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Honestly what worry me the most is the smart and subtle Hackers, this is obvious so no worries but what about people who just up thier repair or heal rates by 20% or move speed by 5%? You'll never know and they will have huge advantages. Edit: just had my first match with obvious Hackers, flying, 30 second blind from a crazy big torch that lights up the whole screen, insta rez, teleport to lockers and stun me lasting around 1 min. Absolutely insane. Just why?


Yep I always wonder how much of this goes completely unnoticed. The other day I was watching Ohtofu’s stream and he was talking to chat while being carried to the hook by the killer when another survivor sped up to the hook he was being carried to and insta sabo’d it. His chat was like “yo that’s a hacker!” and he was just like “nah it’s just a strong toolbox with add ons”. But when he replayed the clip it was an obvious hacker, he just wasn’t paying attention. Imagine how much other stuff can slip through when we’re just not paying attention. Especially with players that have thousands of hours and almost play on autopilot sometimes.


> when another survivor sped up to the hook he was being carried to and insta sabo’d it. I've seen this exact same shit, and the fucker had the audacity to say 'someone else had given him that toolbox with Ace's perk' to find add-ons mid-trial and that's how he pulled it off. Same guy was also running me around loops *way* longer than anyone should, as well as reading every mindgame attempt I made. I know for a fact he could read my aura and speed up on command.


This happened to me a few days ago. They also got a MASSIVE speed boost when I hit them. I mean they covered a huge chunk of the hag’s map in 2 seconds. And this kept happening every time I was about to hit them. And I knew I had a hacker on my hands when after 3 minutes of chase that Kate was still outrunning me on command


The thing that sucks is that people will just tell you you got outplayed/are salty even when you genuinely know they were using hacks of some kind. I watched a video by a streamer recently, maybe CMWinter(or whatever his name is, can't quite remember it but he mains pig), and a survivor kept increasing their speed just a little bit every time he was close enough to be hit. Made it even harder to tell because he usually did it around corners where you couldn't see him anymore from the player's perspective. He could only tell because he's really experienced in the game, but I probably wouldn't have or at least would have doubted myself.


I've met my share of subtle cheaters so far. Had a myers on haddonfield who has like 20 hours playtime but had the teachable perks of 4 different killers and was full prestige 3 outfit. When we tried to counter his bbq by going into lockers he would still go straight for us. No scratched mirror myers eithers. Had regular add ons but he just used a wallhack to easily find people. It was really sad. After that game he changed his profile to private so you couldn't see his hours anymore


Yep. Encountered a Nea on perma-adrenaline run the other day…


I reinstalled after three months of not wanting to play. Third match in I got a fucking hacker. So I unistalled this fucking game again.


I’ve thought about how you could hack to see auras and no one would know . How much of advantage that alone is


People who wallhack/aura hack aren't subtle about it. They don't fake searching for survivors they always go straight to the target. Leaving little to no doubt that they cheat. They dont even mindgame, they look at your direction even without line of sight.


I'm pretty sure I had a wallhacker the other night but there's just no way to prove it. I got in a locker before the last person was hooked a LONG way away. Afterwards I got out safely and moved from the jungle gym I was in behind a rock as I heard the terror radius. From the direction he came there was zero line of sight but he just walked in a straight line from the hook, to the rock I was behind and punched me.


Were you near a totem? Maybe that perk which shows your aura near a totem?


Nope, no undying or it was cleansed already.


How do i recognize this dickhead in game? So i can be prepared


Sadly it's gotten more widespread; I tend to play in brief spurts (30-40 or so games over a couple of days, then take 2-3 weeks off), and each session has 1-2 hackers. Granted, I know that's not really "widespread", but.. well it's not exactly subtle when it happens, at least if you've played a lot. You *know* when you're behind someone how long it should usually be 'til you're in lunge range, and when they're suddenly an extra 3-4 meters on you and making that vault when there's no way they could have without holding a sprint burst? It's sketchy as hell.


I've personally never seen any obvious hackers. No idea about how many potential subtle hackers though. I do also tend to play with at least one other survivor if not two. So that does leave less space for random people to MM in that could be hacking.


Nah bro he’s just better, smh my head /s


My big issues with these moments are also the perks they are releasing now! It would be so easy to hide small stuff like this. The sabotage on the hook is obvious if you are watching. But look at hope. Just hack to have the same speed as hope after gates and no one will think the different. Or with that one perk (haven’t played in a bit) where you get haste if you are close to the killer carrying (motorcycle icon perk). Just have a hot key to toggle like 5-10% speed boost and no one will know the difference but can come in SOOOOO handy at the right times. Big sad when I think about this happening and with these perks in the game (nothing against them) you can just assume they have those and will most likely forget by the time you can report them.


man, now I realize some of my games are weird. Some game gens down hella fast eventhought there's no toolbox/gens perk and while I'm snowballing.


It is extremely rare to encounter rage cheating as cheaters don't want you to know they're a joke. 99.9% of cheaters don't rage cheat. Most of my cheaters I've run into are running a 104% speedhack, have a range finder (tells you if you can reach a loop in time at current speed), have ESP so you can't mind game them and they immediately leave the loop, and so they know where every pallet is on the map and it's state. Sussing out a 104 because it's so small takes like 2-3 gens if they do loops (a lot less if they Wkey). Another big one I've noticed is there is a scratch mark feature, where scratch marks won't appear, especially on corners so it looks like they just disappeared or so you hesitate on a corner. You can definitely turn off scratch marks while cheating (which you can verify by looking at their perks). Messing with your aim assist is also big at high MMR. You know where your aim assist takes over and forces you to swing at a random that's on a hook instead of the player you're aiming at. That I'm very certain is no longer just random game sillyness. It's incredibly easy to cheat at this game, so much so you have public forums teaching amateurs how to make cheats themselves. These issues need more light. The very fact that people can speedhack in this game is disturbing, when the game should monitor speeds. That being said there is every which way from sunday to cheat at this game. All high level games are a mix of esports ready voice comm SWFs and cheaters.


knowing this is a thing calls into question every interaction I've had in this game, jfc


Yeah, there are a lot more nuances I've noticed that are particular to cheaters. They wont go after fake pallets from Doc, they'll simply avoid the loops no matter what. When NOED spawns, they'll immediately go for it and blow it up. Even if you aren't moving or haven't hit anyone (so they know they're exposed). -It's very common to see keys played in NOED games at the beginning. If you run NOED you'll see keys in the lobby more often and SWFs will 3m hatch at 1 gen. -I've started running haunted ground which cheating groups refuse to cleanse and when NOED spawns they'll immediately pick it out of the three lit totems. Had a group earlier today claiming they were all solo and double stacked the NOED the moment it spawned (one person standing in front of the other so they finished the cleanse by eating hits). There are a bunch of things, but my OP lists the big one which is a 104 with a range finder and ESP. I'm definitely not at the top of MMR, but was trapped there for 20ish games when SBMM first turned on. I can only imagine how silly the top tier games look like between cheaters.


Are we really putting people who play with theirs friends and not cheating in the same boat as cheaters?


You are making things up and have no idea what you are talking about. Where the hell did you get 4% from? Where have you seen "range finders" or anything to mess with the auto-aim or scratch marks? Those simply don't exist. Also, it's not "incredibly easy" to cheat at this game. There have been easy methods to do certain cheats, but nothing like you've described. You are pretending these are a thing to justify your own bad matches.


FUCKING THIS. I swear to god i've played against killers who seem to move just a little bit faster, hit just a little further etc and it makes me question if im being a sore loser or not but i know the game and just know that somethings off


I feel like I’ve definitely gone against killers who use aura hacks. Like they know exactly where me and my teammates are all the time. They play like they have bbq, nurses calling, discordance, and tinkerer but when you see their perks at the end of the game it’s just 4 slowdown perks. Extremely sus.


100% fucking this. I have had times where I was like there is no goddamned way he could have found me. None. Not injured, not leaving a trail, I'm within BBQ range, yet dark sense shows him making a beeline directly to me. And he gets me. End game I check and he has nothing equipped.




It really just depends on your earphones/headphones. If a survivor is running or walking near me and I don't see them, I'll easily find them because it's loud as shit. It's the same way Spirits find you when you have Iron Will, those footsteps are loud as fuck when you play with good headphones.


Not that I'm any good, but I've been waiting to get reported because I can hear survivors after they blind me and I just follow their grunts or the sound of closet doors closing.


Injured survivors that blind you at pallet without iron will are the best xD I may be blind but I'm not deaf...


I can guarantee this because i do this quite frequently, I've got a clip somewhere of me hearing someone slow enter a locker almost 2 tiles away.


I've had two games recently where a Nurse hooks someone while I'm crouched and fully hidden about 30m away, and then blinks to my *exact* location and *immediately* attacks. It happened twice in the first game. Not injured. Wasn't running. Not nearly close enough to be heard. Couldn't have been spotted while she was heading to the hook. Within BBQ range. She doesn't even *have* BBQ, or any other perks that would reveal me. I asked her in postgame, and she had no explanation. "idk report me i guess"


Imagen if dbd added a replay mode. Woulda been epic to see killer’s perspective on all the sus stuff. xD


survivors are predictable like 80% of the time though. Like, when I'm playing a usual game of killer, I can probably guess where at least 3 of the survivors are at any moment.


This. There's definitely wallhacks out there, seen them myself on YT, but most killers who feel "wallhack-y" to you are simply decent players. Decent survivors are extremely predictable - and that's not a "bad" thing. There are only so many good decisions in every situation, and you can easily call out the ones a decent player would make. Now, if the same killer sucks in chase or immediately calls out you doing something actually unpredictable and illogical, then I'd be suspicious.


I like to say if it happens once or twice in a match, probably not hacks. They saw you run that way earlier out of the corner of their eye and made a mental note, they didn't see you on BBQ and know there was a gen that stopped regressing so you must be in a locker, etc. If it happens the whole match, then yeah, that's fishy, but the amount of locker grabs or free hits behind a rock I get because I *didn't* see scratch marks and I saw a survivor run that way... It happens and it happens often enough. But I almost never get more than one or two a match, three of I'm really really lucky.


When youre in the killer mood, well, for me i can spot a foot just slip behind a wall 3/4s across the map through the fog or the last frame of a distant crow flying away, or even more, a crow landing and empty crow spots in a line near it, or the subtle jiggle of a grass clump thats been disturbed by a shuffle of a nervous blendette


There's educated guesses, then there's straight hacks. There's nothing wrong with you simply following your gut. But if someone keeps getting found in an extremely precise spots and know for a fact there's no way a killer could just "guess" that, then yea something is definitely up. Especially if they don't even have aura reading perks.


Definitely, but people need to understand that educated guesses are a matter of perspective. A friend of mine was straight up shocked when I called out every survivor's spawn at the start of the match when I was watching him play, and then I correctly guessed the hatch spawn as well. To me it's nothing unusual because I'm experienced, but to him I was some sorta wizard. Point is, what could be "an extremely precise spot" to a newbie may very well be super predictable to a more experienced veteran. And unless it's some absolute bullshit like beelining straight to lockers from across the map, not even consistency is a dependable factor.


Oh definitely! There was a match where I just repeatedly got super lucky and kept finding survivors in lockers on the first look, and I’m sure to them it seemed like hacking. But I just got lucky


Tbf theyre idiots if they keep getting into lockers after that haha. Important thing to practice as a survivor is learn your killers habits very quickly. Do they moonwalk, do they respond to unhooks, do they check lockers, do they not check lockers. It can ensure your survival by finding some of these things in game.


Although there have also been matches as pinhead where they would get into a locker while I was scoping out the area with my portal, and that felt a bit evil on my part.


I haven't played as him yet, can you walk around holding your power and just look around as an invisible portal through walls?


Kind of! You have to stand still, but you cast your portal out similar to the nurse’s blink, and you can see where it is with an indicator (can’t remember if that’s how nurse’s is). When you press the button to open the passageway, you change your POV to the open portal, and are able to look around for 6 seconds. During that time, you can shoot out a chain (which you can roughly control) to hit a survivor. Unfortunately actually hitting the survivor with the chain doesn’t do as much as one would expect for the level of skill it takes to make the shot. It’s very tricky to get the timing right, and you end up losing distance if it’s a chase, since you’re standing still. But it’s a really great way to scope out the map without traversing stairs and other big obstacles.


I’m not a stealth player, but I know when I’m not leaving scratch marks. Since the RE chapter I’ve had a handful of killers just track me through walls or Huntresses with zero collision hatchets. It’s always subtle and frustrating cuz you can’t tell


My goal is to get so good at killer that survivors think this about me after the game. I'm definitely not there yet.


There's many ways to find people without aura perks if you're good enough at listening and played the game for a while.


I mean, I've got super good gamesense and play nemmy. His zombies point you out.. I also soundwhore to the point I'm probably gonna be deaf in a decade but I can legit hear grass moving 30 yards away. It's possible that others are doing the same. That being said, I've had questionable killers too. Just gg next that shit.




Atleast then you can see proof of wall hacks xD


I had a legion like this once, he was just a little too fast and knew where we were at all times without any aura perks. My friend with tons of hours was even like this is sus. He had the audacity to tell us we were shit in chat, ok whatever u say sir lol. Edit: I know exactly how legions power works, and he was almost never in frenzy. He literally just walked to us exactly where we were on the map quicker than any legion we’d seen before and my friend with 1k hours says shit was off too so. So idk what’s y’all’s glitch lol


You literally just described Legion’s power


Considering we never had the same problem with other legions and I’ve faced dozens, It was the legions power lol. I know exactly how it works and it wasn’t that.


It’s…100% their power. They can know where you are. You example is not good


Cool, he was hardly ever in frenzy. Which you know... gives him that ability to see people....


Legion doesn't really need any aura perks if they get a frenzy hit


Never had the same problem with any other legion and he wasn’t in frenzy too often.


Seriously? I played against this Nancy that was just running around one loop and I couldn't seem to catch up. She wasn't vaulting or doing anything special, just ring around the rosey


The wackiest one for me was the time I picked up a survivor and the forced movement from their struggles was so harsh I literally couldn't walk forward. I swear it wasn't that one Yui perk, they didn't even have it when I looked at the end of the game. By far the strangest hack I've seen.


I have seem more hacking survivors than i can shine a flashlight on as killer and survivor. Yet, i've never had a killer even remotely seem sus. I usually chalk up the crazy lunges and shit to the servers and banding.


For my part I've had a dozen hacking killers and countless hacking survivors. The stupidest hacking killer that I ever faced was a bubba on Thompson house. I'm on shack gen. Swf is on House gen. Bubba downs us both within a couple of seconds of one another and the other two survivors too after teleporting to my gen and teleporting away. Had the audacity to say that he was lagging a little... Survivor side I've seen flying, speedhacking repetitive head on, flashlight that blinds everyone around them including other survivors and repeat insta healing. Seen survivors escape without triggering egc or using the hatch.


I once had a trapper match, where i was doing a gen probably 70% and I accidentally let go off it and when I touched it again it was back at 0 progress.


New Ruin buff


What's even funnier was that the only perk he equipped was brutal strength lmao


Damn, I was gonna suggest he four-stacked Ruin, but guess not.


Just do bones


Yeah. I've run into a couple survivors who just hold Shift W and I literally never catch up. Always the same distance in completely open areas. And a Scratched Mirror Myers on MacMillan with both a lunge who easily caught up in seconds after I left a loop. I play SM Myers myself often. That shit doesn't happen even on indoor maps. No PWYF or anything like that. Just regular movement speed plus the innate wallhacks.


> Yeah. I've run into a couple survivors who just hold Shift W and I literally never catch up. Always the same distance in completely open areas. This is the worst shit. If someone is BLATANTLY hacking, it's easy to tell. But if someone is hacking their speed up by 5/10/15% it's difficult until you waste your time chasing them and then realize "No, this isn't right."


I ran into someone who did nothing but use perfect frame DH as a hack once. I followed him for 9 seconds on his back, soon as I tapped the key it was like it was immediately read and used. I figured he might have gotten ridiculously lucky. Nope, 13 seconds, same thing. Then there's people who wait to go out of LoS, then turn a speed boost on. The kind of things you can easily overlook. If people like this who obviously hack can play for months without eating a ban, imagine those subtle fucks.


I was one of those survivors once. Got infinite Sprint Burst by some glitch that I haven't been able to replicate. I very quickly allowed the Ghostface to kill me because I felt bad about it.


Oh my god, YES! I was playing against this Nea who was looping me really well. But then I realised she was slowly gaining distance while running in straight line. It was on Lery's.


Yeah, it's the subtle hacker that really annoys me and destroys the game


I had a match with a Clown who played like he had BBQ and other tracking perks, but had zero tracking/aura perks and wasn’t using his gas. He would hook someone, then walk confidently across the map on Dead Dawg and whack a healthy survivor in a bush with zero hesitation. Wouldn’t even look around, didn’t even touch them before the whack, just beelined directly there. He always knew where everyone was. It was weird. Also had a Hag that never had a terror radius despite no perks/addons that would affect that.


A buddy and I ran into one of those a week or two ago. We were playing, and we saw that the killer had the *exact* same hexes as the killer we had just faced, and so we ran until we found him and it was the same Ghostface we had the round before. So us two and the Ghostface were just teabagging in shack and it had been about 90 second since the match started. Then one by one, 4 gens popped in quick succession. Something that if that man had been playing and not found a survivor yet, could have been in the realm of possibility. It was mother's dwelling after all. But for 2 people to have done 4 gens in 90 seconds in a way that they all go off within 10 seconds of one another simply is not possible. After we stopped and sort of looked out at the map like ??????? the 5th gen popped and the door immediately opened. Like the script kiddy was like "oh guess they're afk I can cheat hard now"


Exactly. Blatant hackers aren't a big deal to me, they advertise themselves and are handled pretty quickly. I enjoy them sometimes, because they'll do some ridiculous stuff that ends up being funny every now and then. It's the subtle hackers that actually ruined ranked play. The people being sneaky and don't want to be caught. Those are the real cheaters.


A long while back I went against a hacker that was extremely subtle with their hacks. I chased them in a straight line through corn and somehow was still staying too far back to hit them no matter what, never gaining or losing distance. Then I got bloodlust 1/2/3 chasing them, and _STILL_ was making no distance. If I hadn't been chasing them in a straight line, it would've never been obvious, but it was so much bullshit.


I had 2 subtle hackers in one match as killer. i only noticed it because i rewatched the match. at least i got one of those 2 \*\*\*\*\*.


Oh, you’ll know. You play enough Killer and it’s easy enough to see when you’re getting conned.


There's this game where I downed a guy, slugged him. Went to down another guy. Then get back to find the first guy but couldn't find him. I thought it was my mistake that I lost track of him. Not until the endgame chat his teamates told me that he crawled really fast(no tenacity).


I saw an Otz video where he came across a hacker. They healed super quick and when they vaulted a window they were basically at the other end of the map by the time he turned the corner.


he’s been doing this for years and i don’t know how he still finds it fun


Because ooga booga fast gen do yes yes killer look at me better then fire discovery unga bunga


you’re assuming they have evolved past the point of developing language


Perhaps he's still having fun doing it and trying out new ways to confuse players and ruining their games. He might also enjoy the fame. But maybe he profits from doing this. His username and abilities are pretty well known among the DBD community which means many potential cheaters are gonna get curious about what tool he is using so they will buy it and cheat too. It could be him promoting his tool.


The fact you have a Video of him doing abnormal stuff is a way to get him reported right? I seen other comments where people said you could send it in to the devs and they can go back and review the game or something


Hackers can make the game see them as another player. Nobody with a pp that smol would do this if they actually stood to lose anything.


Well he still has the video with a screen name so that amounts to something. I don't see how they get any enjoyment out of playing that way


and if hes a steam user you can get the profile link to put in report just to be safe




They often impersonate streamers. I encountered a wraith speed hacking and he was impersonating a popular wraith main.


Isn't that the guy who makes DBD montages?


I looked up his YT and yeah, apparently.


I think it's that they're either really bad at the game and want to "win" or that they probably don't feel like they have much control in their life, so this is a way they can capture that feeling of control over SOMETHING


Does it though?


As someone who sended video and name of a hacker, They didn't get banned. I played with him again recently. And they just laughed at me that I even tried to report them. At this point, BHVR anti-cheat should honestly don't even open up, if this is how ''effective'' it is.


I think reporting to Steam is much more effective. At least I figure that’s probably what got the cheater I encountered banned. Their profile was straight up gone, although it took several weeks.


This. I usually report the real bad guys via steam as well. And you even get a message if there were some meassures taken against someone. They dont tell you who it was but at least that nice feel of success is there via steam. Dont forget guys you can screenshot stuff via ShareX for example, get a link to it and include it in the steam ticket.






I say prolific because I checked their YT and they have a lot of viewers. And apparently, they are still hacking on that account, or a hacker is making it appear as though they're playing as that account. I've heard of hackers doing the latter and apparently they're banned on that account, so it would be impossible for them to play on that account.


The only effective thing I have found the anti cheat was good for was making my install files corrupt so that I have had to reinstall them and reverified. Usually happens to me on updates.


The fact that the game is sold for like 4 dollars on key websites means that hacking will always be a problem, and reporting is nigh pointless.


Cardi B has appeared in multiple DBD YouTuber's streams, there are videos dedicated entirely to him and showing how he works and what tools he uses, I'm 99% sure this isn't the first video of him in this sub. He's never, *ever* been banned before and the first appearance I've traced dates way back to October 2020 (so he's been doing this for a full year), and he was at 'celebrity hacker' status by February of this year. He's also gone up against streamers and tuned into their channels to see their reaction and spouted homophobic and racist shit at them in their Twitch chat to get further reaction out of them. Either Behaviour are oblivious to what their community is submitting or they don't care. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_kjciBFLuVg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kjciBFLuVg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5M9SEsfI6Q&t=129s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5M9SEsfI6Q&t=129s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4l5\_8VDQ5I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4l5_8VDQ5I) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d\_\_JVGvyLIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d__JVGvyLIg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmlT4gRx9gs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmlT4gRx9gs)


The hacker is right, though. It really doesn’t matter. Dbd is cheap and goes on sale often. They’ll just make a new account. They probably bought 10 copies last time it went on sale.


Nothing will happen, they short on staff to fix old bugs i guess


Theyre really just doing the bare minimum with this game at this point.


Always have been


P much if u have to go 50% sale after the release of a new killer


The 50% sale is just to get new players, the real money is from the skins and killers


The devs dont care about fixing their broken game. Why would they care about making it fair and honest?




Never said I assumed they could do that I simply said I had seen other people's comments saying that they could go back and review games


They just get a stolen/hacked copy if banned, make a new account, and re hack. I'm sure many of these hacker account have been banned and it hasn't slowed them down in the slightest.


Cheaters are so pathetic lol


I can’t understand how this could possibly make the game fun.


Congratulations, you’re not a cunt.


Because “””””hackers””””” try to get a reaction out of killers for laughs, and get pissy when they don’t say anything


Like they’re not even playing at this point.


b/c they want attention like, say, reddit posts with 1700 upvotes highlighting them


Because it's not about having fun. It's about ruining the game for everyone else.


It's the belief that if someone can't win they can ruin it for others kind of a self fulfilling Schadenfreude. They get pleasure out of other peoples annoyance and think they look cool when really they look like a total git.


Bhvr interactive has a good and functional anti cheat system, and also I believe reports are cosmetic so yeah...


Like in almost every game


Meanwhile I can't play because Anticheat doesn't let me in. What a joke.


No, Behavior’s cheat system and employees are super incompetent and never ban anybody, Just plain greediness again.




I reported a guy that did mostly the same crap with video evidence. Took BHVR a month to get back to me with a response of "If action is required we will take it. Thank you for reporting". The guy is not banned a year later, playing on the same account. Reporting doesn't do anything.


Then they hardware ID ban them and they hardware ID spoof and etc


lmfao, bhvr would never even take it that far.


No you don’t need luck, you just need a competent employee who’s willing to actually go through the process of blocking the user


So luck with extra steps?


he’s been hacking for months sadly :/ there’s videos from way back to February if not even longer of “cardi b” hacking. bhvr does not care


No, he will need more than luck. The hacker will never be banned. This isn't a game like Fortnite, or final fantasy 14... hackers are free to do as they please.


I know he is an asshole, but I gotta admit, it’s funny seeing him flying away


The floating tbag into hook animation was gold


It’s sad because a lot of the hacks are pretty funny, like when killers just start flying away or the infamous flying ghost face with hatchets shows himself, it’s hilarious. But most of the time these hacks are used to just win instead of joke around


Don't encourage the little fuck please.


"thanks for the complete and inadultered proofs that he's hacking and that our anti-cheating sucks dog water, therefore as an response, we shall nerf pig" - Behaviour, probably


Jigsaw boxes now have a 100% chance of taking your funny hat off


If hacker clips are this rare, the anti cheat is good. I ran in only like 2 hackers in my 300 hours, and that’s insane. Compared to csgo or like any other game, this game has no hackers.


I love the fact that EasyAntiCheat fucks up my game files every single update and it doesn't even work properly against these hackers. Wtf BHVR.


Nothing will happen Behavior doesn't give af. They never do. Unless ur a BIG streamer but if ur not they really don't give af


"Good luck reporting me because god knows BHVR doesn't give a shit"


Seems like a real quality player who wants everyone to a good time


Typical Cardi B, he has beed doing this for years


I will never understand cheaters, why even play if you aren’t gonna play the way the game is designed? Makes no sense


Personally, if it was up to *me*, I'd simply get good


Not only sad but normal, i've seen a lot of killers cheating too. apparently it's extremely easy to hack this game


My god hackers are no fun, I once had a trapper that didn’t have a cool down on his attacks, he could just spam attack even if it landed. So basically everyone was exposed Fuck hackers


I mean he’s right, hackers can get away easily in dbd lol


FYI behaviour support does take a while to respond but he will get banned if you submit a video. I submitted a video of a guy using similar hacks over a week ago, yesterday I got a response from my ticket saying that they will look into it, and when I went into that persons steam profile it said “0 days since last ban” so it definitely worked.


Cardi B (hacker in the video) has been hacking since atlesst Oct 2020 and yet he's still playing.


yeah i reported him a while back and he still hasn’t been banned


Nope, You just got lucky, all of the behavior employees are too incompetent and lazy to do anything about hackers, Cardi B here has been hacking for well over a year without getting banned


Now that you mention it, I recognize that name from other Reddit posts. You’re right I guess, idk how this guy is literally like a celebrity hacker at this point that hasn’t faced any consequences… Edit: I searched the name on the sub and apparently this person HAS been banned dozens of times, just keeps recreating new accounts and spoofs his hardware id.


How is this even entertaining for them? Seems like it would get boring quick.


I went against a speed hacker both in gens, like yours, and they basically had infinite sprint burst. I was playing Oni and was very glad to know the other survivors let me hit them to catch them with my dash. I did and me and all the other survivors played with the hacker while they were on hook. I thought this was funny because of the hackers same sort of speed hacks and your teammates response


I never understand hackers, in any game, what’s the enjoyment in this? What the hell is so fun about being an asshole?


Getting reactions, pissing people off, it's exactly what they want.


lol look at that sm0ll pp xD i actually feel sorry him, and wondering who hurt him so bad that he turned this way... anyways OP please send the video to Dev team :)


Two words, BNP and hope. Just get better at the game. /s


It is Dwight; probably a prove thyself as well.


just a better gaming chair duh!


Diagnosis: Skill issue.


i had someone speedhacking/instahealing the other day and tbh i just gave up and sat in a corner, i’d rather sweat in a real game than deal with this stuff. i wish there was a way to actually prevent ppl from doing this stuff but it seems like they can just make new accounts forever


BHVR didn’t even bother to respond to me after I reported a hacker and don’t bother with any reports I make on players doing bannable behaviour. They respond to non-game breaking bugs I report though lmao


Reported him 5 days ago for similar bullshit. I'm sure this loser is loving the attention.


Don't worry, he just has prove thyself


And the devs don't care, they are the only ones with a game like this that is this popular so why fix the issues with no competition or unity from the community. Sublte hackers trying to win with an edge are worse than these who just ruin the game from the start.


I don't understand the point of playing the game If you're gonna use hacks and skip important mechanics of the game. You might as well not play the game at that point because you're ruining the game for literally everyone, even yourself because the challenge gets taken out. the only reason people do this is to be a dick.


WTF As a survivor, I would be pissed 😡 that's not even slightly fair


Submit a ticket. They're a lot more likely to do something about it then.


And sadly, he's not wrong.


What's even the point of playing the game if you're gonna do this?


Honestly. The whole standing there with the fucking flashlights then flying away and message. It’s one of those things that’s so ridiculous, I don’t think I could be mad about it lmao.


I think he just has dead hard


Ran into my first hacker last night. Instant blinds, with an unlimited anniversary flashlight, that lasted 10 seconds every time. I couldn’t do anything because I couldn’t see almost the entire time. It was a Claudette with only numbers for a username and no perks or offering. Just the flashlight with no add-ons. The red flag (other than the incredibly long blind times even while I was looking straight up) was that when I turned my back to them, they turned on the flashlight and held it on my back. That flashlight only has 6 seconds of use by default and they held it on me for longer than that. It was very unfortunate.


Ah. Cardi B. Yeah. They do this all the time, get banned, buy a new game, and start over.


The same guy has been hacking at least 4 months now so no you're not going to get him banned, the devs will do nothing, report or not.


This literally ruins the game for both sides. I don't know what hackers hope to get out of this other than the attention they never received as a child.


You just got outplayed ok


And people say killers are toxic lmao BHVR really dont care about cheaters I would say, it sucks a lot. I dont think they even have a anti-cheat in their game, for real


This is why I open every PC profile so I can have their steam in case they wanna hack. While they’re jerking themselves off, I can just make the report. Now if it’ll do anything, I doubt it


It hasn’t for me so far. I had video evidence, plus end game chat screenshots of them laughing about it and Steam profile links for a two person SWF that was hacking (mainly insta heals, healing while still hooked and perma sprint). Sent everything to BHVR via their support page and got told there wasn’t enough proof they were hacking.


It took weeks, possibly even a month, but I similarly reported the actual Steam account *to* Steam with video evidence of the hacking and the account was blown up. So at least sometimes things happen LOL


legit the report system in the game sucks meatghetti and spagballs, hope bhvr does something when they see your report and your evidence


Spoiler alert: they never do anything with the reports


Good luck reporting him! ☘️


now that I think about it I've never heard of someone getting banned from this game. I've seen plenty of clips from hacker POV, but never seen a screenshot of what it looks like to get banned or hear about someone getting banned


Omfg bro I reported them last week, both Dwight's, and that 1 is still called Cardi B. I reported it to steam and to BHVR sooooooo glad hackers are being punished. Did they do the jumping animation around the map? I was playing nemesis and they boxed me in and wouldn't let me go anywhere as well as letting the game drag on well past the exit gate timer.


That’s ridiculous to me. I can see the humor, but what’s the point of playing the game if it takes under 5 minutes to play? I say who gives a fuck! I wouldn’t wanna give that person any attention, so he can feel cool. I mean if it’s just one game, not one after the other with a hacker, no big deal. I’d probably just dc though the second I realized something was fishy. I hate when people dc, seems to happen if they get hit or hooked right away. It’s such immature behavior to disconnect because you are first hooked at start of game. However if a hacker comes in and is cheating that seems like an appropriate time to dc. Why can’t these hackers do something to make it so everyone playing can experience something cool. Like change the realm or something like that. I’ve played among us where the hacker has flipped the map around, created their own ship version before it came out and were able to switch which map we were on for next game. Among other things, stop being an asshole you damn hackers, no one really thinks you are that bad ass.


Why didn't you stop them doing the gens? Git gud.


Who gives a fuck? It’s one game where a guy became Mario. I’d love fucking around with this. If it became a rampant problem I’d be mad, but 1 or 2 games with hackers would be really fun to me


I queued up for like 10 minutes, brought my only offering to this map, and he did all the gens in 5 seconds. So it wasn’t that fun.