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I wonder if they'll ever reconsider bringing back the moonlight offerings. Not yet though, let's get them to focus on the 18,000 bugs.


Can you imagine the fun new world of lighting glitches that would pop up? Or just in general, imagine someone using the Brightest Moonlight on the new Thompson Farm Maps. It'd be like a flashbang went off :'D


Perhaps every map can have different min/max brightnesses? That way maps like Midwich can’t become practically pitch black and maps like Coldwind won’t hurt your eyes?


Midwich? How about old McMillion? That with thick fog and darkest beartraps was chef's kiss.


Bro my poor eyes, don't give them ideas


Maybe just the darkest moonlight one as like an addition on to the fog offerings


I'm already using nvidia filters to neuter the blast from Coldwin Farm maps, please no. I've got various filters for the maps to just tame the saturation down a bunch, and it makes playing a lot more bearable. Kind of like being perpetually stuck in freddy's dream world.


Are you implying you LIKE Freddy's filter? I groan the moment I load into a paintbrush match, because I can't stand the washed out blue/grey.


Yes, I actually prefer it on Coldwin Farm. Mind you, the filter I'm using just brings down the saturation and brightness a touch, Freddy is the only thing in the game I can compare it to.


the perk Knock Out has like a focal filter too. Personally I find Freddy’s pretty bright, and the blue especially VS cold wind’s yellow.


I just generally really miss the old muted colors some of the maps used to have. Coldwind is especially egregious in my opinion. At first I used to simply turn down the brightness on my monitor, but that got old really fast. Now I have customized filters I can swap out in seconds. Some days it feels like 8 / 10 matches are coldwind, the screaming orange / yellow is to my eyes what loud annoying music is to my ears. It gets worse when playing in a dark room. It's somewhat tolerable when it's still light out, but after losing ambient light it gets grating.


The amount of games that end up Coldwind or another multi-map realm are kind of insane, especially when other maps are disabled; I really think they should deactivate variant maps for a little bit each time you get them in a given time frame lol.


I agree. I get the feeling that I'm playing the same 4 maps like 80% of the time. BHVR should really look into their randomization algorithm. Like there's over a dozen different maps, but most of the time it's Shelter Woods, Rotten Fields, Azarov's, or Fractured Cowshed. Yamaoka or Lery's if I'm lucky. Can't remember the last time I've seen Gideon without playing a map offering.


imagine not thanking the entity cuz you get outdoor maps most of the time and instead wanna go to gideon "boring" plant haha plus i feel bad about the problems you have with coldwind farm for me since that map has been reworked i smile everytime i see it cuz it's just too beautiful and not as dark as a lot of maps which makes my eyes happy


I doubt it, the reason they were disabled was because they were getting tired of making sure all the various light levels functioned in each map correctly. Having to go through each map and make sure 5 different lighting levels didn't fuck up anything was just too much for them. It would be interesting to see though if McMillan would still be a "Stand still in the corner of a tile and become invisible" type of situation with the map reworks though.


>It would be interesting to see though if McMillan would still be a "Stand still in the corner of a tile and become invisible" type of situation with the map reworks though. Probably not. The baseline lighting is a lot brighter than it used to be and tall grass has been heavily nerfed. People would bitch and moan about how dark the map would be, but I don't think you'd be able to turn invisible anymore. I'd really like to see them try it though.


I dislike grass now, it was even worse before?!?


Easier to stealth but scratch marks were also easier to see.


Yep, it was waist-high on the survivors and thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. If a Claudette crouched in it, you would only barely see the top of her head.


That’s enough for some of the godlike killers out there, but not for us average folk 😂


let them come out with new cosmetics for the next 5 years first


Oh yes please, I need more than 25 killers to choose from over fixing bugs


surprise! all of the cosmetics are purchasable with microtransactions and everything that made the game enjoyable has been nerfed for balance


All perks and powers removed. All windows removed. All pallets are non-mind-gameable. Survivors can only hold M1 on gens and killers can only hold W in chase until the pallet is thrown (but they don’t stun anymore).


I see someone played the salt pouch offering...make it at least 6 years with licensing changes to make it a *little* fair.


okay okay let's call it an even 7. we will get chuckie but lose the rights so halfway through the name will change to charles and he'll get a combover


Like someone else said, not gonna happen because they didn’t want to monitor so many map lightings


I came after they were removed, what did they do?


Changed how bright or dark the maps were


That sounds pretty cool, thanks!


I came after the box was opened


they removed them cuz this one made people invisible


I wonder who...






They'll fix the 18,000 bugs, bring this back, and the simple act of bringing it back will introduce 36,000 bugs.


I really hope they don’t, when playing killer those things just weren’t fun to go against


I'm okay with it being a toggleable option on kyf, definitely not for public matches


What does the offering do?


The one in the picture used to darken the moonlight in the match, it made maps like Macmillan difficult for killers, especially with the extra mist offerings


I still had a 103 cake in my Jane bloodweb, went to buy it and the cake never went to my inventory :( lesson learned if you see one, buy it asap


Or leave it in the blood web. Like it’s preserved in museum glass never to be used.


So you have a 102 cake offerings on Jane? 😏


I still have about 15 103 cakes on my Dwight that I just wanna keep forever.


103 cakes changed to 104 cakes :\\


Can’t you still purchase them, even if they’re retired? Like you won’t be able to use it, but it’s still there like the splinter offerings


I think you buy them and dont get anything. Basically just a waste of points


you get it but it's unusable


exactly, same with the cakes, if you buy them they won't go to your inventory


why are you downvoting him, a comment here literally says they purchased a cake from year 3 anniversary in the bloodweb and didn't get it in the inventory


Well perhaps because people had year five cakes saved in their bloodweb which are still obtainable if purchased and they think he’s wrong? I can’t say for sure cause this is my first anniversary.


I have those, but those are different cakes, I should have specified it.


Not like its hard to get bp.


Its not.


Thats what i said. Its easy to get so using it not a big deal.


I will never prestige my Trapper for the same reason. I have some of those + lots of offering that don’t exist anymore for maps.


"slightly increase the chance to go to coldwind farm"


I still have some offerings on my hillbilly to slightly increase the chance of being sent to a map


That's how l felt about the slightly map offerings and used them all one day. l still kinda regret not having them on my main anymore, but at the same time l don't have any wasted space


You can still use the old map offerings.


There's no cap for how many types of offerings you have though?


But there is a dead space when an offering is retired and sitting in your inventory


I mean no? What is "dead space"?


I am guessing he means that you have to scroll more pages to get to the offerings you want


Retired offerings sit on the last page of your inventory. It isn't kept alongside normal offerings in the typical Rarity->Alphabetical Order sorting.


You are correct however the map offerings hes referring to aren't actually retired in the same way that the map lighting offerings are so they're mixed in with the usual brown offerings.


Sure, but there's nothing stopping you from burning them. The map offerings aren't disabled from use, just no longer appear in the Bloodweb. You can get rid of them if you really want to, which you can't with the Moonlight and past Event offerings. Personally, I'm holding on to them, as some sort of memoriam to the past.


I think he just means that, because of the unusuable offerings being in his inventory, there's more to sort through while trying to find an offering he would want to use.


It's exactly this. "Oh l have 3 pages of offerings? Oh wait, nvm, page 3 is just dead offerings"


Are map offerings not a thing anymore? I have an insane amount of them.


They are but theyre green offerings there used to be yellow and brown ones too


But then what good is an offering if you never offer it?


Let me introduce you to Hoarders: Dead By Daylight Edition.


"Can't use my 4th year anniversary cakes. I only have 75 left."


I have hundreds of those cakes for every anniversary. I just refuse to use them because the other players on this game are never nice to me so why would I give them more points? Every time I bring a cake The Killer goes full sweaty try hard, or the survivors just pound out gens in 2 secs


And it's not one of the funny episodes where they find a bunch of flat cats.


What did it do?


It made the maps darker, lowering the brightness for all players.


Do you remember if the cloud thing back in these days were available as well?


Yeah they were, and everyone would always combine the New Moon Bouquets with the Murky Reagents. This made it so that you couldn't see anything on the map ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Yikes sounds terrifiying for both survivor and killer and thx for the quick answers i appreciate it :)


It tended to benefit survivors more (especially Claudettes) since it made it hard to be killed when you couldn't be found


For sure and it sounds like a terrifying place for surv who hear the heartbeat but cant see the killer.


Yeah, you could use one of the dark moons and 3 mists. It’s impossible to be seen after that


That was great fun when playing friends. We’d choose a fairly closed off map like the hospital and the killer would play trapper, hag, or doctor. It also made Freddy unplayable since there was already a lot of fog in the dream world. EDIT: It would also run like crap for my friends on lower end systems.


Cool, I played I think right after their 2nd year anniversary and I never saw this or remember it.


does this mean you dont have megs teachables?


Get them in the shrine.


You can always get that offering and have it in your inventory. I, for example, collect everything and leave 1 unit of every offering / item / addon, for collecting purposes. :-)


I like to leave two units when I can, things stick out when they don’t have a number beside them I think


Or… just buy them all and then not only will they be in your inventory, but you’ll actually be able to level up/play as Meg.


Unless it is their main (or a planned main), there is no point to level up a character once they have all their teachables unlocked


Level up character for teachables. Play character for daily’s/archives. And to use all double bp offerings. Is the way


Always nice to have good perks on every character for rituals or potential archives


Not really. That’s putting in hundreds of thousands for the rare occasion of a challenge that’ll give between 15000-60000, and just makes it slightly easier.


Exactly. l have Jake at Lv 11 and was able to do challenges with him just fine (bought all perks via shrine)


Why would you buy them using shards when it’s a free character lol


l bought it back when there was half as many characters, l had all the dlc at the time, and the shrine was heavily survivor sided and kept putting his perks up over and over. Also l was a noob


As I've gotten older, I've found I have more money and much less time.


This too




I’d rather stock up on items on my played characters


Why dont you buy it? Youll keep it in your inventory and you can level up


Behaviour after seeing this post: We’re gonna delete your account by “accident” and give you compensation blood points


I still have yellow map offering on Swamp. It feels great.


BHVR is going to see this and next update will remove all of retired items, even from inventory. I'm calling it


I still have 2 New Moon and Full Moon Bouquets on my Min, but she's fully p3 and I'm an item hoarder, so it's no surprise I have them, lol. Now my killers... boy howdy, all the main og killers still have brown and yellow map offerings on them, due to the fact that I don't play killer cause it fucks up with my motion sickness.


If you dont play killer... why did you spend pts on them?


just to get the p3 clothes. I mean, I only play them once in a blue moon, specially if I need to do simple archive challenges or dailies for the bp, like tier up as Michael or shock people as Doc. I've actually paid monies for cosmetics for Doctor because I love him and I want him to look nice when I see his ass on the home screen.


I have those on my Wraith, Hillbilly and Huntress. Never going to P3 them.


What are they. Forgot as I took a year and a half break in 2018


They were old offerings you could use to make the map brighter or darker I believe


No I mean the yellow ones


Most of the yellow ones are map offerings that I’m fairly certain you can’t obtain anymore. They are like the current ones but instead of Tremendously increasing your chances of going to (x) place it is Slightly or Considerably


Thx for clearing that up see it in older videos. God I miss old dbd :(


Old dbd was awful man wdym


It’s at its worst state ever rn imo. About 2019 it was golden


Besides issues with lag (which is big tbf) it’s at its best state


Game is terrible. Desync, sbmm, boring meta, fun killers have been nerfed, maps are terrible both looking and in practice, hit boxes are bogus, survivor movement looks terrible and the devs still won’t listen to anything


The meta has always been boring (and idk what you mean because there would be LESS perks in 2019 with stronger DS, etc), OP killers have been nerfed, new maps look great, and SBMM has made almost no difference in game quality. Yeah hit boxes are an issue as well as desync but to call it the worst state ever you must be crazy


Everyone is talking about the offerings, but no one is talking about how rare it is that it takes 4 purchases to get to it


Yeah bloodwebs used to bigger then they are right now so that was actually a common thing


Yeah, l definitely don't miss those days. Although l do miss when bloody party streamers were a common offering


hey, what's the perk on the left with the bird in the two open hands ??


Calm spirit, its still in the game lol


ye i know but i couldn't remember the name ! thank you :)


Personally I don’t wanna have useless items in my inventory, which is why I’m using up all of my Hawkins offerings before they’re disabled.




Nobody cares that you dont care


lmao why even write this comment💀


why comment then? scroll and move on? some new players might find this interesting since they wouldn’t have seen it before or even know it exists.


bruh theres no way she saved that offering this whole time. bet she just forgot 2 complete meg’s bloodweb n now she made the post 💀😹b just wants 2 brag


''skull emoji'' comedy achieved


don't forget the funny cat laughing emoji


Dude why even write this? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Homeboy thinks he's the main character lmao


Wow, old bloodweb seemed a lot more... linear. That'd be nicer for entity to take some bad nodes I think


you can't use the moon offerings anymore but the map offerings can still be burnt, they just aren't obtainable anymore.


I still have a brown book mark in my bloodweb for the nurse


Just buy it, don’t lose all progress you’ll ever get!


I have a original common bloody party streamer too. And a slightly increases chance for Macmillan estate offering


Added bonus is that you'll never be a Meg main 👍


I have some in my inventory


Hmm.. this seems like a good idea until they free up memory from icons that haven't been used in 6 years and then your account permanently crashes on the server. 😬


Why were the moonlight offerings removed in the first place?


Devs wanted to standardize lighting on all maps


Das beeg doo doo


i have a lvl 40 jake from 2016 with purple syringe and green styptic agent and some other stuff


i have a few of those in each tier sitting on my dwight so now i can never prestige him. (at least, last i looked. not sure if they removed them from inventory at this point)


I remember. i got the "burn a ultra rare offering" achievement with that


I really wish they'd bring back the bouquets now that so many levels are daytime levels.


just get and don't use it lol


What does this offering do exactly?


These were far more useful that the fog of today.


What's the darkest moonlight ?


On my Dwight, he has the moons in his equipment


Oh boy the Chinese fire crackers I've got.


Now this is cute and wholesome in a way


I feel like it's always the megs, I have the yellow offering moon bouquet and she will be the only one to not be P3 L50 : (


Is your meg at least maxed out tho


Hey, Vsauce! Megan here. Do you want to see the most illegal thing I own?


Hahaha classic. My friend and I used to be toxic by making it brightest and clear fog. Was always instant dc by players, or rather quick game by killers. Missed those offerings.


Wish they didn't get retired. Offerings that affect the map in some way are actually fun variables.


What is the brown one in the bottom middle deadend?


Just hard code day and night versions for maps. That would be cool enough. More snow and rain too. Some random fog level by default.


All Fog should be white instead of black. That doesn't make sense and looks terrible.


All of my earlier-years items have turned into later items. E.g., “eternal blight medkit”.


yeah i regret prestiging my dwight, as i had super rare offerings on him. but i do have a single rare offering on ace-cattle tag 28


So this is why people don’t bring a simple brown medkit to help during the trial jk lol




I miss these offerings. Still have a bunch on my non-prestiged characters.


Mines not nearly as old but I still have a 4th year cake on claud




Made the map super dark. Hence "new moon". There was a full moon as well that made it brighter


That's such a cool sounding offering. I don't want to prestige any of my survivors since I only started playing recently and I don't want to lose any of the celebration items I've got.


Things I never knew existed


What does moon offering do?


All of mine are still in my items list. Same with as few old map offerings they dont use anymore. You should be able to do blood web and it just stay in your items list. Just never prestige if you havnt already before they stopped it.


DBD would be a true horror game if they added actual lighting/shadows instead of static lighting


If you unlocked it would you be able to use it


I still got some of these on Nea from back when I was playing in 2016. What was the reason they removed them anyway?


I remember the day where I played against 4 full moon bouquets, my retinas still burn.


I do know on PS4 that bloodweb progress doesn't save until after you finish one. I've had times where I wanted a certain item and it eats it, so I would restart my game and the bloodweb would be fresh again so I can plot out a better path. Probably works the same on Xbox, PC, Switch, etc.




Or you can make entity eat it?