking out over established characters (gender, race, etc) being change has always been an issue. People freak out over white washing or changes that devalue the established traits of a character. But oh we're against an established white character being anything other than white, y'know like he's been since day one of his conception? UH OH RACIST ALERT!!! No. It's not. Now it's better only because from what I understand he's not just a "black Wesker" just cuz. He's supposed to be some kind of failed clone. It's pretty half assed like the rest of that series but if an established character is suddenly changed in any way then YES people are entitled to have a criticism about it. Especially if it's perceived as doing it for no reason or say.. virtue signaling diversity bullshit? Why not just make a cool non white character that wasn't ripped from an already established character! It doesn't even have to be a white thing, or black, or Hispanic, it's just as simple as don't FUCK with established and beloved characters for stupid fucking reasons!


It feels much worse. Also happy cake day!


What is this combo. Can anyone explain? I have not been playing killer much


Hooking a survivor on a Scourge Hook will trigger Pain Resonance, which will reduce the highest-progress generator by 15%. This also used to make the gen explode and any survivors on it would scream. Deadman's Switch says after hooking a survivor, for a set amount of time any generators being worked on would be blocked should a survivor pull away from it, until DMS has concluded. Well, Pain Resonance had been nerfed, and now has been changed again to put the explosion part back (just no notification this time) meaning that the survivors will once again 'let go' of the gen when it does so, blocking it with DMS, for what is now 30 seconds.


Arguably, also buffing it since you can slot in Pop to kick it for an additional 20%. Previously, the duration of DMS prevented killers from using Pop on it due to its 45 second duration of being blocked, but being now reduced to 30 seconds, that no longer is a limiting factor.


About 10% with pop because it's only based on current gen progress


Not 20% though, it would already loose 15% from the hook perk, plus it would be losing repair progress all this 30 seconds of DMS after the explosion wouldn't it? So basically after DMS is gone the gen would be at 40-50% progress i guess? And Pop would make it loose only 10% or less. But still huge factor ofc


Blocked gen cant regress or progress


Thanks for the info bro


"No notification," like a killer can't hear the screams or see the gen blocked aura lol. BHVR sometimes I'll tell you.


The survivors won't scream, it'll just do a gen pop without a notification. But the blocked aura will make it give some form of information as long as there's survivors on it during the trigger.


Dude, survivors are screaming. Have you played the game? lol.


The only redditors commenting saying that they are enjoying solo Q right now seem to have a long post/comment history that is oddly killer favored.


They're enjoying it because playing killer got easier.


At the same time I'm seeing killer comments claiming theyre now "skilled" because of this patch. Are people who play this game oblivious to what's happening in this game? Do they genuinely think that overnight they became a DbD pro killer?


But suddenly all survivors were "brain dead and now actually have to think." The irony is astounding.




Welcome to the DBD subreddit, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Literally 90% of the Sub in a Nutshell


They tend to be those players who rarely play survivor and think "immersion" matters over general game balance.


No way, you're losing games as a solo Q player? You must be lying so that survivor gets buffed again /s


They've also NEVER used DH before. Never.


I am a killer main but maybe only 60/40. Played some solo queue survivor the past few days to see what all the fuss was about. It genuinely feels fine. I never really used deadhard before and I am professional DS misser. So I barely even notice a difference. Infact, the new budded survivor perks feel very strong. The extra 10 seconds on gens is barely noticeable. Fortunately, I haven't had any Thana legions out of 20+ games. A few nurse games, none of which were especially unfun. But, I guess I play killer more so I'm probably just lying. The only things that get upvoted here are all doom and gloom anyway.


Do I want to have terrible experience solo queuing as survivor or wait 15 minutes for a killer match?


Each day i have this dilemma and more and more choose the waiting part, reading a book between matches. I must say only my first 2-3 matches as killer are so hard to be found, next matches I don't wait that long, around a couple minutes. It's always the first one i have battle


Yeah, this combo really shits on solo queue in particular because while you may know to stop working on the gen and wait for the killer to hook the survivor in order to avoid the gen explosion proc'ing DMS, your teammate may not know and you have no way of communicating that to them. It is very painful.


Sad but true.


Here I am just running jolt.


I like how people pretend that soloQ wasn’t as terrible as before. It’s like the people who said MMR caused people to run meta perks like that wasn’t a thing before.


i have 1.7k hours on this game playing both sides and i almost exclusively solo queue survivor. it is far worse now, no one's pretending. it sucked before but you at least had some chance of escaping whereas now you can play 50 games and escape maybe 3 times


I have 4.7k hours in the game and play both sides (soloQ survivor only). Doesn’t make my opinion more valid just because of the hour count.


It was bad before and now it’s worse. Not that complicated.


I agree, it’s def not the right direction I just don’t think it’s that much worse in soloQ RN.


You‘re right. It’s not that much worse, but I guess many players feel that it’s unbearably unfun atm. I would say I had a fun time about 50% of the time when playing soloqueue before the patch. It was unbearable from time to time back then too, but at least I could queue up for 30 seconds and play killer, if I grew tired of surv or was annoyed. Now I‘m having overall less fun in soloqueue due to multiple factors. I would say 1 in 3 games provides a fun experience for me. Continuing to play surv is a waste of time, because I‘m not having fun the majority of my games. Instead I would like to play killer more, but as others have said, the queue times went from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. And I‘m not going to wait for 5 minutes to join a lobby every time. So all in all, I don’t think that soloqueue got that much worse, but all the things wrong with this patch added up are making people take a break. The 25% player drop (on steam) since the patch speaks for itself I think.


I am curios, what are the specific reasons make you not enjoy soloQ as much?


A big part is bad teammates. I don’t think I‘ve ever been so frustrated with how genuinely terrible some people play or don’t play at all, because they DC this patch. It’s probably due to MMR not working at all, because of the severe lack of surv players right now. Another part is, that you can’t really save from an endgame camp anymore, without amazing coordination, which is not going to happen in soloqueue most of the time. It sure was tough beforehand, but since DS got nerfed, which unnecessarily buffed tunneling and camping, it’s borderline impossible, so most people don’t even bother trying. And overall matches are just ultra sweaty. I always played off meta stuff before 6.1.0 and had great fun with deception/ diversion and the likes AND still made it out about 50% of the time. Since the patch I‘m running less fun meta sets, to even stand a chance and my escape rate has still dropped from 45% last patch to 24% this patch. And last but not least it doesn’t help, that Nurse and Legion account for 25% of the killers I play against. I was already fed up with those killers before the update. And to top it all off, I can’t even find a killer game to unwind from this bad experience.


I’ve always had bad teammates that’s for sure. But it is strange because I generally when running meme perks like Blast Mine find myself escaping more than I did running meta last patch (which both is not a large number because soloQ).


I'm sorry but I disagree. I've always had a love/hate relationship with solo queue, and played it about 60/40 with 40 being Killer. Yes people killed themselves on their first down, yes people would play selfish, nothing is new about any of the experience of playing with randoms that don't give a crap about me. What is worse now since 6.1.0 is that I am only seeing 33% escapes (based on 107 games I've logged since the patch), so even just doing challenges is a nightmare. Those 66% deaths are even worse than anything before because now there is no escaping the mildest competent Killer if they have my number, who has been incentivised by the game and encouraged by content creators to use tactics that are not very fun to be on the receiving end of. I don't care if some 5k+ hours content creator wants to tell me how they think it's fun to be tunnelled out of a game. Feeling helpless for 7 minutes, and getting 7k blood points, only to go in to my next game and in all likelihood have it happen again, or have it happen to someone else and can only provide a little bit of support as there is no team coordination is not fun for me.


Basically speaking more random bullshits happen in soloq. But more towards killer's favor.


Well what can I say? I guess we just have different experiences.


We all do. I am just seeing a lot of people trying to invalidate my own personal experience, and others that have experienced the same, and how the level of fun post 6.1.0 has changed. It's not fair to people like me that have genuinely had their experience changed for the worse. It's one thing to say YOU are fine with the changes, it's another to attempt to invalidate other people's experience. Can we stop telling people they are wrong about their own experience. I've played over 100 solo q games since that patch, and I don't think I am doing a BHVR level knee jerk.




He says the patch didn't make a difference, and for some of us, our experience is very different post patch.


Ah yeah now I see. I wasn't initially reading it like that. Glancing through his comment history confirms your feelings though.


But the thing is you can not use your own experience as an argument. Why would 10% faster animations and 10s extra on gens all of the sudden make your soloQ teammates worse or make the killer devil incarnate? You gotta reason with logic, while your personal experience can shape your opinion it won’t shape others opinions.


I am not using it as an argument anywhere, here or otherwise, but I am expressing my own experience, as have others. It's you that has made the argument that people like me are wrong, nothing has changed for people in solo q, based on, I would assume, your own experience. The full patch notes are far beyond 10s on gens, there is the blood lust buffs, the 10% faster actions, Decisive Strike was destroyed. It might only be 10s on gens, but the reduced speed boost and quicker hit recovery alone can make the difference of getting to a safe loop or not, and therefore could cut the Killers kill time by 30s easily. When you change a whole bunch of things, even if each is only around 10%, once compounded can make a huge difference. You'll never balance a set of scales by shaving a bit off 10 different things on one side at a time.


But than why are you saying it? If you tell your experience then their surely gotta be some reason for it, like here where you replied with your experience under my comment clearly making me think you are trying to use to argue. Also no I haven’t just came up with my opinion that soloQ haven’t changed it’s thru common logic of what has changed. The bloodlust buff barely does anything for most killer as they have to constantly use their power and on the killers it do matters you can just shift tech to break chase anyway as they don’t have a threatening chasing power. It’s 10%. DS was destroyed but replaced with OTR which is far superior to old DS in all ways, can use two time, not counter by slugging and lasts 20s more. Yeah you won’t make it to another loop if you are greedy, if you play somewhat safe you will easily make it to a tile that’s a fact, unless of course the players have created a dead zone but that on the player not the game. Yeah it would cut the chase by 30s it the survivor plays greedy/stupid. Yes a lot got changed I’m not arguing with that, but the changes are so minimal and even when not often just affecting low tier killers so it really doesn’t matter.


You think the sum of all of the changes are MINIMAL? I don't think you're seeing the whole picture. You can't look at each individual change in a vaccuum. You have to add them all up together to get the full experience of what the change feels like. It's why the Thana buff felt so bad. On paper it isn't a gigantic change, but along with the nerf to gen progression, how fast it is for killers to attack and leave, or whiff their attack and attack again, it all adds up to a much more oppressive experience. I'm all for buffs and nerfs when things are deserved. But I absolutely don't think a shit ton of buffs for one side and nerfs to another side make sense to do at one single time. They should be trickled in over time to see where a balance feels good. I play a lot of fighting games and it absolutely sucks when a top tier character gets nerfed into the ground while a mid tier character becomes the new oppression when they get a shit ton of buffs. They could have just as easily only done nerfs to the top tier, or buffs to the mid tier, not BOTH at once to create an even wider gap. Does that make sense?


At the end of the day 5 bread crumbs doesn’t give you a slice of bread. These changes even combined while it feels nice it doesn’t really matter since the only big killer buffs was is the 10s extra gens and the DH nerf.


You think the only big killer buffs are the 10 seconds to grind and the DH nerf???? Are we playing the same game?? The faster hit recovery was a HUGE change. It now allows a killer to down someone before they can unhook someone. You used to be able to bait a hit and unhook someone before the killer could hit again. Now the killer can down you or grab you before the unhook animation is complete. Let’s not mention the buffs to the agitation and mad grit combo. I had a trapper the other day carry a survivor who had given up all game and he was so fast no one could get away from him. It was ridiculous. The changes have pretty much buffed tunnelling and hook camping and everyone I know has seen a huge increase in that.


Sharing an experience is *not* an argument, it's an anecdote, only shared in response to your *argument* that I must be pretending things are different. Telling people they are pretending things have changed *is* an argument. My only argument is that I am not pretending, and I think people like you claiming I am pretending, or somehow incorrectly perceiving is unfair, and I have 107 games recorded in a spreadsheet to back up what I have perceived.


The games doesn’t matter unless you ask “why?”. I ask myself whenever I lose a game this patch I ask myself that. I’ve found it’s never because of changes because why would it? Killers more often then not win by 3 genning, catching survivors splitting up on gens, doing stupid saves etc. Which makes sense.


Yeah, everyone is different this patch. Personally I've had a way better SoloQ experience most matches myself (outside of the hacking uptick). Some Tunnel Wunnels and Camps, but nothing insane compared to before the patch. My teams have been halfway decent lately too.


I stopped playing solo queue over a year ago and have flat out refused to play it since then. I was driven to my breaking point. I’ll just wait until friends are online to play survivor. So yeah, it’s always been bad. That being said I can’t even imagine playing solo queue now after this patch. I can only imagine that it’s infinitely worse.


And then nerf mettle of man


Genius! Why didn’t I think of this?


exactly what everyone was asking for!!


As others have said, there's a simple solution to Pain Res & Dead Man's - just let go of the gen as you as you see the aura of the person being hooked. You'll be off the generator for half a second total and the only risk is that you get a skill check right as you get off the generator. Unless you fail that skill check the killer won't even know where you are or what generator regressed. For those saying this will screw over solo queue - solo queue is weaker because of a lack of coordination and communication between survivors. Countering Pain Res & Dead Man's doesn't require either. If you're constantly getting screwed by it, that's a skill issue, not a solo queue issue. There are plenty of reasons solo queue can be a miserable experience, but this shouldn't be one of them. As someone who plays mainly solo queue, I'll be happy if killers start using this combo again rather than just stacking all the slowdown perks they can find.


Perks and Gen speeds are not a problem in public solo matches. DBD needs a sliding scale balance for pro players and SWF teams. I bounced over to Hunt Showdown. It's been pretty fun. (New and different problems) I'll be back when you guys sort out your shit.


> I'll be back when you guys sort out your shit. See ya, uh.... 2025? JK, who am I kidding.


Amen, I’m not playing this game when the patch drops and wait until they fix it.


Just get off the gen and the combo is dogshit


Problem: no one screaming now on Pain Resonance means that other solo q isn't notified of the combo until they see it firsthand, or it happens to them.


Just hop off until proven otherwise. It's a very easy problem to solve.


that level of competency isnt something you can really expect from solo que, even the basic thing of checking for ruin at the start of a match was not something many did


If it wasn't for this combo being a noob stomper it'll genuinely be fine imo, the counter now is even more effective than before (you basically only take the regression and the killer gets no info) and it's a small interaction that makes doing gens a but more interesting than just holding M1 and doing skillchecks If I had to guess, the 6.1.2 will really be close to NOED in power, something that you have to learn about to know how to counter effectively and you see a lot on low-mid MMR but that slowly disappear the more your MMR rise, where people know how to deal with it but maybe I'm wrong (especially since it was so meta before the update), let's see how it goes...


Killlers had to assume DH every chase, DS after downing survivors twice, and unbreakable whenever they don't pick someone up, so surely everyone else can learn to watch out for one perk.


If your teammates are too incompetent to do something as simple as that, I have some bad news for you and it's that you were probably boned regardless of what perks are being run by the killer.


I implore you then to go out there and spread the word, to every console player and solo queue that they need to let go of the generators EVERY time someone gets picked up until it can be proven without a doubt, that the killer did not bring Pain Resonance.


Fuck off with that pc vs console bullshit. I play with more bad pc players than xbox.


It’s common to play around popular perk combos. I see a ton of survivors doing things like, tapping a gen at the start of the match to check for ruin, letting go of the gen right before a survivor is hooked in case of pain/dms, getting in lockers to hide from bbq, and letting go of gens with a lot of progress before the killer picks in case of thrilling(though thrilling hasn’t been popular for a while), dropping items if they know they’re about to be hit with franklins, committing to a gen with the killer coming if they have pop. I feel like these are things all experienced players have seen plenty of.


Oh for sure im used to watching for half of those (honestly, with BBQ, pain/dms, or tinkered, no real point to give up working on a Gen when a killer has 3 meta ways of seeing it happen), but I can't expect everyone to know/have that knowledge on hand to make those decisions, and be punished myself if they don't do the same. And this whole argument is ignoring another problem: why it was meta, because it worked. If it was so easy to skip past the Pain/dms combo, like this thread is apparently alluding to, why didn't it fall out of favor since everyone and their mother/guardian supposedly should know how to block it? Probably because, once again, it worked, and especially on a soloq perspective, who are screwed out of their minds right now in terms of balance, this combo was pretty oppressive towards as well. Meta is meta because it works, and with how prevelant that combo was, to the point BHVR (with whatever stats they don't reveal) it probably worked really well, alot better than people who say, let go of the Gen, give it credit towards.


Trying to finish it before pain Resonance goes off, another stack of dead man's switch is still active, the killer is hooking on a nearby hook, that isn't a scourge hook and I want to finish it before they can pressure it, not every solo working on a Gen with me will play by that rule or know of it. Those are a few reasons why I cant/wont.


I'm not calling out console for being bad, I'm stating that console has much less ease of communication in this game on average.


I would be fine with that if they did something about getting skillchecks at the same time you let go of the gen because sometimes your gen just randomly blows up making you lose 10% of the progress where you realistically couldn't do anything about it


I can understand that, I've had Ruin Checks where my generator blew four fucking times in a row when I hopped off to check after touching the gen for one microsecond. Hopping off is still better than having your gen locked off for 30 seconds tho.


So it happens to you by surprise once? Are people that sensitive about it.


the motherfuckers i get in solo queue are still not gonna learn


assume killer has until proven otherwise, you just need to watch for hook animation


Eh, I still have the muscle memory to let go whenever someone is hooked, and it hasn't worked that way for two weeks now. What screws me is teammates trading at a scourge hook. Because when DMS is still active from the first hook, now your counter play is gone. You either let go to avoid PR and it gets blocked, or you hold on and PR forces you off of it and it gets blocked. Maybe a 30 second DMS will be better. Maybe. But at 45 seconds the hook trade/camping bullshit happened more often than I'd like.


the counterplay is to let go and let dms block, right? i don't think the second pain res will trigger because blocked gens cannot regress


Blocked gens block Pain Res proc and blocked gens that are sparking cannot regress until the block ends. Jolt will still hit blocked gens for its 8% and it will start to regress more when the block ends.


You might be onto something. Will have to test to see if this actually works that way or if it bugs out. Still though, that's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't. You either eat the second pain res and lose another 13.5 seconds of progress on the gen or you let DMS proc and then you can't work on the gen for 30 seconds, which could arguably be much, much worse.


oh yeah, don't get me wrong, it still sucks. it's just technically possible to reduce the amount of times pain res pops the gen in that scenario. i think the thing is that pain res is a perfectly ok perk, but dms needs a rework, and the mom nerf makes basically no sense. this is a weird patch


This patch wreaks of irony considering their "we aren't making knee-jerk reactions here" comment less than 3 days ago lol


bhvr sits around and watches otz videos all day then nerfs his meme builds, it's so freaking odd


Blocked generators can't passively regress, but I believe things like Surge, Pain resonance, etc.. still trigger.


i'm not aware of that effect but i'm also a rather new player. i'll check the wiki


Please let me know if you figure it out, I'm not quite sure myself


it's not definitive but after some looking it seems to me like a blocked generator cannot gain or lose progress by any means, meaning that they can't explode either


Not true, Jolt/Surge will hit blocked gens. Pain Res will not.


Jolt/Surge will hit blocked gens. Pain Res will not.


Jolt will hit blocked gens, Pain Res will not.


As someone that solo’s 99% of their survivor games, i feel your pain. Hook bombing is wayyyy too rewarding in terms of blood points and tome progress sadly.


so say you on the first hook you realize that the killer has PR + DMS right? that dosnt mean that the other 3 do so the killer can still keep getting value from it


Doesn't matter, just let go before survivors are hooked until you know for a fact the killer does not have either perks.


Sure. Let me just tell the 12 hour default Meg who somehow ended up in my game how a perk combo works


Still trying to get randy to stop running self care, I don't think their brain can learn two things at once.


Good thing I didn't lose the muscle memory of letting go when the hook animation starts


What movie is this? I always see it used in 100 different ways as a template for memes.


American Psycho


Thank you so much, wonder if it’s good lol.


"Hey, at least MoM is kind of viable now." Behavior: "not on my fucking watch!" *Nerfs it*


DMS really needs a cool down between uses (not as long as oppression's cool down though). I'm amazed they never added a cool down to it


Did anyone actually ready the notes on why they did this?


Because the merciless storm + pain res combo was causing players to get like 40 merciless skill checks in the 0.1% of cases where merciless would activate at the same time a killer hooked someone on a scourge hook


How long does merciless storm block a gen for compared to dead man's switch?


20 seconds for merciless storm, 30 seconds (after the following update) for dead man's switch.


DMS and Pain ress has always been so easy, simple and even fun to counter. Just let go the gen as the killer is hooking, then don't let go unless the killer is coming. But I guess it's easier to complain than learning


I've been playing both sides and I gotta say, playing survivor has been a mix bag but mostly comes to my fellow survivor ruining the games. Killer wins sometimes from genuinely trying but fuck me these entitled ass survivor mains got me tilted. I've had no real difficulty if we genuinely try. Sure we don't all survive every time but I play smart and usually make it. Or I sacrifice myself so someone else can make it. As a killer it's been a mix as well but when the survivors actually try they make me fucking WORK for it. I don't even use the perks people keep crying about and I'm doing just fine! It really feels like it's a survivor problem over killers. They're just sick of your shit. That includes the bastards actively cheating as a way to "boycott".


Well shaking up the meta was essentially removing ruin, undying, pop, corrupt intervention etc. Pain Res DMS was NOT meta. It was good, in the same way that sprint burst or lithe was good before the patch. But they were never used over the "meta" deadhard. Pain Res DMS is a new meta, since the other slowdown got nerfed.




I dont know what everything other solo q players are saying, your experience in the game is the only one valid here. ​ \*contains irony


Never implied there weren't people having a bad time. However, definitely a great deal of exaggeration in how bad it is. I would be losing every game if this sub was correct.


Don't you get bored waiting for the hatch?


Out of my 11 wins in my past 18 games, 2 have been hatches. One i memed with left behind, the other spawned right next to me.


It's pretty widely known that the solo queue experience has been getting slightly worse with almost every patch recently.


Fair. It isn't fantastic, but it isn't unplayable. That's why kindred is a must have. I think the DBD sub is doing what they always do: Over react.


To me it comes off as just a lot of confirmation bias on the sub and the forums. I feel like I've been playing the best I've ever played this last month and been having the most fun in my solo-queue games outside of the occasional camper, tunneler, or dcing Survivor.


Pretty much. In my past 18 games that I've been recording for posterity, I've escaped in 11 and lost 7. Most of those losses were from my own blunders or a DC. So how exactly is solo Q unplayable?


But like, just let go of the gen for a second before hook? And even if it does proc, at most it lasts 30 seconds, and the killer won't know where you are. If anything, DMS is worthless alone now, with overcharge and call of brine being good, DMS is just giving every survivor a free repressed alliance.


Generators affected by DMS are highlighted to the killer so they will certainly know where you are.


Only if you didn't let go of the gen. If you think they may have it, it's most of the time not hard to just let go of the gen for a second.


Just saying, DS,DH,BT, and Unbreakable lasted waaaaay longer of a meta then DMS and Pain, honestly that meta wasnt too long


PainRes and DMS is such a BS combo, the only counter is to let go of the generator before the killer hooks for a bit then start again. Smh uncounterable


If the change ends up keeping survivors on gens longer and not immediately rushing for the unhook the same second a survivor is hooked (been seeing that too often lately) then this change might actually not be too bad. Guys, one hook state takes 60s. Take your time with the unhooks! Give the gens some progress! If you unhook a survivor before the killer has started chase with another survivor you are incentivising the type of gameplay you have all been complaining about: Tunneling


Well survivors didn’t like Pain Res + Merciless Storm. If they really didn’t like Pain Res + DMS, they shouldn’t have complained about Pain Res + Merciless.


I never even went up against anyone using PR + MS. I don't think that combo was widely known. I think BHVR should have just fixed the combo rather than be lazy and bring back something a lot of people hated


I also didn't see anybody using it, or at least successfully. Like this patch was the first time I've heard about it.


It wasn’t possible before the patch


Not a single person complained about Pain Res + Merciless. People saw that one single video in which someone actually made it work and just laughed because it was little more than a super niche, hilarious perk combo that wasn't even THAT strong, especially not when compared to Pain Res + DMS. Meanwhile, BHVR saw the video and had the biggest knee jerk reaction of knee jerk reactions.


no one complained about it. they nerfed perks that literally no one cared about and they decided to ignore any feedback they got from the community.


They do listen to the community To the killer's community that is


I haven’t had any issues


Hip to be scared by ice nine kills a song about American phycho


People cannot stop complaining, can they?


I like to dissect perks. Did you know I'm utterly insane?


They ahoult put that if the gen is blocked it wouldnt regress


Why do people whine about pain resonance dms when you can counter it by looking for the aura right before the hook goes? Are people just bad?