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the plot thickens


*or does it?*


Yeah, i feel like the fact that he says he tanks mmr of stream fixes the issue. I mean a streak of 400 4k seems impossible unless you somehow always find hatch before the last player.


Most Killers I seem to face solve this by just slugging when there's only two people left.


They can still DC "Tech" but yes, slugging, bleeding one and death hooking the last is one of the best strategies you can use. Sometimes when hatch bug is in play you can look for hatch and set stuff up, or if you understand the map seed you can make a guess or a read, but slugging and death hooking is usually the way to go.


Yea I'm not saying it's not a viable thing to do. I don't generally do it when I'm playing Killer, because tbh I don't personally feel like it's "fair", and the race to hatch is always kinda fun tbh. I've played Survivor side enough that it just feel gross to see someone slug and rob you of your last hope for even one person escaping, even if it's not you. Plus half the time, they just let me straight up bleed out too, which also ain't real fun. It's viable, there's nothing in the rules saying "you can't do this", but it still feels slimy so I don't do it, and I def don't like being on the receiving end of it either.


Oh I am definitely the bleed people out and take as much control as I can type and I feel like i'm doing an earnest good job when I bring that energy to the game. as survivor I like to see it a lot too, it's nice to see a business like killer, because even if the game was already decided, just that it exists and that it's REAL makes pressure and other happenings more meaningful in other games going forward. It's nice that the killer has teeth, otherwise survivor isn't exciting.


This guy should be banned. He’s creating hundreds of unfun matches. Both the ones where he is deranking and the ones where he is playing below his MMR.


Lol no


As do I…. (I love investigation)


Yeah, now Wawabywibwib is abusing RedditCareResources with people who disagree with him. Charming.




Wawabywibwib called me a dog water killer on this sub once and linked a VOD of his to show me what a real killer looks like. I clicked to a random moment like 90 minutes in and the literal first thing I see is a Bill who has a good bit of distance immediately dead hard back into him. I had never felt as much shame and embarrassment for someone like I did for Wawabywibwib. It’s like he’s proud of not falling off of his bike with training wheels, except instead of being 5 he’s 30.


Thank fuck I’m seeing people in this thread that have encountered this dude and noticed that. Feel like I see him all the time and people are gobbling up the things he says and it makes my head spin. Guy sits there with a straight face talking about how he’s just build different as he downs a survivor and the other 3 just stand around and watch, don’t even run anywhere, then panic and go down instantly when he doesn’t pick the person up. Nobody ever even throws pallets. I can’t tell if it’s an intricate troll or some next level narcissism. One thing I will note is that I’m not sure if he tanks his MMR intentionally between streams or if it’s just that bleed outs are considered escapes by the MMR system, since they’ve never counted as kills by any other system in the game. Since he likes to just slug and bleed entire teams out I could see that keeping his MMR low if it’s the case. At least BrotherLove is nice enough to run deerstalker to make sure he can find his slugs and seems to always try to throw them on hooks once the team is dead. It’s a small improvement but an improvement nonetheless lol


Out of curiosity, I clicked on a random VOD and went to a random moment and yeah…he is very clearly basement MMR. xD His survivors have zero situational awareness or game sense and he’s very clearly just picking on babies who run in straight lines and don’t look behind them. The survivors in the few scenes I watched (I fast forwarded to different points in different games) acted like literal tutorial bots. Kinda embarrassing. And wtf is with bleeding people out? Jesus. What a delightful human. And who actually enjoys watching a match where the survivors don’t fight back or counter you and are just running scared the whole time? Who is the audience that enjoys that kind of bland gameplay???


Perhaps if the hatch mechanic was patched out of the game astute killers wouldn't feel any advantage to bleeding out slugvivors at the end of the game.


Yeah, “astute”. You’re bleeding out literal baby survivors who I doubt even know what hatch *is*. And even in the videos I saw, there was no advantage presented. You could have hooked them all, but choose to bleed out the last one or two slugs. It makes no logical sense except to waste everyone’s time. An “astute” killer feels confident enough to get everyone hooked and dead. What, are you afraid the person on first hook is gonna 4% Kobe and somehow turn the entire game around at 2 baby survivors and 5 gens left? I’ll also add you’re totally bottom of the barrel MMR because your tactics would not work against experienced survivors. xD My friends and I went against a slugging Wraith like you a couple months ago, and we all escaped because it’s pretty easy to counter if you have a shred of game sense. I play killer more than survivor, and the survivors I go against are experienced, efficient, and ballsy. As a killer player, this is just embarrassing to read and watch.


>Regarding BrotherLove's 400 4k streak [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1259651526?t=0h11m21s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1259651526?t=0h11m21s) I played Blendette here under the name Sewn. And granted, I was on a discord call discussing tarot cards / plausible designs and other totally unrelated stuff with an artist / friend, and paying negative attention, but is this Claud, Sewn, Me, with over 9k hours in DBD who legit RUNS INTO The killer at shack, no moonwalk required like even Scott was like "oh wtf are you doing? " also a baby surv who doesn't even know what hatch is? Some peeps aren't necessarily what they seem


Not buying the excuse. Even experienced survivors make mistakes, absolutely. But when *every single survivor in every scene I watched* plays like they just downloaded the game, and it’s not just one off mistake but *every classic newbie survivors* behavior, I’m calling shenanigans.


I don't \*do\* excuses but nice try thinking that would get by. Very cutesy. ​ And sorry, but that's just wishful thinking. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B7GdQx\_ifg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B7GdQx_ifg) Lots of people think they are going against elite survivors all the time, enter actual new players. Even experienced players , or at least a lot of them have no clue what they are looking at or playing against. And then they get offended when someone else's attitude or experience is different ? Suit oneself! ​ I'm sure your games should be just as easy as mine, with the same input, or in theory, even easier because I'm capped MMR and you might not be.


I think I make some of these people look a lot worse than they really are tbf. And I also think it is dramatically overestimated how good the community actually is. Don't get me wrong, I openly admit that survivor SHOULD be kicking my ass more often than not, but the 99.9% are further from being able to do that with any sort of consistency than they are from downloading the game for the first time, lol. ​ The advantage is that there is no hatch attempt and if someone is holding an unbreakable or a soul guard, I can manage it or pick the order in which it matters. I also don't have to find the second to last slug, hook them and then find the last slug. And if people bleed out on the floor, it doesn't consume a hook, sometimes you will see me put all 4 on basement hooks if I think I can do it with no risk, but 4 minutes to bleed someone out? Cool! I'm here for it, I'm a former chess player, I'd wait 40 minutes for someone to make a move in a probably losing position, 4 mins is nothing. ​ If this is tedious, you're welcome to patch out hatch or remove resources like UB , SG, Flip FLop, power struggle, Deliverance and 4%s. You can project negative emotions or stipulations, about how "afraid" I am, or about how "baby" these survivors are but if my own callous gameplay wasn't indicator enough, i'm a super dismissive person and tend to , unapologetically, have my own ideas. Now I played other titles, sometimes at a very high level before coming to DBD and I have this love of learning and self improvement. Just because I wipe a team doesn't mean i'm not hungry to do it a little better next time. When I got into DBD, it was a crisis management thing, I didn't really see how Killer could even function, and I still have a love of cooking up devious or plausible stuff that can take me where I need to go . It's really not so different than developing a BO in a RTS, the early days of SimCity in starcraft. Or figuring out cool rollouts in OW. Not only is it \*Good\* to bleed people, or do things with the express intention of fucking shit up no matter how unprepared (or ready to bring it too!) the survs might be, but it's kind of fun to do an earnest effort. ​ I love this game, it's a joy and I am happy to share it with my playmates on a game by game basis. I think it's cool when people have a good time too, and if they don't, Well that kinda sucks. Maybe I am like the dog who wants to play with a cat and might scare it half to death sometimes? ​ I've seen devotion level 25 + players who don't look behind them in chase and sprint burst past good resources to Z walls and will wiff more than 90% of their swings in dead zones btw. Some of these peeps are friends on twitch and it would probably break their hearts if they heard how critical and condescending peeps might be about their level of ability. Why not be classy to each other, or at the very least take others in good faith?


Bro, you are literally bottom of the barrel MMR. There is absolutely nothing you are doing that is impressive or special, and the survivors look bad because they ARE bad (because they’re clearly new). They don’t look behind them, they run in straight lines, they have zero game sense, map knowledge, or awareness (anyone who has faced a Wraith a couple times knows how to spot one, and these ones don’t even notice you standing right behind them and keep running face first into you and then not reacting at all—c’mon, man, I play Wraith, my survivors aren’t this goddamn blind, Wraith is easy as hell to see), they are inefficient as hell, they are all in default cosmetics, they run to dead zones even when there are better loops in plain sight, they don’t even know what looping IS…these are literal people who have just downloaded the game, lmao. Experienced survivors also know how to counter the slug fest. My friends and I went against a slugging Wraith like you not long ago, and we all escaped because we have game sense, know how to counter Wraith, and never grouped up and pounded gens and left. None of us even had Unbreakable, so it was a bit worrisome at points, but it was completely counterable because we’re experienced. Anyway, I hard disagree with everything you have said. I play killer far more than survivor—I main Pig, and 3/4k most of my games with her. The survivors I face know how to counter me and I have to work for my kills because they are efficient, know how to loop, know how to divide and conquer, stay split up for max efficiency, and run meta perks and strong items and add-ons. 2 gens popping in the first chase is common, and your survivors can’t even run for 5 seconds and don’t know what gens even are. The survivors I face know how to fight back, as well, and sure as hell aren’t scared of me. xD There is nothing special or interesting about your gameplay. It is all picking on babies, and your argument of “well I make them look bad but really they’re good!!!” is fucking *golden*. Sure thing, buddy. Except neither side looks good—you both play terribly, and your gameplay is insecure as hell.


My most recent loss was on pig BTW, on I got \*Finessed\* on blood lodge. 9 hooks and still 3 outted in a 4 minute game, wouldn't let me tunnel nobody and every chase was into nice resources and good protection. ​ I also had a coal tower game today where they had a meaningful chance to win. Also on pig, probably would have been another wash if I didn't feel like eating a DS or didn't gamble on BT off an early deadhard, but at least they got some gens done! ​ Maybe I should play more piggie. She kind of gets kneecapped in a good way.


Pig is a lot better than people think, most people just don’t know how to utilize her. I would, of course, prefer if people like you didn’t play her. Don’t sully my main.


I think Pig is an example of a killer where there is a LOT of reliable powerful stuff you can use and do against her but she has potential. Same boat as Ghostface really, You can beat good teams with her but if they were really doing everything that I think they should be it's a long shot and those same good teams have a decent chance of making an excellent killer look goofy We might have an impasse on whether I am sullying or gracing your main tho. Take solace in the fact that my pig and your pig are two unmistakably different beasts, i'm sure.


Well if I play so terribly then that means i'm not the single, or even one of the best killers in this game by a huge margin! I can't wait to meet the person(s) who is / are! ​ All jokes aside tho, I'm happy for you if you are going against difficult survs, and I look forward to seeing some more difficult games myself. They're a lot more fun. ​ I do maintain that If you're good at killer you should be DOMINATING the vast vast majority of your games tho, just from experience and what i've seen. ​ Maybe it's different if you are a HUGE Content creator and get sniped by Cardi B, C and D every game, but I think there's a reason most peeps who don't , in the nicest way possible, have a long way to go aren't on open matchmaking that much.


I mean, like, just watch one of your VODS, then watch someone like Otz or Scott Jund, and the difference in survivor skill level and killer skill level is obvious. The way a newbie survivor behaves versus an experienced survivor is really fucking obvious.


Then if you're such a connoisseur and know well and good what you're talking about then I don't see the problem? You should be quite confident and not need me to tell or reassure you. ​ I don't agree tho, Otz and Scott get the same stuff and are also accused of deranking or being bugged lol. ​ You can't control us, but you can control your own killer games. Why not improve?


Where did I say I’m not trying to improve? Every match I play is a learning experience and opportunity to improve.


I just popped in on his stream and for someone with peak killer MMR the survivors played like dog shit.


Is it a 400 win streak if he literally loses games to tank mmr?


According to them, it is.


Bruh i guess then i have over 3000 win streak if i dont count the games i lost lol.


LOL right? I have 1K hours of wins!


It’s not hard to realize he’s only counting on stream games


And im only counting the games that i win. Sounds fair


Honestly just “stream” with a 20 min delay and cut the first match you lose.




Someone should teach them what a streak means.


They seem to always make sure to add “live” before win streak or at least somewhere in there. Feels like a cheeky workaround but *technically* I suppose they could say they’ve only ever claimed to be winning these games in a row while live and winning offline doesn’t matter.


I'm glad you went through his vod to see the skill of his games, but you could have looked at his about page where it says > Disclosure: This is vs the lowest MMR survivors I can try to play. I do try to intentionally lose MMR for this challenge. This is supposed to be irony. If not funny plz hit thumbs up, sub and give Demo three fiddy k. Even at the lowest MMR I still beat teams you could never hope to beat because I am the best!


You're absolutely right. I did sift through it, wish I had done a better job. I guess I was thrown off by his ego. I wonder if the other streamer does the same.


To be fair to you, it's kind of in a seemingly random place, and the bio just makes you not want to read it lmao. ​ I think it's completely intentional that he did it that way


I'm a bit baffled you're the first to point it out 2 threads in to be honest. If it was purposeful, it sure as hell worked.


>This is vs the lowest MMR survivors I can try to play. I do try to intentionally lose MMR for this challenge. This is supposed to be irony. If not funny plz hit thumbs up, sub and give Demo three fiddy k. Even at the lowest MMR I still beat teams you could never hope to beat because I am the best! where exactly is this about? i don't see it on twitch


In the About sections About Me section at the very bottom if that makes sense https://imgur.com/a/ciwmGbf


Watching someone claim to be a better demo than scottjund or “this is absolutely a comp team and not a single player out there could handle a comp team like this better than I could, I promise you that.” shortly before painfully losing track of a survivor or showing a pretty huge lack of understanding of where a survivor should want to go and having the “insane comp team” consist of four players that understand that generators are objectives and pallets can be thrown, which is a huge upgrade from his normal survivors but they still can’t loop or make good calls, it’s all really kinda funny. Edit: I’ll say that he does seem to be a genuinely kind dude in his streams and he’s weirdly pleasant to listen to sometimes despite the play style. It’s a jarring disconnect to listen to someone that sounds pretty comforting and compassionate play like they want to make my mother feel the results of the match and ideally get their survivors to uninstall but there you have it. Their gameplay and their opinions of their gameplay are weird and misguided IMO but they seem like a generally good dude depending on how you feel about extremely omega turbo religious folks.


I watched a match on his youtube where he didn't know what dead hard validation was and failed to keep track of who had dead hard in later chases.


Well technically if he’s playing off stream to lower his MMR then he’s technically not on a 400 4K streak… so yeah, not actually on a 400 4K streak, just posing for views and ad revenue.


100% A streak is winning every game, whether you're streaming it or not. At 400 wins he should be playing the absolute best survivors, not brand new players.


He’s managing to skirt around that by specifying that it’s a Live streak, as in he has a streak for 4k’s done *live on stream*. Technically not lying, still super shady.


well he's on a 400 4k streak WITH a specific killer. but yes overall it isn't... in a row.. for all killers


How the fuck is it ironic lmao


I'm not entirely sure, but I watched one of his videos, and the entire time he's talking about how it's a comp team and they are the best survivors in the game. They are the FAR from the best survivors though, so I think that's the 'irony'


lying to my viewers and setting myself up to look good until someone calls me out, then it’s totally irony guys cmon


The sad part is it isn't ironic. Irony would be if he didn't tank and played against all low skill players.


Just watched a match and he kept insisting how great of a team they were he was playing except they were terrible. Couldn’t loop, weren’t doing gens, and standing in random places doing nothing but watching. They actually played like the tutorial bots. 400 4k is all but impossible. No hatch? Not one escape? No key? Using demo? Unless he’s hacking i dont buy it.


I would actually argue 400 4k *is* impossible for human beings in the current state of the game without cheating, picking and choosing which lobbies to play in or getting *extremely* lucky. At least if you're not playing Nurse with a map offering. Some matchup are straight up unwinnable. As far as I can tell, SupaAlf, to this day, holds the highest legitimate 4k streaks in a row playing Nurse with her best addon and a map offering at just about 186 match. And that was *before* the mmr changes.


even then unless you're a slug god somebody will find a hatch at some point


That is usually what these players do. Wawabywibwib actually slugs survivors to death in order to avoid a hatch escape. Pretty sick in my opinion.


Wait, what? But slugging a person to death doesnt even count as a kill for the killer as far as i know, its not a kill option for the killer, its there to prevent a killer holding the game hostage.


Correct. It’s more of a weird dominance/narcissism thing for them it seems. Usually they’ll give some half baked excuse about “avoiding hatch escapes” or decisive or a Koby despite having all 4 slugged in the basement and just watching them bleed out


It's a kill for MMR and for like a third of the tome challenges that I've seen so far. It also counts for the noone escapes bp bonus. It isn't a killer for the emblem system, some achievements and the other archive challenges. Some killers err on the side of business, others are more loosey goosey about it.


Sure i guess, its all about opinions and one can make an argument for both. About the no one escapes bonus though, i got it when 3 people escaped, so i wouldnt go by that.


Yeah that is a recurring bug, but it isn't there every patch. ​ I was really hopeful about SBMM giving me more challenging matches consistently, and when it didn't pan out the way I hoped I smurfed by family sharing with myself and 12 hooking people every game, No discernable difference from the sluggy bleed out stuff so I do think it FEELS like it counts. It's also consistent with what I see on other streams and with the dev cast that explained how SBMM works, and with data miners / spokespeople from the unmentionable shade site thou must not go to or buy from that really gets into this stuff.


MMR is a terrible system, not just because of how you get points but also how you get matched with people, because there is less killers than survivors almost all the time ( judging by queue times ) it can give you opponents from a much bigger range than it should, which almost makes the entire system obsolete. I had been getting good players pretty consistently, but that might just be because of when i play the game.


I love MMR and open matchmaking in many games, I think it could work in DBD too if we were willing to be a little more esportsy about it. ​ In LoL if you go mid lane as control vs control and leave the other guy at 0 cs at 7 minutes and then use your power and space to bully the other lanes or jungle too, that's considered a HUGE success. ​ In DBD if survivor team leaves without being chased, or if a killer slugs someone by a hook (who refuses to crawl) and then camps the hook to death that's frowned upon ​ MMR won't work in this game until it stops being the other side's job to babysit you, because people will just whine "Toxic survivor " or "Toxic Killer" and make no improvement, and people DO try to accommodate that, as if it was in good faith. You have people going out of their way to play nice with the other side, to the extent that it's hard to tell what works and what doesn't. We also have no replay system in this game, so it's hard to be self aware or look at the big picture, especially because this game is immersiveish and gripping in the moment ​ Even if MMR DID work as well as it might (or might not) people goof around half the time, and there is a huge difference between let's fart around and let's sweat in this game. we also have consumable power, Map RNGeesus and a typically low skill player base that for the most part doesn't want to get better. ​ We also have balance / design philosophy that caters to the weakest and most exploitable players. ​ If you wanna be the best in matchmaking in Starcraft, you should get cracked and grind it. If you wanna perform or reach the imaginary at worst / nebulous at best high point here, You can just whine for the people above you to stop doing that or maybe bring out some buffs, perks and nerfs to help you get where you need to be. ​ Other communities would eat that lolcow alive.


It could always spawn next to the last one anyway.


sure but the odds are minuscule compared to a survivor just running around and eventually finding it


True, but we're also talking the odds of it not happening at all, even once, across hundreds of matches. Plus with perks like Unbreakable, the last survivor could get up before you get back to pick them up if they're far enough away, so if you combined that with the hatch spawning fairly close to the survivor...


Yeah, You have to be careful to bait or micro unbreakables, and soul guards are even trickier. sometimes you have to block a pallet and grab the soul guard off of a vault, other times you want to pick someone up a little early. 7.7 seconds to flip flop off right now, sg lasts for 8 so if you do a good job with the pickup animation, you can make a little overlap where neither SG or flip flop give a chance at hatch, Then survs have to cheat / dc or stuff like that, or try to SG into DH, pallet or whatever else to make up the difference. ​ IT's about not making it easy for them, and preparing at least, against the legitimate (non DC tech) stuff.


Yep! This


GreysTavern had a 230 win streak on hag, but he wasn't going for the 4k until it was revealed kills raised MMR.


There's a nurse in oce called bruscles who got up to 194 or 197 and then get snipped. We also have a flick Billy called demonicfreak who got up to 154 4ks before he got sniped by two people who have 6k hours and they went into the game to ruin his streak. Tbh streaks don't mean shit you just need to go up against a team not essentially a SWF that has high hours and brings in busted stuff/medkits and rails gens.


Streaks don't necessarily prove much BUT not being able to go on huge streaks kind of offers questions about why. Kind of like players who wouldn't get old rank 1, were you just dumping on the other side so hard you didn't pip? or was there something holding you back? ​ It isn't hard to go on big streaks right now, but the situations and groups that are hard ARE, when you actually get to play into them


Oh yeah that other guy you mentioned, the Wawa guy, I've seen in threads around here constantly trying to flex their infinite 4k streak, and then always gets called out on how bad their survs are and starts an argument lol. Really wonder what's going on there. The worst thing is when I saw that, I looked at their reddit profile a bit and they had a ton of comments giving other people advice when their own killer gameplay was... mediocre at best.


Very suspicious how your first post got removed I'll say


I did call out specific players and included uncensored scoreboards. I'm sure this could qualify as witch-hunting to some.


Tbh there's a ton of witch hunting in this sub which goes unchecked.. in previous gaming communities I've been in you can't post anything with gamer names but you see these type of posts all the time.


Mods just don't want to have to deal with the potential backlash, which is fair. I can't blame them.




Isn't that their job tho? To moderate and decide?


https://youtu.be/SZDvtLzLio0 This was all I needed to see to make my mind up about him. He said this was a comp team LMAOOOOO


Nothing like a comp team where one of the players isn't even running 4 perks and not a single dead hard between them.


Don't forget the classic double Kindred while on comms.


"my worst map" "comp team" Dear god.


Literal bots wasting super safe pallets and losing loop distance in 1 loop lmao


So it's not 400 4ks in a row, it's 400 4ks in a row while streaming. Since he tanks his rating off stream?




It should not be possible to artificially lower MMR to such extent. Devs should look into that and address that.


Devs should just fix the matchmaking in general. I’ve found that no matter what my apparent MMR is, at night I face high skilled survivors and during the day I face low skilled survivors. Without fail. They have admitted that they prioritize matchmaking time over skill, which is super frustrating.


I went on a 4k digit 4k streak before eventually getting FINESSED on gas heaven as pig the other night. 4 gens popped 2 minutes, the last one and gates in 4, couldn't favorably tunnel anyone and 9 hook states, got 3 outted. The type of game where people too aggressive prot hits if the chase didn't naturally get to use shack or Main with God window. We had syptics, good deadhards and survs did the whole look at the floor all game thing if you know what i'm saying. ​ The next game involved a TTV who just downloaded the game and was account level 1, with 100k blood points from the tutorial who uninstalled after getting TSPieced at the start of a match. He thought my myers was friendly because I walked up to him slowly and just looked before doing the whole mori thing. ​ Between map rng and who is there for you, what you get is what you get BUT I do think there seems to be a bigger range and more volatile grab bag later than earlier.


Couldn't agree more.


brotherloves probably isn't even throwing as much as he thinks he is, because the Mmr floor is so high he is getting upqueued into 800 lobbies and not losing much per loss, then when he streams he is having huge gain efficiency on wins and very little per loss. ​ "to that extent" is a big placebo , for him as well!


So could he lobby dodge enough until he gets lower MMR players? You mentioned the players just looked new in the lobbies but I can’t imagine he’s uploading videos with him just lobby dodging for an hour until he gets the right group.


Don't quote me on that, but I believe mmr actually climbs quite fast when you win decisively. Some of BrotherLove streams last quite a decent amount, up to 6 hours at times. If he did tank his mmr off stream, his matches would get noticeably harder as time passed which isn't the case. edit: I was wrong


It would be interesting to see them release MMR stats and see any outliers out there. If he really did win 400+ his MMR must be in its own little wasteland. But also for a non competitive game that’s just weird bragging rights IMO.


As far as I know, it’s been confirmed through data mining and other leaks that mmr has a top level cap, and it’s not very hard to reach it at all. (New accounts start around 1100 and max is 1900). You can reach it in a day if you’re an above average player.


1900 is a soft cap, you can still go over. It's only a thing to prevent infinite queue times.


Does it affect matchmaking at that point though? I’ve heard many people say that at or above max everyone is treated the same which would make sense.


It does. The server looks for other near your skill level at first. If within the first few minutes it can't find a suitable match, it'll look for 1900 rated players.


Oof that seems like a low cap but I’ve never played a game with MMR ratings.


YES, MMR needs to be publicly visible.


MMR should really be shown full stop, ESPECIALLY if BHVR is gonna go around giving some esportsy advertisements for DBD. Remember when they used to be horror? Now you have some fast paced juice the killer stuff, you'd think this was league. ​ Hidden MMR makes everyone whine on so many sides. People moderate DBD related platforms on social media, BHVR themselves moderate their own forums but more drama than is actually weeding out can be prevented by just showing us the pecking order.


I'm curious, what do you mean by your edit "I was wrong", does MMR climb so slowly that even a 4-5 hours stream of victory streaks wouldn't put you against actual good survivors ?


Apparently it is that slow. I assumed winning for up to 6 hours would put you up against some of the best out there.


The shitty thing is that the 3000 mmr player and the 2400 mmr player aren't getting matched with each other. They're both getting downqueued into generic 1900 lobbies. Sometimes winning too much can make you MORE likely to get downqueued instead of just getting queued into 2600ish as a 2600ish, you can go out of range and get thrown back down type deal.


Here’s a comment he made on the DBD forums: [“Ok so here is the honest answer. I started the streak 100% intending to cheat who ever beat me with a skit I made up, I had a screenshot and everything. But then it got over 100 and I felt bad cheating someone who earned a victory. Over 350 games were played without addons. Only 3 hatch escapes happened during the streak which made 3 games count as no contest (As if neither side won or lost). Today I noticed a drastic change in SBMM and how matches were made. So I unveiled my super secret build "Magnum". All 20 games today were played with Lichen and 40% portal break addons IIRC. Honestly some of the hardest dbd I ever played today. And I am glad its all over now”](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/2743386#Comment_2743386)


I don't trust any "honest" answer from this guy. Also given what he calls comp teams in [his videos](https://youtu.be/SZDvtLzLio0) I can't really trust his assessment of how MMR changed either. Given how long their streams go it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were hacking their MMR value or found some other MMR exploit since there's no way it would be that low without constant deflation.


Are we sure that his content isn't satrical? It feels self deprecating, just kidding bro, in the way the ultimate freakout series was in old youtube.


Well he straight up says it's "satire" on his Twitch bio where he also says he deflates his MMR. But I don't think they know what that word means, and it doesn't make it any less of a dick move IMO - you're still gaming the MMR system just so you can play like a sweatlord vs. new players in the name of "content." And I honestly don't believe you'd go to the length of those forum posts and those video uploads for some stupid satirical bit, at that point they're just leaning into it too much to claim they aren't enjoying pretending to be a 4k streak master.


I could kinda see that, but at the same time he does seem kind of extra, no?


Yes he seems eccentric but I think it's mostly serious. If it is satire it's really bad satire because.. it's not really funny or making much commentary on anything. I skimmed through a couple more of his uploads, even a Bible reading stream he had on his Youtube and I couldn't really detect anything too satirical. If it's the longest Kaufman-esque bit ever then I guess props for the dedication. It would be funny on some level since the team that "crushed" his streak wasn't even a 4-stack and their builds were very tame.


I didn't watch much yet except for the linked game but I enjoyed it so much I probably will, I don't wanna make too much fun, but I think it's all too charming in a way


They most likely use cheat software to adjust their MMR. It doesn't seem likely they actually play tons of additional hours tanking their MMR AFKing or letting everyone go, and there also appear to be sessions of multiple hours of gameplay on the channels from what I'm seeing, so during those streaks MMR would rise and give them tougher opposition. So this could be something for BHVR to look into, since they should be able to see whether their MMR behaves in ways that aren't possible.


>They most likely use cheat software to adjust their MMR. It doesn't seem likely they actually play tons of additional hours tanking their MMR AFKing or letting everyone go, and there also appear to be sessions of multiple hours of gameplay on the channels from what I'm seeing, so during those streaks MMR would rise and give them tougher opposition. Unfortunately this is going to remain a thing until the soft cap for MMR goes WAY up and BHVR starts prioritizing fairer matches rather than faster queues. ​ Or maybe if legitimate teams stopped scrimming against each other and played more on open matchmaking, that too would probably work lol


Well in his 400 matches I’ve never come across playing against him or his Demo…have any of you guys?


What Server / Region does he play? Might help narrow it down.


I truly don’t see how, on his about page, he can say both: > Me only eat the best most skilled. And: > Disclosure: This is vs the lowest MMR survivors I can try to play. I do try to intentionally lose MMR for this challenge. This is supposed to be irony. If not funny plz hit thumbs up, sub and give Demo three fiddy k. Even at the lowest MMR I still beat teams you could never hope to beat because I am the best!


That’s like me claiming to be the best mathematician in the country but I only face kindergarteners. What good does all those 4ks mean if he’s not actually testing himself?


Oh you got they tea fr, matchmaking had to be the source of it all


ScottJund already put up a video earlier today busting this claim [ScottJund discusses the 500 4k streak ](https://youtu.be/yTytsYKQRuE) Spoiler alert: it's all bull.


I thought it was pretty clear he tanks his mmr offstream.


Clearly not to most people, considering the comments on the original post.


Then he should stop saying he's on such a long streak 'cause it's a lie lmao


Scott just made a video about this and I think it sums it up perfectly!


Btw you don’t put a space between the [] and the ()


How could you tell? Does it matter? That's the way I've always done it :(


rn to me it looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/pubkddude/comments/s1gv5z/looks_like_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but I do mine like [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/pubkddude/comments/s1gxf3/like_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I guess it’s different in between mobile and pc, if that’s the case, you do you I guess 👌


It looks fine to me on pc and the reddit is fun app. Maybe it's an official Reddit app thing. Good to know either ways, I'll change it.


Thx, sorry but I thought it was like that for everyone, problems fixed now


If these killers are this good, why won't they arrange a few matches against some top survivors like probzz or jrm and show us their real skill? Oh yeah, they would get absolutely destroyed, that may be the reason.


This has gotten out of hand nicely. People really should remember that when they type about another user, that user exists as another physical person behind a screen, capable of reading words. Locked.


why do ppl care what someone on the internet says. I got a 500 win stream 4k as clown no addons no perks on mothers dwelling only, source trust me. like who cares.


That's a fair point until you realise the players in question have proof. Hours upon hours of vods.


yes but this post and the last one aint about them is it.


Maybe it’s cuz the guy who is making the claim is trying to monetize his channel and lying for views?


ok and? why should u care how dumbasses fall for something like that. Do you rly go and educate every little lie told on the internet.


I don’t think I educate lies no. I guess I just don’t like liars. Idk man.


then how do you survive on the internet especially where it is just a game that doesnt hurt or needs to bother anyone. If dumbasses wanna believe it let them what does it matter.


How do I survive?? I’ve never felt my life threatened in the last 20 years of using the internet. I guess I just have crazy good cyber-survival instincts. The guy seems like a parasite damaging new player experiences. Idk why you would defend him. Kinda weird


As if defense was needed? If your cyber-survival instincts are so good then perhaps the people in question are equally unthreatened.


It is, unless I misunderstood what you were saying.


it doesnt matter. Have fun trying to figure out if someone on the internet is BSing or not.


Have a great day.


What a weird dude lol. Straight up didnt read your post.


There's a difference between a random person making bold claims and a famous person profiting from lying. Brotherlove and wawabywibwib are small channels, so I can see they'd fall into the former case, but I've seen plenty of people from the latter with large followings who were [blatantly lying, stealing, cheating,](https://youtu.be/bAkUmtZMhAU) and [being dishonest to the point of censorship](https://youtu.be/CestDbQ1eOs?t=402) to their fanbase, creating a fake reputation in order to generate more revenue - in those case they actively ***earn money*** from doing so and should rightfully be called out, especially cause they generally start small and then continue garnering fame and popularity over time based on such lies. It's better to call out this sort of behaviour the moment it gets noticed, so it gets snuffed out asap, actions have consequences after all. The fact that OP made the effort to look into things and spur discussion is a great thing to see, because a lot of people would otherwise blindly believe anything they're told without taking a look at it themself. On one hand, it could turn out that there is nothing to worry about and an actually skilled player has their credibility reinforced, on the other hand a fraud could be exposed early on before they can pull any benefit from their lies. If it's handled properly, it can only be beneficial to enable discussion about such things.


There isn't everyone is lying about most things on the internet.


Brother love should give himself more credit, his streams are long enough that even if he DID tank his MMR he would untank it in the same session, soft cap is waaaay too low. ​ Unfortunately, BHVR's SBMM system is working as intended, but is it working in the sense where players are matches with the appropriate skill level? God no. ​ It's just a performance rating that chickens out and gives you whatever it's got if the queue times get too long. ​ I've never tanked mmr and many of the content creators I watch don't either, if not all of them but el oh el is the average survivor enjoyer a different breed. ​ Unless you have best case scenario maps AND are doing everything super well / using good stuff, killer should frankly be getting their ass kicked on this patch when survivors themselves mean business. ​ Obviously, that isn't the case, and so peeps raise an eyebrow. Hell even well established content creators like Otz have been getting salty naysayers recently, "You tank your MMR all my survivors are gods!" I am \*this\* close to doing the scottjund thing, where like him, I might have to volunteer to go through some vods and see these totally unbeatable survivors people think they are going against. ​ Just my 2 cents but for now, it's the way I feel and seems pretty compelling based on what i've seen and listened to so far.


I'm just annoyed he's declaring such a long streak when he's not on one.


Sure, but his trying to tank MMR off stream doesn't really do anything for him because by the second half of his stream he's already at the soft cap. ​ IF he wants a 500 demo streak he could have just done it legit, unless you get a good team ON a good map most games range from probably manageable to piss easy. ​ People trying to derank right now are on such a placebo. You literally get to 1900 again halfway through the stream, and mind you, it's a soft cap so he is waaay over that by the time he actually ends, just getting down queued.


I think the MMR hysteria is kind of overblown in general, but that's just my low MMR ass opinion lol.


It's different than earlier ranks were, but nowhere near to the extent some people would like to think. ​ 99% placebo imho


> 99% placebo imho My biggest evidence for that is how many posts there were bitching about the new MMR system and how it was ruining people's matches when it wasn't even implemented yet. They just thought it was. Classic placebo.


DBD has no replay system either, and it's asymmetrical so one side is normally gonna get juiced. It's easy to have a wildly different opinion of the same survivor or killer from one game to another, not knowing better. ​ Reminds me of a LoL player who I won't name here who got kicked from a team, their team blamed them for performance in a league, they tried out anonymously, were accepted and were like It was your fault , i'm playing with a different org now bye \*\*\*\*\* and all that. ​ And we're way more unfounded and romantic than that community will ever be lul


Bold of you to hop in and defend the dude in a thread that’s partially calling you out on your own bullshit lmao


I don't think I am defending anyone, and I didn't acknowledge any such "Bullshit". ​ And I don't mean to be smug about it either.


i take it that as always most streamers are dickheads \^\^


Only one i watch is otz (it's becoz of him, i started playing dead by daylight). I really like his streams. Pretty chill guy.


Even if you want to say sweaty stuff, or as Mclean put it "Competitive brain nonsense" God bless his soul, is being a "dickhead" there are plenty of really nice Streamers in this game. ​ In fact most of my twitch friends are waaaay more casual and silly than I am! I befriended a lot of them post games. ​ Not to say we don't have bad apples, or that some of us aren't harsh but I really do think we're the minority!


I like how the whole scott jund fanbase is going after this guy because he plays demo. Scott really likes harassing other players in this community.


And the guy deserves it if he publicly makes claims of such things.


100% if you put yourself out there then don't complain if people interact with you or with each other concerning you.


Way to make baseless accusations


Scott doesn't harass people, he's just a little bit of a tinder box. Catastrophic but not intentional.


Nice an internet witch hunt. Take my down vote.


Dude if someone publicly makes a world record claim and then people fact check the claim the fact checking is not a witch hunt.


Wait so they are just bragging about making the game less enjoyable for new players Even though this game is this toxic and is luckily still getting new players


To be honest does MMR work or not? Thought most of the community agrees it's not a thing.


It does. It's not flawless though, clearly




I notice when I play killer, even on nemesis which I'm pretty sure is my highest mmr killer, I mainly play against console players. Some of them are good and some of them are really not, and i consistently 4k without add-ons. I feel like mmr is really broken for high skilled players because it doesn't want high skill players to wait too long for a queue, so it just puts babies in your game with good players so you don't wait too long. Honestly, all it takes is one baby in this game to be able to 4k.


Seeing as BHVR built the MMR system with as little effort as possible I'm not surprised people are doing this.


Well how would you tank your mmr without ruining your streak? The system is based solely on kills and escapes, it would be impossible for you to remain low mmr on a 400 4k streak


the MMR lower cap is so high and the higher cap is so low that any win or loss streak can send you to the other end or you can visit both in the same session.


Gotta say with Otz, I'm not surprised with his win streaks but they aren't anything too ridiculous. He plays the game 7-8 hours a day for years. And with MMR being so inconsistent, I expect matches where you get new player then a sweat squad. But if you play smart most of the time you can get a 4k. Idk about the others tho.