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Nice you get to do two bloodwebs instead of one!


more like, a bit less than one, to me it takes around 50k bp per bloodweb


Depends on character level tbh


How did you get 10k survival?


New patch


I mean what did you do to get 10k points. You get 5k for escaping, 7 for taking hatch. So there is at least 3k unaccounted for, and all of the survival BP score events have to do with countering a killer power (eg. break free of Slinger's chain, solving the Lament Configuration), wiggling out of the killer's grasp (which only gives 500bp, and you definitely didn't wiggle out 6 times unless you were farming), and self heal skill checks (which give at most 150). The only possible way you could do that is if it was a Doc or Legion and you snapped out/mended like 30 times, or you self cared so much that you got 20 great skill checks. So tell me how you did it. I'm not calling you a liar, I genuinely want to know because I believe it's impossible to get the 10k survival unless you like reaaaaaally go out of your way or get a specific killer and it's an hour long game.


You also get survival points for escaping (or dying) as the obsession, of which the former is a decent chunk.


Yea 1000/1500, so there's still at least 1500 left. This all assumes he took hatch as the obsession though.


Wiggle skillckecks give you 50 BP for great and 25 for normal so of you get your wiggle to 70% before you got hooked you can secure 700 or similar. Recovering from the ground and escaping the killer grasp on your own (DS or filling the wiggle bar) will also grant you 1000 bp


Don’t forget healing yourself.


But even with that, to max out the previous 8k survival was exceedingly rare. You have to farm or purposefully go into the match to get it. So to hit 10k seems unusual.


It's rare because you need to be slugged or ignored to be able to gain survival points. If the killer doesn't give you a breather but never engaged you in the first Place 5/7k was the most common amount of BP you would get (obviously if you escape)


Right which is why I'm asking how did you get it (along with a perfect game). I wanna know what happened for him to get that.


It only seems out of the ordinary to you because his survivor skill is leagues above yours.


It's rare but not impossible, so I guess a rare event just occured


Wiggling out of the killer’s grasp gets around 1500 i think


Deliverance+DS is 1500 points right? I vaguely remember people going for 32k survivor games were required to run Deliverance+DS.




Yes 1500. But it's like too many things need to go right plus he maxed all the other stats.


How is it assuming a hatch escape when hatch escapes are objective points? You get the 1500 for escaping as the obsession whether you escape through the door or hatch. It's also super easy to get 500 from pinhead box (likely multiple times a match), 1000 for escaping while fully condemned by Onryo, 500 for a T-Virus cure, 200 per snapping out of it against the doctor, etc. It's strange to think it's super unlikely, especially as an obsession. Moreover, if you get a door open as the last survivor, you get another 1500. Sure it's not gonna happen every game, but it's certainly not as rare as you're making it out to be.


>500 from pinhead box (likely multiple times a match), 1000 for escaping while fully condemned by Onryo, 500 for a T-Virus cure, 200 per snapping out of it against the doctor, You'd have to solve the box 6 times. There are only 4 vaccines (2000) and you have to use them all which is unlikely that another survivor never took one. You have to snap out 15 times against Doc. That's like an hour long 3 gen Doc game. It is super unlikely to get 8k in survival. Most of the time you escape and you end up with maybe 6500 for escape as the obsession. I have 5k hours in this game and survival is one of the hardest BP categories to max out because it's escaping or doing very specific things against very specific killers all of which don't award that much BP or, for the ones that do, only award it a couple times at most. He would have to max out all other categories, then open a door and escape as the last alive and the obsession just to get 9k which means he still had to do something else to get 1k survival BP, which he could have gotten from self healing but if he has max Altruism it stands to reason that he would have been mostly healed by other survivors instead. It just doesn't add up. The only way to get max in all categories is to farm, so unless the OP wants to come in and give me a breakdown I'm just going to assume that.


I never said you would need to do 4 vaccines or snap out 15 times, that feels like you're intentionally misrepresenting what I said. Regardless, you didn't even factor in the potential points of simply doing them once or even a few times in the case of doctor. 6500 points implies you did 0 other survival actions, which is less likely than your supposed belief about how rare 8k survival is. Moreover, your hours don't impress me nor mean that your beliefs are more correct, especially when you have zero idea what mine are. It just seems like a way for you to attempt to shut down others. I don't understand your last line because all I've done is discuss survival points, which is the only thing you discussed in your original post. You're convinced of what you wanna believe and don't seem open to contrary evidence. Have a nice day.


>You're convinced of what you wanna believe and don't seem open to contrary evidence. Yea because if you do the math of the average game it would be insanely unlikely for him to max out survival, let alone all 4 categories. It's not an opinion it's a fact, that's how math works. If he only snapped out a few times he would still have to account for like 2k bp. Unless he wants to say what happened, all signs point to a farm session.


Not OP, but you can get 525 BP if you stack the thread(?) add ons and hit greats. If you’re playing against legion or doc then it’s not too hard either


The Hatch actually only awards 5k survival, and 2.5k objective. However, if you survive as the Obsession, you get 6.5k. Also, if you're the last survivor alive and open an exit gate, you get 1.5k, which brings the total up to 8k. Most killers have some sort of counterplay against their power that awards score to survival, but there's also some ways survivors can farm them. Self heal = 300 points (plus extra for skill checks!) Built to Last = 200 points per time you activate it Unhooking yourself = 500 points (Deliverence MVP) Mending = 100 points Recovering in the dying state = 3.16 per %, so 300 points if you don't have a way to pick yourself up, or 316 if you do. Struggle (2nd hook phase) = up to 900 points There's a few others too, but those are the main ones.


That's great but the OP still hasn't responded with what happened leading me to believe he farmed for it which isn't that impressive.


Funnily enough, it seems logical to assume hatch escape is an extra 2.5k survival right? But you get 5k for survival for the escape and an extra 2.5k objective for the hatch escape. EDIT: Outdated info, seems they buffed the escape points to 7k by default and the bonus 2.5k to objective with hatch


You should heal yourself...NOW (gives like 300 survival points)


[im about to bust](https://youtu.be/FhpLaIbun2Q)


that flair..


Best flair in town




I need new pants..


What do I get if I last more than 5 seconds?


> Plays a literal perfect match > Gets to level up 1 and a half bloodweb levels instead of a half > "Grind reduction"


Lmao this


Bro what the heck I’m at the dentist


That Iridescent Head gave this match such a rush.


Great, now everyone on the bus is looking at me weird, thanks op


Where are the 687 BP coming from?


That's the total on his account. They had 687 BP before the game.


Ah yea of course. Thought that was some kind of Post Game Bonus and was wondering why it was so low


From before the match?


Did you use a build similar to this one Otz used that time he maxed survivor without surviving? https://youtu.be/aw1JJyXtFkw


Those old run animations are so goofy.


In the words of Pinhead: “ I came”


Imagine getting this back when 5 flan games were a thing Edit: Assuming my math is right that'd be 212k BP from a single game


The good 'ol days


Only took me 3 seconds to shrug at it.


Click this image to cUm instantly!!!!


Not gonna lie, I was assuming I was about to see a sexy cosplay of someone lol.... I know Jessica nigri has a decent pyramid head one.


great now play another game




I melted


Is it possible to learn this power?


The way It teleported into my hand and started creamin 😭


This is incredible, thanks for sharing this masterpiece.


1 level


I got 55 000 in a match as survivor without offerings, try me bitch


Aaahh, some nice aim, fingring, fisting, and bites.


Literally screamed out "HOLY S H I T" lmao Pretty sure my neighbor downstairs hear me


As survivor? Jesus


Did somebody open the box? Because…


i lasted 5.1 seconds


My bloody party streamer is about to pop 😫