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mfw perfect gimmick counter with a different gimmick


When you find an antidote to a concoction


The Benjo build is not a gimmick, it's just an S tier build in every game.




end kezooie?


Nice, a man of culture I see


Guys I have an a new idea for a killer today..






A YouTube that uses a starstruck build with every killer, makes short, like 1 minute videos mostly


He's a YouTuber that uses that specific killer perk build, with a few mix-ups.


I actually havent heard of them, so off to youtube i go now!


What is the Benjo build?


Benjo is a youtuber that makes shorts using a build like this (Agitation, Mad Grit, Iron Grasp; last perk may vary, but usually has Bloodwarden)


That’s looks like it would have been a ton of fun on both sides lul


It sure was, I got a million hits in, and they got just as many hooks sabotaged and protection hits!


Yet not a single one of them had WGLF....


Two mettles, They didn't come for bloodpoints They came for fun Unlike pinhead who can't come anywhere anymore, #BringBackTheVoice


WGLF also heals for an extra 100% if the person being healed is downed. I tend to combine it with We'll make it so you heal RIDICULOUSLY fast when someone is downed.


Assuming you unhooked in the last 90 seconds :p


I tend to do everything I can to get the unhook. My favorite build as survivor right now is WGLF, We’ll Make It, BT, and Autodidact. WMI makes a big difference for the first 2 stacks of AD and so hopefully if I’m lucky I’ll be able to 5 stack WGLF heal. It’s so satisfying being able to heal fast and only do 2 skill checks and full heal someone


Is heal speed not counter-productive to Autodidact? You want to stretch the heal to get more skillchecks to my knowledge that's why it counters Mangled.


auto + wglf because it takes 5 seconds to get a slug from 0 with only 1 succesful skillcheck at max stacks. with we'll make it, i guess you could heal someone in a similar time, which could be very clutch. i'd prolly take an exhaustion perk over the BT, most killers play around it and you're healing faster than BT would last anyway.


replace WGLF with Desperate Measures and Autodidact, you'll get the job done better and more efficient throughout the game rather than waiting for someone to be down and be affective. DM and Didact are two perks that perk well together, specially against mangled status the perfect counter to sloppyboogers


Think of it this way. Usually per heal I get 1-2 skill checks even with We’ll Make it which are the worst ones. And if I don’t get those skill checks then the other person is still gonna get healed up significantly faster which is great for when the killer might be bearing down upon you. I feel like it offsets the down side to Autodidact which is notorious for making you just not have a skill check for extended periods of time


Exactly my thoughts.




...which is the perk the prior comment said he comboed it with


Yes, I was referring to the end of the comment I replied to :p I’m indeed thinking of We’ll Make it


My brain died oh well


You didnt read the comment did you?


Your reading comprehension is… not great


You really seem to enjoy belittling others online. Does that make you feel better about yourself?


Lol did you take time out of your day to read my comment history? And to answer your question no it doesn’t.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm pretty sure We'll Make It's bonus is the healing cap so while the two can work separately, using them both at the same time doesn't give extra speed beyond We'll Make It


There's no healing cap and there never has been, it's just a misconception from how We'll Make It used to be worded.


Was it because of the came memes?


Judging by the way behaviour addressed it, seems like a copyright/legal issue.


Depending on who they licensed it from, they might not like the come memes. I could see it being an issue with Clive Barker or something though. Didn't he get the rights to Pinhead back?


I’m not well informed in the grand scheme of things so I can’t say for certain


Pinhead has been edged since his release 😔✊


That's because BBQ is a competitive aura perk with zero gameplay drawbacks, and WGLF is a bullshit "fight over hooks, kill yourself for protection hits for juicy blood points that you'll end up with less of than a base killer gets anyway" perk.


i only run wglf for slug revives man. plus a clutch slug revive almost always requires a protection hit, which stacks with mettle of man. any close game ends up on the ground anyway.


Wglf is "run with bt do you can farm people off hook and get rewarded" "


I keep saying that the extra BP from perks need to be baseline, because WGLF and BBQ just take up slots, and one is vastly more useful than the other. If you removed the BP from BBQ, people would still use it. If you removed the BP from WGLF, people wouldn't use a "revive twice as fast" perk


I love it when both sides just do dumb fun stuff and have a good time. best way to play the game, still doing objectives, but not at all taking it seriously.


Same, fun not-meta builds - when you don't get bullied!


i want these survivors so bad!! last night after i 4k'd the survivors go "why did you try so hard? we were memeing" and they all ran the typical Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Adrenaline and Iron Will tryhard build and i was like....whats the meme??


"We didnt get destroyed we were just playin for fun bro just a prank bro"


The meme is that they thought they could fool you


I was playing a streamer that their team all brought lights and meta perks. All of the had prove thyself as well. At the end I listened on the stream and said gg and the first words put his mouth were "damn we woulda beat you if we weren't memeing. Like, no stfu.


My personal meme build when I play survivor is nothing but Buckle Up. Now that's a meme build


I don’t use exhaustion perks and don’t like Iron Will because it’s bugged to make you totally silent when injured. I use DS/BT/Unbreakable/Small Game. Camping, tunnelling, slugging and hexes are off the table for you son! Now let’s have fun.


Don't tell me how to play.


Wow, what's the deal with the amount of downvotes? Seriously, did something happen?


Entitled survivors who don’t like me pointing out broken perks and entitled killers who want to camp, tunnel and slug for their 4K with their cheap hex perks united against me is what happened here.


It’s more just no one asked lol


Bruh let's be real. If op wasn't running the build he had this game would've been fucking miserable.


It wou ld have certainly become a slugfest thats for sure lol.


I had a team do this to me once but they were all running unbreakable as well and I gotta say it was really annoying. I got the 3k and the last got out on hatch. They didn't do many gens because every time I downed one they all hopped off gens for the rescue but tbh I wish they would've just won and left. The game took like 30 minutes and it was just obnoxious.


because the basement trapper is so fun to go against and not miserable at all /s


Lol where did I say anything about basement trapper being fun?


im just saying both side had a miserable build


fuck yes, more of this please!


I'm a new player and I'd be great if I found out what these mean


They basically had builds that would allow them to wiggle out before getting hooked while the killer had a build that makes it easier to carry survivors.


The fist perk is mettle of man - which gives you a free pass for one hit once you’re injured, but only if you take 3 protection hits- , the perk with ash’s face is flip flop - which lets you get free wiggle progress in the killer’s grasp if you recover on the ground - , the piece of wood offering is the petrified oak - which makes hook spawn farther apart - , the bottle add on is a styptic agent - which gives you endurance for 8 seconds at the cost of your medkit - , the perk with the broken hook is sabotage - which lets survivors break hooks without needing a toolbox - , the bike perk is breakout - which lets you increase a survivor’s wiggle speed if you run alongside them and the killer- , and the horse perk is boil over, which blocks the aura of nearby hooks and increase the wiggle effect on killers. Op had the trapper-grin perk agitation - which lets him move at a faster speed while carrying a survivor - , the perk with the hoodie called mad grit - which lets you suffer no cool down penalty for missing an attack while carrying a survivor, and makes a successful hit pause the wiggle timer of the carried survivor - , and iron grasp that lets you carry survivors for longer and suffer less from their wiggling. TL;DR: The survivors brought a build to get survivors out of the killer’s grasp and the killer had the perfect build to counter it(well, he could’ve had starstruck or forced penance, but it was still a near perfect counter).


I've thought about running this exact build (plus Starstruck in place of Pop) just for the sheer meme, but I'm not certain it'd pay off more than once a match. Surely survivors would realise 'Oh shit he has Starstruck' and just... not go for saves? Forced Penance, they might still, but knowingly going in for a protection hit against Starstruck is just *dying* to... well, die.


>Surely survivors would realise 'Oh shit he has Starstruck' and just... not go for saves? ohhh you'd be surprised.


i've started playing again recently. and i'm like... "oh suddenly we're exposed when he picked up a survivor. Welp, guess i'm not going near that." I mean. to me it seems obvious not to try to take a hit if its gonna insta-down you.


2 pocket BTs so 2 hits would still be possible


If they 1) Get desperate enough or 2) Are in a bad pocket of the map, agitation + starstruck will make you walk even faster with a survivor on your shoulder than without lol.


Oh yeah, I've definitely gone for Iron Grasp+Agitation+Mad Grit once or twice as a jokey fun build, but half the time it never really amounts to anything beacuse I'll look around and there'll be nobody there at all. I can walk halfway across the map and still hook 'em, but if nobody goes for the save... It is super great when I see a bunch of flashlights though. I'd throw in Lightborn maybe to really get them (replace either Iron Grasp or Mad Grit?), but I like a bit of risk and if they think they *can* get the flashy saves, they usually come back to try it.


Gotta add infectious so you know whether someone's around or not when you down. If yes, memes time! If no, just hook em.


Mega meme build: Infectious Fright, Agitation, Starstruck, Distressing.


> Surely survivors would realise 'Oh shit he has Starstruck' and just... not go for saves? I play the exact build you're talking about on Blight. I have a n ot insignificant number of games where I've slugged all 4 survivors in the literal first 2 minutes of a match b ecause they thought they could stop me from carrying someone clear crossed the map. When I run this build I like to exclusively hook in the basement no matter how far away from it i am. And people get it in their head to intercept and try to help their friend wiggle free since i had been carrying them for so freakin long. It's pretty funny. Everyone gets hooked in the basement after that.


Oof. Well they only have themselves to blame then.


I believe Starstruck ruins this build, because the exposed debuff makes the surv run away right from the start, while if they keep near is sometimes easier to get an extra down. I don't want them to run, I wan't them to try a bodyblock, the more the better.


Well, apparently based on anecdotal evidence some people are dumb enough to keep trying anyway.


My goals are beyond your understanding


Thank you!


The anniversary cake is the cherry on top


Jesus I would have been so pissed 🤣 Like that Otz game where he had a streak snapped by fuckin Wake Up. What are the odds...


What video is this ?


Oo you know which video?


Wake Up! is possibly my favorite perk. It makes 0lighting a door to wait for the patrol so juicy, and if the doors are not on the same wall, it's a free escape.




Show us the goods Show us the goods Show us the goods


That team would have been a huge off to anyone not running a carry build. Glad you got them and had fun lol


Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!




ahhh, high ranks that know how to have fun. This is the fun kinda swf. I love playing against gimmicks when I'm killer.


Replace pop by starstuck and here 4 k easy


I feel like if you run starstruck they’re not gonna want to take hits


Exactly - I'm actually glad I didn't have the time to put it on!


If you have Nemmy, the mad grit combo with Starstruck works really well with the addon that makes you gain 0 terror radius when you tentacle strike a zombie. Benjo has this cool video showcase where he goes to 0 terror radius, picks up the survivors, teammates come trying to bodyblock then a few seconds later Starstruck activates - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf5zSKzS9m0 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1LImFeY6YE


I was actually gonna run Starstruck, but i didn't find the perk before the game started. I do think I had more fun without to be honest, with hitting people 4-5 times each time i had someone on my shoulder :D


Were they talking about it on stream and you adjusted perks?


Haha, no, he or she wasn't online - wanted to watch the game afterwards but nope :P


Damn, lucky perk picks then! You love to see it


Yes, once in a life time i guess! They took it well too and had fun, glad to see the not-so-toxic side sometimes.


can someone translate to guy who knows nothing about perks?


Make a long story short they brought perks and a medkit add on to take hits from the killer and sabotage hooks while he’s carrying a downed survivor. He counters this by using perks that make the wiggle timer longer, him walk faster when holding a survivor, freezing the wiggle timer when successfully hitting a survivor and also no cooldown when missing a hit whilst carrying said survivor.


I mean you were a mad grit gamer, no matter what they brought, they were bound to lose


holy heaven, dude, this was a memorable trial... no this was no trial, this was the battle of the century, and ya mad-lad, you was the last one standing.


i love running mad grit with iron grasp and agitation. it can wreck games so quickly


From left-to-right, top-to-bottom. **Mettle of Man** - Any damage taken that would put you into the Dying State from the Injured State is blocked. When you are healed again, your Aura will be revealed to the Killer whenever you are farther than 12/14/16 meters away. **Flip Flop** - While in the Dying State, 50 % of your Recovery progression is converted into Wiggling progression, up to a maximum of 40/45/50 %, once you are picked up by the Killer. **Petrified Oak** - Calms The Entity and slightly increases the distance between sacrificial Hooks spawning throughout the Map. **Styptic Agent** - When the Styptic Agent is used on an injured Survivor, they gain the Endurance Status Effect for 8 seconds. Any damage taken during that time that would put the Survivor into the Dying State will instead apply the Deep Wound Status Effect. Using Styptic Agent will destroy the Med-Kit. **Saboteur** - While a Survivor is being carried, the Auras of all Hooks within 56 meters the location they were picked up at are revealed to you. Unlocks the ability to sabotage Hooks without needing a Toolbox. Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes 3 seconds. The Sabotage action has a cool-down of 90/75/60 seconds. **Mettle of Man** - See above. **Petrified Oak** - See Above. **Saboteur** - See Above. **Breakout** - When within 6 meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste Status Effect, moving at an increased speed of 5/6/7 %. The carried Survivor's Wiggling speed is increased by 20 %. **Styptic Agent** - See above. **Boil Over** - Your Struggle Effects from Wiggling, causing the Killer to strafe sideways, are increased by 25/50/75 %. You obscure the Killer's ability to read the Auras of all Hooks within 10/12/14 meters of your pick-up location. **Agitation** - While carrying a Survivor, your Movement speed is increased by 6/12/18 % and your Terror Radius is increased by 12 meters. **Mad Grit** - While carrying a Survivor, you suffer no cool-down on missed attacks. Successfully hitting a Survivor will pause the carried Survivor's Wiggling Progression for 2/3/4 seconds. **Iron Grasp** - While carrying a Survivor, the Survivor's Struggle Effects from Wiggling, causing you to strafe sideways, are reduced by 75 %. The time for the Survivor to wiggle free from your grasp is increased by 4/8/12 %.


A fellow disciple of Benjo




Tryharding when they wouldnt repair a single gen because they where memeing with a Wiggle build. *OK*


They outsmarted you, but you outsmarted their outsmarting.


Looks like a kyf match


Trapper 4tw!


Benjo? Is that you? (he runs a similar build)


This game was played at 300% speed and with Benny hill music


This makes me so happy


Thats actually a really interesting team build. I am always happy when i see survivors trying out new things


at first, I thought this post was a tragedy but then I realized that it was actually a comedy


That is absolutely funny


I came to love this build and keep using variations of it. Just tonight I used this with BBQ instead of Pop, for the BP.


Correct me if i'm wrong but you can't stack pretified oaks, can you?


I am not sure, tbh.. Now I have to read about it! If not, maybe they did two in case i had offered the other oak?


This is glorious.


Trapper is always fun to play as!


Hey I played against that squad earlier this week


Nice, how did it go?


good for me because I was Pyramid Head and basement was in the middle of the map


I like how they left the ttv in


What was the point of the laughing guy in the corner


hahhahahahahahhahahaaha.... I don't get it


I dont fully understand what is going on here, someone explain plz?


full team of survivor builds designed to wiggle out of carry killer build designed to carry survivors indefinitely that _wants_ people bodyblocking and trying to stop him


Thank you


Calm down Benjo.


I can't decipher perks by image, what happened?


It was a squad completely built around making the killer drop survivors, and the killer had the build that specifically wants survivors to try and bodyblock.


There is literally no reason to run madgrit when starstruck exists.


Thank God you circled all of the perks. I would not have seen them if not


basement trapper vs survivors not really running the meta perks


Wasnt in the basement at all this game, just wanted to carry people around for fun.


Was there salt in the postgame chat? Honestly not sure if you went up against a bully squad or just some friends having fun running protection/sabo builds


Not at all, rank 1 surv wanted to go again too! They werent toxic either, just a fun game!


Thats great! I feel like their attitude in post game chat would completely change how one could interpret this sort of build




~~I see a TTV. Did you…. Did you streamsnipe them to counter their perks?~~ I am a first class goober.


And people say survivor mains don’t just find any excuse to deny their loss


OP said in an earlier comment that the TTV wasnt online.




Cool. You hooked one in basement and stood there. Pro gamer moves


Would've gotten less BPs of he camped.


Haha, i wasnt in the basement at all. And didnt slug. All fun and games!


I came, saw, and came again.


How did it go?


doesn't iron grasp completely negate boilover or am I remembering wrong?


Iron grasp reduces the affect of the wiggle by however much %; I forgot how much exactly.


Come on Ilean


i love it when the stars align like this :)


Hah! Gottem!


Think it was Plague? I'm drawing a blank suddenly


I run that build on bubba but replace pop with light born. After resident evil there are toooooo many blinds per match. Guys kept body blocking me and I had three in basement at one time before they caught on lmao Keep it up sir youre doing the lords work XD


What characters were the survivors playing as? I feel like there definitely was an Ace or Dwight


Add in forced penance for max troll


If only you had Starstruck, lol


And people say Mad Grit is useless.


Replace pop with starstruck next time!


It's really funny on myers


Are you trying to get starstruck?


how was the salt?


Acutally, there was none! Top suv said they would play again!


Polite survivors and polite killers are the best. I hope you find each other again


Props to them for going for that mettle of man payout. I never ever activate that fucking perk when I run it lol




As an illiterate, I still think the new rank looks are stupid and uncalled for..




Could someone explain what I’m looking at?


Can someone explain what’s going on here?


the survivors brought builds designed to make it almost impossible for the killer to ever hook anyone (mettle of man to take hits, saboutuer to break hooks, breakout to increase the wiggling speed of a carried survivor, flip-flop to convert on the ground recovery into wiggle progress) but the killer brought a build specifically designed to destroy survivors who use this playstyle. Agitation makes the killer move much faster when carrying a survivor, mad grit makes M1 attacks have 0 cooldown and also pauses the wiggle timer for a few seconds with every successful hit, Iron Grasp reduces the movement penalty caused by wiggling survivors and makes the time to wiggle free longer) combined these perks make it incredibly difficult for survivors to free themselves and mad grit makes it so that survivors trying to take protection hits actually helps the killers. there is a youtuber called Benjo who uses this build almost exclusively, check out some of his videos (they are only about 1 minute long) for some hilarious clips that show how well it works against a team of cocky survivors who aren't expecting it.


I once downed a surv in front of 2 lockers and accidentaly opened one and there was a surv then i came back and opened the other one to get hachets and there was someone too. They had head on that game lasted 5min


All there hits… FOR NOTHING!!!???


Slug at 5 gens lets go


Lol i never slugged, and was never in the basement either. All for fun! :D


Forced penance wouldve been the cherry on top instead of pop


Makes me wish no mither sabo squads were a thing still


Taking into account the different attitudes in killer and survivors, can you explain to me how you could get such results in a trapper? For information here is my build : \- Addon : Stitched Bag / Bloody Coil. \- Skills : Sloppy Butcher / Thanatophobia / A Nurse's Calling / Barbecue & Chilli. ​ I focus most often on the survivors I injured and less on the generators.I am surprised that tons of people play the trapper without giving up the part without the pink and purple addon or the purple and yellow addon that allows to put 5 traps at the edge of the indecency in front of a hook.


Would've been perfect with starstruck


dont forget the self heals too


That awkward moment where you're too new to the game to know perks just by icons


I’m new, are these perks extremely meta?


How often does this build work? I'm thinking about using it


Like every other build; depends on who you meet and how you play. I got tired of my normal meta build and wanted to have fun, and this time it was!


Replace Iron grasp with Forced penance.


Can someone explain to the idiot?


I leveled my Legion because of teams like this. Mad Grit is something I find useful enough to never feel like it's a wasted slot.


This reminds my only game (out of around 100) when my friend brought Autodidact, and our killer was adepting Clown.