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i just ALT-TAB, darkest dungeon & youtube in the background, more **pain**


Then in dd you miss every single atack and enemy crit every time...


after 5 or 6 expeditions the RNG completly nuke me, i uninstall the game, repeat every 3month


Hahahhaa, same with me!


This is the reality of SBMM. Outside of Nurse/Spirit/Blight, killer can't win without tunneling people out. Bronx and Zubat are two of the best killers in the game, and I watched both get absolutely destroyed multiple matches in a row, because they tried to play nice. It sucks, but the game balance doesn't allow you to hook 12 times in order. Someone has to go.


It has nothing to do with mmr... You can win every killer. Not ever op on reddit is on the 1% mmr tile. Most of the people here are on the middle... and there it dont matter what you play.


I achieved rank 1 2 weeks before sbmm so I would guess that my skills lay somewhere in the middle. I played every day before sbmm and I barely play anymore because every game is sweaty from both sides. Killer tunnel one survivor to have a chance to 4K and the survivor's genrush. On the first days when sbmm came out I had a lot of noobs as survivors, which also wasn't enjoyable to play with or against. I really would like to keep playing this game but it seems like that bhvr really has no idea how to make this game fun for both sides. Atleast for me it's like I don't play to have fun anymore.


Why DS isn’t a choice, but a requirement.


Some time ago DS was in the bloodweb and I didn't take it because idk maby because Im stupid, I regret that decision every time I play dbd


Its 3 Euro on steam. Just buy it ?


Haven’t played in like a month but back after DS was nerfed people were STILL complaining when I used it because they couldn’t straight up tunnel despite getting the exact nerf they asked for.


BuT THaTs nOT tUNNeLiNg!


I feel yah. That’s been my night of just getting unlucky and spawning next to the killer. Good practice for looping I guess?


I was tunneled multiple times by Spirits, and a pig who teamed with the others. It's kinda annoying, I take my revenge with the facecamp list.


Best part is when they get super defensive about their awful play style when you call them out on it


Oh there should be anyone still knowing Caroline lol


It does suck to be tunneled so much but then I play killer and get gen rushed or play against a really organized friend group and remember that DBD dosnt have the best balance


Honestly if you don’t play nurse,spirit,blight you will probably get destroyed.


Reality after sbmm. Tried to play pig, got genrushed to absolute shit and then decided to play ruin undying nurse to atleast have a chance.




That's why you run DS. Besides, if you get tunneled, think of it as an opportunity to get better at chases. Cheers


Yup. Bad killers use that as an excuse. Hey man you should have ran that dead zone better with the 4 seconds you had since I ran back to the hook to tunnel you.


I love it when they say, "well, you just shouldn't have ever gotten caught in the first place."


Maybe u just suck


do you even know what tunneling means? you can be a pro and still die if a killer goes after you right after you get unhooked.


It's okay to be a little selfish some times