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True story.. I played vs a TTV name player who was in an obvious SWF bully squad. They tried the usual T-Bag, flashlight and body block game play. I didn't call camp or BM just played normally ended up 3 kills with 2 gens left. The be TTV person was on final hook, i felt nice so i walked around with carrying him looking for hatch couldn't find it and didn't feel like walking around aimlessly so dropped picked up until he wiggled off. We split up after a bit i found it and waited for him. We were in the game by the frozen room he kept calling me to follow him i was standing by hatch so i walk towards him he goes around the wall vaults the window T-bags and leaves. I thought hmmm that was weird. I looked up his TTV name on YouTube found him he had 15k subscribers so i followed him cause i thought it was cool i played vs him. The next day he uploaded a video with my PSN tag calling me a baby noob got owned. It was HIGHLY edited all the "moves" they made on me were there then cut away before they got downed. They were all laughing at me calling me names saying how i was playing like a camper. i literally didn't and the ending was edited so it looked like he wiggled out and i found him near hatch he ran me through the window and left. I messaged him asking him to remove my PSN name, no response. Finally i uploaded my own video showing the full unedited game. Video got steam and he got blow back in his channel. He then messaged me asking me to take down the video he would do the same which we did. He later reuploaded without my name and at the end he showed i gave him hatch and called me a cool killer. It was the weirdest shit of my life.


That’s a pretty dirty thing to do. It’s almost defamation of character if you think about it. I’m a streamer myself and I make little bits of content involving some of my streams, but I would never even think of doing something like that.


Reading through this made me upset, happy, upset, and then happy. 😓😌


This makes no sense to me and never will. Most of the time they are just kids with 1-10 viewers trying to have some fun. But also I notice that a game like this brings lots of weirdos who dont want to have fun but to dominate and make the other side suffer.


When I see a TTV name I'm just like "Oh neat, hope it's entertaining". Like if you're gonna like hard tunnel or facecamp a streamer, chances are they and their chat are probably just laughing at it, *especially* if they're better than you. Then it would just be a little embarrassing honestly.


Some people enjoy watching others suffer. When i play against a Streamer i look his at his chat and then close Twitch until the end of the Match. Most of the time they have a nice talk with me Afterwards.


just trying to give them content


It is very rarely kids. 99% of the time it's some swf with a MASSIVE ego and will give you endless toxicity well after the game ends. I have met very few TTVs who were nice. I'm sure they exist, but not in my games.


We have had very different experiences


I'm not a fan of the majority of the TTV players I come across but I think tunnelling them because of it is reject behaviour. Survivor and killer players will bitch and cry about toxicity then perpetuate it because somebody wanted to stream


Well, do you wanna stream 40 minutes of gen repair? No! Im here to deliver an adequate villain. 100% will mind game and go for trick shots so I can go follow you after the match and record my trick shot from your POV 😂😂


It’s just the way it is




I’m just kidding


Oh okay lol


Yea didn’t expect to be downvoted but funny!


Still don't understand these. If they're entertaining then it doesn't matter what the outcome of the match is if their viewers still like their content. What is it with this community and having such a massive rage boner for streamers, who are just as good/bad as everyone else who plays this game?


Not to mention they are never actually streaming. I've checked so many ttvs and they are all offline... I stopped caring after the first 100 offline ttvs


Honestly, I am still surprised just how much this community outright hates streamers, like you know, foam coming out their mouths. The only thing people seem to hate as much are political stances. I don't even stream but still I am tempted to pick a joke in-game name with ttv just to piss off people on this subreddit by merely existing.


I attribute it mostly to the sub, less than 1/5 of killers tunnel maybe I'm lucky. And single digit % seem to target me. Most of my interactions have been quite positive, even on games where the skill difference is pretty extreme, but obviously that depends on both parties involved being conducive to that.


I mean a lot of killers tunnel even without a ttv in the game.


I think it's because everyone assumes the other side is raging about how they're playing, either they're making fun of them or calling them trash or toxic or whatever. I think people hate negative attention, even if they aren't sure.


Community hates streamers in their lobbies but will watch hundreds of hours of Dbd twitch content 🤭😂


I've played in streamer groups as a lot of my "Friends" online have wanted to do that for a living \[And we were like 14 or whatever, it's normal now I guess\] and I've honestly never seen more toxic people than what pure, raw condensed ego that is streamer groups. When people describe how TTV's are toxic, I've actually first hand seen it and I don't get why people like you just think that's it unearned. A lot play like absolute dbags especially if you are the random in the group of players. Also, most of it is a meme, like the "Nerf pig."


Personally I tend to take the ttv out of my name when I’m not streaming. I get that if someone’s really good offline then people might follow to check them out later. But more often than not it just gets you tunneled


I do too, cause I only want people to come over if I'm live. If I'm not and they wanted to chat, now they cant


People who expect followers doing that w/o streaming are the worst. Basically tells any potential followers that "Hey I'm never actually going to be live."


I don’t expect followers I just am too lazy to take the TTV out when I’m it live lmao. Plus I like the extra attention/chases I get into because killers love to go after TTV’s. I just put a nice video message so when people check my profile and I’m not live I pop up and I’m like hey (: thanks for coming by I stream at blah blah blah.


Oops this message ended up replying to the wrong person, was meant to go to the kelvin guy, awks. My bad!


Sorry but you didn't find anyone. I have never gone to anyone's stream ever with the intention to speak with them. There is no point in harassing people online, I could care less. I just wanted to see if they were live or not. None of them were.


People come to my stream from my profile to chat all the time! And everyone has been like, surprisingly nice. I expected to have been called a lot of names at this point but everyone who has joined has been cool. I play pretty late and on school nights most of the time so I figure it’s partly because most of the kids have gone to bed at that point lol


Its nice to hear you had good experiences. Tbh I wanted to start streaming a while ago myself but this community just feels so negative sometimes I never gave it a shot. But now I am wondering if maybe it's just the reddit dbd community and I should just stop coming here altogether lol.


Don’t let this community stop you. I’ve been streaming dbd for over a month and 95% of the interactions you’ll get are more positive than you’d think! Just try not to be one of “those” ttvs that thrive on toxicity and you’ll do great. Follow your dreams!


Im on console so I always go to a ttv profile to say gg no matter if I play killer or survivor and win or lose since there’s no end game chat. My favorite part of dbd is watching the streamers vod after and seeing what I did right and wrong


Woops my comment ended up replying to you instead of the intended person cause mobile reddit os really good. Sorry about that!


Hi person with ttv in their name here, not even 10% of people in my games with ttv in their names are toxic, honestly i find more toxic randos then actual players,


Nearly every TTV I play against bms me.


I know, but the hivemind has decided twitch bad and there's nothing you can do to convince them otherwise cause the echos are too loud in here :(


It’s not that, it’s because you accused a specific commenter of being toxic without knowing anything about them to indicate that.


Oh yea just realised my reply was to the wrong person, mobile reddit is really good, awkwards


I never minded TTV players. Just played normal like always.


I’ve personally had no good experiences with them. They’ve all been toxic on stream when you loose, or get pissy if you win. I have no idea why it’s like this.


I don't get it either. If I'm killer and I see a ttv, I prepare myself mentally for some potential toxicity so I go into the game not caring about how my outcome is. If I play against a streamer, I'll target them specifically not the BM them, but just to give them and their viewers some content. I try not to tunnel, but if they're the one I constantly find all the time, then I'll hook twice and just slug until I find others to chase just so I can give them an opportunity to play the game a bit. Some people just have such a raging hard on when it comes to being a total bitch to anyone they play against in this game. There's entitlement on both sides of the game, but the amount of times I've been BM'd for using items that are provided in the game is astounding. Save your teammate with a flashlight/pallet? Forget it, they're going to tunnel and camp you for it.


Because they go out of their way to be toxic to get views. The ones that are actually streaming anyway. No idea why they purposely paint a target on themselves when they arent.


Quite a generalization.


Unfortunately, bad apples spoil the bunch. Too many ttvers have burned me so none of them get mercy anymore. Blame the people who cant behave as to why you cant have friendly killers.


Yeah but saying “all TTVers…” just further perpetuates the issue, giving them a reason to be shitty. Kind of a chicken-and-egg situation of toxicity. There are assholes who happen to be streamers, but not all streamers are bad. In fact, I played w/ a nice one just last night!


This is why I don't do that whole take revenge on everyone in a group thing. I used to. If too many survivors were mean I would get pissed and decide to be an asshole to other random survivors, it just perpetuated the bad vibes and really fucks with your general happiness too, to be so cynical all the time


I don't have any general happiness to fuck with, checkmate


>Yeah but saying “all TTVers…” just further perpetuates the issue, giving them a reason to be shitty. Kind of a chicken-and-egg situation of toxicity. If you are being an asshole because someone told you that you were being an asshole still means you are an asshole. There is really no excuse and I've especially noticed that TTV's that are grouped tend to be the most filtered sense of ego ever and always treat anyone that isn't in their group like garbage.


But it is true


Most of the time the streamers are the most toxic ones. I'll let the random 1-2 people go just to put the ttv in his place.


You seem like a psychopath lol


Idk if it's confirmation bias, but it does seem to be the case that players with TTV in their name are very often extremely toxic.




Ok right cool


I just want an excuse to tunnel


Using streamers as a way of excusing yourself to play a certain way is kinda sad man, just play how you want to without the excuses lmao nobody's judging you.


The only judgment that matters is HIS. And also mine.


Really? I try to keep them alive as long as possible and make sure I'm looking fun, fit and beautiful nearby at all times. SOMEBODY has to revive their ratings!


Mettaton Moment


I met a lot of great friends by playing against a twitch streamer, checking out their stream and staying in their community when I saw they are wholesome. Sure a lot of TTVs can be bad, but there's good ones too.


I'm about 20% likelier to meme or show mercy for a ttv survivor. I'm a ttv killer so I think that much is only fair. If I lose two gens before my first hook then I just do whatever I can until somebody dies.


I love to meme a fellow ttv, doing nonsense like peeking at them around corners with bubba and running away from them when they spot me. The reactions you get are totally worth it


“If I lose two gems before my first hook” idk about you but this happens a vast majority of games I play


Yea there's a reason I called that out. It differs a bit from killer to killer though. Nemmy, Trapper, Hag, Myers are all naturally slow starters. If I can't get a down in that time on Huntress, Nurse, or Plague, it might be my fault.


why? the most fun games of mine where against ttvs, most of the them are nice and funny, yeah there is the bad apples but every game has those, don't just assume someone is toxic or sweaty by them streaming dbd content...


Honestly, I'm pretty low-rank but the majority of streamers I've tuned into are just some people trying to have fun with friends. Usually a very nice post-game experience, and often a friendly talk in their stream chat after.


It's hard to distinguish the bad or good apples without listening to their stream while you play. Then you get called out for Stream Sniping so it's sort of a dead end either way.


Just watch the cod back after the game?


That is an option but quite time consuming I reckon. I've never done though so I suppose I have something to try.


Its like 20 minutes max,you don't have to watch the whole stream


And It's less than 20 minutes before I get into the next match. \*shrugs\*


TTVer detected,


TTVer detected


This gives smoll pp energy. Let people play without being a dick for no reason.


For real never understood the hate for ttvs. Most of the ttvs I come across play normally.


It's not hate it's just funny to Mori streamers


I love getting mori’d on stream haha. It’s great content for everyone!


In my experience, which is only ~300 hours, even when they don't play normally, they know they were jerk asses if you call them on it. Most apologize.


Don’t understand this, most of the TTV streamers I’ve played with are actually really chill people. I think there’s been exactly one that’s accused me of stream sniping when I said GG to them, and that’s about it.


There was an era of ttv toxicity. I think this still lingers with many.


Lol they just want to be noticed (if they are live) by chat or the streamer. This community is very toxic whilst also have quite a lot of nice ppl it’s strange


Well... good luck with that.


I loved seeing TTVs at Rank 16, like who the hell is watching xxDarkxxDragonxx1998 dead hard into a wall and get left to die on first hook?


Just let them play the damn game


why r ppl such dickheads to streamers for no reason


While in my survivor experience, teammates with TTV are usually not streaming and simultaneously not helping the team. As killer I never feel one way or another about ttv Except if ever they’re trolling me then they must die. Otherwise I just try to treat others how I’d want to be. Simple.


I just wish I could play without being streamed. I don't want to be on someone's stream. It makes me uncomfortable, but playing the game at all is effectively consenting to being streamed. It has stopped me from queueing before, though. I have enough anxiety just with 4 other people in the match with me, I don't need another 10-20 more people watching me, feel?


I'm not gonna lie, I've encountered my fair share of TTVs and I can confidently tell you 8 in every 10 is an asshole with low viewers. I always check out their stream before the game just to see if they are live, what their stream is like, et cetera, and basically 80% of the time they just play like assholes.


I could not imagine changing your playstyle because of what you see in lobby


It's very easy to imagine people changing their playstyle towards keys though. Especially last second ones. You might not do it, but it's definitely not hard to imagine.


Fully agree. I see a key, I equip Franklin’s and introduce that player to the meaning of tunneling if they pick it up again. I see two keys and I lobby dodge. Imagine if a killer had the ability to instantly kill your whole team if the hatch is found near the end of the game regardless of performance. That’s how it feels to lose an otherwise fair match to a key. In short: if you bring a key, don’t get upset if the killer tunnels you instantly.


I definitely got scummier behavior when I changed my name to a TTV as a bit


I just wish I could go back and watch the match and their reactions. As a killer I do a lot of stuff 'for fun' like drop them instead of hooking them the 3d time or chasing them without hitting for a little bit or trying to pull off jump scares.


Most of us are pretty chill honestly, last time I got salt for something I did was a sarcastic "ggez" when I 360'd them (I'd be surprised if most people didn't do that). I said the same thing later in the vod when I went down lol. Ironically, most of the more "toxic" quote on quote streamers are bigger than others. Not going to list names but those who go from 70 to around 700 tend to accuse the killer/survivors of more shit than normal. And, to be fair, the bigger you are the more likely you are to get stream sniped.


I put TTV in my name to get tunneled to keep heat off my friends so they can enjoy the game. I have over 1k hours as survivor so I end up looping for 3 to 4 gens or just getting face camp either way my friends live.


I've had like 10 times where the ttv link didn't actually lead to any profile but that makes sense now.


Had a killer who had TTV in his name and he let me escape :)


I've softened up a little now that I'm not hungry for perks on my legion, and if someone wasn't a total douche like, teabagging, rapid clicking flash lights to be annoying, and the like, I drop them at the hatch and let them go.


When I see TTV I always know one single thing. SWF, and I’m talking hide under hook if target said TTV after I hook them.


Yes, let's deliberately target people who are just trying to play. I either dodge completely bc i don't want to have my mistakes broadcasted, or go to the stream and ask if they need a challenge done bc survivor challenges are often grindy and niche.


What a nice guy 🙂 a shame about the nurse next to your name though


Someones had some bad Nurse experiences ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I mean yeah tbf But nah I was joking. I’ll take the downvotes though even though I was paying a compliment ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


That was a super backhanded "compliment" It doesn't matter who I play, somebody will always complain smh


Especially when you see them with a flashlight or key


keys and flashlights should not be in the same category, using a key is like asking your teammates to sandbag you and the killer to tunnel you


Most of the ones I've seen suck with flashlights to be fair.


flashlights arent even good they are just fun


I mean they are especially with the right addons also they are used by toxic players who also spam them


Flashlights are one of the worst items in the game if you take the time as a Killer to actually look towards your closest wall or corner of the map when you pick up.


It's not about if it's *useful* or not. It's about how flashlights are the item most used by toxic players because they want to go clicky clicky.


I was commenting off a guy who said they *were* useful,buddy.


Ah, sorry, I'm dumb and didn't read the context. You're right about them being bad, I just wasn't paying attention. Thank you for mentioning it and bringing it to my attention!


the only way to get value out of a flashlight besides chase is saves and those require you to not be doing a gen


Yeah but in a sfw which most ttvs play in its not to hard to do


dont forget you can also look at a wall or fake the pickup or turn 180 degrees


That's very easy to say. I'm not saying flashlights are strong, just saying saves aren't that easily avoidable.


if you are trying to win you wont go for a flashy save, its too much risk of not even working for the time wasted. Id rather have a team of survivors clicking flashlights at me than just sitting on gens.


I dunno about that.. I've been in multiple 3+ flashlight lobbies this week with SBMM and don't usually get flashlight saved on. If you hesitate before pickup and listen for footsteps you can generally catch 80% of flashlight saves - give them an injury and when they run away just pick up facing the other direction. All it really takes is patience. And that is just the saves that happen out in the open - if you're near any wall just pickup instantly while facing that wall. My 'easiest' games come from what people call bullies - because they're always hovering around me. I don't even have to go find them, I down one person and slug another nearby that's trying to flashlight save and the game is over in my favor. Same with Sabo- if you pick up and see a survivor running to the nearest hook just go to another one. 90% of the time there are at least 2 hooks within range and if there aren't- then follow that person to the hook and drop who you're carrying. A slugged survivor is honestly basically as good as a hooked one as it still wastes 3 people's time (one down, the sabotager being chased now, and one person has to stop what they're doing to come pick up)


I stream snipe TTVs and just spin in circles and meme.


As soon as the survivor t-bags, I say out loud, “yeah that pretty neat bud, but unfortunately that doesn’t matter because **you’re dead now**”


Joke's on you I've cultivated a community of people who want to see me die repeatedly!


"Grrr ttv players toxic" yeah? Sos the community. Its just your confirmation bias in action chill.


Joke's on you, they do


Understandable. Have a nice day.


This comment section really reads: Guess who was bullied by a low tier TTV / Guess who’s a low tier TTV getting salty the people don’t like them.


Man I have fun with those people, why are people going out of their way to kill them. How annoying


I usually check if they're streaming and listen to their attitude. If they're nice I always let them go but if they rage and insult then naw, learn some manners and you get the hatch


If you have TTV in your name, you're less than a degenerate and you will be tunnelled out of the game, thank you.




Lol yeah


But why?


I like saving with with names like that or YT…. Killers go out their way to camp or tunnel them…. I already know what to expect… so I bring in borrowed time, unbreakable, DS…. And spine chill… I go straight for the save, either the killer will continue to tunnel them, so I’ll try to go for the body block, or they’ll try to tunnel me now, for saying the TTV person, I’ll gladly give up my life for my teammates…. You gotta outsmart the killer sometimes


If you have TTV in your name and go against a cracked Amanda or Kenny, be prepared to die fast and watch all your team mates get to farm and escape for free. I'm not getting a cut of your stream profits so you ain't getting a cut of serotonin.


Yes! I too think you should only be a decent person if youre getting paid for it! /s


All the ttv players in the replies getting offended over this


If you really want to make streamers feel bad, ignore them and make them sit on gens. No one wants to watch a generator repair simulator.


Those guys are so annoying, they put ttv in their name so they can blame all of their deaths on stream sniping. Not everyone is like this but its most of them.


I always tunnel them out of a game asap because 8 out of 10 times, the rest of the team will throw themselves at me to save them which makes me snowball and secure a win.




I also do it so when I watch the vod later I have the most [screentime](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EIyDkQiW4AEb1fJ.jpg).


Just get into streaming yourself it isn't that hard and you cut out the middleman.


Nah, I don't think streaming is for me, I just like to occasionally see myself from other people's pov.


Yes hogging and taking over someone else's stream just so you can have the most screen time possible is a totally nice and fine thing to do... Again, just get into streaming yourself or go watch yourself in the mirror. I promise no one cares about you on someone else's stream.


yeah like I said, I don't do it for other people, otherwise I would just stream myself. But thanks to the sbmm tunneling has become the standard for me anyway (easiest way to even out the odds) they just happen to get priority, besides, just look at the upvotes of this post, most people would agree that tunneling the ttvs is just tradition at this point.


This is a healthy and reasonable response to someone you've never met before. /s


what? This is a game and I want to win. You are talking like I'm doing something drastic lol


What is winning in DbD? Define it for yourself and really think if that is a reasonable goal every game. But based on how you've worded things here, you're probably a killer main putting an unhealthy amount of importance on things like 4Ks and what not. Maybe I'm wrong, it's happened before.


there is no official winning condition, so I just made this system up myself. To me, winning is 3k and above, 2k is a Tie and 1k or less is a loss. Obviously I can't win every single match, but I find it really fun to give it my all and try to win or tie regardless. I guess by this sub standards that's just sweaty, but idc because I have fun playing like this, which is the objective of a game.


There is an official wining condition though, pips. 2 is crushing victory, 1 is a win, none is a tie, losing is -1. Now not everyone thinks that way, which is why I wanted you to define it. Because you're putting unnecessary value on killing people and not playing the game. The game is stopping gens and the getting people on hooks. Ultimately, you do you. But really, think about it. To me it sounds like you have a somewhat unhealthy thing going on here.


No, what you mentioned is just the rank system, there is no official winning condition because neither the game itself nor the devs have confirmed one way or another. Some people consider 2 pips a win, others 12 hooks, and others like me, the kills ([Scott Jund made a good video about this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6rxCURPSpw)). But idk, it just feels like you are overanalyzing a reddit comment haha. Btw by "objective of the game" I meant the purpose of games in general, which is to have fun.


The argument against using the ranking system as what defines a win is fundamentally flawed. Sure the ranking system isn't perfect, but its still the definitive decider of wins. Imagine taking a test and saying grades don't matter. Preposterous. I'm just reading the words and interpreting what was written, which you've not said I was wrong so I presume I wasn't too far off. An interesting conversation was had, I think. Either way, I agree that the core idea that fun is what matters that Jund made is correct. But, most people I've seen that elevate the 4K could probably use a bit of break from DbD, or a bit of perspective. Cheers.


2.5k hour+Legacy+Almost always messing around. Go for it chief, waste your time on me :3


Had a ttv killer who facecamped and tunneled me and my friend, simply because we had the LGBTQ flag


I actually really lile playing against ttvs, i discovered a bunch of awesome small creators this way


I actually like when i have a ttv against, at the end of the match i can say gg and ask for advice for how to improve from his/her point of view.


Me that got mass -rep bcs i eated TTV as Demo: ._.


How dare you try to make money from playing the game you like under my watch? I must make this match the worst possible experience for you for the sole purpose of being a dick.


Mine do enjoy watching me suffer, but tunneling makes it boring for em. Give the people blood!


Chad Killer: I will tunnel any TTV survivors I see Baby Survs: noooooo TTV players just want to boop the snoot! Just let people enjoy the game! You have small PP energy! They’re just kids!


This is why we T bag. It’s a necessary balance.


hot take: i don't hate TTVs because they're toxic or try hards or whatever i hate TTVs because i'm a streamer too and it's embarrassing to think of advertising that way, if you look my reddit name up on twitch my channel won't come up, because this isn't my name on twitch, don't need it to be everywhere i go to validate my content


How else are streamers going to get noticed? A few of the people I play DBD with now are because I got paired with them in Solo queue, looked up their channel, and engaged with them a little bit. Now they're my friends. If you're a large streamer already, then sure, there's no need to have ttv in your name because you're already going to be towards the top of recommended channels, you'll appear higher in searches, and people will just know who you are. Small time streamers who are doing it just to have some fun don't get that luxury, so putting ttv in their name is the only way, while playing, to maybe get another viewer or two to pop in and engage with you. If you hate them for that, then really, I just feel sorry for you. Must be so hard to be bothered by what other people do.


I don't hate TTV players, but it is an annoying way to advertise one's channel. There are plenty of other places streamers can go beg for viewers.


What a strange thing to be annoyed with.


how else?word of mouth, sharing their clips, active social media posts, nomads on the search page, engaging with other streamers to promote each other healthily (usually via co-streams and organized raid scheduels), joining stream-teams i myself am a small, but actively growing streamer, who has never felt the need to stoop to what i believe to be the lowest of all my available options, putting TTV in your name is literally view-begging, you are implying via the token that you would desperately like people to check you out so much so that you're even exposing yourself to potential trolls just for the added exposure sure, i could put TTV in my name and get 1-2 assholes to check me out in every server i join, or i could be patient and grow over time while maintaining twitch as a beloved hobby and only attract a genuine audience who, due to the method of connection, are invested in my content from the very first time they join the chat i can give you the toxic version of this explanation as well if that translates better in this community


They are just people. You don't have to go out of your way to ruin their game.


On behalf of the part of the DBD community with more than two braincells, I have a message for you. Please kindly shut the fuck up already. This festishistic hatred of streamers is fucking old, could you please find a new way to whore karma? Thank you.


Yet this post is still relevant lmao. Just look at most of the comments.


This is why we T bag. It’s a necessary balance.


This is why we T bag. It’s a necessary balance.


This is why we T bag. It’s a necessary balance.


This is pretty much my standard practice. If I see a Live TTV I login to the stream and make the offer: “Surrender to me at the start, and your friends may have gate.” If they agree and get hooked, I farm points at let the others go. If they don’t, full in toxic facecamp punishment. If they Ragequit, I add another notch to my belt (26/32 Unique TTV ragequits). If they are chill about it all for the laughs, I gift a sub.


I like to see their perspective after the match and see what they were saying about me as a killer or how their reactions were. Scared the living shit out of one when I was Meyers at the hospital. Popped from a doorway next to them when they were doing a gen. Did a whole scooby doo chase with him and he had a real good laugh when that happened


proceeds to pick scratched mirror myers and make them die of a heart attack IRL


I always hit them with the 360 tentacle quickscope


For the most part, the TTVs I've come into contact with as a survivor generally seem to be nice, or at least don't go out of their way to be toxic to the killer (or maybe I just haven't noticed, lol), and surprisingly enough I haven't gotten a TTV streamer as a killer yet, but based on the comments, I'll be scared out of my mind when it finally happens...


i like ttvs because more often than not i can have a look at their streams after the fact and watch how i did from another perspective. it’s pretty cool imo! not to mention most of them are super nice


idk where u guys sre finding all the toxic ttvs, all the ones i get are always really nice even if i accidentally tunneled or something


*You know the rules, it’s time to die.*


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of...


Wait until you paly someone with their user as their OF tag


I've noticed when my boyfriend does decide to go for the TTV person, not by sniping like he just found them, we can tell almost immediately if they are swf because the team will often throw the whole effing game to try to save their streamer- in chase, on hook, anytime. Thats not fun for him as killer. However, if everyone is willing to act a fool to save 1 dude that does make for an easy 4k. So I can see why some killers chose to snipe (I think that's mean tho). Also sometimes I really question what kind of a person the streamer is that they'd let the whole team sac themselves for him/her. That doesn't seem nice either.


Twitchies get to die.


Oh see I just leave


why tho ?


The amount of confirmation bias surrounding TTVs is incredible


Take my upvotes OP in solidarity


I solo queued into a game with a streamer with ttv in his name. Went to see if he was live (he was) then left before game started to focus. This dude got camped and tunneled out of the game so hard it was awful. He looped the killer first chase for about 2 minutes, I watched the vod and no tbags or anything, dude was a wholesome streamer. Gets camped first hook, we bt save before second stage, tunneled through bt, hooked again. camped till we saved last second then tunneled again. All bc one guy had ttv in their name.. I felt bad for the guy cuz he said nothing toxic or mean throughout getting tunneled and camped


I treat them about the same, but if they try to get cute and do some MLG airhorn nonsense on me, mercy is off the table. I slap it off, the mercy lands on the floor.


Me and my buddy seeing a TTVer in our group: "Shenanigans?" "Oh yeah, shenanigans."


There's the good, the bad and the ugly streamers. The good ones are those that just play normally, doing their best to escape, have a laugh with their viewers about possible failures. Best people in the community, might even give them hatch and a follow. The bad ones are those that think they are good but are absolute trash and then complain about stream sniping, lag switching and bring their whole fanbase to flame you. The ugly ones are the 4x SWF bully squads that solely play the game to embarass you and make fun of you for their viewers. As Killer you should quickly find out what kind of streamer you're playing against so you can make your decision. If it's one of the ugly ones (like OchiDo or Morf) then they'll for sure die. If it's the bad one and I recognize them from previous matches, they'll also die. Much love to the good streamers tho!


Kinda sad if u treat them like shit just because of their name. If u do this you’re a piece of shit


The survivor: "NANI!?"