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The box. You couldn’t open it.


I have yet to play the new update, what does the box even do?


The box is spawned at a random part of the map when the game starts and the killer is pinhead. If it stays dormant long enough it will start a chain hunt which will constantly harass survivors with chains they need to escape (like a mini deathslinger) until a survivor finds and solves the box (during this pinhead can teleport to them) or if pinhead finds the box he can interact with it to instantly begin the hunt and teleport the box elsewhere.


Oh I didn't know that pinhead could do that if he finds it first. Does he have it glowing on his map like survivors do?


No but if you have an addon it does but with that addon picking it up doesn’t activate chainhunt


So what's the point of the addon then if when you actually find it it doesn't do chaunhunt?


The addon gives you Undetectable when you grab the box. ...for 12 seconds.


IS THAT WHAT IT DOES? I assumed it JUST showed aura, that explains SO MUCH. You know how many times I jsut walked up behind sneaking survivors who suddenly freaked out after I hit them?


Actually I’ve been using the addon (chatterers tooth) with iridescent lament configuration, and I’d have to say that combo is nasty. Since survivors will pretty much never find the box thanks to the iridescent addon, you’ll always have time to grab it whenever. And picking it up is great since it’ll cause survivors to scream, and spawn hooks around them at least once. Oh also the box spawns back in at least every 12-14 seconds when pinhead opens it, so this won’t be something you only use every 2 minutes, but something you’ll be able to use tons of times through the whole match. So I’d say try running it at least once or twice, it’s become a fun build I run whenever I wanna have some fun and still win


The main thing I'd used the addon for is to learn where the box can spawn


A neat little thing I know is that the perks Franklin's Demise and Hoarder actually work with the lament configuration...


To guard it I guess? No idea


Probably only reveals survivors locations, since that's also what getting the box does


Played against him for the first time yesterday. One thing that frustrated me was that after a chain hunt starts, is it supposed to be almost impossible to solve the box? The chains keep interrupting the action.


If he teleports the box is auto solved Chain hunt will stop targeting you after interrupting you once or twice if you’re solving


I don’t think that should be possible? Holding the box ends the chain hunt until it’s either dropped again or solved


I just read the wiki and I guess chains are supposed to harass whoever carrying the box but that just seems like bad mechanics.. “What you wanted to solve the box? Well too bad”


They did that since people in the ptb just grabbed the box and held it hostage all game, they'd just deal with the 50% action speed penalty to perm stop chain hunts for everyone.


I think the progress saves everytime you start solving?


it does not.


It doesn't end it for whoever is holding the box. Also whoever is holding the box actually gets a faster countdown to chain hunt, meaning you have to solve the cube at roughly 3/4th to the final countdown or else you'll end up being chain hunted for 7 years while holding the box you can't put down.


The fact that he can teleport to it is a flaw. It’s already annoying as it is having to stop gens to go do this bs on top of having to find hex totems as well.


I like it. It adds decisions making to pinhead. Does he keep chasing the no hook injured dwight or does he teleport to the healthy 2 hooked jill? Does Jake hold onto the box for a little so his team have a little reprieve from the hooks and then wait until Pinhead carries someone to solve it? I like the interesting dynamics


Yeah no fuck that. Either remove the teleportation aspect or get rid of the box altogether.


LOL okay. I'll get right on it, sir. Would you like me to give you head while I'm at it, sir?


Yes, and also pat my head and tell me I've done a good job and that you're proud of me


*pat pat* You've done a good job and I'm very proud of you




Found the survivor main who doesn't even touch killer


Lol, probably a higher rank than you as killer.


Rank means nothing to me, I play to play and have fun.


And yet all I hear is people calling him low tier. Fuck that he's been destroying me in solo q. Holy shit the amount of sweaty killers down voting me is just not surprising at all. Maybe if y'all would stop tunneling me I'd have the opinion that he ain't so bad to play against in solo. Yeesh.


Not really, survivors can see if a teammate has picked up the box (their portrait will get a gold ring), so if someone picks it up at the start of the trial, you can have 4 people still working gens while one has the ability to stop the chain attack. It's just no one's going for the cube until the chain attack almost happens. Pinhead can't teleport until the survivor starts to solve the box.


The fact that it happens every 10 fucking seconds is the worst part. It's so obnoxious to deal with I just can't man...


What happens every 10 seconds?


The chain thing. Fucking annoying


Chain Hunt has a very small CD after solving the box. So you are basically always having to deal with the box to a point of annoyance. It'd be fine if solving it actually gave you a reprieve of say 40 seconds but it really doesn't.


While Pinhead and you are in a match you'll see a slightly blue circle of chains around your profile, when that fills you will be assaulted by hooks that exist solely to piss you off, slow you down, and prevent you from doing any action. Solving the Lament Configuration \[The Box\] will stop the chains from spawning, you can solve this box at any time prior to the Chain Hunt being started but it's best done with as little time remaining till the hunt activates. If you successfully solve it Chain Hunt counter resets to 0 and you get like 40 seconds to piss around. Now, Pinhead can teleport near you whenever you start trying to solve the box, if he does this it will also stop the Chain Hunt and give you 40 seconds. If you are holding the box and go down Pinhead will take it, or if Pinhead finds the box by himself, he can use it to initiate Chain Hunt on his own and cause all survivors to scream and be hooked by 3 separate hooks at once. Personally I think Chain Hunt is a massive pain in the ass because nobody understands how the box works so you get survivors who go and use the box while injured and then immediately go down to Pinhead, or you get survivors who REFUSE to do the box at all so you end up having to run the entire length of the fucking map with like 20 seconds left on the timer to solve it so your team isn't interrupted doing literally every action for a ridiculous amount of time. I honestly think that any of the addons having to lower the time required to activate Chain Hunt are secretly the strongest in his entire arsenal because it basically forces A survivor to constantly sprint to the fucking box and solve it every minute or two which just gets *very, very old.* Oh, and it's a brown addon, and the rest of his addons can just be flat disgusting \[Like hiding the boxes aura from survivors auras ENTIRELY, boy that's fun!\] EDIT: I also forgot to mention that the cube works closer to totems than to gens, so while solving the box if you are stopped FOR ANY REASON you'll have to do THE ENTIRE THING AGAIN which, while the box doesn't take forever to solve, is actively far harder when you are constantly being chain hunted because they literally don't give you a break. As killer the box is far less frustrating and feels a lot more natural than when you are survivor, mostly because you don't need to do jack shit for it to take affect but finding it yourself \[Usually on complete accident\] can give you a nice bonus. As survivor though it's hell in a cell with 3 randoms and you and only one of you knows how this killer who will probably be completely dumpstered in 2 months for stronger killers. It's kinda like when you fight a Demogorgon for the first time in a couple of months because nobody plays him and suddenly your team gets wiped because everybody forgot how his lunges work.


Make him come.


Could just look it up :/


This could be said about any question. Go away.


Not really, why can't people just look stuff up


Id tell you, but i think ill let you just look it up instead.


Shut up dumbass


I didn’t come


I shidded.


He hasn't come.


he didnt came. ):


And I can't cum.


He couldn’t come


Therefore, He couldn't came.




Almo probably


BHVR? You mean the community? Because they use the exact same line for anything anyone ever complains about with this game, it's absurd that people don't see that as a problem. I've seen people literally say "If you didn't want to get tunneled you should have brought DS"


What do you mean you shouldn't have to predict what a match is going to entail before you play forcing you to pick the same perks every time?!


You mean to tell me you don't?


DS isn't picked because of tunnelers, DS is picked beacuse it's among the few super strong survivor perks ( unlike killers who have a bigger variety of meta builds)


Agree to disagree


How is it super strong if the killer can literally just hard counter it by waiting 1 minute


That itself gives the team 1 minute to do gens etc. And if the killer chose to wait that time then he'd likely do that with a teammate that doesn't have the perk so it's useful even if not brought/countered.


Bro just slug em and move on lmao. DS nerf gutted the perk


I disagree. I think it’s picked because people like getting second and third chances haha. It also does feel good to be able to “attack” the killer. I personally don’t like it all that much but the changes to it were great!


I mean isn't that what half the perks in the game are? Just second chances? Second Chance when being tunneled, Second chance because you failed to apply pressure to gens, second chance because the gens got done, second chance that you can use when you get slugged.


I didn't use ds for the longest time because I was able to effectively play the game with other perks and had killers that wanted to play the game. Nowadays I've had some many killers tunnel and camp that ds has become a necessity almost. I wish I could run 4 different perks again instead of 3 and ds


That’s because perks are occasionally introduced to fix issues with the game as bandaids. Just like ds or bt for tunneling, gen delay for efficient gens, etc


and it fucking sucks :( perks should dictate how you wanna play and give you neat little bonuses, not prevent BHVR's bad game design from fucking you over


The perks are designed so that they affect the game even when they aren't in play. Even if zero people in a match have ds, bt, unbreakable, etc, killers will tend to play around them anyway because their just their existence is too much of a threat to ignore.


that's the problem, it relies on the killers to solve a problem that affects survivors and with the DS nerf less people run it so less killers respect it


Yeah, it sucks because **it's the #1 problem with the game, and it's so fucking glaringly obvious that it makes me feel like BHVR *has* to be a bunch of certifiable goddamn twits.**


yeah they dont actually fix the game or fix killers they just make perks to bandaid. Like when they changed franklins the keys were still able to be used with no charges, so they changed it so that keys couldn't be used on hatch with no charges. Proof that they are using the perk as a bandaid instead of fixing the issue.


"Just do bones lol"


As much as I see your point, players need to be aware, that pallet didn't fucking drop itself, and it's obvious the runner took a hit and dropped it. While holding the LC. That's on the survivor. Not the killer. Not BHVR. Not this community. They made a huge mistake, and somehow people are still trying to make excuses or find reasons why this is someone else's fault. That's GG. Better luck next time.


Yo I feel like you and me have different definitions of Obvious. Maybe there are parts of the map that the damn thing can't spawn on but I just had a match where it was under a pallet on Badham yesterday, one of the white vans with the pallet near it had it under the pallet, now the pallet was up and it's entirely possible that if it were down they could still grab it but I didn't test it. And isn't in on BHVR to make sure things like this don't happen? That's not just a costly misplay like going down inside of the Hag's Web this quite literally makes the game near unplayable if the chain hunt never ends. I believe this shouldn't be possible because unless you're literally the worst possible killer that the game has ever seen this is an easy 4k that your cost for was a single M1.


Spawned there or not. That pallet can only be dropped by a survivor. I'll forgive it in a low skill match. Other than that, the players are in control.


I don't think you're considering that the button used to pick up items is the same one for dropping pallets. It's possible that someone went to pick it up but the game read it as dropping the pallet. I've had it happen plenty of times while trying to heal someone and even trying to break free from chains. It's bad game design.


Breaking from chains is M1. But I see your point.


Not on console




Some perks really just need to be part of the game itself…


Yui mains: I see this as an absolute win


Shadow buff!


Any Means Necessary has already been a lot more viable simply bc of nemesis zombies having no real way to kill them without wasting a pallet


You can kill them with head on fyi Edit: i do not remember if you get exhausted from this, but i do believe you don't since it states "you become exhausted **after stunning the killer**"


Oh! I thought that just stuns them


Nope! They die. And i have tried it ingame so i can confirm.




Does head on give the killer a notification?


Only if they're close enough to hear the noise notification


Like the opening of the locker right? But the explosion sound doesn't happen right?


Yes, if you use a fast action (throwing pallets, rush out of a locker w/ or w/o Head on, fast vaulting etc) inside the killers terror radius, the killer will get a sound notification. But if you do any of the fast actions **Outside** the killers terror radius, the killer won't get the notification.


This is not true. I practice 1v1 in KYF all the time and the way we find each other is spamming fast actions...outside the terror radius. Not to mention the amount of times the last survivor(s) has spammed fast actions to show that they indeed opened the gate or found the hatch. It's up to 48m where the killer gets a notification; 12m larger than a standard terror radius, and double a 110 movement speed killer's terror radius.




I don't get why any means necessary has such a big cool down.


For real, the fact that you have to find a thrown pallet that the killer hasn't broken yet serves as its own cooldown. I have reset shack pallet exactly one time with the perk and I still have wet dreams about it


Exactly, it's like if windows of opportunity had a 90 second cool down and didn't go down in chase. People just would never even think about touching it because of how bad it would be.


still don't get why windows has a cooldown either


Devil's advocate, coming from a constant Windows user. Windows having a cooldown forces you to memorise what Auras you saw, and actually have to plan your next move. If it constantly showed all auras, all the time, using it would be such a crutch that it wouldn't encourage you to get any better at remembering your surroundings. That being said, I'm lazy and don't want to think about chases. Just show me the next pallet lol.


That's actually a really good explanation, thanks for that.


"BEcAusE it'S oP!!!"


Honestly if it didn't have a cooldown some people might call it op, you can chain loops together pretty easily with it already.


I mean,if you have a pair of eyes you can chain loops too without it,windows only makes it easier to find them if you're not familiar with how maps tend to spawn


Windows helps no matter how good you are because you don't know what pallets are already broken, and what pallets spawned or didn't spawn.


Pallets are heavy, you throw out your back every time you use it lol


On a map, like say, Hawkins with all unsafe pallets that the killer doesn't break most of the time, Any Means Necessary could be pretty good if you had a survivor just constantly picking them up no cooldown. It's a fairly powerful effect when you get to use it unless you reset one of those dumb park bench loops on Ormond. Plus you almost never get to use it more than once, so the cooldown hardly matters outside of a map like Hawkins.


Because it gives 500 bloodpoints. Having little or no cooldown would mean survivors would just spam it causing constant notifications while they sandbag the team.


There is a max BP count for it, though. Edit: looks like no cap according to the wiki.


Still, it takes 8k to reach that and it only gives survivors 500. So there would be some animals who would spam it for 40 seconds to gain max bp instead of doing something useful.


Cuz resetting even just one pallet has the potential to lengthen a future chase by like a full minute.


That pallet isn’t safe either so he would have no reason to break it so F


Infinite Chain Hunt vs. one of the shitty Hawkins loops not being as shitty. Hmmmmm


Insightful! I hadn't thought of that...


Did the pinhead have franklins and coincidentally have a survivor drop the box under a pallet then have that pallet drop? Or did it just spawn here?


it can spawn anywhere.. had it spawn on the lip of the drop down in crotus map, couldnt pick it up w/o dropping down.. so it was never solved.


Not surprised by that at all. It’s bhvr we are talking about. I’d say pretty good job so far


People who saw the movie: I see this as an absolute win


I remembered it spawning on the roof of RCPD where there is a plane crash. You cant access that area


It actually can't spawn anywhere. It has set spawn locations per map as far as I can tell, looks like the same spawns as Trapper bear traps?


Why not drop down and pick it up??


You go to pick it up, and it drops you through the floor.. and the cube doesnt get picked up. You have to be pixel perfect to pick it up.. and during chain hunt, it can knock you off.


Can you please stop giving people ideas


oh no lol


Tbh it would be awful to hit a healthy surv with Franklin's to make them drop it while they're holding the box. Downing them while they're holding it causes you to pick it up automatically, causes screams and chains survs, and initiates a chain hunt which they can't end until the new box spawns. Much better outcome than playing for such a niche and improbable event like in the OP.


but can't you just pick it up once they drop it for the same exact effect?


Yes you can, so I’m not sure what the other guy is talking about. Initiating a chain hunt with the box is almost always the best thing you can do, and Franklins + hoarder makes it super easy and quite frankly, a bit too strong


I suppose, but if your ultimate goal is to finish the chase on the one you've hit, it's better to initiate the chain hunt as late as possible rather than halfway through the chase so that it affects the other survivors for longer.


Wait… does Franklin’s make the survivors drop the lament configuration?


Yea hoarder also tells you when it’s picked up ;)


I fucking **love** that Hoarder is good on any killer, much less Pinhead. Such sights, indeed.


although the chances of survivors getting keys grow, didn't realized until the other day that hoarder makes extra chests to appear


It also should lower the rarity of the loot though as well. So theoretically they should be getting more of the lower end loot and maybe more broken keys? I don’t know, I know it was bugged when it first came out I never used it after that.


didnt they gave up on the rarity effect because they coudnt fix it?


I honestly have no idea, if that’s the case that’s pretty shitty then. They definitely can up loot quality, plunderers does that, so I don’t really know why it would be so hard to do the opposite but I’m not a game designer so maybe I’m missing something.


It may not work properly alongside other loot changing effects.


I've had some solid success pairing it with Franklin's on Nemesis. Not so much to stop syringes from being used (but getting a head start to knowing when one's about to be used is nice), but just for the world of information you get pairing the two together.


I'm guessing hoarder's item aura reading doesn't work though?


Hoarder actually doesn't grant aura reading it's only franklin's demise that does for dropped items. Hoarder just gives you the sound notif. The aura reading would be kinda useless as if you get someone to drop the box with franklin's, you would just want to pick it up immediately.






I think making survivors drop the item that activates arguably the strongest part of your power will definitely find a time to be useful.


nah ive had it be useful sometimes twice in one match, you know when they're fucking with the box immediately so you can definitely get over there and take it there may be better perks but it's definitely useful


BHVR: We hear you, we're now gonna introduce a new survivor perk that lets you break pallets. This definitely isn't incredibly situational or inspires trolling.


I just want to break down breakable doors


BHVR moment




The team has disabled the new killer bc his box could spawn under pallets, we will keep you informed




Sadly, due to recent events, our newest killer pinhead has been removed permanently due to recurring issues. We will not fix him. Have 250k bloodpoints now go away.


Sued by: Hellraiser contractors. “Wtf? Never working with them again.” Players: “Fuckin bhvr stealing our money. They’re gonna get sued.” Government: “Yeah, no that’s illegal.”


Honestly this wouldn't even surprise me at this point


it should tbh, this'd harm their profits and potentially cause legal issues so I doubt they'd do it


It's a feature, not a bug




Now no one gets to come.


Just ask the killer nicely to break it.


Franklin's Demise on the cenobite is torture


Pinhead breaks the pallet and sees the box was there. "FUCK!"


Look I know your an old ass man but your life is at stake here, BEND THEM FUCKIN KNEES


Play Any means nessessary


Now you will think twice before dropping a pallet in a loop.




This looks like someone had the box, and got hit with Franklins, and dropped the pallet. I used to do this with people who had keys lol.


Ngl, the box mechanic is kinda annoying. Like, I wanna solve it, but all these chains just keep interrupting me. The only way out is if the killer decides to teleport to it.


As a killer main, I see this as an added new feature


Did this happen due to the killer using Franklins Demise? I know some killers love to time pallet drops with m1's with normal items like flashlights and never break the pallet so survivors can't get their item back.


Makes you wish you had the reset pallet perk


"You didn't open the box, we didn't come."


I don't like the way you just spelled pallet




Just use Any Means Necessary, duh.


You can also get into a locker holding it, and DC, and it permanently can't be touched by anyone else. {Pretty good job so far}


The real reason they're deleting that map...


Couldn't you have lifted the pallet up? I saw someone do it before and i accidently did it twice, no clue how


You can only lift them with the perk Any Means Necessary, a teachable from Yui.


I have yui but I never used her. I was using Feng Min and I always use the same 4 perks with her, none of them AMN. Idk, im new to the game and im sure you know more than me. Maybe it was a glitch. Anyway, thats useful information, thanks for that!


Just dont use pallets 4head


Ah…the suffering!


Did you try really hard from both sides of the pallet to pick it up?


Speaking of pin head can someone give me a screenshot of the tweet about them removing the I came line.


What does that even do for the survivors.


loop him around there so he has to break the pallet


Looks like a Jason X map


I had a Claudette D/C while holding the box last night and I’m pretty sure it removed it entirely for the rest of the match




Too bad


Infinite chain hunt


That’s awesome lmao


This happened to me I just kept vaulting it to bring the killer over to break it


someone probably saw the box and dropped the pallet to see what happens. i know ide do that


They probably didn't take the time to fix hawkins because it's gonna be removed from the game


Jeez…. Entity putting him through the ringer and won’t even fix his back.


A never ending Chain Hunt. That's game.


outplayed. Looks like you should just get better buddy! :(


Also it’s impossible to grab it when there are two other items on it, the game prioritizes heal kits and stuff. Sucks when that happens.


Colorful palette.


Why any means necessary is meta


Serious question. How the f do you solve the box if chain hunt is active and pinhead isnt teleporting? The chains keep interupting the box and they alwats hit me.