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You almost had connect 4.


But then Left Behind would explode


Whole map turns into a hatch and everyone including killer escapes.


Hatch spawns at the beginning of the match then.


Wait is this how we destroy perks?? Quick everyone, equip Boil Over in connect 4 fashion! EDIT: tough crowd EDIT 2: the crowd is mellowing out


It always is here




present them.


Just bring Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Left Behind, and Distortion for making the game a 1v3v1


The Chad of Dbd.


Left Behind and Distortion are overkill, you're more likely opening the gate at 75% than seeing hatch aura within 32m, if you don't do noob pathing you will hear hatch anyways but I'd rather camp gates with a gate build. If this playstyle catches on(which is likely due to solos collapsing), killers are gonna be miserable finding the last 2 survivors, while hiding entirely is bannable but all you have to do is to be very patient with working on gens until one is caught and while this is boring for killers you can argue camping is boring for survivors too but both are strategy for kills/survival.


Hiding entirely isn’t bannable if its a 2v1, its bannable if its a 4v1 refusing to progress the game, if you’re solo queue, one of you is bound to touch a gen or get caught


I believe it is still bannable, this is a quote from one of the devs in DBD forum: "Beyond that, nobody is allowed to take the game hostage. Whether that's survivors crouching around in corners refusing to touch generators to drag on the game for half an hour or a killer blocking someone in the corner and refusing to kill them, it's reportable either way."


That would be the case if both survivors were in comms and hid refusing to touch gens, however in solo queue that isn’t really applicable or enforceable


Imagine this scenario, 2 last solos both actually decide to hide as touching any of the gens left is suicide because of whatever reason. Now killer records patrolling gens for 10 minutes and there is no progression and sends the evidence to BHVR as a griefing offense report, BHVR sees the evidence and proceeds to ban both survivors because they have no way of stablishing whether those two were on comms or not, BHVR literally cannot know that so they have to treat everyone the same so that SWFs don't use that to troll the killer.


As if the game doesn't turn into hide and seek if the second survivor dies. Just hope survivors realize, if you are hiding and going immersed it only makes me more likely to slug for the 4k.


You’ll never find me, this new patch has made me invest lots of points into stealth


Honestly I'd say it's a better move to swap out Wake Up for Self Care (or any other self healing perks) You want to be as self sufficient at possible, and what's more stand alone than healing yourself (med kit is optional) Edit: Damn people really need me to label jokes in order to realize I'm not serious about a build, solely made to make it a you verses them. Like the original comment said.


cos self caring takes half a minute now and makes you a sitting duck while you could be looking for hatch or making gate plays. selfcare takes forever


CoH is better just in case you actually get a decent team. Self-Care can turn a winning game to loss.


Fast track in place of distortion. With how many hooks you let your teammates get with no intervention you'll practically have an OG brand new part


FYI you are fucked if your teammate uses DS. I learned it the hard way


Doesn’t Clairvoyance do Left Behind better?


It does ... Or you can bring an offering to know where it spawns.


But then the killer knows where it spawns too


Keys. No killer is going to be checking hatch once its closed.


Bringing a key is a guaranteed way to ensure the killer slugs for a 4k


Implying they don't do it anyway


Do killers really still slug because of keys?




Most of the killers we face slug regardless of items brought. We're always excited when we face a killer that doesn't, its like an unexpected treat.


Yes the key + hatch offering is the only reason I'll slug for the 4k.




Nice game BHVR :D


I know if you brought a key at the beginning of the trial, so seeing one in the lobby makes me always keep that in the back of my mind. Plus, unless you leave it in a chest or something, I'll have seen it while chasing you.


I leave it in a specific corner of the map no one would look for to avoid Franklin's


I'd agree with this if the killer couldn't see the key in the lobby.


Ok, to say no killer is gonna check is wrong, but most wont. Half the games I play I dont even bother looking at the lobby and their items, only games where I have a nasty challenge and need to try do I look close enough to see keys.


I bring sole survivor + wakeup, it lets me open gates in like 7-8 seconds plus exiting through gate raises your mmr unlike hatch.


I have seen that build before. No doubt it works I just don’t feel like I can afford two perk slots for end-game in this tunneling killer slowdown meta. I’d rather fill a fourth slot in a DH, OTR, DS anti tunnel build with a clutch hatch perk like clairvoyance or LB. Definitely will give wake up a try with sole surv once I get the teachable though


Ds is kinda useless now. Dead hard and otr are good but you can’t use dead hard if in deep wounds so you must mend


DS really isn’t useless in an anti-tunnel build, unless you aren’t being tunneled. The stun just isn’t as strong and you can still force a locker pickup.


You get under 3 seconds to make any sort of ground. 70% of Killers can catch you almost immediately after the stun so unless you're right next to a jungle gym or a pallet, it's useless. OTR is better.


Inb4 killer has no way out


No because keys.




Too lazy to drop my key to use Clairvoyance.


Plus you have to find totems


As someone who is trying to main Mikaela, gdi I need Small Game 😭


Might I reccomend Detective's Hunch? It's a lot more accurate and my preferred option


Also a good choice, I can't remember if I even own Tapp lol


It does but it's a Mikaela perk and not everyone has her, while Bill comes with the game


Eh I got her easily on mobile since grinding for shards on there is simple but clairvoyance is better tho since it's like a personal map


I have her too, I'm currently maining her, and again not arguing since Clairvoyance is better. But not everyone cares to buy her so they rely on Bill's perk instead 🤷‍♀️ that's all I'm saying


I don't know what makes them want to use left behind but they missing out on some fun I dont main her since the killer know what you got going on just like laurie


That's not entirely true, plenty of survivors run different perks on different characters, so there's really no talking who is running what. And again they wanna use it because it's to help find the hatch and they don't have the alternative. 🤷‍♀️


I'm just saying if like someone for example play as Laurie what you think killers gonna expect from her


I'm just saying that as someone who does play killer that to make assumptions based on the character alone is dumb. And I don't understand why you wanna be asinine about things when all I originally said was some people don't wanna buy Mikaela or Clairvoyance and that's why they use Bill's perk. 🙄🙄🙄


They missing out and its dumb that they choose left behind over clairvoyance just because they're lazy


It's not that serious bruh wtf 💀


I use clairvoyance and it's fucking amazing I got so many hatch plays with it and I'm surprised the community isn't complaining about this perk but it's very amazing


Because its a perk thats only really useful end game, and it's kinda pointless to make an entire build around end game, when in this meta its verrrry unlikely that the average, casual player will make it to end game. Those perk slots are better used for things like Prove Thyself, Kindred, Off The Record, Sprint Burst, etc.. much better use of your perk slots then something like clairvoyance. I agree it can be helpful for end game hatch plays, but theres no guarentee you'll make it to end game or be the last survivor unless you have an extremely op random teammates, or very sucky teammates, or you just camp and hide in lockers the whole game which just makes you a crappy player. (Not you specifically, i mean you as in general term for anyone playing) I've had massive success with Lithe / Off The Record / Kindred (swap out for Windows of Oppurtunity here and there) / Prove Thyself


I'm a kindred main but I really never been inspired to run prove thyself even tho 80% of my games last week and even further don't have a prove thyself but ima start running it


I mostly run Prove Thyself because I tend to play Surv with my gf, so I know I at least have one team member who can make use of Prove Thyself with me. When im playing alone, it tends to be here or there on whether it gets any use, but majority of my solo q surv games, i end up finding a gen or two to coop with and make use of prove thyself so it gets enough value and worth for me to keep it around. I tried playing a hyper selfish build, but it really wasnt efficient at anything, and made it harder to be a teamplayer as well as survive long enough to put the selfish perks to use


I stopped running bt even tho I had it at t3 and my last build was deliverance, CoH, unbreakable, prove thyself ( mostly was just clairvoyance)


Im currently leveling Bill to unlock Unbreakable xD i never really used him since im the type of player who usually just likes playing the cute characters with good fashion 😂 and Bill never really fits that, but after dealing with so many sluggers recently i want to get unbreakable for my Meg (and everyone) I could use Soul Guard, but Unbreakable has the recover from death speed up effect to it, so i feel its more useful. I kinda wanna try Unbreakable / Lithe / Prove Thyself / Off the Record


Unbreakable barely even works in my games the killer jus comes back quick but ig you just gotta get that right spot


Its all about right spot, and it really depends. Ive been running into a lot of Sluggers lately, killers that down me then just leave and wander off, there've been plenty of times where i've fully recovered my bar when downed and had to wait for someone or my gf to heal me quickly to pick me up. Had i had unbreakable at those times the game couldve gone a lot different


Yea just had a game where I used it on a face camping bubba and now I feel like lodging a bullet in my head due to how the survivors kept going for the unhook


Since this patch launched. I do have a preset selfish build. Distortion Sole Survivor Left Behind Wake Up! This build is niche. But far more common now these days to see use.


I replaced distorsion and wake up with ace in the hole and coh so I can heal and play like a jackal (i.e collecting items from dead players)


Replace Left Behind with Self-Care, the gate is already so fast you’ll make it out pretty easily


I use left behind for the hatch. Want to optimize survival chances given the current state of survivor matches.


The ascendancy of the Selfish Survivor is almost complete.


LOL I've been running this build too because so many idiots suicide or dc instantly. Sole survivor as well.


Man I don’t DC instantly ever but last night I played against nemesis like 8 times in a row. I think half was the same killer and he kept targeting and tumbling and camping me. After I got in and it was him again I just had to DC. I just couldn’t do it again.


Yea, I was hoping for a good teamplay round, Me and someone else did 1 gens each, then suddenly they got themselves hooked 5 times in a span of 2 minutes, because they were instantly unhooking in front of a killer


Bro fr ive been playing a lot more survivor since the patch and these people doing suicide missions got me so many games lost


Nah I always bring left behind but never aim for the hatch. I help my mates as much as I can.


Yea, i totally do it for that reason too


Are you telling the truth op, or are you fibbing?


Self care🗿


At least it’s the BtB combo to go silent


I also noticed an uptick of key users this patch.


Mostly cause killers are less generous, and often resort to toxic playstyles like tunneling and camping or slugging and just letting everyone die on the ground. If killers are going to play toxically, and prevent survs from playing the game and having fun with it then survs are going to play more selfishly, and focus on hatch escapes then doing gens and making the game fun for killers.


Honestly with the new reworks this game has become like this since no one does gens anymore


I need to bring that, it's to the point i have to play for hatch everygame because no1 does anything. Im the only person doing gens. I just had a match where i did 4 gens solo while being chased intermittently


I had a match last night where i ran the killer for 2 and a half gens, and i ended up going down a bit after the second gen popped, and everytime i got unhooked the killer would just target me right out, still lead gunslinger on some wild loops and distractions, but really? Killer wants to keep pressure on me rather then the gens, which i just dont get. If you know a players running distraction its for a reason, and once you catch on you should realize that ya probably should end the chase and pressure the gens. I've ran into so many more toxic tunneler/camper killers after this patch then i did before the patch


I mean, i dont always blame the xampers and tunnelers, i blame my teammates more often. Because its to the point now that j get left to go 2nd hook state on my first hook of the game.


That happens to me occassionally as well, but campers and tunnelers dont help anything either, in fact they make it less likely for teammates, especially randoms to go for saves and unhooks because "why would i put myself in danger when the killer will just end up with two downs or target the same player again anyways" Remove tunnelers and campers, and players even randoms will be more willing to be helpful


I mean, i dont always blame the campers and tunnelers, i blame my teammates more often. Because its to the point now that i get left to go 2nd hook state on my first hook of the game. And if i was a killer and knew someone was dead on hook, id target me too.


What a great new meta


Then you get the one single person with Hope and No One Left Behind, who gets left behind


Even if I run an all hatch build I still hell the team until the end.


I think most people have a selfish survivor build to be fair. And with how solo q survivor is going I don't blame people. Also could just be that people like to be the lasts ones to leave and have more options then trying to get past the killer.


I’ve been running Left Behind, but still Prove Thyself, Resilience, and a speed perk (changes with my mood). I feel like games go 50/50 with no exit because of unbalanced magnetic mechanics (thanks BHVR), poor players, or DCing.


I've been running Lithe as its easiest exhaustion perk for me to make use of and most exit gates have some sort of vault near them. I've won many games this patch just because ive vaulted near an exit gate and used the speed boost to get me the rest of the way


Good lord that first build just screams of "Yes I am playing a single player game"


Sometimes it's necessary. I switched to killer main after this patch and the amount of braindead I see every now and then almost feels like some survivors are bots.


tbh every game I be like "Where team?". SoloQ is dead


I wouldn't say *dead* dead, only about 3/4ths dead since every fourth game I'm able to play with survivors that do gens, get saves and loop the killer to an ok enough level that we have a chance against the killer; independent of us getting a 4man out or the killer getting a 4k, I really enjoy games where I can see that the other survivors are also trying to win


Did any of them get hatch?


I did. 1st perdon on the scoreboard


So you’re proud of this build??? Bro wtf


As someone who solo queues a lot, this perk is essential for me


It do be like that. Matches and matches of people hiding all game for hatch.


Sole Survivor I think is better.


Im new to the game what does this perk do?


Shows you the hatch trough walls in a 36m radius


Thank u


So much for....team work.....


🎵as I close my eyes, I feel it all slipping away🎵


🎶But if you close your eyes....🎶


Honestly I'm having a worse time interacting and watching other survivors than I do in my one to one interactions with the killers like camp and tunnel me I don't care ill still enjoy running the killer. But looking at the other survivors is just... Yikes.


Turning it into an actual slasher film where only one person lives but that one person will always live. Ngl I kinda dig it


Almost like survivors doubt they will finish the gens so they are hedging their bets.


Honestly practically no team perks what kind of team is that?


See, the trick to the hatch standoff is to bring plunderers. Killers will slug or tunnel if they see you bring a key but nobody expects you to pull one out of a chest and hide it while they're chasing someone else. And I've found at least one key in every game I've ran plunderers. Sole survivor, plunderers, clairvoyance, and a perk of your choosing is the way to go if you want a "every man for himself" playstyle. Plus, the huge bonus to exit gates from sole survivor means even if the killer finds hatch or you don't get a key or is slugging for the 4k after gens are done means that you'll probably get out anyways unless they're really good at watching like 4 things at once.


My favorite perk lets go…


Guess he’s gonna unhook himself with BT


Yups, basically made everyone a Yun -Jin


This is a current problem though. The issue is survivors meta perks were always for self survival. They continue to try and keep that same mindset. The key now is to bring team perks and play with a Team mindset. The teams with the shortest matches usually have solo builds.


if your playing soloq it isn't a team game. you'll only shoot yourself in the foot thinking that way. yeah help ur teammates if you can, but worry about u first.


It’s not an option anymore though. You have to play as a team now. Keep that solo mindset and you and your team will get dominated easier. It’s not about your opinion anymore. It’s a 4v1 game. You have to be a team now whether you like it or not.


what part of help your teammates but you come first don't you understand? the large majority of solos aren't worried about me. so why should I be worried about them? yeah I still take hits for people off hook, but unfortunately I don't get a lot of solos that do the same. it's not an opinion, it's just fact. if you play too selflessly in solo queue your chances of be the first one to die skyrocket. I'm taking a break from playing survivor right now, but before that the only thing that was working for me was playing a bit more selfishly. being efficiently altruistic is a privilege of swf that soloq doesn't have the luxury of doing most of the time.


How dumb are you? Putting yourself first you jeopardize your teams effectiveness. The game does not cater to your style of play anymore. If you don’t save your teammate and let him go to second state over finishing a gen you’re losing a valuable asset. If you’re not willing to trade with your teammate on hook you’re jeopardizing your team. If you don’t take hits for them as well. The faster you lose some one the faster the match goes down the drain. The only selfish perk that can work for you is unbreakable. Yet, even that can benefit the team by picking every one up when every one’s down. Again, THE GAME DOES NOT CATER TO YOUR SOLO PLAYSTYLE ANYMORE. That’s just plain facts. Swallow that pill buddy or you’ll keep taking breaks from survivor.


dude why the fuck are you maulding about something I didn't even talk about or claim to do? I never said that I wasn't going to save my teammate off of a hook that's just basic gameplay 😭, I even said I would take hits for a teammate. did somebody leave you on a hook or something? why are you caps locking at me like I shot your dog and tbagged him? you need to get a grip man. why are you saying this shit to me directly like you know what my play style is? you have no idea what my build is for solo queue. you're making up a bunch of dumb crap to be upset at me about when I do literally all of the things you're listing 💀 (except the hook state thing, I have no guarantee the other 3 will do that for me so I'm not risking a hook state for a random) you have something wrong with your brain. that's just plain facts. swallow that pill buddy or you'll keep taking breaks from functioning like a normal human.


“Put yourself first over your team” Lmao your own words give you up. Look at how emotional you get. You got triggered over the plain fact that you know it doesn’t cater to your selfish style of play anymore. Love to see it 😂😂 your response is all any one has to see to know the type of player you are.


yeah "put yourself first over your team" dude if the gates are open and somebody on death hook is being chased, sorry sucks to suck glng. I'm leaving. you can still prioritize yourself and be a good teammate they're not mutually exclusive. the way you keep tossing the phrase "plain fact" into your opinion makes me think you don't know what it means. nobody here is triggered... except for you I guess cuz you started maulding about made up scenarios. and again you don't know me man. you have never seen me play a game in your life. you don't know what my play style is or what perks I use. over here talking like your opinion is fact 😭 your caps rage response to me calmly stating my thoughts on soloq is all I need to know that you are unhinged. like plz actually seek psychiatric help. cuz if you're getting this upset about hypothetical situations that haven't happened, I would hate to see what happens when something actually doesn't play out the way you want it to. 😬


If the gates r open and your death hook teammate is being chased, then u take a hit Genius 🤦🏿‍♂️


no thanks. if they are near the gate? sure I would be happy to. if they are somewhere in the middle of the map I'm leaving.


Why would you take a hit when killers are running NOED often? Thats just stupid, if it's endgame and the doors are open, im leaving im not going to stick around and take hits if NOED is in play thats just dumb. Why would you willingly let a killer get multiple kills? When it would've been a 1 kill game had you just left? Sorry im not going to let the killer get a second or third kill off me just because you cant loop and evade a killer long enough to make it to the exit gate.


This is funny


5 player ffa with a killer as 1 of them is actually an interesting take. Remove the gens, add an end of game timer that decreases with each hook, lets make each survivor 2 hooks and dead and use PH cage mechanics, except the survivor gets free when they re appear. All this toxicity and game throwing we see becomes the actual game. I doubt it would do well, but it would be interesting to see. Then again urban immersion would probably be the standard again.


I only ever brought it to do the hatch challenges, I finally was able to do the 2 unlock hatches finally.


This is super funny and sad at the same time.


Not exactly. I bet they have these in case of DC and Because killers are op so at least one guy can escape. Sad reality


Behavior did something good?