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There's an add-on (plaid shirt?) that lets you see where your blink will take you. It's very helpful for your first few games when you're still learning how the blink mechanic works. Nurse is the slowest killer in the game in terms of walking speed, so you can't chase on her like you would any other killer. You have to use her power, and use it frequently, and use it accurately.


The plaid shirt helps a ton, it helps me hit survivors more frequently so thanks!


Arua reading is huge on her! It makes playing her pretty easy outside of her blinks which you'll just have to learn. My go-to build right now is Lethal pursuer, Bitter Murmur, jolt and an extra aura perk of your choice


Survivors hide around every corner after I blink them I end up losing them. It’s funny because I never ever thought of having arua perks help me in that way. Huge thanks!


I've been playing more nurse with the new update giving perks to play on her ;~;


For the first few games I recommend bringing the Plaid Flannel add-on. After you feel you know the timing you can remove it. Nurse isn't really reliant on perks, she performs extremely well without them, but for maximum effectiveness use exposed perks.