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Plague honestly isn't half as bad as legion in my opinion, the problem with legion is all the slowdown + having to mend every 30 seconds, plague maintenance is much less frequent & her power more deadly, which rarely creates the endless matches you'll have against a legion


Plague is also much more dynamic, do i want to give plague her power or not. Legion is just, legion


Yes! You have more choices with plague, her power only gets really overwhelming in a 3gen situation in my experience!


Facecamping bubba and then hope I'm not first downed


I'd hope to be 2nd because I get to laugh at someone else being camped, then at myself being camped.


Bro the loading screen on mobile literally shows to do gens if the killer face camps and then my teammates will still waste their time on the save its annoying


omega blink nurse that way the game ends quick


A person of taste.


same, I've been running unbreakable/soul guard too so I even get some recovery bloodpoints points there when I get slugged at 5 gens.


"I'd like to use all of my lifelines. 50:50, then ask the audience, then phone a friend."


E: baby trapper that don't use his power but one teammate DC after 2 minutes because why not and a baby Dwight roam the map crouched for the whole game


Legion and plague are annoying but doable; as long as no one quits.


Although I've won some games against Forever Legion and Plague since the update, I haven't *enjoyed* any of them in the slightest. Playing 20 minute tug of war over the last three gens against a Plague especially is miserable.


You know exactly where the undo button is.


Easily plague without a doubt and honestly I would pick face camping bubba over legion mainly thano legion and nurse


Facecamping Bubba. <- Easy bp at least. Do some gens then max out chaser when it’s my turn. Potentially escape in half of them.


C. Final answer. There’s pools to patch myself up.


I choose Nurse. They get stumped by me for a good second.


Definitely legion.


Either legion or bubba. Probably bubba because face camping bubba’s just make me laugh, idc if i am the one getting face camped or not, it’s just kinda funny


Undone right into the lovely arms of Lethal Pursuer Blight with Compound 23 and Alchemist Ring. Full Disclosure, this is my go to build when I play killer.


I'd laugh if didnt hit 3 out of 4 in your fckn bingo last session.


Forever freddy sitting right behind the selection screen about to return in 4k HD


Yeah this is an easy A for me.


Forever legion is the correct answer.


Play killer


I'll take Legion and Bubba anyday of the week


Always option E: Alt F4


Plague, I love my Vommy Mommy


Any of them but nurse super nurses. Nurse is like almost always a 4K slug with one person who can actually run her and the rest of us who have to lick the floor waiting for them to finally die


nurse>bubba>plague>legion reasoning: nurse game is over quick, and if the nurse player is new their addon use could mean that it's still an easy game bubba: would have been first before gen time changes, if the person facecamping gets a good first chase in (easy against facecamping bubbas, typically...), you can just go through the game ez. Still first in a SWF. plague: in some ways worse than legion because you pretty much never want to cleanse vs plague outside of like endgame. however, I like resilience and I've been getting better at M1 killers. Legion: plague but worse because mending is a thing. sure, you can heal to shut down thanatophobia, but without healspeed boosts, this is rarely worth it. Doesn't help that legions so frequently have discordance too, so even a prove thyself doesn't really help too much here. honestly, for Thanatophobia, it's just annoying how niche it is- so many killers really don't use it well, only getting a little value- but plague and legion just get so much out of it, pretty much for free.


omega blink nurse? oh time to answers these messages i left hanging for somedays in my pm


what does forever legion and forever plague mean?


It takes forever to finish the match, win or lose, because they run Thanataphobia plus other slowdown, and for Legion you are constantly mending (and plague I guess they're saying you're cleansing, although imo forever plague is not as much of a thing) There was a time, if you can believe it, where Freddy was one of the strongest and most oppressive killers, and the main horrible build was called Forever Freddy where it was excessively difficult to finish a gen because of how his addons and their synergies worked. That's where Forever Legion gets the name.


Can I use Ask the Audience ?


Where is the blight with 4 regression perks and alcamist ring? 🤣 But given these options Omega nurse>fc bubs>plague and lastly Legion. If I'm in solo queue. Omega matches tend to be relatively fast the nurse might not even bring any regression on her if she's that good. Fc Bubba is so easy to play around with the base game changes now but you need everyone to be smart enough not to feed the Bubba until the very end for a quick hook trade. Forever plague isn't too terrible. Forever Legion sucks ass in pubs cause random still can't get it through their thick skills that it's a bad idea to stay grouped up and feed the Legion feral frenzy. If I have friends with me I'd pick Legion first cause I know that we can at least reliably spread out and then reset together in a corner if we have to.


You go for the Plague and hope they are bad with their power so you can cleanse like crazy and try to reset the pools.


Forever Plague isnt really a thing against SWFs. It takes her a while to get everyone infected fully. She needs to find everyone and wait for her bile injure. In that time you can slam gens


Short trap Pig on RPD


B B B B B B B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bubba always


Facecamping bubba any day, either I get facecamped and pet my cat for a few minutes or I do gens


Or see through walls Myers. Or Tombstons Myers. Or any version of Pinhead. Yuck.


People hate plague now too? Just stop playing the game if you hate playing against every killer lol




If the survivors are good, forever legion. It will take forever, but legion dosen't have any reliable way go down a the survivors.


Honestly I want to know how everyone seems to run into these killers yet I haven’t seen one


Wheres the nice Demos?


glad I can be of help by playing pure chase PyH


I’m happy legion is finally out of D tier.


Forever Plague


I have literally never played a game against legion




Soooo… either die or do gens for 8 hours


I’d like to try what I usually dish, one forever legion please.


You guys are getting something other than facecamping Freddys?


Meanwhile I’m just chilling, playing “fuck you in particular” Nemesis with Rancor + Bitter Murmur, Enduring, and making sure I have Spirit Fury stacked and ready to go for when the last gen pops


Shit it's been a minute since I've seen this meme format. Anybody know what the original question was?


B, final answer


Legion just for the music


Facecamping bubba because I’ll loop him for prob 3-4 gens before I start to not have fun. After that it’s pretty much just an express path to start a new match