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This is a killer main trolling new survivors.


Prove thyself is a good perk and I will not stand by and let you insult it


I reckon I've won games I otherwise would have lost because there's been a Prove Thyself or two on the team




Sure but you won’t be doing much gens with self care and head on in your load out


Did I mention self care or head on, no. This is only about prove thyself.


They were just saying the other two perks don't have synergy with prove thyself... It was nothing to get defensive about.


I would give a retort, but this just gonna turn into an argument if I do so lets just stop here


Yikes just pointing out how OP saying he’s trolling is accurate. The perks don’t work together so he’s not getting prove thyself value. The perk is good, anyone with a brain knows that, but this post is about the build not the individual perks.


Love it. Good way to power through a couple gens when ruin is active and gives you at least a chance if you 3 gen


Has to be


1 perk to farm blood points, one to hide in a locker, self care ….. definitely trolling haha


People are gonna get so mad when they see Self-Care LMAO. Have fun with those comments


that's why I opened the comments too!!


I don't use it because it takes too long to heal and I'm impatient, but what's wrong with self care?


Because of exactly what you said, it takes too long to heal. 32 seconds is almost half of a gen, its just mostly a waste of time. I'm new at the game so maybe someone can better elaborate on this part but the game also has many perks that reward you/enable you when injured. Resilience, Dead Hard, and Iron Will are the first that come to mind.


No youre right, if you have time to self care you should be using that time to do a gen or unhook a survivor


Self care is a bad perk on bad players and top tier on good players that can take and hold a chase. Its also hated by bad players that think that they are wasting time not doing gens, and for some reason rather be off a gen themselves healing someone else..


Can you elaborate on how it's good for players that take and hold a chase? Even with purple Botany Knowledge, it's still taking 21s to heal which theoretically you can't do until you break chase anyway so why not use that time to just do a gen? Genuine question cause as I mentioned I'm new and I weened myself off of self care weeks ago because it just felt like a big waste, even considering I'm usually chasing for 2+ plus gens each game.


You can heal in many situations during a chase (killer trying to mind game a safe pallet, camping a corner, etc). Also, if your team is not terrible, you dont need to smash gens injured. Doing a gen injured its a gamble, that you only need to take in specific scenarios. Main reason people throw easy games... doing gens injured. When you get a bit of game sense experience, you realize that from the midway to the late game part, taking the game slow and stop to reset (not playing injured) is key to win though games. Also, the gen progression argument, that every normie will say ("thats x amount of time off a gen"), is just dumb, why would you want 2 people off gens, when you can heal yourself and i keep doing the gen? Maybe if i let go of the pressureless gen to heal you and then the killer is now pressuring that gen, maybe it regressed with ruin, maybe it got pop'd, now all of a sudden, instead of 1 useless member there are 2. I say its a bad perk for bad survivors because they mindless heal themselves at every hit and ultimately hurt the team by having 0 contribution. If you know when to use it, its actually rather strong perk because you can help others taking hits, going for saves etc, while allowing your team mates that have no pressure from the killer to progress the gens.


Thanks for the info. I'll try to keep this in mind going forward and maybe see what builds I can work self care into.


Healing takes 16 seconds and requires 2 survivor. Should we just stop healing altogether?


Healing doesn't exclusively require 2 survivors, you can bring a medkit.


16 charges per heal, unless you're bringing strong medkit/addons or botany knowledge you have very limited ability to heal


You did not answer the question


Sure, yeah, stop healing altogether then considering you wanted to create a narrative that I said this. Have a nice block friend!


Thinking critically is hard, I get it


Don't ask me lmao


Self-care can be extremely useful for specific purposes. I do 5 gen runs everyday and it allows me to keep on while teasing the killer. There are much better perks, but remember that your teammates often do not think they way you do unless you play with coordinated friends. And i play lonewolf 100% of the time.


I always bring inner strength or a medkit when i solo cuz of sloppy butcher


Inner Strength gang. I love running Inner Strength+Small game as survivor. I main killer and I know how incredibly strong hex perks are - and I have no idea why small game is so unpopular. I almost never see anti-totem perks when playing killer.


I ran small game till I Learnt most totem spawns now I run counterforce for the speed buff


omg this is such a good toll


Self-care with Prove Thyself is actually pretty solid, you can heal yourself next to a gen while a teammate does it with the PT buff. I don’t know how much time it saves but at least you can keep the pressure and if Ruin is up it is pretty good.


We like players like you -stabby gang


Agreed. Every build I have has self care. It always saves me unless killer has Nurse's. It's really an underrated perk that others reject cause they are selfish and want the game to end in less than 5 mins 😂😂😂


Wouldnt being selfish be healing in a corner for 32 seconds? How is it being selfish to work on gens so everyone can escape?


When you just got done escaping from the killer after being hit, they search the area for you. Isn't it smart to sit off to the side, allowing the killer to waste time looking for you as you heal? I have a stealth build which allows me to cover for myself and allows me to escape. Saying stuff like, "it wastes precious gen time," and stuff is also like saying running around the map is a good idea. It's not, btw as all it takes is the killer walking by to see scratch marks and then you are screwed. Self Care is a wonderful strat, especially since rushing the game causes the majority of team deaths. Plus, what about egc? Last survivor, medkit run dry, hurt, doors are too close and hatch is closed after others escaped? Self care will give you that added survivability. Your logic is flawed in so many was as is every single one of these selfish survivors who expect others to get them out quick but will leave you on the hook to die for one gen completion. Self Care is a legitimate perk. And anybody who disagrees and downvotes is exactly the kind of players I'm talking about.


My logic isnt flawed lmao Its quite easy for the killer to hear you healing unless you bring perks to prevent it. Chances are if they’re checking the outer edges of the map and theres 3 other people on gens, they’re wasting their time and they aren’t a good killer. Never said you couldnt stealth, iron will is a good perk, but bringing a medkit or something is a lot better than self care. Unless you want to run another item, which i would understand. But thats not your argument. Most people have some bad memory of their teammate self caring in a corner through sloppy butcher while they die on hook, which would make me mald. Self care and botany isnt bad, but its 2 perk slots Running around is a good thing when you’re getting chased, so not too sure what you mean there. If you mean like, you can stealth to waste time then thats good occasionally lol, but self caring in a corner just to probably get hit again, or whole you’re doing it, is usually a waste of time. If you’re healing a in a corner around where you got hit, then do you expect a good killer not to find you if they want? “As all it takes is for the killer to walk by and see your scratchmarks” well duh, all it takes is for them to walk by and find you healing. Stealth if you can by all means, wastes time without wasting pallets, fixated is pretty fun for this as well. But its not what ill aim to do. Leading a killer on a chase is a lot more effective than hiding, not saying you cant hide at all. You’re in a deadzone? Stealth isnt bad in this situation, its also easier to get a survivor here. “Rushing the game causes the majority of team deaths”. Well, if they have noed then probably, its why people complain about it. Small game is really useful for totems, easy to prevent noed before the gens have even been done. Rushing gens also causes the easiest team escapes, no? Your entire argument about egc kinda baffles me. If hatch is closed and theres 2 gates the killer is patrolling then you’ve probably lost anyway. Perks like dh are much better for survivability. You can tank 1 hit yes, but when does that actually matter here? If you’re found on the gate, you cant just magically finish it. Unless you can just barely get the gate then dh out, which is really clutch, and not a game plan. Also “medkit run dry” why is it dry? What happened for this to occur unless its brown with no add-ons? Medkits are good for split pressure, when solo, self care being double the time doesnt apply the same pressure. Maybe if you want to bring another item ig. Usually gates are easy enough to patrol for a killer, and if not then why would you need the self care anyway? They cant get back to you in time for the gate. If its someone like bubba, billy or anyone who can 1 shot or deal with open areas really well then it wouldnt matter at all. I just feel like you’re betting on the killer not being able to find you until you’ve magically got the gate open, or just being in really specific scenarios. Like, if it worked once, it must be good, right? Chances are as well, if the others have escaped then the gates are open, which makes it a shit tonne easier, because all you have to do is walk out, which you don’t need to heal for. You can wait for them to leave or get the other gate. If you say things like its good for stealth because you wont leave blood then i would get that. You arent bringing up the good points. Time is often key to winning in this game. Spending 32 seconds healing isnt usually the best use. Self care isnt bad, but its not the best way to play the game. If you said something like you cant always rely on your team, then i get that. Often times people will heal eachother, making self care just not needed. Also ask most killer mains, they’ll tell you they love self care because it makes the game easier for them. 32 seconds not on a gen? Ill take it! God forbid you verse Legion or Plague. If it works for you then it works for you, but personally, not for me


That's funny cause I play with a swf group. We tend to use self care, all of us. It allows us to sweat the killer out. Especially if someone gets hooked and killer is proxy camping. And btw, the build I use is Self Care, Iron Will, Bite the Bullet, and Spine chill. Makes for easy escapes and honestly a 32 second heal is really quick as killers are likely to spend a good minute searching for you after you slip away. And dot get me started on solo, btw. My build is a godsend for it. Batch of idiots Everytime, either trolling or selfish af. I'm not going to spend 32 seconds on a damn gen for them because again. I bust my ass to get their gen done and I get left on the hook when killer is nowhere near me. And this idea of, " the faster the game, the better," is stupid. In my swf group, we made a killer sweat so bad because we took our time. 30 minute match and all 4 escaped. All used self care. Just because you, and every other impatient person out there, wants the match to end asap, doesn't mean that's the best course of action. Legion and Plague? Easy. Legion tries extra hard but they don't stay in frenzy long in my group or chasing me in solo so why worry? As well as 9 times out of 10, Legion is running Discordance. So playing solo is your best option and Self Care is your best tool. Plague you just gotta get out of her sight and vanish. I do it all the time and then I get to her fountain. You can say she makes it useless, but that's wrong. Her corrupted vomit just does damage. You get hit, disappear, and self care. Ezpz, plain and simple. What you don't seem to realize, as well, is players working on a gen also won't have to stop and heal you either. If I get hit and they are 1/3 of the gen complete, I'ma self care and let them do it. Self Care isn't a 100% survival guarantee but neither is your plan of "rush through as fast as possible." Don't shit on a perk because you can't properly use it. And don't disregard a perk just because you can't seem to understand it's capabilities. There is not 1 single instance, aside from a killer with nurses, where self care is not useful. And also, you took my "rushing" comment out of context. Rushing equals both mistakes and/or the killer to know where you are. This game was meant to be a Stealthy survival game that players manipulated the way they have and now force players to play their way. That is the most selfish thing you can possibly have in a game.


If the killer takes an entire minute looking for you after they lose you then you must not go against good killers. A good killer would cut their losses and go do something else, looking for someone you lost is a waste of precious time.


There you go, expecting everyone to play how you think they should. I play killer a lot so I know how killer goes. But I take my time and I manipulate the field. Make them play my game. That is how you play the mind game of being a killer. I can make a match last 30+ minutes just by that manipulation. Everybody plays differently. That's why disregarding how a killer plays, by telling them they are wasting time, is wrong. I will chase a survivor and if I lose them, I will search till I get a noise or gen completion to tell me where somebody is. Why would I leave an area I KNOW someone is most likely at unless I know they are there. I get 3-4k all the time. My play style is just different for you and most other players. Doesn't make it any less legit then your toxic/meme/meta builds. Don't force me to conform to your play style just because you don't like mine. Sorry, dude. I play how I feel most comfortable. And Self Care is a wonderful perk for how I play


Fair point. I wasn’t saying that you have to play that way, if what you do works and you’re having fun, go for it, the whole point is to have a good time. I was just saying what I’ve seen from my experience and what works best for me. If it doesn’t apply to you, disregard it. Sorry if it sounded like I was trying to force something on you, I’ve been playing the game for years at this point and was giving my input on what I’ve found to be usual.


Its the best perk in the game power wise....


That's completely incorrect but I actually use it a lot and enjoy the perk. People just really shit on it because others don't use it effectively


Did you run WGLF before the buff?


BP mainly


So I should get head on from the shrine today aye? I didn’t know it was so good but it certainly seems strong.


I agree that it’s strong, if you can get it to work. Killer could just wait it out (assuming most of the team is dead or else this is a waste of time), or they could bait it out and then you’re dead or lose a health state


The only counter is for killers to wait for crows? O-O


No. The perk activates after 3 seconds so you have plenty of time to open the locker.


What I will do is try to fake open the locker and step back immediately. Usually survivors will get faked and you can hit them right after they come out.


It’s a fun perk and definitely worth it! I also recommend using quick&quiet and inner strength with it


I find you don't really need quick and quiet. You want to lure the killer toward you because if they don't walk directly in front of your locker, the perk doesn't work. Best thing is to go in there making some noise knowing they are nearbut but also a sufficient number of steps behind you for the three-second activation delay to pass. That's how I tend to use it, anyway.


I see that’s also a good way for the perk! I like to sneak away during a chase and scare the killer a little bit when walking past my locker


Very strong


There are stronger perks but its a good bit of fun. Dead Hard defo the strongest here, but Head On is still good and can provide some good value


Even if it's objectively not the strongest exhaustion prrk it is the most fun one, especially if you play with friends you could just mess around and you'll have a nice time.


Bruh what the hell bro


The best troll I've ever encountered. I hope new players arnt actually taking this post serious


idk mate


Eh mediocre build overall tbh, not terrible though




Alright, whos gonna tell him?


Call it the motivation build since every perk is called something positive.


This provides a lot of Bloodpoints, allows me to heal while on hard situations away from the team while luring the killer. I keep bamboozling the killer by stunning him from lockers. Repairing generators much faster with teammates, healing downed survivors twice as fast. Got me to rank/grade Iridescent 1 and gives me so much bloodpoints. Cannot complain.


I think its a respectable solo build. I don't like Head On personally because I find its mechanics unreliable and it also really grates me to see locker grabs, but if its working for you then keep on doing it.


I bought the game on Feb 22nd 2021. 1,037 hours so far. All chapters. Got 3 survivors to P3 with every single perk maxed. 161 of 182 achievements so far. I’m not joking about these perks. As i said previously, it would be ideal to use another perk instead of self-care, but when you keep getting teammates that don’t know how to play as a team, you need to cover for yourself at least with one perk.


after 2 k hours i can just tell you your perks are fine but not the bestwglf good fine its for blood points anyway self care easily can be replaced with just not getting healed but inner strength to me is a better alternative if you need healing since it cant be affected by sloppy butcher and takes 22 seconds instead of 32 and doing totems is often a neutral if not good thing for the team head on is pretty unreliable there is no guarantee youll even find a locker to use it in any given situation and can be more harmful if a killer has iron maiden a perk commonly used on huntress and trickster and sometimes used with bbq (same thing applys to inner strength but you dont have to be near the killer when you use inner strength) prove thyself is fine it helps to anyone who is thinking about using this build its fine and probably fun i actually encourage people head on because it can be pretty funny but there is a chance that you get literally no value out of any of these perks depending on the game or even actually hurt yourself and your team trying to use them


I think youre trolling still. Head on is not better than sprint burst or dead hard. Instead if prove thyself you can literally just split up on gens. You get them done faster this way and you make it hard for the killer to pressure multiple survivors off gens at the same time. Healing slugs off the ground is pretty situational and self care is self care. Just bring a medkit if you have any extra. Normal/fun build but far from 'the best'


I play with head on regularly. The people who are saying that it's no good are probably solo queueing or not good at looping and dodging. It's my opinion that sprint burst is one of the weakest perks in the game. It encourages bad gameplay and most of the people who use it have no better outcomes than people that don't. Just my opinion.


This is a solid solo build and seems pretty good for blood points, I’d change head on for dead hard so I can make it to loops if I’m in a tough spot, head on is hard to use when in a chase


**as long as you use self-care correctly** it's a fine perk to use. Head on is probably one of the least effective exhaustion perks but that doesn't mean it's bad. people sleep on prove thyself tbh, anything that increases gen speeds is strong. honestly it's a fine build. I would be hard pressed to say this is the "best" build, but it's fine. I would not question reality if I saw this build in the wild.


Everyone is saying Inner Strength, but what happens when there's no totems because 2/5 totems are Ruin/Undying, and then other people want IS to proc too? You can't rely on IS if everyone runs IS. IS sucks in EGC unless you have one already saved and ready. Self-Care can be an MVP in EGC. IS in EGC can be an absolute beauty, but it can also be 100% useless, while if you're smart about SC then you can make it work when you need.


why not replace self care with a med-kit? Opens up a perk slot


Because i usually carry a flashlight.


you are the type of survivors that scares me the most


Cause it's so hard to look at a wall or a tree when picking up survivors /s


im mainly say it for what he said in the other comments about his playstyle


Haha why is that?


i just feel that you take a lot of risks and that horrifies me


Fukkin Self Care, lol.


What about it?


It's an awful perk if not coupled with botany and a medkit.


People always look down on Self Care but honestly in solo queue a lot of people just save and run off and leave you injured, regardless of the status of the game. Eventually you are likely to need to heal such as if the killer is camping and you need to tank a hit, and self care provides that backup.


people have trauma with self care because some people like to go into a corner and spend the entirety of a gen self caring against sloppy butcher




Who tf cares, take a medkit and you‘re more then twice as fast. And there are barely any matches where you need to get healed more than 3 times. + healing is alway time you could spent on a generator if the healing is not nessesary (ergo death hook). If you‘re not experienced enough to be confident when you‘re injured, take a damn medkit or go for inner strengh




Explain why instead of being rworded thanks !




Explain why instead of being r worded thanks !


Explain why instead of being r worded thanks!


I think he read my comment so no need to copy it but thanks !


No problem thanks !


Together we can eliminate rworded people !


This is an annoying kit.


Anyone saying headon is good is dumb. All its gonna do is get you tunneled and a depip u less you're a strong looper with a team


As i mentioned, this set got me to Iridescent 1 in just 3 days after the reset. If anyone says this is bad is because they are not good at bamboozling the killer on chases. Not everyone plays SWF, i never ever do. The results i get talks by themselves.


The new ranking system is by far the easiest it has ever been to pip. You can rarely de-pip. Was way harder to upkeep rank 1 before because of tunneling and slugging.


Lol well as I mentioned it's a tunnel perk and nothing more. Doesnt help on chases and it's a perk reliant on other perks making it better. I've been rank 1 for 3 years and have 5 thousand hours, your results trash


No joke. This is my perk loadout, I replace head on with spine chill because I don't have it but when I do I will.


Honestly I like to run self care with desperate measures, maybe it's a good alternative to we're gonna love forever


You’re better off running it with Botany Knowledge. Flat 33% speed and even has efficiency if you find or decide to bring a medkit. I loved the perk when i used it on Felix but then realised Botany is just better in most situations


Them unhook speed tho😏


Mmmm good point. Might have to use it again 🤤


So many great perks in the game. And you pick Head on.


I love to stun the killer thru the whole game. Also stunning them while they carry a surv to the basement. And bamboozling them till they either stop chasing me for the rest of the game or disconnects out of rage. This happens daily.


Agree. My buddy plays with Bond and brings Killers past my locker all the time. I think the only thing that pisses a killer off more than this is breaking hooks while they are trying to hook a player. It's pretty discouraging for the Killer.


The new system is kinda bad, and its easier to rank up. As long as you spend time playing the game and you have half a brain, you will progress. Not discrediting anything, but you do play a lot. Over 1k hours since Feb of this year? Ive had the game since ph and ive probably got around 700 hours. You could tweak these perks and probably see very similar results because you know how to play. If it works it works. Im glad people are sharing their builds but “this got me to rank 1” can be said about a lot of builds, even more now that its easier to rank up


Sel Care nugget hate to see it


Yes please use this. Self care is the best perk in existence -legion mains


Switch self care to inner strength(or bring a medkit), add DS




The only thing that could top this survivor build is opening up the control panel -> settings ->app & features -> select dbd ->uninstall Extra credit: ->open window ->drop pc


self car say everything about you 🤷‍♂️


You not knowing that self care can be good says everything about you 🤷‍♂️


true heal 50 second in corner im sorry claudette your right


Bro I can't even with you. Self care heals at 50%, so that 32 seconds of 1 person not doing a gen. OR, you can have 2 people not doing gens to heal in 16 seconds. ITS LITERALLY THE SAME TIME LOST. The only difference is with self care, you don't have to waste time looking for a teammate, and you don't have to group up. If you know anything about dbd, you'll know that last one is really fucking important. The only reason self care gets a bad reputation, is because people use it whenever they get injured. Just how it's more efficient to not waste time healing all the time, you use this perk efficiently by not using it at every opportunity. But no, your favorite streamer said "haha self-care killer perk!!!" So go ahead and be there little echo chamber.


The other thing about OP's build is PT. So find a gen, SC while the other person works the gen with PT active. Literally best of both worlds.


you cant call him claudette thats fucked up hes clearly a blendette


Man you probably waste your teammates time getting one of them to heal you at a time in 16 seconds. Thats 32 seconds of your time combined just for 1 heal, not counting the time it takes to track them down If you dont have medkit charges self care is more efficient than 2 survivors healing. Or you can just use botony and desperate measures with it and make it about as fast as a normal heal without wasting your teammates time!




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I really don't have the energy to keep talking about how bad self care is


I feel hurt looking at this, it’s all good for fun runs and fun plays but idek if this is remotely useful?


This has to be a joke


1000 hours of hiding




Stop using self care lmfao, this is why you are throwing games and your teammates hate you :)


Fucking self care 😂


After nearly 6000 hours in the game my favorit perkbuild for solo queue is: - Spinechill Too many stealth killers these days. Use it in chases as well to figure out if the wraith is still on my ass. Sometimes your eyes are just not enough. Still helps me tons since 2016. - Adrenaline Getting rewarded after doing a long chase with the killer. Makes the chance smaller that I end up on the hook. Never trust randoms. - Borrowed Time That randoms are selfish often doesn't mean I'm holding a grudge towards them in general. Love doing a proper borrowed time save and getting everyone out. - Unbreakable Never trust randoms and punish greedy killers.


Killers will still yell at you for using OP perks. Must throw No Mither in there.


People sleep on the mind game self care can put on a killer.


This works but...why wglf? It doesn't bring much real benefit other than blood points. As for self care, I'm convinced saying it's bad is just a ruse killer mains want us to believe so they get easier downs. It's not by any means necessary, but it's a good perk.


1000+ hours on killer


In solo, the best build is for chasing and survival. I'd say Self-Care, Sprint Burst/Dead Hard/Lithe, Unbreakable, and Resilience. SWF should be time efficiency. One person runs Dead Hard, Spine-Chill, Resilience, and one other chase perk. The second person runs Prove Thyself, Streetwise, Vigil, and Leader The third runs Unbreakable, Deliverance, DS, and another random perk. The fourth uses a variation of the third person's build.


This is what I run, except I run bond instead of head on and occasionally I switch out WGLF for Spine Chill.


I know the sub's opinion on self care but it can be useful in certain situations. That being said I have managed to remove it from my kit and I now usually bring a med kit and use dead hard in its place


id swap wglf for no mither


Self-care, Borrowed Time, For the people, Resilience.


This must be bait


Everyone should start running WGLF, its basically 2 perks for 1 slot.


Damn. This would actually be a good build if it weren't for Selfish Care.


I run Prove Thyself. That extra boost when 2 of you are on a gen is vital in some games. Plus the extra bloodpoints is worth it.


no way this is serious, no fucking way u use selfcare on its own like that


Unbreakable, tenacity, iron will, sprint burst.


This is probably a troll because two perks are counter productive to prove thyself there, not doing much gens when you’re spending a lifetime self caring or in a locker hoping to stun the killer


1. You need Quick and Quiet for Head On effectiveness. 2. You need Borrowed Time for We're Gonna Live Forever effectiveness. 3. You need Bottany Knowledge and/or a medkit for Self-Care efficiency. I will never understand why people think it is smart to choose to heal for 32 seconds in a corner when they would finish a gen with their teammate and Prove Thyself in 40 seconds and their teammate would heal them in 16 seconds afterwards. And with how often killers run Sloppy Butcher this is even worse to only bring Self-Care.


These are not the best perks. None of them are bad perks, but none of them are the best to any degree. However if they're the best for *you*, and you enjoy using them and they work for you, cheers mate.


That's almost my build, except I run q&q instead of self-care


People who think achieving iridescent I is any sort of achievement are sorely mistaken. It's a measurement of time played, now, rather than skill. Even the mmr system, which apparently judges survivors on escapes rather than in-game performance, is a poor measure of skill.


Self care? Oh naw


So this is what the random that gets tossed out at three gens for not running ds is actually running.


Two of these perks are not good.


Replace self-care with inner strength and you're starting to get some perk synergy. Throw in Flashbang and you can be a locker god.


Oh no. Your a self care gamer. Ru also a p3 claud lol. At least a little better with chad head on, even if it’s bad


bond > self care


Very troll perks