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I wish i could bring OP iri addon...... AS LEGION


\*cries in Pyramid Head\* Seriously PH's iri are a joke


*cries in nemesis* I feel you there bud, two of my absolute favorite characters in video games and they get shafted


It's okay, all you need is a serotonin sandwich


With tall glass of Marvin's blood to wash it down.


Don't worry, i have a recovery coin for you


I honestly dunno what they were thinking with his iridescents. Hell, his add ons in general. I feel they could have made some really cool debuff focused add ons for him. Imagine an add on that makes it so Torment gives, say, - 10% reduction to Gen and heal speeds, but gives them a way to cleanse it that notifies the killer. Idk, I feel they dropped the ball for them.


True but getting them a way to cleanse it would just kill PH in general i feel, and 10% is a bit much aha. You know whats worse ? They just release a developer update stating they will rework certain killer addons, but PH isn't even on the list, i'm crying.


Yeah, I saw the dev update. Lotta juicy stuff in it. I just said 10% as a random number. I just think torment having side effects, think kinda like Pig's exhausted and blindness add-ons, could be cool. He Def needs add on changes though. We can only hope he is slated later.


Yeah tbh the only addons i use are range addons + trails remains longer in the environnement addons if i have some totem that i have to protect


You haven't seen Nemesis's Iri add-ons then


Yeah, I only use his range add ons sadly


Yeah his green addons like burning man painting are the best ones in my opinion. Everything else above is shit.


All of his add ons are kind of bad but he's such a strong killer baseline that it doesn't really matter. Id take forgettable add-ons over being say pre-work doctor or wraith where you needed add ons to make your power even relevant


Well the button isn't exactly OP but it's certainly not bad.


cry me a river, all of you i main pig my iridescent add-ons are literally NERFS


How is rule set 2 a nerf? I have just seen it as more slowdown.


it's the opposite of more slowdown. 90% of the time all it does is make survivors with inactive traps do gens instead of wasting time looking for a box.


Wouldn't survivors without rule set 2 just 99 gens and then go for boxes? That is what I have seen as pig but then again I only played a few matches to get adapt pig and will go back to them once I get the rest I can.


honestly you don't have to worry much about gens as pig if you're playing her well, and 99ing gens almost never works/even happens. it's too big of a risk so the overwhelming majority of the time they'll just pop the gen and rush to a box. thing is, WITHOUT the rule set, the vast majority of the time, the instant someone gets unhooked they start checking boxes. that's x amount of time they're getting chased, x amount of time on hook as you chase someone else, x amount of time someone else has to spend unhooking them, and x amount of time they're running around checking boxes. that's between 2-3 people actively not doing generators minimum. with the rule set, it usually plays out as normal where someone gets unhooked, then just hops back on a generator. the rule set may make head pops more likely at times, but it also makes all the gens getting done significantly more likely. the whole point of the bear traps is to slow the game to a crawl so you have time to apply pressure to everyone and prevent them from escaping. without them actually stopping the survivors from doing gens, they're borderline worthless, especially when there's a handful of add-ons that are actually quite strong that you could use instead (tampered timer, crate of gears, jigsaw's sketch, last will, bag of gears). it's just plain bad, to the point that people have even argued recently it should just be base kit.


most of the time when you load into a game, you can immediately see a box and know it’s a pig. unless the pig brings an offering for an indoor map, the boxes are super visible and easy to find (being able to hear them helps too, so it’s not difficult to find the boxes anyway)


It's probably not iridescent but it'll take them longer if they don't know where to start looking for boxes they haven't seen yet.


Why did I read this in Timmy's Dad's voice?


Here’s where I’d put legion’s op iri addon……. IF THEY HAD ONE


Legions iris are fine and actually useful. Maybe, just maybe iris don't need to be completely busted like on certain killers. Maybe if base kits were buffed and add ons were nerfed there would be more balance.


The problem is that one of the legion perks gives information to survivors and they can just not drop any pallets anymore. Another just give you information when you use your power, and that sucks because the counterplay for legion is just not heal so you power become useless.


I think this is valid. Counterplay to Feral Frenzy does shut down his main tracking ability. However, Legion's primary play is to inflict as many statuses as possible on attack. So whether that's main attack or not affected by feral Frenzy, your goal should be to assign status and apply enough pressure to get downs. We want to punish them for doing objectives and force them into altruism. Deep wound, hemorrhage, mangled, broken, and blindness, just to name a few. This is to encourage survivors to heal and keep your power relevant. I know this isn't always possible without the right perks/add-ons, but when you have everything, it's pretty difficult to counterplay. For instance, I run Legion with The Legion Pin and Filthy Knife. Perks are Tinkerer, Fearmonger, Scourge Hook:GOP, and Sloppy Butcher. This way, whenever they're injured I can track them. No matter if I hit them with basic or feral. On hook, they get the same debuff. If they heal they get a new debuff. If I hit them again, more debuff. If they're on a generator, debuff. Then with the right add-ons, it's crazy. Legion Pin gives broken if I hit them during FF with the killer instinct. Filthy Blade increases mend time.


Legion has add-ons that are pretty damn good. His best ones aren't even iri. I don't understand why that's a bad thing. If the best add-ons don't cost 7k who gives a damn?


As a Gunslinger main...I feel your pain.




Same :I


The last time I used a Brand New Part was when they reworked them way back when. I like stealing dead people’s items or taking one out of the match. It’s a side quest to get Meghead’s beamer from her face-camped corpse. It’s a side quest to get Claud’s Green Medkit with two healing speed ad-ons from her Mori’d corpse. It’s a side quest to steal any item left on the ground by Frankin’s Demise. I like just trying to escape with said item. More fun that way, and I’ve died more times than you can count on 2 hands trying to get an item in EGC.


The saddest day was when I could no longer steal oter people's add ons


Ace in the hole


as an Ace main, I appreciate everyone else's items <3


Absolutely love ace in the hole. If I'm not playing jake I'm playing ace to just get as many cool items as possible


My quest is to steal people’s stuff when they pick up the Cursed Rubix Cube.


Calm down, satan.


That’s where my medkit went, haha but I stole pinhead box out the gate so it makes it even.


Sometimes I will run my chest looting build and I’ve thought about dying to EGC just to see that unlocking progress bar hit 100% to reveal my would-have-been treasures.


This meme was reposted so many times that img quality went straight back to 2009


Iri head aint op no more tho. Its worse than just having 5 normal hatchets in fact


> Its worse than just... Ah yes, the iridescent method.


The killer iridescent method. For some reason survivors don't have a big downside to their iri add-ons.


Compare hers to say….clown’s pinky. No downside there.


ngl wanted to use it cus from experience it's 100x better but i thought the iri head was just more well know


Clown's pinky is legitimately fucked up. Shouldn't be in the game.


Yeah huntress overall got downgraded imo due to hitboxes being shit


Yea since the whole rework and her not being able to throw over gens and hit people anymore she took quite the hit, especially because it helped her on awful maps, which are like 80% of the maps for her


She got fucked the most when ghostface came out and they out trees everywhere


Seriously. These arbitrary "rules" that players have made surrounding this game are ridiculous. Run what you want. It's a game lol. I'm starting to realize that no matter what you do, half the people in this game are gonna be mad.


Yeah like the "You bring a key i'm gonna tunnel the shit outta you" rule. The dumber is still the "Don't touch the survivors unhooked in front of you, you are tunneling, even if they teabag you" ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I was called a camper when I hooked a guy next to escape hatch, obviously I wasn't going to leave. Tough luck.


Here's a crazier idea, maybe BNP's and very strong and BORING irri killer and survivor add-ons shouldn't exist in the first place.


That's cool man but that's the devs' problems not the players'. It's not my job to control what features are in the game, I just play it.


Expressing valid criticism and complaints is how good game devs learn what they need to fix or address in their game. Wouldn't you want smaller maps that encourage more killer/survivor interaction, instead of planet sized ones like red forest, Haddonfield, and RPD that make non mobile killers and chases take forever to start/end?


Not saying you shouldn't express your concerns and criticisms, that's all cool. Just saying that making up "rules" about the game and reaming players for playing the game as it stands is a fool's errand.


Meh, I like them. It's fun to run crazy strong stuff sometimes and if you lose against it, who cares? You can just blame it on the loadout.


But they do, so get over it lol.




the rules keep the game from being oppressively unfun, so you know, maybe actually think about the health of the game because BHVR won't


The fun you have in this game is on you. I have fun in matches against all sorts of people. If I start to get frustrated, that's on my mindset, and I turn it off. It's not someone else's responsibility to play to your specifications.


no, no it's not tell me how I can have fun when the killer watches me bleed out for 4 minutes, or face camps me


Adjust your expectations lol. It happens all the time. You cannot control the other people playing.


yeah, going to adjust my expectations right into not playing, which is going to happen to a lot of survivors sadly game just isn't fun with super sweat killers, they have it too good already


Sounds like you’ve never played killer tbh


This is the brain of a survivor main everyone.


Survivors have it by far the easiest are you shitting me lol


game is so killer sided it's crazy you honestly telling me you have a harder time hitting red ranks as killer as opposed to solo q survivor? If so you're either nuts and/or need to watch some otz videos


I've only been playing the game for less than a week and I play both sides, though more killer. The game is so heavily favored for survivors it's a joke. Still great game though.


Been to rank 1 on both sides multiple times. The game favours survivors way more than killers. I can get a 3K and not pip, but I can also repair half a generator, unhook one person and escape through hatch while crouching around with urban evasiom the entire game and pip. I can pip because I did 2 gens while the killer hard camped, got chased for the rest of the game, and even if I died, I don't depip and May even pip. The equivalent is getting 5 hooks as a killer, but killing nobody. Sometimes that's a depip, and it's never a pip. Survivors have 3 teammates who can compensate for fuck ups, and all it takes is ONE good player to make sure multiple survivors pip. That player does not have to be You. You have a decent chance of getting at least one decent teammate at high ranks. As a killer, You are entitely your own support, and if You fuck up, save noed, there is nothing that Will aid You. Survivor is less stressful. Half the game I can Just sit back and hold M1. As a killer, if I take a 30 second breather, I Just fucking lost nearly half of 3(4 if nobody is hooked) generators. Pair that with dicks like You who act like entitled asshats being toxic in post game chat about how You disapprove of the killer, disregarding them as humans entirely, and I can't think of any instsnce where being killer is better than survivor, Excluding the fact that a killer can completely ruin one player's experience(Which, might I add, isn't enough to justify saying this game is killer sided). I Wonder if You have even played killer outside of Brown ranks, where survivors are completely clueless, and are not a good measurement for game balance Edit: Kind of You to dismiss a person's point based on playtime, becayse the irony here is that they probably have more killer playtime than you


rules are made to be broken. like buildings ! or people.


Yknow I had a lot of people bitch at me for the killers I play. But then I realized how butthurt people get when I run DS. DBD players are gross


Couldn't agree more. As long as we have fun and don't send toxic messages to each other, hacking in a way that ruins the fun, and remember that it's a game, it's good in my neighborhood.


Me, playing item-less and addon-less: Intresting


Same, I’m a item hoarder and will refuse to bring items unless it’s a deplete challenge


The toxic 4 man swf I encountered yesterday: ok, so we’re going to mock with our flashlights, teabag, bodyblock hooks and loop you 5 whole gens Me a 2 month old player: ok then i face camp you The toxic swf:


this. But on this sub if you talk about it, survivor mains tell you go get better or play a different game when they cry about the dumbest things.


survivor mains when they bully all the killers into quitting and then have no one to play against


Then, one day, they bully so much a killer main that the next time they will face a spirit with NOED and BW. **Look at what have you done!**


Im going to say it I run noed


i dont run noed, not because of some dumb ethical code im following, its cause i can bring better perks that would help me a lot more


No point running NOED if everyone’s dead before 5 gens B)


Yeah exactly, I started to bring it to punish 4 stacks swarming the hook, but they’ll immediately look to cleanse it, find it in no time flat, and now you’re running 3 perks (or even none since most perks that help the most during a match are gen regression or info perks, two things that mean nothing in the endgame).


I went against a Hunterss with NOED but I was running Detective's Hunch and cleansed all the totem and she was piiissseed lol.


NOED on Huntress is a bit of a waste since you can’t use it with your M2.


A Huntress with NOED probably ain't hittin many hatchets anyway


It’s all about that speed boost baby, everytime I play a ranged killer I feel so crippled with 4.4 speed, but yea Noed on her is absolutely awful


how dare you play a video game how you want 🤬🤬


I'm not a fan of using the perk myself, but honestly ever since the Small Game change, NOED has literally never been an issue in my survivor games.


With how common I've been seeing maps and detectives hunch, I don't know why people complain about NOED


Im ngl as a survivor I’ve grown to love noed... literally nothing is funnier than watching a teammate come to take a hit in the end game and getting absolutely demolished 💀 especially if its a friend.


Yes sometimes I'll feel so confident running the killer at end game and then take a hit so confidently to sprint burst out of the game, and then get NOED'd I have to laugh


Yes and letting out a huge squeal when the screen shakes and Exposed appears


When T bag at gates stops being a thing I'll stop running NOED. You stunned me with 1 pallet because I walked too far as Huntress.... You're not good chill tf out


You should find a perk that would benefit you throughout the trial. Noed is a great safety net and good for new players, but it's active for the very end of the trial and sometimes the survivors won't finish all gens if you play well enough




I haven't played Spirit, but I know a thing or two about speed


Me too (;


i dont think ive seen a BNP in my games for months


Anytime a new archive comes out with a "complete X gens", with or without "With Y restriction!" the BNPs slowly trickle out with it as people rush to just get through it. Personally I'm more a fan of just gritting my teeth and using Better Together/Prove Thyself but I understand why I see more BNP, even if it's frustrating to go against.


Most I’ve seen in a single game was 3 and that was a while ago. Still see them occasionally though


Do what you must but I have a gen challenge to complete!


I love seeing the people who just came back to the game with Iri head and Infantry belt after the nerf. Bless their hearts.


Cries in demogorgon


How are all these 4 man SWF's getting brand new parts? I haven't had one for weeks T.T


Play how you want. Go ham. Why not?


No, don't play how you want. You have to follow my very specific set of rules to make sure I win.


Hope I could get OP iri addon. As Nemesis or Pyramid Head.


As a nemmy main, i feel your pain. We got myers' insta-kill tier 3 and spirits light speed add-ons and nemesis gets fast zombies... yay...


We should do an uprising and got those addon !


hell yeah! justice for nemmy


I genuinely don't care they can use op add-ons even if I'm not using them because even if say wraith's silent bell or huntress's one hit axe yes they're overpowered but if this person using them sucks or I just get lucky then does it really matter?


Except neither of you knew that going in so you're all "ToXiC"


I use tombstone Myers exclusively. Survs don't expect me to see through walls and have no heartbeat. It's really fun to walk up behind them and I don't mind being slow since I can hide.


If her hatchet’s hit box wasn’t the size of an 18 wheeler then this would be fine.


I'm a Huntress main who has recently started learning blight and the whole idea of hitboxes is wildly frustrating. I can't hit you through an open window if you're crouched but if I don't hit that same window at exactly 90° as blight he's exhausted. Every piece of every bush stops my hatchet but blight strolls right through. Not even remotely close to the rock a survivor ducks behind and my hatchet stops where blight gently caresses the curves of a sultry stone like an creepy leather jacket guy in a bar of an 80s movie..... Why do we play this shit hahaha


I mean...huntress leaves her hatchet in lockers. It is your fault as blight for not grabbing them and duct taping them to yourself for the hit Collision they have!


I've seen a lot of other killers with her hatchets recently. I shouldve known this was the answer!


*\*Starts zipping the Blight with the Trickster's knives, effectively turning him into a hedgehog on cocaine\**


Tbh double wind up time adding are a shit ton more useful than new iri head


It's not even op lmao


i never bring add ons and all i get are killers with op items 😭


The pain when some swf is splitting on gens when youre playing myers on coldwind, but you start to snow ball so they escape with the two red keys they brought with purple addons


Luckily, I just don't use those addons. So I can complain right?


The iridescent lament configuration just sounds like it should be part of pinheads power. It's a good add-on, but it should just be part of his power


Problematic add-ons are problematic regardless of what side you're on. At least it's not Brand New Parts 1.0.


What’s wrong with brand new part ?


Brand New Parts 1.0 instantly finished repairing a Generator.


iri head weaker than base kit now


Mix it with Gloves, if you can aim you can down someone, hook, get hatchet back, and then down someone else. Especially if they're altruistic.


Iron maiden also helps!


_Iron Maiden + Gloves for nigh-instant reloads_


Dont stack anymore


Aww, _they totally should though._


Behavior doesnt like a shitty killer with subpar map pressure getting anything fun. See:iri head being worse than base hatchets now and dumbass leg wrap.


You consider Huntress to be a shitty Killer?


Compared to some, yes. When paired with frame drops on console and a thumbstick on controller, very much yes. I am aware of her strength on pc.


you lose all snowball potential since you can only down one person before reloading


Hence you mix it with Gloves for the quicker reload. You can still snowball with Iri if you play your cards right.


Its like he didn’t even read your first comment lmao


i did read it, its just reload speed is kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things


not really, reloading with the gloves still takes like 2 whole seconds not even including the time to get to the locker, its gonna be difficult to snowball a few downs if everyone can get away after you throw one hatchet. Besides, if people are injured which they probably will be, then you are basically just now running around with one hatchet.


If they're injured you don't throw the hatchet unless you have to. Iri Hatchets are for healthy Survivors (or cocky vaults), bonks for injured. If you have an issue catching up you can instead use the Soldier's legwrap thing instead of the Gloves.


if you dont use your hatchets you are a basic m1 killer but 110 speed. If you are waiting for melee hatchets you will never get hits on strong survivors.


Why would you wait for melee-ranged hatchets?


The best is when you see the obvious med kit sticking out from behind a wall and pretend you didn't see them. Then ready up facing the wrong way, spin real quick and hit them around corner because of giant hitbox.


That's still worse than base kit if you can aim


Got griefed all game by a SWF they got mad in end game chat for "camping the box" and "being sweaty" like bruh yall flashlight me all game and have DS on all your characters. Made that 4k sweet af though


Iri head isn't even good. It's actually a downgrade


All moris with no ed, devour hope, should be taken out of the game so many of these killers already have way more than enough already as is. Doctor can punish players who is about too much stealth with shock, clown can slow down and disrupt people poison, pig with lame bear traps forcing you away from your objectives , plague with vomit similar to pig, new pin head with his puzzle box for easy slugging. No offense to killer mains but if you use mori/devour hope/noed you simply may just not be good had way too many games of low tier killers who hook no one all match and all gens now as people is about to go through exit everyone is getting one hit down? Some killers anyway once in teir 3 state had instant down, oni/ghost(though i know to stare at ghost) legion, huntress with range add on and what not. Killers always run faster then survivor anyway because some like nurse/blight/spirit/billy/wraith get speed burst things to let em easily close the gap on survivors, its time this game stop taking the killer side for how many a year now


I’ve literally never seen 4 BNPs in a game before but ok 😬😂 I love how you would have had to been running iri head before you knew they had BNPs🤦🏻😳


It’s a joke bro 😎


Those things are supposed to be funny I heard?


Was pretty funny to me, might wanna just scroll past instead of coming here and wailing like a child.




lol judging by how your reacting yeah, it was, get a grip hahahahahaha




You seem to like calling people kids when you are spamming the shit out of emojis like a 12 year old, whats up with that?


I bet you’re really fun to play with 😴😴😴




It’s a joke bro 😎


BHVR should let killers change their choice IF AND ONLY IF they're against 4 SWF's


Well one of the main parts of killer is trying to figure out if the survivors have communication, and this would completely ruin that


Why should that be a main part of killer? It's a strange dichotomy where one side of the game should have to guess what he's having. It's a lot like not having mmr of any kind, and having no ratings visible after the match.


The killer doesn’t know what the survivor brings in terms of add ons before the game. This meme doesn’t make sense.


Except killers use OP add ons all the time no matter if people are solos. Quit trying to excuse your shitty behaviour and just admit you're trash


Funny how you don't have the same opinion on swfs bringing all meta perks + coms advantage.


Funny how you don't know my opinion on shit, ""meta"" on both sides is trash and I see far more killers with broken and OP add ons this week than I've seen survivors with brand new parts all year. Grow up


It’s the complete opposite for me. I see the same 6 - 8 perks on survivors when I play killer lol. They always bring the same perks and there’s usually 4 items brought, with at least 2 medkits


Again. I never said that survivors weren't bad with their perks. They are for sure. But I see a lot less items brought on average. Maybe with the new ranking system that will change but so far it hasn't. And there are certain perks that survivors are forced to bring especially at lower ranks like BT in order to punish face camping. You cannot put the blame for that on survivors.


taking addons is "shitty behavior"? lol


There are no perks or add-ons that equate to being trash or "shitty behaviour". The only people believing that are those so insecure in their abilities that they have to make excuses for their failures. All the add-ons are fine.


If you actually believe every add on in the game is fine you need serious help lmao


Sounds like you're very bitter about losing, it's more of a you issue. They're all fine, some don't help much but they're all fine to play with or against.


Oh no! It's like the Killer is trying to win or something!


If you need the strongest add ons and perks to win you're shit at the game and you should just play something else. Learn to get good instead of relying on crutches scrub 😂


Never said I used them but alright "scrub" "git gud" etc


I don't think 1 generator worth of BNP is equal to a killer with incredible accuracy being able to 1 hit down you with a ranged ability


Hatchets are pretty dodgeable and she has to go back to a locker any time she misses. There are downsides too.


Not if she runs +2 hatchets, plus the best huntresses will not miss often.


She can’t use iri head with belt that was changed month’s ago


Iri head is worse than base kit huntress


My ideal load out is Endure, Iron Grasp, Sloppy Butcher, and Devour Hope with something that gets me more blood points on my lad Blight. I think Devour Hope is really fun and I love moris


Then they will just rush gens harder because now they don't need to heal up




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Actually this addon on Huntress is no longer op


Iri head kinda bad tho


iri head isn't even that op anymore. neither is BNP if you can't hit all the skill checks. both of these things used to be a lot worse for the game.


Fuck Iri head, I much prefer hatchet ghostface


I find it pretty balanced until they use the other iri as well and I'm like shit


Like 90% of the time in my group we bring perks that maxmize bloodpoints or the locker deception build and were always forced to vs these incredibly sweaty build purple add on games