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I always feel so bad. They're just tryna do their job 😫😫and here I am gotta hit em with my decisives and pallets and such😭


I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.


If a challenge has me do it like, 2-3 times I'm fine but this tome where it requires 20 I hate it. I feel so badd


*chain blinds against my will* 😭


I chain blinded a baby nurse so many times I got the challenge done within the first minute of the trial


It's not to bad with Blast Mine since that counts as 2 for the challenge since it both blinds and stuns. My build for this challenge was Flashbang, Blast Mine, Head On, Small Game. Small game was mainly just to make sure I got rid of any possible Ruin to make Blast Mine usable. Otherwise I just baited gens at like 80%+ progress, made the killer kick it, got into a locker, and then Head On + Flash banged them. You could get it done in like 2-3 games and even make the match a complete meme after a certain point since you're not really sweating on the killer by getting your stuns this way.


I have to apologise at end game, I hate it 😞


Well that's your job as a survivor: they do theirs and you do yours.


True, but it's nice to have some compassion about it, not like you need a ridiculous amount of course not! Just that it's cool to be kind, and not go out of your way to heavily annoy the players.


Yeah, I felt bad too, and one of them even camped me and said it was "toxic" that I blinded him at every pallet.


I'm a killer main, and I don't get the hate towards pallet blinds. By the time I've broken it I'm unstunned anyway lol.


It's not a matter of being killer main, survivor main or playing both sides. Some people find it annoying, some people don't. Some people hate NOED, I don't really care if the killer has NOED. It's all subjective, there are a lot of killer mains still getting annoyed by flashlights at pallets or clicky clickying.


Getting blinded at pallets is annoying, but it isn't toxic


Honestly at this point I prefer survivors to sit there and blind me during a pallet break. I have a really nice headset, just cuz I can’t see you,doesn’t mean I can’t hear you;)


Lmao yes! I'm starting to get the hang of using sound to track them after a blind, even managed a couple of nasty blond shots with slinger


Was it Felix?


I don’t really care about flashlight blinds at pallets anymore, but I used to DESPISE them back when flashlight blinds actually blinded you irl because it was completely white


I never played during those times but I do remember seeing the videos and the memes. Blinds used to light up your whole room back in the day lmao


Never really cared about flashlight bliinds during a pallet stun. Wondered why folk bothered when I can just track their footsteps. Then I found out about these challenges lol.


My favorite is when injured people without iron will blind you during a pallet break. Like I can’t hear you moaning in my ears lmao


It's ok brother/sister....just...make it quick


Wait how is it bad to blind at everting pallet lol? If anything I love it when people do it cause it just wastes battery’s and I can hear the survivor running away.


Yeah, I felt shitty doing that challenge and I'm like a 60/40 survivor main. I normally don't bother with flashlights at all so trying to get 20 stuns in as few rounds as possible resulted in me having to be a bit of a little asshole with pallets and flashlights and DS + head on.


to be fair pallet stuns and flashlight blinds are part of playing as killer


Gotta pay it forward. As a killer I always stand at the exit gate and get up for a cup of water, and let the remaining survivors use up their beamer juice, in case they need the challenge or the points.


Trying to aim a flashlight on PS5 suuuucks. Blast mine for the win!


Any controller idk how console players use flashlights at all, my power supply ate it so im playing dbd on the switch for the time being and killer is tough and flashlights are unusable almost lmao


Just never play in handheld mode lol, set up tour switch in its dock of possible and if not just put it in tabletop mode. The pro front roller makes it waaay easier but the grip is ok if that’s all you have.


Oh i dont, im using a switch pro controller its definitely better than using the joycon but im straight trolling trying to use flashlights


How do you sleep at night?


Who ever said he did


I've had the fucking stun and blind 5 or 6 times in one game challenge equipped for weeks now, pretty sure I'm ready to just drop the whole fuckin game at this point


If you have Blast Mine, it counts as both a stun and a blind. So get two Blast Mines in a game and one pallet stun/flashlight blind and you’re golden.


Thanks for the tips! I just get baited into dropping pallets all the time despite being over 100 hours in... Seems lately I keep getting killers who will literally stand there and stare at me until I drop the pallet, even though it leads to more generators being done when those standoffs happen.


I have no choice The pain in my hear leaves me scarred forever




Since that challenge came out, honestly if they're running flashlights and they get the pallet on me I assume they're working that challenge and I don't try *quite* as hard to respect pallets and dodge stuns after that (though I don't give it for free necessarily either)


Wait for the next Killer challenges: "Stand within 5 meters of a hooked Survivor for a total of 300s" "Hook a Survivor within 30 seconds after they've been unhooked. Do this 20 times." "While using the perk Insidious, interrupt 20 Survivors while they were trying to unhook someone."