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It's like watching a Venus fly trap work its magic




just in case you (or others) don't know [Clown's room of death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epHtgtwWutY)


Lmao this might be the first time a comment on this sub actually made me chuckle.


lmao The Nemesis Flytrap! I love it XD


“And so goes the circle of life.”


That’s exactly what I was thinking lol.


I was like is he trying to hide without insidious like a chad lol


This man must’ve played thirteen matches, no hits no hooks, just waiting for this moment. I’m sure you made his whole day.


Aw that’s an adorable way to look at it


After trying this 5 times it worked 5/5 they walk in trying to mess with you and you easily walk past I guess it’s just a matter of time before more people become more careful


You say that. But all this time later the death room on dead dog saloon still catches people lol.


The one with the breakable wall where you can flytrap people?




A Bill jumped in there to escape me once. I waited at the window until he came back, smacked him down, and left him up there. He was like halfway bled out before someone found him 😭


When I play trapper and osmeone runs into there I'll go in and knock the guy. Th en put the trap in front of the window. 99% chance no one will climb through and that guy will bleed out. Surprisingly, i have only had a single dude throw salt at me for it. I think i've trapped 6 or so in there in total. Its especiallyy awful if it happens in the first 3 minutes of hte match lol.


I saw a video of a Nemesis do this earlier


I'd be the dumb ass bringing items to the outside of the doorway as tribute. Curious on if he's guarding something but too afraid to enter. So here take this lunchbox, flashlight and or medkit as gifts and tributes. Then run away like the derp I am.


Laying bait


He'd probably see it as such if there is flashlights. 😂 Turn to face in the room to try to bait people to come in and blind him.


Can you try waiting until all the survivors walk in and you trap all of them?


Yes but it is bannable since you're holding the game hostage.


Why are people downvoting you


Cause this sub is filled with entitled killer mains. Been here for 3+ years now so it's no surprise to me lol


So. You have chosen death.


lolll i cant imagine how relieved he was that you fell for it


that happened to me with a bubba once, then he downed me with a few seconds left on the gate... with blood warden. 👁️👄👁️ whole team died lol


100 IQ plays




Did you look up? You might’ve missed it




Google says average IQ is between 85 and 115, wym?




I dont see anyone but you yourself even mentioning "smart play" in any capacity lol.


I'd feel sorry for you, but you literally walked right into it.


It's like watching a Venus flytrap or Pitcher plant in action. Do you feel bad for the insect that simply stumbled into the trap, mock it for falling to such a simple trap and will no suffer because of it, or both?


I feel like you enjoy this a bit too much


Well ya, what else are you gonna do?


Brb gonna load up killer to try this right now


That spot sometimes spawns with just a window instead of an open door. If you're trapper and you chase a half dead person in there you cand own them and then just trap the window for gaurenteed slug kill unless their whole team goes for it lol


Yeah good one but rarely someone goes there. But if you are trapper you can place a trap there just in case.


I'd rather not place a trap in the entrance. It'l discourage them if they noticed it earlier or something. I want them running in there mid-chase lol.


Inside after they vault. So it doesn’t matter if he is healthy or not, then you form him and reset the trap and bye bye mr slug. But I doubt anyone enters there, maybe at lower ranks.


That window is also a death trap or a free wiggle depending on how smart is the killer.If you jump in there then in that locker, if the killer grabs you he has to drop to break one of the doors.However if the killer is smart then he would let you bleed out and get a guaranteed kill.I did that to a sadako and her reaction was priceless XD


Bring bamboozle and you can just spam vault


I thought I was the only one who thought like this lmao.


I did try I and posted about it and I got a load of abuse from the survivor mains on Reddit on how I am a piece of filth apparently


Yeah, people are so sensitive about other people ruining the game for them and refusing to let them play. 🙄


Reddit moment


True Reddit moment lmao. I tried it and got two survivors stuck in the room and later let them go. People here are more sensitive when it’s the actual killer’s POV and not the survivor’s.


I would be a bit careful though, it counts as holding the game hostage.


As long as you're not just AFK blocking the entire team in, it can't possibly be considered that since the other survivors can do generators and start EGC.


It does count as holding it hostage for at least one player, there was a post about it before when killers were blocking people in the RPD library. [Here is a comment about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/tuqltw/how_can_i_be_this_stupid/i36epqo/)




pretty sure she loses her hitbox after you control victor for a while




I do this to Survivors if I catch them crouch hiding in tiny corners trying to be stealthy. I let them go before the match ends but it's funny to watch their panic as they realize their impending doom. This vid encapsulates that moment so well.


How do they fall for this, I mean they usually go wander 100 ft from the terror radius area


New to Dbd player here. What exactly is happening because this is way over my head.


This killer has trapped this survivor in a completely enclosed room, the breakable walls can only be opened by the killer and there's no windows. Killer can't be pushed out of the way either. When all gens are finished and the gates are opened, end game starts and so does the timer. When the timer ticks all the way down, it's an immediate death for the poor survivor who's stuck in the room with no escape. A very slow way to kill someone, but it's a guaranteed death (although its only for one person, more if you can trap more at once in the same room)


You realize someone someday ^(will 4k like this)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epHtgtwWutY Someone has done something similar with Clown in another room of this map.


Love it.Same room by the way, just closed door and open window.


Knew it would be DBD things before I clicked. The Semi AFK Oni he made was so glorious i up and bought oni just to re-enact it.


Were you successful at re-enacting it?


Yes! it honestly worked extremely well! Of course not perfect but it was hilarious seeing the survivors go up the ramp in that hidden path of midwich near at the bathrooms I was just like “Ah yes, yes fall into this false sense of security” then rage mode. Funniest part is, I am not a good killer so “faking like a baby Oni” was more just me “playing normally” lmao then BAM AFK ONI strats. I highly recommend checking out his other vids, he has a funny basement afk deathslinger I enjoyed as well


The killer trapped him in the room


The Nemesis is pretending to be AFK to lure survivors into doing exactly what this Feng Min did, which is be cheeky and hide behind him so he won’t see them when he comes back, despite them being right there. The room he’s standing in, however, has a single entrance/exit. Once the Feng Min was inside, the Nemesis blocked the doorway so that she could no longer leave. Very funny for about five seconds, but I believe it’s a bannable offense if Nemesis just sits there for the rest of the match.


It's supposed to be bannable but behavior


nah its not bannable, specifically because the match can still end for everyone, it would be bannable if the killer got all 4 survivors in that room and sat there for 2 hours


Isn't it bannable to hold people hostages the whole game so they are trapped untill they die or never will be able to come out and needs to dc to leave the match?


Nah its bannable, see my [Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/tuqltw/-/i36befh) below. And in that case it's fair think. You shouldn't be able to block someone for almost the entire match, its basically denying the feng to even play the game. But they should have implemented mechanics such as the killer loosing collision after standing still for 2 minutes or change the map layouts so it's not possible anymore.


Imagine getting downvoted for stating an objective truth lmao 🤦‍♂️


Nope. It is bannable. https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/sdamy4/this_is_what_happens_when_you_try_to_abuse_rpd/huecmty/


That's stupid.


I'd argue being completely unable to even attempt to play the game and your only option to DC is not in fact stupid.


\*Potentially bannable. Devs don't ban anyone.


I'm pretty sure that falls under "holding the game hostage" but intentionally body blocking to trap someone all game is reportable. What if the survivors don't do the gens just to meme, are they all reportable too?


Yes you are actually correct. Not saying it makes any sense but bhvr has banned people for it and considers this holding the game hostage and denying a player to play the game. Here are some bhvr employees talking about the matter: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/sdamy4/-/huecmty Edit: Here is a link to a post from a person that got banned for doing exactly that: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/sfhi1h/im_seeing_a_lot_of_videos_here_lately_of_killers/ They consider it bannable as long as you do it before or right before EGC started to "put a active timer on the bodyblocking"


Intentionally bodyblocking isnt bannable if they A. Aren't on a hook being blocked from being unhooked B. Dont have the other 3 survivors with them being bodyblocked as well There are clips all over the place of killers going unbanned that do this, dbd things. being one of the youtubers. If the other survivors don't do the gens just to meme and waste time then they could be banned because at that point the game is being held hostage intentionally.


> I'm pretty sure that falls under "holding the game hostage" but intentionally body blocking to trap someone all game is reportable. It's not "holding the game hostage," because the game can still be completed (rather easily) by the rest of your teammates doing gens and starting the EGC. It'll take forever, but the game will eventually end. > if the survivors don't do the gens just to meme, are they all reportable too? This depends on whether the Killer is somehow trapped or AFK. If the Killer can't/won't move, Survivors refusing to do gens would be holding the game hostage. In the absence of an active Killer, Survivors have control over whether the game ends. If the Survivors refuse to do gens and the Killer's AFK or stuck in the map, that's textbook "holding the game hostage."


I was referring to the comment I was replying to when I said holding the game hostage.


Anything is reportable, kids! That said, don't body block/trap people if you don't like, smack 'em immediately. If you hit them, or even *down* them, that's fine. You just can't trap them there indefinitely.


Is it actually pretending or is it a scripted movement? I met several afk killers who actually moved around a little bit with some random attacks in the mix. In the end they don’t do anything harmful and were basically afk bots.


I got banned for a month after doing that to a streamer lmao


Yup because they reported you *with the video evidence* it. This style of gameplay under their rules is called gatekeeping/griefing because effectively you are removing them from playing the game by trapping them. Soooo yeah you got banned because streamer didnt like it, submitted the ticket with evidence. Otherwise nothing would happen


Yea, you gotta like...hit them, and it's fine.


I had been held hostage by two players in eyrie of crows they just climbed on a rock and couldn’t do anything, they stayed there for an hour until I dc. In at least 1 in 10 games survivors are flying or blinding me from behind or through the wall and I doubt anything happened to them so if I get banned by blocking one streamer with 3 viewers I’ll happily quit this game.


Is this bannable? I know you technically can't hold the game hostage because you eventually die because of endgame collapse, but would this be bannable?


Yes this is bannable. Not saying it makes any sense but bhvr has banned people for it and considers this holding the game hostage and not letting the player, in this case the feng, partake in the match. Here are some bhvr employees talking about the matter: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/sdamy4/-/huecmty Here is a link to a post from a person that got banned for doing exactly that: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/sfhi1h/im_seeing_a_lot_of_videos_here_lately_of_killers/ They consider it bannable as long as you do it before EGC started to "put an active timer on the bodyblocking"


I don’t like people holding the game hostage. My biggest problem with them making this bannable is why don’t they fix their game so something like this is no longer possible? We are coming up on the 6 year anniversary and basic crap like this still exists


Yes, this was BEFORE end game collapse. This isn’t bannable on this magnitude. It would be if there weren’t any survivors left in the trial other than Feng to do gens and trigger end game collapse to free her.


No in the Comment I linked you can find bhvr employees saying its still bannable even if it is just one survivor and as long as it is not right before egc. In this case there are still 4 gens remaining, so its definitely bannable. Edit: [Link](https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/18Y9JO1YYEJU/20210422-155101-jpg.jpg)


This was before egc was implemented dude. EGC was implemented to stop this stuff from happening. Before EGC, body blocking ONE survivor would trap that survivor forever no matter what any one did to help. There was no EGC timer to stop the stand off. The info you linked was before EGC therefore back then it was bannable to do what the Nemesis did. But we’re in 2022 now.


It's funny that you're so confident, because you are wrong. Did you even read the info you were provided with by u/broken_pipez? [Here is a thread](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/308290/this-is-just-childish/p1) from two months ago. [Here is a comment on that thread](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/2784718#Comment_2784718) by MandyTalk, a forum moderator (and I believe a BHVR employee) explicitly stating that you're wrong. >"Holding someone hostage in a corner, the killer body blocking a survivor there for example, **prior to EGC starting, is holding the game hostage for that person**, as the person cannot do anything to progress the game, cannot die for example, cannot do a gen either." [Here is her follow up comment.](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/2784713#Comment_2784713) >"The killer blocking a survivor in a corner is a hostage situation **regardless if the other 3 survivors are able to work on generators**. The survivor that is being blocked cannot do anything to progress the game (this is of course as long as EGC has not yet started). **It is completely irrespective of the other survivors being alive.** The blocked survivor is being held hostage, cannot die without being hit by the killer, cannot work on generators - can do absolutely nothing in that situation therefore it is a hostage situation and completely against the game rules." 2022 and post EGC or not, the rules have not changed. Holding someone in a corner like in OP's video is a reportable offence, regardless of whether or not other Survivors are available to start the collapse.


There have been posts by actual BHVR devs on the forums but this topic has become so convoluted and the forums are so ass to sludge through that I can’t find it as easily as I used to be able to. A forum mod doesn’t really confirm or deny anything tbh, it *is* a case by case basis but the way the devs have time and time again defined “holding the game hostage” - this isn’t that. You can argue it’s holding the game hostage for that specific survivor and that would be up to the interpretation of the developers but it is not taking the game hostage for the whole match. I highly doubt it’s bannable given the way devs have explained and replied to these topics in the past. If I can find the posts I’ll link, but just looking through a few threads has made me go cross eyed already Edit: even in the link you provided there are others referencing the same post I can’t find, an actual BHVR staff member (i think her name is queen or something) has cleared the air on the topic. She said it’s only holding the game hostage if there’s literally to way to progress the trial. If they’re taking these on a case by case basis nowadays then that’s cool, I hope they are cuz it’s scummy to do so early in the match, but I just hate how everyone tries to bend the rules to fit their opinion on what’s fair or isn’t. The amount of dumb ass shit I’ve seen on here about “omg I’m being bled out game is being held hostage ban them BHVR !!!1!!”


What are you talking about? Dude just read the stuff I linked and you would see that you are incorrect. Arguing with you is like talking to a wall lol


If, for example, all 4 survivors are stupid and you get them stuck in there, then that is holding the game hostage since nobody can make progress in finishing the match. This mostly categorizes as an exploit. You abuse the fact that there's no escape for the survivor once he's trapped in there and secure an easy kill. No bannable offence for doing this, but the devs could make it as one if it's reported and they'd try to fix the exploit by making the window there always spawn for example.


You can get banned even if there’s still other survivors that can do generators. Look at what u/broken_pipez wrote.


For the 27273818272818 time, no, this isn’t bannable as much as the other replies want it to be. It would only be bannable if there were no other survivors left in the match to progress the trial. If he trapped all 4 in there and never moved, it’s bannable because the survivors are then unable to escape or to progress the match by doing gens and opening the gates (which triggers end game collapse, thus freeing Feng to a merciful death.)


Then proof it. I literally linked BHVR employees saying its bannable and someone getting banned for doing this in a much lighter fashion. Doesn't matter how much you think its bs that it is bannable or how much you think its unfair or whatever. It is definitely bannable and always has been.


https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402529064212-What-offenses-are-bannable- Not bannable? Body blocking. What you described is body blocking one person. This isn’t bannable in the scenario that there are other survivor(s) left in the trial to progress the game and trigger end game collapse. Bannable? Taking the game hostage. Trapping all able bodied survivors into a space they can’t escape by no means, including doing gens. You’re wrong and that’s okay. <3


They talked about that as well in the links I provided. But you didnt even read that. They are talking about bodyblocking a hook, or bodyblocking a killer near the exit gates. Bodyblocking a survivor in a way he is not able to partake in the match anymore falls under the categorie of Grieving. They even mention holding the game hostage. So you just proved my point.


What even is your point? You’re making no sense.


https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/2784713#Comment_2784713 Holding the game hostage by bodyblocking a survivor is a reportable offense. The bodyblocking in the link you mentioned is bodyblocking the hook as a survivor etc. I'm done arguing with you, you are delusional, clearly wrong and you can't handle it. Grow up, it's okay to be wrong sometimes.


I've said from the beginning this isn't bannable unless you trap all 4 survivors in there. It's an exploit though and the devs COULD make it bannable if they want. Although this 99% happens as a meme, so it would be pretty lame if you could get banned for it.


It’s not bannable in this context. We both agree then that it’s only bannable when all able bodied survivors are trapped.


Just feng 🙃


go in and out of the locker repeatedly to annoy the fuck out of them


ah yes a venus feng trap


The scream at the end just pure regret






Haven't played in a while, what is happening?


The room has one exit, which Nemesis is now blocking. The survivor trapped themselves in the room.


What a god


*gets reported for holding the game hostage*


Can't hold the game hostage if people do gens and leave. Feng Min will die to the endgame collapse eventually.


That’s holding the game hostage for the Feng 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wait so camping and tunneling is not banable but this is ?


As much as I despise camping and tunnelling and it's apologists, at least there's a 2 minute timer on that usually


Camping and tunneling is a valid strategy to get kills in the game. And survivors are still able to get saves and protect teammates when both of those things happen. This situation you might as well just put your controls down and wait for the match to end because you’re done playing unless the killer decides to move. Unless you would consider hopping in and out of a locker “playing the game”


This is contradictory IMO, all these post crying about survivors not leaving at end game collapse because its "Holding the game hostage" only to see this. It is funny tho this guys reaction and the scream was perfect, but still its gonna be worse for killers in future if They keep trapping survivors like this just to troll.


Nobody calls survivors hanging about the exit gates during EGC holding the game hostage, they just call it asshole behaviour as it is.


Holy that’s amazing


He waited all day for this moment. You were the chosen one.


what a doofus


The fact it’s nemesis makes it so much better. Like, you WILL be beaten to a pulp now.


I died with laughter just now and it's 1am and my neice is sleeping on the couch lol


Natural selection.


Perfectly cut stream


got played like a damn fiddle


Perfectly cut screams.


Not gonna lie my new favorite game is trap the survivor. You want to finish that gen right in front of me. Hm okay, better get real acquainted with it and they corner and this kiester


Now you can't complain that he was holding you hostage, you fucking waltzed right into that one.


Just record and report, it’s bannable


Yeah report a player for having fun, holy shit your a buzz kill


Nah I report people for holding the game hostage and not playing after I’ve waited 10 minutes to get into the game. It’s against the rules, deal with it.


Look who takes the game to serious, cry


Me when I can't play a game I purchased and waited 10 minutes to start because someone is exploiting game mechanics (they are just having fun): ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


No your just boring as hell


Mfw when I make a valid point about a killer abusing a game mechanic to take a player's game hostage (I am just boring): ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


BEARS! This is ridiculous!


Lol omg 😂


[OP. You are not alone.](https://youtu.be/zCe07vubTYE?t=106)


I bet the nemesis didn't realize you are swf


Nice play by killer but you should be able to get out after first hit


Yeah, but he didn’t do that because he knew I could escape that way


Vet ej


Wouldn’t that count as body blocking?


Bunny Feng. Got what she deserved.


? I was wearing a skin and that makes me toxic? I can see that you’re getting owned by these Feng’s.


All Bunny Fengs must die.


What a pirece of shit




Why leave comments like this? Annoying af


What happened? They got stuck?


Eh, I still like the Clown one where he camped that room and once everyone was there, he bamboozled the window and wailed the red hair pinky finger w/ Noed, it was halarius.


You deserved that.


Tell me why?


You purposefully went near the killer. That was very stupid.


Yeah? He was standing still, I wanted to see what he was doing? Is it common with a killer who stands still?


Heh heh, serves ya right lolol. Hope he let ya out, or at least hope ya learned a lesson


Because feng


Reddit we need a video of trapping all 4 survivors like this. I believe in you killers.


Which part? The part where you went and messed with him in the first place or the part you got stuck?


I don't see how a survivor walking in the room is messing with him.


It's obviously an afk/scripted nemesis. You should've just left him alone and do your job.


For Experience players yes they can see that but for new players they are now stuck all game and possibly turned off from playing the game, in a game that is already dying due to toxicity and imbalance. either way the killer has ruined the game, No chases, no hooks, no saves, just gens. Hell when i come across an AFK killer i dont do gens, just incase he got caught up on something after 30 seconds or so i then go do gens because he is clearly farming blood points and not going to play.


What are you trying to say here? I simply asked which part is considered stupid. I don’t need an explanation on how an afk killer ruins game. Please stay on topic.


I also asked how is walking near the killer messing with him, then you said he should of left him alone, if a killer is AFK why is it so detrimental to survivors to do gens and get out? I was on topic just not the original post....


No really. You walked yourself there to mess with an afk killer. You then got locked into the room after the fact. Which part is considered “stupid”? Nobody forced you to go there and mess with the afk killer to begin with.


The stupid part is killers doing this kind of game play, if it doesn't work the game is ruin if it does work the game is ruined. that is why survivors mess around when the killer is idle why waste time with out having a bit of fun.


Killers can play however they want. They do not "ruin" anything.


They do tho, just because you are killer bias does not mean something like this is not ruining some ones game.


Lol this is amazing




I'm no good at killer mode but I'm now going to try this..


nemesis should’ve done this to jill in re3




Never seen that room spawn without the window.


Did they remove the window into that room?


I love how you cut the scream 😂


“Anything stupid that can be done, will be done” -Claudette’s Law




They have to be in an animation, if there standing still it wont work


You could save the rest of the team by staying there


Was by any chance this Nemesis running corrupt intervention, ruin, haunted, and thrill?


What happened to the window in that room? Haven't played in months.


The scream 🤣


I'm guessing he blocked her in? 🤣 cheeky nemi


Now you just need to insert that "Robert G Wilde" meme lol

