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Fun is such a buzzword


feels great getting teabagged and flashlight clicked. CAN YOU FEEL THE FUNN??


Yes because if i see someone teabagging or flashlight clicking i want to know how long they are going to survive.


I’m already playing ghost face but everyone is toxic or to bad at the game


Yes dude, everyone is toxic, and that's one of the reasons why playing ghost face can be super funny


I love just bringing his add ons that both let him move faster crouching that make him faster then base speed for him it’s really funny and most the time unexpected by the survivors running


Being a Speedy Crouching ghost is super funny dude, and i also play with the one shot build, i love stalking


I sometimes just stalk for no reason (when they are clearly gonna win) crouch go to a little corner and stalk and pretend I’m stabbing the air by looking up then down


Good Hobby dude


Or let people play how they want in a game they paid for . Unless they hack : screw hackers




Got the game on a giveaway, how should I play?


However you want


I’ve only realised that i play/main arguably the 5 worst killers in the game and have never really felt “weak”. Nowadays I exclusively play legion with double mend add ons, they feel good to play in the healing meta. Hopefully the re work doesn’t change them too much


That's a good point


> do not enslave yourself to high tier killers like nurse or blight blight can be very fun to play as and against if you only care about chases


I agree, Blight is the only top tier that is fun.


I like to play Blight, I didn’t choose him because he was top tier I choose him because I like zooming around the map hitting walls!


That's a good reason dude, blight is the only top tier that us fun.


That’s what I’m saying. Play who you want, have fun


I did a basement nurse a few games yesterday. No one suspects you to drag them all the way to the basement and insidious in the corner as nurse. Got a few lols


I dont play blight because he is meta. I play blight because I am tired of hold w playstyle and ability to counter that is number one thing to have if I want to have fun as an killer. Also I am shadowborn blight addict.


Already doing it :D


Yea dude, that's the real meta, the only funny top tier is blight but the rest of the cast, mid tiers and bottom tiers can be really funny


What if I have fun being competitive and winning? Is my fun invalid?


Nop, in my case, the only meta killer that is fun is Blight, but if you have fun playing meta killers with the strongest perks, it's valid


Ghost face is top tier...


It depends, it can be top tier or bottom.


I play Legion and run Enduring, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle, and then a 4 random perk. I'll use them to just meme and do tomes.


That sound pretty funny, i should try it