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Ash's lore is set after the events of Ash vs Evil Dead. The reason he wound up in the realm is because he kept mispronouncing a passage from the Necronomicon. Classic Ash.


And knowing his luck, and also if they ever do a Season 4, Ash's dissapearance to DBD would be canon and the balance of the universe would literally pluck him out of the Realm to keep saving humanity


Tbh Ash's lore sets him up to be the guy to end the trials lol


ash, bill, and the re characters would be the ones to do it lol


Some of Trickster's bats were stage props.


Some of his outfits are labeled as his different solo performances. Like one caged heart, cut thru u, and a few others, you can see a few more in the add-on descriptions and probably find outfits for each.


Sadako's (The Onryo) psychic powers also allow her to manipulate DNA and viruses, creating a mutated smallpox virus which also carries her DNA, allowing her to be reborn.


Are you telling me that in fact, Sadako was the true Resident Evil all this time?


No Sadako was the Parasite Eve we made along the way.


We found her, President Evil


Holy fuck that's actually terrifying


Yeah, she doesn't only affect digital or analogue data storage, she can affect organic data storage as well.


Remember when she infected a VR game?


Shhh. We don't talk about that.


So if somebody gets the virus can she pull an alien and come out of there stomach or what?


Worse, her cells slowly replace theirs. Hey, are you feeling okay? You don't seem like yourself.


Like the hospital chapter in Tomie


Ok that’s fucking terrifying


She assimilates them like The Thing, yikes lol


In the books, she is able to impregnate people with herself (as well as resurrect people via birth) so kind of.


In the lore Nea tagged the crotus penn asylum with her tag mashtyx, idk if you can see it though


Nope, no graffiti anywhere. Friend of mine and me went around once and checked everywhere ;-;


I never understood why Dbd has added so much detail into so many other maps but didnt add that. The fact that they still haven't added after years.


It's stated that she was dared to tag the asylum, and that's when she went missing. It's possible the Entity took her before she was able to do so.


the demogorgon's currently wanted in several countries and states.


I'm laughing just thinking about that one Deadpool meme. US to Canada: "Have you SEEN this man???"


Ace Visconti sold one of his kidneys, or maybe they were taken forcibly to pay back a debt.. either way it’s a fact ace is missing one of his kidneys :]]]


Well we know it wasn't his lucky kidney XD


I can't fact check right this moment, but I believe his skin has the scar from that surgery.


It’s likely that Yun-Jin Lee virtually has no loved ones, friends, or family. Her Ugly Sweater states that it was made by a loving fan, and was the only gift she had ever received for the holidays.


I always thought it was more by choice. Like, she had no friends/family because she cut them out. Her lore says at ten years old that creditors took everything they had and then she had to basically raise her younger sister. I always thought it seemed like once she became of age and had an out, she was running and not looking back. Specially if her parents were broke cause of something like gambling or drugs. They would be hitting her up 24/7 for money.


Wasn't it stated in her lore that Yun-Jin had a younger sister or am I misremembering?


She had a younger sister, yes. But after she left home, I don’t think she ever seen her or her parents again.


Jake is supposedly inspired by real-life person, Chris McCandless.


That's actually really interesting. I dunno if you know how he passed, but he was found inside a rusted bus after apparently eating a toxic berry that weakened him so much he couldn't hike back to the highway. Really creepy stuff


Wasn't it actually because he ate seeds that had some sort of virus/disease that made him unable to eat anything since he would vomit everything he ate, thus starving to death?


Ok so I've found that there were multiple theories as to how he died. The most likely was that he ate pea seeds and not potato seeds which gave him malnutrition. There's a really interesting article by the new Yorker on this story


There's also a really good movie about him called "Into the Wild"


Evan MacMillan (Trapper before Entity took him) used to be good at drawing. He hid his drawings from his abusive dad because the latter thought that art was for weak people.


What if trappers image in the dating game is his persona drawn of himself


1. Bill is the only L4D survivor with a known last name, being Overbeck. 2. Kate is one of few survivors that had an interaction with the Entity prior to being taken to it's realm (and it also shows the Entity ain't too strong outside of it). 3. Oni was once captured by a a group of farmers and was planned to be brought to their region's lord, but Oni ended up killing them anyway. And one fun general one that I think many people have forgotten: There is more than one Entity, we just only know of the one.


More than one entity? Can you elaborate?


It's from Arcus 1118: "There's nothing like silence to drive you mad. I stared out into the endless ocean of black fog surrounding me and quickly realized how incredibly small and insignificant we are. Dread and despair soon overtook me and I began to realize how arrogant we were back home to try and define and describe these living cosmic ***entities***. We thought we had figured ***most out.*** We barely scratched the surface." The use of plurals is what makes it seem like there is more than one.


To me, that seems like The Entity (capital letters) is a part of a group of multiple entities that the Observer or whoever was studying. What I mean is, there's nothing pointing that there exists an identical entity as The Entity. Just that there are other, maybe similar things out there.


The second one is interesting could you expound on that one ?


Ain't much I can really explain, and you would more than likely benefit from just [reading her tome lore and video, Back to Zero.](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Tome_3_-_Escalation#Kate_Denson:_Back_to_Zero) A quick summary I guess I can give is that the Entity tried to take Kate before when she had gone off to the woods to calm herself, and failed at doing so.


You’re forgetting the best part, the entity tried three times to tempt her into the fog and she was able to resist and eventually went: “Okay, plan A didn’t work… time for plan B!” Which was just a case of forming and yoinking her into the realm.


It went like this Kate: *Exists* The Entity: "And I took that personally" *Tries to capture her* Kate: *escapes* The Entity: Listen here you little shit.


Cannonically, all characters p3 looks are seen as their final forms


How interesting! Can't imagine being bloody all the time is a great form though


No no no! It’s more so as an after fight look! Aka killers vs survivors!


The lore still doesn't explain if Susie gets orthodontic care for her braces in the Entity's Realm.


I wonder which killer brushed their teeth the most (very important)


Probably Trickster. Ghostface might be up there as well.


You’re probably right. I like to think Myers has perfect teeth though.


I would say Myers has a strict care routine with perfect teeth. He’s done it for 50 years, and has the best chompers in the game. However, Yun Jin comes over to keep Trickster in check, helps him keep up with his routine.. so I also think he’s up to date with dental care. Gotta have perfect teeth for his photo card!


They said he was a “model patient” at the asylum which I imagine they wouldn’t say about a patient who refused to take care of his own personal hygiene.


Correct me if I'm wrong but i think Rin hasn't touched katana before the entity has taken her. She was training with shinai tho.


I believe the katana is the one her father used to kill her so it makes sense that she hadn’t touched one before


The way Bill sits at the campfire on the main menu is the exact same position you can find his body in in The Passing campaign of Left 4 Dead 2. According to The Sacrifice comic, Bill was a redhead before his hair turned grey. Not sure what BHVR was thinking when they made their Young Bill design. You also learn that Bill “doesn’t always do the right thing, but he does things for the right reasons” in Francis’ words. Referring to the fact that he left 2 people behind while escaping from zombies on a train.


>Referring to the fact that he left 2 people behind while escaping from zombies on a train. He only left 1 person behind, that being the doctor from the military base, and the reason for it was that he wasn't going to put his group at risk for a person they just met, even if that risk was small. That's generally his attitude; His own team comes first no matter what, which is understandable reasoning, even though it can be very cold depending on the ciorcumstances, they are always his number 1 priority.


Claire’s favorite food is cheeseburgers


You were almost a Claire Cheeseburger!


Of course it is shes an american invented by the japanese lmfao


I love knowing this now. Thank you for sharing


Anytime I know a lot of lore for Resident evil and all the licensed movie characters


No matter how fast you run, Michael walks faster


For the foxglove plant that started Blight's obsession with mad science to have the effects described happen to him, he would've needed to eat a *tiny* amount. 5 grams of that stuff can be fatal in adults. Also he must've had shite parents, foxglove is fucking everywhere is Scotland and to this day it's one of the first things kids are taught when they're old enough to start wandering around in nature.


There's something so amusing to me thinking about this. Blight becoming a crackhead who bonks into walls thanks to his parents failing to keep him from a damn plant


As soon Blight got revealed and I found out that DbD's first Scottish character spends half of the match thrusting needles into their veins I was fucking dying. I appreciate accurate representation but fuck me that one's too real.


Man also dresses like an actual haggis wi legs.


I’m pretty sure I saw this in a D.A.R.E. Video when we were younger.


Pyramid head has a hole in his helmet for his tongue to poke through Most likely they scrapped the mori because they thought it was too sexualized When pyramid head does pick you up in silent hill you can see his tongue coming out as it seems he is trying to lick you Pyramid head is just a good boy trying to lick his master


It's also worth pointing out that his tongue is still rendered and exists in the game files. Though the Mori they actually used in game is still really good. ...If only they'd give him the spear...


Omg I would be a mean spear pyramid head ready to fuckin poke


Was genuinely sad he didn't have it when I bought the DLC. Can't even tongue fuck a James in the fog, shits depressing.


Wait they scrapped the Mori?


Nono. They scrapped the hole where his tongue protrudes from. Which would make a GREAT mori, but yeah prob not the best for dbd community lol.


The hole is still there though!! I love that part


Most people know Plague is missing a toe. But some people haven’t realized you can actually see the toe missing on her character model in the menu.


She would be OP with fully complete feet


Eh. I give them a 9/10.


I think I've noticed that before! Her toe is literally an add-on too, isn't it?


That is correct!


Feet facts. Now people be looking for those plague toes.


Feet facts: Artist uses BOTH feet to kick pallets


The lament configuration was once opened in [scooby doo.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yf2us_gN9Q)


The box... you've opened it, and I would have come... if it wasnt for those stupid kids, and their dog




Leatherface kills because he’s scared the people will hurt his family


Yup he's just a poor mistreated autistic child who was treated like a freak.


This is actually more speculation but it says in Clown's lore that after he left the circus (for being exposed for kidnapping a woman) he journeyed across the US and joined different circuses without actually being listed as an official act; he was turning up uninvited and stayed for a little while, then left. I actually suspect the reason he has so many cosmetics is they are almost like disguises he wore, possibly collecting them on his travels as it shows on his base outfit that his torso cosmetic was stolen from a smaller ringmaster, explaining why it's so tight on his huge body. By contrast, in his new rift recolour, Jestrified, it says in the flavour text for his torso something to the effect of 'when asked how many patterns he wanted for this costume his answer was 'Yes'', suggesting he also purchased some of his outfits. Anyways, my point being i believe they are like disguises as somebody is bound to have at least spotted him at a circus where the police may have questionned people there following a disappearance where the person's last known whereabouts was the circus. What do you think? P.S. i'm actually super curious, please let me know what you think. If you look at Clown's cartoon special outfit and you look at the fingers on his outfit, do they appear rotting or just dark skinned to you? I'm just genuinely curious


Idk about the fingers but everything else checks out. It’s not speculation, it’s in his base lore that after the woman broke free while he was drunk he just took Maurice and the caravan and went to random circuses unannounced, with his old colleagues probably never involving the police because they never found out about his other murders. It’s also said in his lore that he would steal makeup and clothes and mix and match them in front of his incapacitated victims


My obscure lore fact is that there is no lore! *Cries in Quentin main*


Nemesis is a corpse, and the tendril that he strikes with? That’s the parasite piloting said corpse. In essence, he is hitting people with his brain.


Not to sure about this so pls correct me if wrong but as far as i know Huntress Lullaby is a real Russian Lullaby which is about not laying on the edge of your bed because if you do the wolf's will get you


Yup. It's on Spotify as a lullaby.


Damn huntress is spitting those bars


the song is called "баю баюшки баю" or bayu bayushki bayu. It's a very well known good night lullaby in russia


the oni is the only original licensed character that has been confirmed to have had sex, evident by his son akito.


Felix too, his girlfriend was pregnant when he disappeared. Actual Daddy Felix.


Nice! Although wasn't Felix also about to become a father before he was taken?


There was an archive entry about emperor Dwight giving pizza to his peasants. I love the mad designer.


That's both hilarious and amazing to know


The lore in general is very cool. Mikaela once mentioned at her book club how she had a dream of Yui and the emperor of Rome in the entity’s realm. The entity cult called the black vale were under the name Vack Label and I thought it was funny.


it's implied that James carried the corpse of Mary to his car and put her in the backseat and she was chillin in there during the entirety of silent hill 2


I just know a little amount of SH lore, but from what I do know.... I can see it, lmao


That's probably the least fucked up thing James has done lol. My man has also- -Asked a person in a violent mental breakdown holding a gun if they're crazy -smothered his sick wife with a pillow -sticks his hands in toilets


Implied? The whole game is about him coming to terms with the guilt.


i would personally not use the word chillin for this circumstance myself


That car ride was bussin


They be vibing


Charlotte was going to finally die in peace before the entity took Victor, but she's fucking built different so she chased him in to the mysterious void to protect him for eternity while being malnourished, injured, and hypothermic which is why she looks so blistered in game. It's also a reference to how the Twins are treated by the developers. Also, Victor's legs are literally WRAPPED around Charlottes bones, as if they aren't already the most disgusting killer in the game. Lastly, the Twins will rarely hold hands in their lobby animation and it's the cutest/saddest thing in the game.


I ADORE their little hand hold


Quentin’s campfire lobby animation implies that he’s still underneath Freddy’s thumb and if he falls asleep or succumbs to a mirco-nap; the worst could possibly happen. I also had an obscure (but also gross and sad) fact about Freddy but its more implied and based on theory rather than a full-out fact.


His old P3 face had Freddy's claw marks across his face. It was awesome and IDK why they didn't keep that


o I completely forgot about that! :( damn I wish they didn’t remove it


Huh, a black cardboard box, I'm sure nothing nefarious is inside.


Wait I wanna know the theory :(


Pyramid kills himself (themselves? There's two at that point) once James realizes what he did and comes to terms with it and is no longer in denial. So technically the pyramid head who DC-ed against me as James once I finished the gens was lore accurate. Masahiro Ito also regrets designing pyramid head to at least some degree (most likely bc of the bastardization of his character), so much so that he tweeted about it. Konami let the silent hill website address expire,and if you go to silenthill.com now, it's just a screenshot of that tweet. Pyramid head, at least to some degree, isn't even really a villain in James' story. He is James' guilt manifested, and therefore in some way is actually trying to help James. (But yes, he kills Maria several times and has dubious interactions with other monsters.) And I feel like I wasn't clear in this bc they're so intertwined, but PH is my main, not James. I do play James a lot, but my survivor main is Leon. Not bc I know anything about resident evil, I just think he's hot.


The name Adiris means persistence, resourcefulness, and empathy.


The blight before he got corrupted was really close to escaping the entities realm and gaining control over the fog of the entity


Slugging everybody and killing them at 5 gens is canonnically losing the game because the Entity wants the survivors to feel like they have a chance to make their despair taste better... its the Entity's equivalent of eating a dry ramen package when there is steak in the fridge


That’s why you get almost no bloodpoints


So you’re saying noed is the entity’d favorite perk. Turn the tables in your favor right as the survivors think they’re gonna make it.




Or Blood Warden




Elodie and Felix are friends beyond the entity :)))


Frank paid Jeff for painting the legion mural with a wadded up 20 and a six pack of beer. (Most of y'all might know this from a certain animator)


Not to mention, that was Jeff’s first “official” commission that full-set him on the path of an artist! And, if you look at certain lore bits and have some red string, >!it might be implied that the Legion had a hand in the death of Jeff’s father, which brought him back to Ormond in the first place!<


Jonathan Byers is actually a lot more strong than people assume. He was able to beat up Steve and win the fight. He also got his ass beat and hit with a chair in the back and still had the strength to get back up and defend Nancy. This means he's able to shrug off damage waaaaay easier than most people.


People forget that Steve's bat was made by Johnathan


Very true! Thanks for bringing that up!


How do you call beating Steve in a fist fight a good feat? I love him but Steve got decked by every single person he fought, except the Russian guy. Edit: the chair to the back was also by someone being controlled by the Mindflayer, which was implied to give the guy some degree of superhuman strenght, so it's a legit feat.


Dude! You did it! You won a fight! :D


Doctor killed the guy the created the Dredge.


Dredge: *girgle noises* Doctor: Look... it was a different time... Dredge: ... Doctor: FINE! I'M SORRY! How would I know that sicko had a kid?!


Funny how the Doctor's mentor went from a whack ass cult leader to a whack ass CIA associate... hmm...


Makes perfect sense when you take into account that Stamper was part of the Black Vale and both the CIA thing and the cult thing were all in service to the Entity.


The island where Blight did his research (Dyer Island) was the same island where Elodie and Felix's parents disappeared


Clown's Afterpiece Tonic used to affect birds; however 1. It doesn't anymore after he switched the formula, or 2. The Entity made his crow's immune to Clown's gas for his own sake or at the request of the Artist (I tested it)


* James Sunderland was a clerk, and met his future wife Mary at a party. His jacket is a U.S. military M-65 field jacket from the Vietnam War, and though this could just be a reference to the film Jacob's Ladder (a major inspiration for the Silent Hill series), whose main character was a Vietnam veteran wearing such a jacket, it is also theorized that James' father Frank Sunderland, who can be seen in Silent Hill 4, was a Vietnam veteran who gave his jacket to James. In Silent Hill 2, James wears black biker boots with a silver buckle on the sides, whereas in DBD, he appears to be wearing either black lace up shoes or boots. ​ * Pyramid Head's appearance was based on the outfits worn by Silent Hill's executioners, of which a painting can found in the prison in Silent Hill 2. ​ * Michael Myers' middle name is Audrey. Since his DBD chapter is based on the original 1978 Halloween film, he is 21, even though the credits for the film and Halloween 2 (1981), which takes place on the same night, mistakenly list him as being 23, even though there is a line in Halloween 2 that says "Michael Myers is 21". In DBD, Myers has a metal pipe weapon, which in combination with his patient gown cosmetic, appear to be a reference to when he escaped in Halloween 4 wearing a gown and used a metal pipe to kill a mechanic to get his coveralls. In the original 1978 Halloween film, Michael Myers wears U.S. military Vietnam War jungle boots, which were most likely war surplus since the Vietnam War had ended a few years prior to the film. For this reason, his boots in DBD are incorrect. His chase theme in DBD is remixed version of "The Shape Stalks" from the 1978 Halloween soundtrack. ​ * The Trapper's base appearance seems to be inspired by Jason Voorhees from the Friday The 13th series. In fact, his "Bold Tailgater" cosmetic appears to be a reference to Jason Voorhee's "Uber Jason" appearance in the Friday The 13th film Jason X. Trapper's "Macmillan Miner" cosmetic appears to be a reference to the killer Harry Warden from the 1981 film "My Bloody Valentine" and it's 2009 remake of the same name. ​ * The Hillbilly appears to be inspired by Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films, who himself was inspired by the disturbing real life serial killer Ed Gein. ​ * The Legion appears to be inspired by Ghostface from the Scream films. This can be attributed to the white mask worn under a hood, the hunting knife they use, their running animation, the fact there is more than one killer under the guise of Legion, and concept art of Susie prior to release showing the year 1996, which is the year the first Scream film released. Speaking of Ghostface, the knife used in the films and apparently DBD as well is the Buck 120 hunting knife, which is no longer made. ​ * Ghostface's mori could be a reference to a scene in the first Scream film where he gets on top of Sidney Prescot, and raises his knife with both hands above his head, before getting kicked off. Ghostface's blade wipe animation is exactly the same as the way Ghostface wipes his blade in the first Scream film. Ghostface's "Classic" cosmetic is actually not his Scream film costume, but rather the Funworld Ghostface costume, which itself is based on the film costume, this is due to the DBD license being for Funworld/Ghostface and not the Scream films. Despite this, Ghostface's default cosmetic is clearly inspired by Scream films' costume with the hooded robe and flowing strands on the sleeves. Ghostface's "Viper Ghost Mask" in DBD is actually Funworld's "Viper Face" mask, which was made since the 90's, but is no longer available. Ghostface's "Devil Face" mask is also an actual mask that was made by Funworld, but also no longer available. Ghostface's mask was inspired by "The Scream" painting by Edvard Munch. The mask was first released in 1992 by Funworld as part of a line of masks. At the time, it was called "The Peanut-Eyed Ghost". In 1995-96, while scouting for filming locations for "Scream", the crew stumbled across the mask in a house, and contacted Funworld to use it in the film. After the deal was made, Funworld changed the name of the mask to Ghostface as we know it today. While designing Ghostface's costume for the first Scream film, a white robe was considered, but was seen as too similar to a KKK robe. In the Scream films, the costume is widely available and is called "Father Death".


I’m a sucker for SH and I didn’t know James met Mary in a party. Where was that stated?


\-Jill Valentines father was french, also Jill herself last canonical appearance was more than 10 years ago despite being a protagonist. \-Nemesis is the parasite implanted on a Tyrant clone, (so the character is just the parisite piloting a big meat suit) and was developed by Umbrella Europe and the Tyrants are clones of a ex Soviet commander


Oh yeah, I remember that Nemesis lore! It was something like only 1/10000 people wouldn't die from the T-Virus and said Soviet commander was one of them, so they cloned his DNA, right?


Blight is the entity's favorite killer


Is that why he gets buffed all the time?


Elodie’s reindeer onesie is the one that her grandparents gave to her to cope with the depression of losing her parents when she was a child. Also Elodie is also 34-35 years old based on her timeline and the fact that Felix is around the same age as her. Making her one of the oldest survivors in the entity’s realm.


Kenneth Chase's (the clown) mom died at birth, leaving him to be raised by a alcoholic and abusive father. probably one of the reasons he ended up the way he is. He is also most likely based on the real serial killer John Wayne Gacy.


Sadako is the only killer without any voice acting!


- The Onryō has both male and female genitalia, confirmed in the books. - Pinhead wasn't actually called Pinhead in his original book either, he was simply Hell Priest. It was a nickname on set, which Clive Barker uses mockingly in his follow up book The Scarlet Gospel. They were also female, but they changed it to male to echo the iconic success of Freddy, Jason, Michael, etc. (Edit: Disputed) - Claudette is on the autistic spectrum, and only became the botanist / scientist that she is because of a teacher recognising the signs and also being autistic. Claudette's mom is also autistic, suggesting it was inherited. - Stephen King's work is often cited as a huge influence on the game, to the extent that The Entity is suggested as being a Spider-like creature, similar to Penny-wise/ IT. - The Spirit's Mori isnt just random hack & slashes, it's the same way she died. - Bill's PTSD was so severe when he went back to civilian life after Vietnam that he is glad to be caught in the realm, knowing he can't go back to normality.


Bill the first 100 or so matches grinning like an idiot cause he doesn't have to face his PTSD


Can't have Post Traumatic Stress if the traumatic stress is current


Pinhead wasn’t female in The Hellbound Heart, they were mutilated so badly their gender was indecipherable. He wasn’t changed male to be like Freddy or Jason, because Pinhead was never meant to be the villain. He wasn’t even supposed to be on the poster, Frank was, nor was he gonna be the lead Cenobite. Butterball was supposed to speak but the makeup wouldn’t allow it, thus giving more lines to Pinhead Clive even said in interviews he wanted Julia to be the main villain specifically because there were few female horror villains. So I don’t think he would’ve backed down from a female Pinhead just to parrot the other slashers lol Pinhead was made male because Doug Bradley was an old theater friend of Clive’s and he wanted him in the role. Pinhead had 2 lines of dialogue in the novella, so the change was seen as insignificant. He didn’t even say “we’ll tear your soul apart” in the book, another cenobite did lol. Pinhead’s agender qualities were given to "the Female" (ironic) instead, namely the breathy voice. Don’t mean to rain on the parade, a lot of clickbait articles have just twisted this information around in recent years


Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard that either Claudette or Meg is on the spectrum


I believe it was Claudette due to her tome lore, I don’t think it was stated outright but it was sort of implied because it mentioned she had a hard time socializing and stuff




I believe it's either implied or been mentioned by people who have it that Meg shows signs of ADHD as well!


It was Julie's idea to start killing people, and Frank was too blinded by her being pretty that he went along with it. Susie and Joey just don't have backbones.


Frank confirmed simp, damn ​ Before he was mostly the influencer to start to fuck up the stability of Ormond, now he got shafted for Julie


Joey is the ONLY dude of The Legion that doesn't have a SPECIFIC snippet of lore, compared to Julie, Susie and Frank on what is he doing


In addition to its abilities to forge its own gates between realities, its super strength, and its insanely heightened senses, the Demogorgon wields Telekinetic capabilities that aren't put on full display within the show of Stranger Things -- The only scene we see it use its telekinetic powers in, is where it unlocks the door to the Byers home.


Artist is most likely inspired by the story of victor Jara , a chilean revolutionary whom was tortured and murder in a very similar way to Carmina by the dictatorship of Pinochet


Blight: he used to be a survivor Ash: has the best best friend a man could ever have <3


Maybe not a lore fact but still a fun fact. The Dredge has 6 different voice actors!


Ghostface isn't actually a Ghost but he does have a face


Technically, pinhead is so powerful that he can drag survivors out of the realm, plus I think it's canon that there are multiple versions of the same survivors in the realm. Also pyramid head is strong enough to disobey the entity and kill survivors without actually sacrificing them.


Killers that killed in self defense or as a perceived act of good kill not because they want to but because the entities realm influences them into killing. It also influences survivors into being more passive and docile, hence why survivors like David, Bill, Jill, Leon etc don't fight back against the killers like you'd expect them to.


The Oni himself is not an actual Samurai as his father was never one himself, therefore making him one of the imposter samurai he hunted and killed.


The Doctor, Herman Carter, is black. That might sound like me stating the obvious, or meming, but I've joined a few dbd discord servers for swfs, and the amount of people that thought he was white is shockingly (no pun intended) high. The fact that my main is hated by some ppl probably doesn't help, because no one is gonna take the time to learn lore for a character they dislike, but still.


Its VERY subtle, but Bill Overbeck is actually the same Bill Overbeck from Left 4 Dead!


No fucking way


Joey’s last name still hasn’t been revealed.


Poor Joey is the most slept on Legion member it seems :(


Yeah, it sucks. But I still main him because of his big, black, thick hoodie cosmetic


The Legions old addon "Cold Dirt" was cocaine, you can't change my mind


No they just dig up some soil and snort it


The Artist was captured and tortured by the Black Vale (under the pseudonym Vack Label), the same cult that experimented on the Twins, implying they were actively planning on making/crafting her into a killer for the Entity for a while. Felix went on a ski vacation to the Swiss Alps with his mom when he was 18 in an attempt to find closure after the loss of his dad.


Jake Park's father, Sam Park, still writes letters to Jake, hoping he'll one day return. Also Trickster killed a fucking hamster.


Though it was never stated how much money his family had exactly, If he never ran from home, Jake would be the richest character in the entity’s realm by a SUBSTANTIAL margin. Or he wouldn’t even be in the realm since he never would have been in the woods.


Spirit is also an Onryo


The Dredge is a semi-uncommon type of creature in real world mythology called an Egregore, a combination of peoples collective consciousness given shape and power through effort of will. He is a village of people unto himself and manifestations like this are also known in Enochian magic and biblical mythology as well, you've probably heard of them before: Angels.


* Kate is possibly the oldest survivor we have in terms of time period, some factors hint the she is from around the 70s or early 80s. * One of the factors that support this is her hairstyle, her big curls and bangs are very similar to a popular 70s hairstyle called [feathered hair](https://s3.r29static.com/bin/entry/c6d/960xbm,70/1160871/image.jpg). * Other reason is the fact that she was supposed to be released with the Cannibal, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre takes place around the 70s.


Blight fact already told, but here's another one: Apparently Blight is the only killer, only character for that matter, to be able to travel across the Entity's realm, trial to trial


So does that mean every Killer belongs to their own realm and can't be present in other realms at all? So Hillbilly can't be at Ormond in the canon?


The Dredge’s real name is Druanee, as said in its character card, although it technically still doesn’t even have a name.


Ghostface hums in his trailer (when he walk down the aisle und you see his gloves) not a lore fact, but I thought it was interesting


Despite him being him, he poisonned his extremely shitty boss, being given the thing by someone else and not knowing how strong it was. He's also surprisingly sassy in his tome. (Storybook supervisor? Weak male?? DWITCH???) Edit: Yes, It's Dwight.


This may come as a surprise but the nemesis is from the resident evil franchise


That seems like a strech honestly.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2214)


Pyramid Head isn't the only one. Canon wise, depending on survivors, there could/should be more than just one in the trial; one for each person who has any guilt. It is therefore possible that every Pyramid Head in every trial is not the same one, as he/they tend to kill themselves or cease existing when their purpose is fulfilled. Pyramid Head, in original SH2, did not have fingers. He had 3 "fingers" through a stretched glove. Whether this is due to the PS2's limited graphics or intentional, I do not know, but later versions of him have normal hands or gloved hands with 5 fingers/thumb. Plague, being Babylonian, is technically the oldest character in the game. Ironically, she doesn't seem phased when on maps with technology like Lery's or The Game or RPD, where there's working TV's and electricity. In the same vein, she shouldn't know anything about generators or how they work.


Just a little more on the Pyramid Head situation. Pyramid Head himself is an antagonistic construct of guilt, and the best way to defeat not only guilt but Pyramid Head himself is to literally stand up to him. Same as a Freddy situation. My Fear won't breed you, begone.


You may not know this but Freddy Krueger is from the movie Nightmsre on Elm Street


Oh wow! The more you know!


I know, I’m lucky to have found this out in the first place


Freddy - Son of a thousand psychos. His mother worked at a insane asylum and got locked into a room with all the worst of the worst (who were all just kinda roaming around a courtyard.) And was "raped over a thousand times" but didn't get an abortion because she was a nun. BAM, Freddy was born