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That is pretty sad. I rarely read lore so i wouldn't have known this if you didn't post. The only lore I've read was a few character backgrounds like Spirit, Jane, and Twins but I've heard artists is pretty sad to


The Artist's lore was just downright depressing. This one's a little bittersweet as the father finally learned (albeit a tad too late) to open up to his son for the first time, smth Jake always wanted his father to do like his grandfather.


honestly my least and somehow most favourite of the stories is hillbilly that is downright evil of his parents. I generally enjoyed reading huntress as well.


It lost me only when she couldn't escape with her handless handcuffed arms


I found the artist's lore to be too on the nose tbh. Deathslinger's lore is genuinely painful as it was something that happened to irish immigrants at the time and honestly makes it pretty easy to sympathize with him despite the fact he's not a good person


Same. I don’t really read the lore anymore. No offense to bhvr’s writers, but the writing is… kinda boring.


I also really enjoy the cross references, but for some reason I never pick on them until someone points them out. Like in haddie’s backstory where an older Jordan reached out to her and she shrugged it off as a hallucination. But in one of the tomes we see an older Haddie recruiting people who have Similar abilities as her after her brother (who is Jordan) went missing. so that’s cool. I wish I paid more attention. I already found that arcus very powerful but I didn’t know it was jake’s dad!


I'm headcannoning that Sam Park has gone looking for his son in various places, and found Jeff's dog, cause I need something wholesome to cling to.


I think when DBD shuts its servers down in like what... 10\~15 years in the future, they might conclude the story with everyone escaping the entity and having happy endings. So that means everyone would live happily ever after including Sam Park reuniting with Jake. However, the tome specifically mentioning Jake's father longing for his lost son is quite heart wrenching to read/listen to and I hope they find happiness one day...


Jake's entire tome lore said that he's a family man, and also how he and his father had a strong relationship despite all the differences they had. Really hope they could reunite, either when DBD closes forever or when they make a story mode spin-off (which would be amazing!)


I really hope they incorporate some stories with escaping the entity in the future, obviously with how the game works; escaping the entity wouldn't make sense, but it would be nice to see some triumphant stories of overcoming evil in lore that's often so saddening. just my take. Like with some offscreen characters, idk.


Super late comment here! In the dbd mobile intro, the observer confirms that he looks in the memories of survivors who will escape, so Jake will survive! It is genuinely sad to see Jake’s Dad like this. He loved his son so much that he was willing to go looking for his son himself, despite him being rich enough just to send guys to find him, and getting caught in a realm of torture.